package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.server; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.document.Project; import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.document.lifecycle.LifecycleInformation; import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione; import; import; import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.useCaseDescriptor.UseCaseDescriptor; import; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.ConvertToDataValueObjectModel; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.ConvertToDataViewModel; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.GeoportalCommon; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.geoportal.GeoportalClientCaller; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.geoportal.ProjectsCaller; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.geoportal.UseCaseDescriptorCaller; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GNADataEntryConfigProfile; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GNADataViewerConfigProfile; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.ResultSetPaginatedData; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.SearchingFilter; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.config.ACTION_ON_ITEM; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.config.GcubeUserRole; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.config.RoleRights; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.config.RoleRights.OPERATION_TYPE; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.exception.GNAConfigException; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.DocumentDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.ResultDocumentDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.config.FilePathDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.config.GcubeProfileDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.project.LifecycleInformationDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.ucd.GEOPORTAL_DATA_HANDLER; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.ucd.UseCaseDescriptorDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.content.WorkspaceContentDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.paths.FileSetPathsDV; import org.gcube.common.portal.PortalContext; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.client.ConstantsGeoPortalDataEntryApp.RECORD_TYPE; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.client.GeoportalDataEntryService; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.client.ProjectFormCard; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.shared.CommitReport; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.shared.GNADataEntryExtConfigProfile; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.shared.GeoNaFormDataObject; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.shared.GeonaISConfig; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.shared.Tree_Node; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataentry.shared.UserRights; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.shared.GenericDatasetBean; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.shared.upload.FileUploaded; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.RoleManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.GroupRetrievalFault; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.exception.UserRetrievalFault; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayRoleManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeRole; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * The server side implementation of the RPC service. