package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.ConvertToDataViewModel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis.OpenLayersMapParameters; import; import; /** * The Class GeoportalDataViewerConstants. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Nov 24, 2020 */ public class GeoportalDataViewerConstants { public static final String MAP_DIV = "map"; public static final String GET_WMS_PARAMETER = "wmsrequest"; public static final String GET_GEONA_ITEM_TYPE = "git"; public static final String GET_GEONA_ITEM_ID = "gid"; public static final String GET_UUID_PARAMETER = "uuid"; public static final String GET_LAYER_TITLE = "layertitle"; public static final String GET_MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL =; public static final String GET_ZOOM =; public static final String GET_CENTER_MAP_TO_LONG_LAT =; public static final DateTimeFormat DATE_TIME_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd MMMM yyyy"); public static enum MapEventType { MOUSE_CLICK, MAP_ZOOM_END, MOVE_END, ADDED_CENTROID_LAYER_TO_MAP } public static final String PROJECT_ID_KEY_FEATURE = "projectid"; /** * The Enum LayerType. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Nov 24, 2020 */ public enum LayerType { RASTER_BASELAYER, FEATURE_TYPE }; public static DateTimeFormat DT_FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.getFormat(ConvertToDataViewModel.DATE_FORMAT); public static final int MAX_WFS_FEATURES = 10; // zero for no limit public static final String NEW_LINE_BR = "
"; public static enum MAP_PROJECTION { EPSG_4326("4326", "EPSG:4326"), EPSG_3857("3857", "EPSG:3857"); String id; String name; MAP_PROJECTION(String id, String name) { = id; = name; } public String getId() { return id; } public String getName() { return name; } } public static final double ITALY_CENTER_LONG = 12.45; public static final double ITALY_CENTER_LAT = 42.98; public static final int LIGHT_MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON = 5; public static final int MAP_ITALY_FIT_ZOOM_ON = 5; /** * Prints the. * * @param msg the msg */ public static native void printJs(String msg)/*-{ //console.log("js console: " + msg); }-*/; /** * Prints the. * * @param msg the msg */ public static native void printJsObj(Object object)/*-{ //console.log("js obj: " + JSON.stringify(object, null, 4)); }-*/; /** * Prints the. * * @param msg the msg */ public static native String toJsonObj(Object object)/*-{ return JSON.stringify(object); }-*/; /** * Json to HTML. * * @param jsonTxt the json txt * @return the string */ public static native String jsonToTableHTML(String jsonTxt)/*-{ try { var jsonObj = JSON.parse(jsonTxt); if (jsonObj.length == undefined) jsonObj = [ jsonObj ] //console.log(jsonObj.length) // EXTRACT VALUE FOR HTML HEADER. var col = []; for (var i = 0; i < jsonObj.length; i++) { for ( var key in jsonObj[i]) { //console.log('key json' +key) if (col.indexOf(key) === -1) { col.push(key); } } } // CREATE DYNAMIC TABLE. var table = document.createElement("table"); try { table.classList.add("my-html-table"); } catch (e) { console.log('invalid css add', e); } // ADD JSON DATA TO THE TABLE AS ROWS. for (var i = 0; i < col.length; i++) { tr = table.insertRow(-1); var firstCell = tr.insertCell(-1); //"font-weight: bold; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"; firstCell.innerHTML = col[i]; for (var j = 0; j < jsonObj.length; j++) { var tabCell = tr.insertCell(-1); var theValue = jsonObj[j][col[i]]; //console.log("the value: "+theValue); if (theValue !== null && === '[object Array]') { var formattedValueArray = ""; for (var k = 0; k < theValue.length; k++) { var theValueArray = theValue[k]; //console.log(theValueArray); formattedValueArray += theValueArray + "
"; } tabCell.innerHTML = formattedValueArray; } else { tabCell.innerHTML = theValue; } } } return table.outerHTML; } catch (e) { console.log('invalid json', e); return jsonTxt; } }-*/; public static native void clickElement(Element elem) /*-{; }-*/; }