package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.client.ui.tree; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.config.GcubeProfileDV; import; import; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.client.ui.card.GeoNaFormCardModel; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class TreeItemPanel. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR * * Jul 8, 2022 */ public class TreeItemPanel { private static final String JSON_ROOT_PATH = "$."; private Tree tree = new Tree(); private final TreeItem root; private HandlerManager appManagerBus; private HashMap> treeItemParents = new HashMap>(); private String itemTypeTitle; private String profileID; /** * Instantiates a new tree item panel. * * @param profileID the profile ID * @param itemTypeTitle the item type title * @param gnaCardsModels the gna cards models * @param appManagerBus the app manager bus */ // Create a tree public TreeItemPanel(String profileID, String itemTypeTitle, Collection gnaCardsModels, HandlerManager appManagerBus) { this.appManagerBus = appManagerBus; this.itemTypeTitle = itemTypeTitle; this.profileID = profileID; tree.setAnimationEnabled(true); NodeItem rootNode = new NodeItem(null, itemTypeTitle, null, false, false, null); rootNode.setRoot(true); root = new TreeItem(rootNode); treeItemParents.put(JSON_ROOT_PATH, Arrays.asList(root)); for (GeoNaFormCardModel geoNaFormCardModel : gnaCardsModels) { GcubeProfileDV profile = geoNaFormCardModel.getGcubeProfile(); String parentName = profile.getParentName(); String jsonSectionFullPath = getJSONFullPathFromProfile(profile); if (parentName == null || parentName.isEmpty()) { parentName = JSON_ROOT_PATH; } GWT.log("tree getting jsonSectionFullPath: " + jsonSectionFullPath + " in " + treeItemParents.keySet()); List listParent = treeItemParents.get(parentName); GWT.log("tree jsonSection: " + jsonSectionFullPath + " parent " + parentName + " name: " + profile.getSectionName() + " title: " + profile.getSectionTitle()); boolean canBeDuplicated = geoNaFormCardModel.getFormCard().isInternalRepeatibleForm(); TreeItem child = createAndAddChild(listParent.get(0), profile.getSectionTitle(), geoNaFormCardModel, canBeDuplicated, false, jsonSectionFullPath); } tree.addItem(root); tree.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent event) { TreeItem treeItem = event.getSelectedItem(); NodeItem nodeItem = (NodeItem) treeItem.getWidget(); GWT.log("TreeItem selected: " + nodeItem); appManagerBus.fireEvent(new TreeItemEvent(treeItem, ACTION.SELECTED)); } }); // expand the element root.setState(true); } /** * Gets the JSON full path from profile. * * @param profile the profile * @return the JSON full path from profile */ private String getJSONFullPathFromProfile(GcubeProfileDV profile) { String parentName = profile.getParentName(); GWT.log("finding parentName: " + parentName + " in " + treeItemParents.keySet()); String jsonSectionFullPath = null; if (parentName == null || parentName.isEmpty()) { GWT.log("tree parentName is null: " + parentName + " in " + treeItemParents.keySet()); parentName = JSON_ROOT_PATH; jsonSectionFullPath = profile.getSectionName(); } else { jsonSectionFullPath = parentName.endsWith(".") ? parentName + profile.getSectionName() : parentName + "." + profile.getSectionName(); } return jsonSectionFullPath; } /** * Creates the and add child. * * @param parent the parent * @param nodeHTML the node HTML * @param geoNaFormCardModel the geo na form card model * @param canBeDuplicated the can be duplicated * @param canBeDeleted the can be deleted * @param jsonSectionFullPath the json section full path * @return the tree item */ public TreeItem createAndAddChild(TreeItem parent, String nodeHTML, GeoNaFormCardModel geoNaFormCardModel, boolean canBeDuplicated, boolean canBeDeleted, String jsonSectionFullPath) { GWT.log("Creating and adding child to parent: " + parent.getText() +", card is"+geoNaFormCardModel); TreeItem newChild = new TreeItem(new NodeItem(parent, nodeHTML, geoNaFormCardModel, canBeDuplicated, canBeDeleted, jsonSectionFullPath)); parent.addItem(newChild); fillItemParents(jsonSectionFullPath, newChild); return newChild; } /** * Adds the child. * * @param parent the parent * @param nextSiblingIndex the index where the item will be inserted * @param item the item * @return the tree item */ public TreeItem addChild(TreeItem parent, int nextSiblingIndex, TreeItem item) { GWT.log("Adding child "+item.getText()+" to parent: " + parent.getText()); if(nextSiblingIndex>=0) { parent.insertItem(nextSiblingIndex, item); } else { parent.addItem(item); } NodeItem nodeItem = (NodeItem) item.getWidget(); String jsonSectionFullPath = nodeItem.getJsonSectionFullPath(); fillItemParents(jsonSectionFullPath, item); return item; } /** * Fill item parents. * * @param jsonSectionFullPath the json section full path * @param newChild the new child */ private void fillItemParents(String jsonSectionFullPath, TreeItem newChild) { // if the path section is not the root if (jsonSectionFullPath.compareTo(JSON_ROOT_PATH) != 0) { List listNodeParents = treeItemParents.get(jsonSectionFullPath); if (listNodeParents == null) { listNodeParents = new ArrayList(); } listNodeParents.add(newChild); treeItemParents.put(jsonSectionFullPath, listNodeParents); } } /** * Removes the child. * * @param parent the parent * @param item the item * @param jsonSectionFullPath the json section full path */ public void removeChild(TreeItem parent, TreeItem item, String jsonSectionFullPath) { GWT.log("Removing child to parent: " + parent.getText()); List nodes = treeItemParents.get(jsonSectionFullPath); if (nodes != null) { nodes.remove(item); treeItemParents.put(jsonSectionFullPath, nodes); } parent.removeItem(item); } /** * Count node for full path. * * @param jsonSectionFullPath the json section full path * @return the int */ public int countNodeForFullPath(String jsonSectionFullPath) { List nodes = treeItemParents.get(jsonSectionFullPath); if (nodes != null) return nodes.size(); return 0; } /** * Gets the tree. * * @return the tree */ public Tree getTree() { return tree; } /** * Gets the root. * * @return the root */ public TreeItem getRoot() { return root; } /** * Gets the select item. * * @return the select item */ public TreeItem getSelectItem() { return tree.getSelectedItem(); } /** * Gets the node index. * * @param parent the parent * @param item the item * @return the node index */ public int getNodeIndex(TreeItem parent, TreeItem item) { return parent.getChildIndex(item); } /** * Gets the item type title. * * @return the item type title */ public String getItemTypeTitle() { return itemTypeTitle; } /** * Gets the profile ID. * * @return the profile ID */ public String getProfileID() { return profileID; } /** * Gets the tree item parents. * * @return the tree item parents */ public HashMap> getTreeItemParents() { return treeItemParents; } /** * Select item. * * @param item the item */ public void selectItem(TreeItem item){ item.setSelected(true); } }