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Dec 1, 2020 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class GeoportalDataEntryServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements GeoportalDataEntryService { public static final String GEONA_GENERIC_RESOURCE_SECONDARY_TYPE = "GEONA_GENERIC_RESOURCE_SECONDARY_TYPE"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoportalDataEntryServiceImpl.class); /** * Gets the GNA data entry config profile. * * @return the GNA data entry config profile * @throws Exception the exception */ private GNADataEntryConfigProfile getGNADataEntryConfigProfile() throws Exception { GNADataEntryConfigProfile profile = SessionUtil.getGNADataEntryConfigProfile(getThreadLocalRequest()); if (profile == null) { + " is null, loading configurations from IS"); // to be sure SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); GeoportalCommon gCommon = new GeoportalCommon(); profile = gCommon.readGNADataEntryConfig(); SessionUtil.setGNADataEntryConfigProfile(getThreadLocalRequest(), profile); } else { + " read from session"); } return profile; } /** * Save geona data forms. * * @param profileID the profile ID * @param tree_Node the tree node * @return the commit report * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public CommitReport saveGeonaDataForms(String profileID, Tree_Node tree_Node) throws Exception {"saveGeonaDataForms called for profileID {}", profileID); MongoServiceUtil mongoService = new MongoServiceUtil(); String theDocumentString = null; try { FormDataObjectToJSON metadataConverter = new FormDataObjectToJSON(); JSONObject theDocument = metadataConverter.convert(tree_Node, null); theDocumentString = theDocument.toString();"Got Document: " + theDocumentString); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on converting form data: ", e); throw new Exception( "Error occurred on converting data, try again or contact the support. Error: " + e.getMessage()); } Project theProject = null; try { SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); LOG.debug("Going to create the project..."); theProject = mongoService.createNew(profileID, theDocumentString);"Project created with id: " + theProject.getId() + " and profileID: " + theProject.getProfileID()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on creating the project: ", e); throw new Exception("Error occurred on creating new project, try again or contact the support. Error: " + e.getMessage()); } try { // Uploading files LOG.debug("Going to upload the files"); recursiveUploadFileset(mongoService, profileID, theProject, tree_Node, null); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on uploading files: ", e); throw new Exception( "Error occurred on uploading files, try again or contact the support. Error: " + e.getMessage()); } try { LifecycleInformation lifecycleInfo = theProject.getLifecycleInformation(); LifecycleInformationDV liDV = ConvertToDataValueObjectModel.toLifecycleInformationDV(lifecycleInfo); return new CommitReport(theProject.getId(), liDV); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Error occurred on loading LifecycleInformation for the project: " + theProject.getId() + ". Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Recursive upload fileset. * * @param mongoService the mongo service * @param profileID the profile ID * @param theProject the the project * @param tree_Node the tree node * @param sectionJSONPathIndexer the json path indexer * @throws Exception the exception */ public void recursiveUploadFileset(MongoServiceUtil mongoService, String profileID, Project theProject, Tree_Node tree_Node, Map sectionJSONPathIndexer) throws Exception { LOG.debug("recursiveUploadFileset called [tree_Node: " + tree_Node + "], [jsonPathIndexer: " + sectionJSONPathIndexer + "]"); if (tree_Node == null) return; if (sectionJSONPathIndexer == null) { sectionJSONPathIndexer = new HashMap(); } for (Tree_Node treeNodeChild_GNA_DO : tree_Node.getChildren()) { LOG.debug("Going to upload the files of tree node: " + treeNodeChild_GNA_DO); // list GDB has always one element in the current implementation. One GDB per // web-form/profile List listGDB = treeNodeChild_GNA_DO.getData().getListGDB(); GcubeProfileDV profile = treeNodeChild_GNA_DO.getData().getGcubeProfileDV(); // Building JSON/section full PATH and section name String sectionJSONPath = ""; String parentPathIntoProfile = profile.getParentName() == null ? "" : profile.getParentName(); String theSectionName = profile.getSectionName(); if (theSectionName.compareTo(FormDataObjectToJSON.JSON_$_POINTER) == 0 || theSectionName.compareTo(FormDataObjectToJSON.JSON_$_POINTER + ".") == 0) { sectionJSONPath = FormDataObjectToJSON.JSON_$_POINTER; theSectionName = ""; } else { sectionJSONPath = String.format("%s%s", parentPathIntoProfile.endsWith(".") ? parentPathIntoProfile : parentPathIntoProfile + ".", theSectionName); } LOG.debug("The sectionJSONPath is: " + sectionJSONPath); Integer jpcV = sectionJSONPathIndexer.get(sectionJSONPath); if (jpcV == null) { jpcV = 0; sectionJSONPathIndexer.put(sectionJSONPath, jpcV); } else { jpcV = jpcV + 1; sectionJSONPathIndexer.put(sectionJSONPath, jpcV); } LOG.debug("sectionJSONPathIndexer is: " + sectionJSONPathIndexer);"The profile is: " + profile); for (GenericDatasetBean gdb : listGDB) { Map collectFilesetPerFieldDef = new HashMap(); List files = gdb.getFilesUploaded(); if (files.size() > 0) { // Iterating on the files upload for the section for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { FileUploaded file = files.get(i); String formFieldName = file.getFilePath().getFormFieldLabel(); LOG.debug("Uploading file: " + file.getFileName() + ", from formFieldName: " + formFieldName); FilePathDV filePath = retrieveFilePathForGcubeProfileFieldName(formFieldName, profile);"Found {} for the form fieldName {}", filePath, formFieldName); if (filePath == null) { String error = "It is not possible to register the file " + formFieldName + ", missing configuration in the filePaths config of: " + profile; throw new Exception(error); } // Collecting Fileset per Field Definition FileSetDataObject collFieldDef = collectFilesetPerFieldDef.get(filePath.getFieldDefinition()); if (collFieldDef == null) { collFieldDef = new FileSetDataObject(); collFieldDef.setFilePathDV(filePath); } collFieldDef.addFile(new File(file.getTempSystemPath())); collectFilesetPerFieldDef.put(filePath.getFieldDefinition(), collFieldDef); } }"Cluster of fileset per fieldDefinition is: " + collectFilesetPerFieldDef); for (String fieldDefinition : collectFilesetPerFieldDef.keySet()) { FileSetDataObject uploadedFileset = collectFilesetPerFieldDef.get(fieldDefinition);"Uploading fileset: " + uploadedFileset); File[] fileset = uploadedFileset.getFileset(); FilePathDV filePath = uploadedFileset.getFilePathDV(); // If the maxOccurs is not 1 if (profile.getMaxOccurs() == 0 || profile.getMaxOccurs() > 1) {"The gCube Profile with the section " + sectionJSONPath + " has maxOccurs > 1 need to manage it as array, going to add the array index"); String arraySectionJSONPAth = String.format("%s[%d]", sectionJSONPath, jpcV); LOG.debug("registering the fileset in the array section: " + sectionJSONPath); mongoService.registerFileSet(profileID, theProject, arraySectionJSONPAth, filePath.getFieldName(), filePath.getFieldDefinition(), fileset); } else {"The gCube Profile with the section " + sectionJSONPath + " has maxOccurs = 1"); LOG.debug("registering the fileset in the section: " + sectionJSONPath); mongoService.registerFileSet(profileID, theProject, sectionJSONPath, filePath.getFieldName(), filePath.getFieldDefinition(), fileset); } } recursiveUploadFileset(mongoService, profileID, theProject, treeNodeChild_GNA_DO, sectionJSONPathIndexer); } } } /** * Retrieve file path for gcube profile field name. * * @param fieldName the field name * @param profile the profile * @return the file path DV */ public static FilePathDV retrieveFilePathForGcubeProfileFieldName(String fieldName, GcubeProfileDV profile) { LOG.debug("Searching fieldDefinition for fieldName {} in the FilePaths {}", fieldName, profile.getFilePaths()); if (fieldName == null) return null; for (FilePathDV path : profile.getFilePaths()) { if (path.getGcubeProfileFieldName().equals(fieldName)) { return path; } } return null; } /** * Gets the geona init config. * * @return the geona init config */ @Override public GeonaISConfig getGeonaInitConfig() {"getConfig called"); String scope = SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), false); String theSecondaryType; try { theSecondaryType = this.getServletContext().getInitParameter(GEONA_GENERIC_RESOURCE_SECONDARY_TYPE); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("I cannot read the init parameter for: " + GEONA_GENERIC_RESOURCE_SECONDARY_TYPE, e); theSecondaryType = "GeoNaMetadata"; LOG.warn("Using default SecondaryType: " + theSecondaryType); } // LOG.warn("\n\n\nHARD-CABLING THE SCOPE, PLEASE REMOTE IT!!!!\n\n\n"); // scope = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE"; GeonaISConfig configs = new GeonaISConfig(theSecondaryType, scope);"returning config: " + configs); return configs; } /** * Gets the links for. * * @param itemId the item id is the mongoId * @param profileID the profile ID * @return the links for * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public GeoNaItemRef getLinksFor(String itemId, String profileID) throws Exception {"getLinksFor called"); SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); GNADataViewerConfigProfile grViewerProfile = SessionUtil .getGeportalViewerResourceProfile(getThreadLocalRequest()); GeoportalCommon gc = new GeoportalCommon(grViewerProfile); GeoNaItemRef item = new GeoNaItemRef(itemId, profileID); item = gc.getPublicLinksFor(item, false);"Returning: " + item); return item; } /** * Gets the list projects. * * @param theProfileID the the profile ID * @param start the start * @param limit the limit * @param filter the filter * @param reloadFromService the reload from service * @return the list projects * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public ResultSetPaginatedData getListProjects(String theProfileID, Integer start, Integer limit, SearchingFilter filter, boolean reloadFromService) throws Exception {"getListProjects called with profileID: " + theProfileID + ", start: " + start + ", limit: " + limit + ", filter: " + filter); try { ProjectsCaller client = GeoportalClientCaller.projects(); SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(getThreadLocalRequest(), true); Integer totalProjectForProfile = SessionUtil.getTotalDocumentForProfileID(getThreadLocalRequest(), theProfileID); if (totalProjectForProfile == null) { totalProjectForProfile = client.getTotalDocument(theProfileID); SessionUtil.setTotalDocumentForProfileID(getThreadLocalRequest(), theProfileID, totalProjectForProfile); }"Total Docs read from config: " + totalProjectForProfile); Iterator projects = client.queryOnMongo(theProfileID, totalProjectForProfile, start, limit, filter); ResultSetPaginatedData searchedData = new ResultSetPaginatedData(start, limit, false); searchedData.setTotalItems(totalProjectForProfile); List toReturnList = ConvertToDataValueObjectModel.toListResultDocument(projects); searchedData.setData(toReturnList); // TODO BUGGY WORKAROUND. BLOCKED BY #22487 IT MUST BE REMOVE AFTER THE QUERY COUNT // AND LIST.SIZE BY QUERY WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE SERVICE if (filter.getConditions() != null) { searchedData.setTotalItems(toReturnList.size()); int totalItems = toReturnList.size(); searchedData.setTotalItems(totalItems); } if (totalProjectForProfile == limit || totalProjectForProfile == 0) { LOG.debug("Page completed returning " + totalProjectForProfile + " projects"); int newOffset = start + limit; searchedData.setServerSearchFinished(newOffset > totalProjectForProfile || totalProjectForProfile == 0); LOG.debug("is Search finished: " + searchedData.isServerSearchFinished()); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("returning {}", searchedData.getData()); } List data = searchedData.getData(); if (data != null) {"returning {} project/s", data.size()); } return searchedData; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on loading paginated and filtered list of projects for id: ", e); throw new Exception("Error occurred on loading list of Concessioni. Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Pretty print client data entry map. * * @param toMap the to map */ private void prettyPrintClientDataEntryMap(HashMap> toMap) { for (ProjectFormCard theType : toMap.keySet()) { LOG.debug("\n\n"); LOG.debug(theType.toString()); List list = toMap.get(theType); for (GeoNaFormDataObject geoNaFormDataObject : list) { LOG.debug("\t has " + geoNaFormDataObject.getListGDB().size() + " data bean/s"); int i = 0; for (GenericDatasetBean gbd : geoNaFormDataObject.getListGDB()) { LOG.debug("\t " + ++i + ") " + GenericDatasetBean.class.getSimpleName() + " entries:"); Map> map = gbd.getFormDataEntryFields(); for (String keyEntry : map.keySet()) { LOG.debug("\t " + keyEntry + ": " + map.get(keyEntry)); } for (FileUploaded fup : gbd.getFilesUploaded()) { LOG.debug("\t " + fup); } } } } } /** * Delete record. * * @param itemId the item id * @param recordType the record type * @return true, if successful * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public boolean deleteRecord(String itemId, RECORD_TYPE recordType) throws Exception {"deleteRecord called with itemId: " + itemId + ", recordType: " + recordType); try { if (itemId == null) throw new Exception("Item id is null"); if (recordType.equals(RECORD_TYPE.CONCESSIONE)) { SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); MongoServiceUtil serviceUtil = new MongoServiceUtil(); MongoConcessioni clientMongo = serviceUtil.getInstanceMongoConcessioni(); clientMongo.deleteById(itemId); return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on deleting the project with item id: " + itemId, e); throw new Exception( "Error occurred on deleting the project with id: " + itemId + ". Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Update record. * * @param itemId the item id * @param jsonUpdate the json update * @param recordType the record type * @return the updated JSON string representing the itemId * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public ConcessioneDV updateRecord(String itemId, String jsonUpdate, RECORD_TYPE recordType) throws Exception {"updateRecord called with itemId: " + itemId + ", recordType: " + recordType); try { if (itemId == null) throw new Exception("Item id is null"); LOG.debug("jsonUpdate is: " + jsonUpdate); if (recordType.equals(RECORD_TYPE.CONCESSIONE)) { SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); MongoServiceUtil serviceUtil = new MongoServiceUtil(); MongoConcessioni clientMongo = serviceUtil.getInstanceMongoConcessioni(); Concessione concessione = clientMongo.update(itemId, jsonUpdate); LOG.debug("Got Record updated: " + concessione); ConcessioneDV concessionDV = ConvertToDataViewModel.toMetadataConcessione(concessione, true);"Record with id " + concessionDV.getItemId() + "updated correclty"); return concessionDV; } return null; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on updating the project with item id: " + itemId, e); throw new Exception( "Error occurred on updating the project with id: " + itemId + ". Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the JSON record. * * @param itemId the item id * @param recordType the record type * @return the JSON record representing the itemId * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public String getJSONRecord(String itemId, RECORD_TYPE recordType) throws Exception {"getJSONRecord called with itemId: " + itemId + ", recordType: " + recordType); try { if (itemId == null) throw new Exception("Item id is null"); if (recordType.equals(RECORD_TYPE.CONCESSIONE)) { SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); MongoServiceUtil serviceUtil = new MongoServiceUtil(); MongoConcessioni clientMongo = serviceUtil.getInstanceMongoConcessioni(); Concessione concessione = clientMongo.getById(itemId); return serviceUtil.toJSON(concessione); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on reading the JSON project with item id: " + itemId, e); throw new Exception( "Error occurred on reading the JSON project with id: " + itemId + ". Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Gets the record. * * @param itemId the item id * @param recordType the record type * @return the record * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public ConcessioneDV getRecord(String itemId, RECORD_TYPE recordType) throws Exception {"getRecord called with itemId: " + itemId + ", recordType: " + recordType); try { if (itemId == null) throw new Exception("Item id is null"); if (recordType.equals(RECORD_TYPE.CONCESSIONE)) { SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); MongoServiceUtil serviceUtil = new MongoServiceUtil(); MongoConcessioni clientMongo = serviceUtil.getInstanceMongoConcessioni(); Concessione concessione = clientMongo.getById(itemId); return ConvertToDataViewModel.toConcessione(concessione); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on reading the record with item id: " + itemId, e); throw new Exception( "Error occurred on reading the record with id: " + itemId + ". Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Read file set paths. * * @return the list * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public FileSetPathsDV readFileSetPaths() throws Exception {"readFileSetPaths called"); return ConvertToDataViewModel.getFileSetPaths(); } /** * Update record. * * @param itemId the item id * @param recordType the record type * @param section the section * @param pathIndex the path index * @param keepCurrentContent the keep current content * @param gDBean the g D bean * @return the updated JSON string representing the itemId * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public ConcessioneDV updateSectionForRecord(String itemId, String recordType, String section, int pathIndex, List keepCurrentContent, GenericDatasetBean gDBean) throws Exception {"updateSectionForRecord called with itemId: " + itemId + ", section: " + section + ", pathIndex: " + pathIndex + ", gDBean: " + gDBean, ""); try { if (itemId == null) throw new Exception("Item id is null"); if (recordType.equalsIgnoreCase( { SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); MongoServiceUtil serviceUtil = new MongoServiceUtil(); MongoConcessioni clientMongo = serviceUtil.getInstanceMongoConcessioni(); String toEditPath = null; AddSectionToConcessioneRequest request = null; List files = new ArrayList(); // Managing files already present as current content and kept by user List keepFiles = serviceUtil.toTemFilesFromWSC(keepCurrentContent); if (keepFiles != null) { files.addAll(keepFiles); LOG.debug(keepFiles.size() + " current corrent file/s has/have been added to list of files"); } // Managing new files uploaded by user List newFiles = serviceUtil.toTemFiles(gDBean.getFilesUploaded()); if (newFiles != null) { files.addAll(newFiles); LOG.debug(newFiles.size() + " new file/s has/have been added to list of files"); } // TODO MUST BE REVISITED /* * if (section.contains("abstract_relazione")) { * * toEditPath = Paths.ABSTRACT_RELAZIONE; request = new * AddSectionToConcessioneRequest(toEditPath, files); * * } else if (section.contains("immagini")) { toEditPath = * Paths.imgByIndex(pathIndex); request = new * AddSectionToConcessioneRequest(toEditPath, files); * * } else if (section.contains("relazione")) { toEditPath = Paths.RELAZIONE; * request = new AddSectionToConcessioneRequest(toEditPath, files); * * } else if (section.contains("posizionamentoScavo")) { toEditPath = * Paths.POSIZIONAMENTO; request = new * AddSectionToConcessioneRequest(toEditPath, files); * * } else if (section.contains("piante")) { toEditPath = * Paths.piantaByIndex(pathIndex); request = new * AddSectionToConcessioneRequest(toEditPath, files); } * */ // Unpublish"Unpublishing " + itemId); clientMongo.unPublish(itemId); // update Fileset"Removing old fileset.. "); Concessione concessione = clientMongo.cleanFileSet(itemId, toEditPath); LOG.debug("Sending new Fileset .."); if (files.size() > 0) { // StorageUtils storage=new StorageUtils(); // Building TempFile SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true);"Registering FileSet into recordId " + itemId + " with request path: " + toEditPath + " and: " + files.size() + " file/s"); concessione = clientMongo.registerFileSet(itemId, request); } else {"Fileset is empty, skipping registerFileSet"); }"Publishing itemId: " + itemId); concessione = clientMongo.publish(itemId); LOG.debug("returning concessione: " + concessione); return ConvertToDataViewModel.toConcessione(concessione); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on updating the project with item id: " + itemId, e); throw new Exception( "Error occurred on updating the project with id: " + itemId + ". Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Read data viewer config. * * @return the GNA data entry ext config profile * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public GNADataEntryExtConfigProfile readDataViewerConfig() throws Exception {"readDataViewerConfig called"); GCubeUser user = null; GNADataEntryExtConfigProfile gnaDEExtConfig = new GNADataEntryExtConfigProfile(); try { PortalContext pContext = PortalContext.getConfiguration(); user = pContext.getCurrentUser(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); String scope = SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); GNADataEntryConfigProfile config = getGNADataEntryConfigProfile(); List listUserRightsForRole = config.getPermissionsForRole(); gnaDEExtConfig.setListItemFields(config.getListItemFields()); gnaDEExtConfig.setPermissionsForRole(listUserRightsForRole); // DEV MODE if (!SessionUtil.isIntoPortal()) { LOG.warn("OUT OF PORTAL - DEV MODE detected"); GcubeUserRole myRole = GcubeUserRole.DATA_EDITOR; for (RoleRights roleRight : listUserRightsForRole) { if (roleRight.getUserRole().equals(myRole)) { UserRights userRights = new UserRights(user.getUsername(), roleRight); LOG.warn("DEV MODE returning: " + userRights); gnaDEExtConfig.setUserRights(userRights); return gnaDEExtConfig; } } } long groupId = pContext.getCurrentGroupId(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); if (user == null || scope == null) { LOG.warn("called getMyRightsInTheContext with invalid parameter user: " + user + ", in the scope: " + scope, ", returning null"); return null; }"reading GcubeUserRole for user: " + user.getUsername() + ", in the scope: " + scope); // The following snippet should pass in the service-side RoleManager roleManager = new LiferayRoleManager(); List roles = roleManager.listRolesByUserAndGroup(user.getUserId(), groupId); List listMyRoles = new ArrayList(); for (GCubeRole gCubeRole : roles) { if (gCubeRole.getRoleName().equalsIgnoreCase(GcubeUserRole.DATA_EDITOR.getName())) { listMyRoles.add(GcubeUserRole.DATA_EDITOR); } if (gCubeRole.getRoleName().equalsIgnoreCase(GcubeUserRole.DATA_MANAGER.getName())) { listMyRoles.add(GcubeUserRole.DATA_MANAGER); } } // Mapping to roles "known" "For user: " + user.getUsername() + " in the scope: " + scope + " read the role/s: " + listMyRoles); GcubeUserRole myRole = null; if (listMyRoles.contains(GcubeUserRole.DATA_MANAGER)) myRole = GcubeUserRole.DATA_MANAGER; else if (listMyRoles.contains(GcubeUserRole.DATA_EDITOR)) myRole = GcubeUserRole.DATA_EDITOR; else myRole = GcubeUserRole.DATA_MEMBER;"using highest role: " + myRole); RoleRights toRoleRight = null; for (RoleRights roleRight : listUserRightsForRole) { if (roleRight.getUserRole().equals(myRole)) { toRoleRight = roleRight; break; } } UserRights userRights = new UserRights(user.getUsername(), toRoleRight);"returning: " + userRights); gnaDEExtConfig.setUserRights(userRights); return gnaDEExtConfig; } catch (UserRetrievalFault | GroupRetrievalFault | GNAConfigException e) { LOG.error("An error occurred during getMyRightsInTheContext: " + user, e); Map permissions = new HashMap(); RoleRights roleRights = new RoleRights(permissions, GcubeUserRole.DATA_MEMBER); UserRights ur = new UserRights(user.getUsername(), roleRights); LOG.warn("Returning default user rights: " + ur); gnaDEExtConfig.setUserRights(ur); return gnaDEExtConfig; } } // @Override // public List getListDocumentConfigurationForId(String id) throws Exception { //// MockDocumentConfigurationReader mock = new MockDocumentConfigurationReader(); //// return mock.getListDocumentConfig(); // // UseCaseDescriptorCaller client = GeoportalClientCaller.useCaseDescriptors(); // // //TODO ID MUST BE THE HANDLER ID // List useCaseDescriptor; // try { // List handlersIds = Arrays.asList(GEOPORTAL_DATA_HANDLER.geoportal_data_entry.getId(), GEOPORTAL_DATA_HANDLER.geoportal_data_list.getId()); // useCaseDescriptor = client.getListForHandlerIds(handlersIds); // } catch (Exception e1) { // throw new Exception("Error when contacting the Geoportal service. Refresh and try again or contact the support"); // } // // List listUCD = new ArrayList(useCaseDescriptor.size()); // for (UseCaseDescriptor ucd : useCaseDescriptor) { // listUCD.add(ConvertToDataValueObjectModel.toUseCaseDescriptorDV(ucd, null)); // } // // List listDocumentConfig = new ArrayList(); // // for (UseCaseDescriptorDV useCaseDescriptorDV : listUCD) { // DocumentConfigDV documentConfigDV = new DocumentConfigDV(); // documentConfigDV.setId(useCaseDescriptorDV.getId()); // documentConfigDV.setType(useCaseDescriptorDV.getName()); // documentConfigDV.setItemType(useCaseDescriptorDV.getName()); // ConfigHandlerDV config = new ConfigHandlerDV(); // List handlers = useCaseDescriptorDV.getHandlers(); // List gcubeProfiles = new ArrayList(); // for (HandlerDeclarationDV handler : handlers) { // ConfigurationDV docConfig = handler.getConfiguration(); // try { // List theConfig = (List) docConfig.getConfiguration(); // if(theConfig!=null) { // gcubeProfiles.addAll(gcubeProfiles); // } // }catch (Exception e) { // LOG.warn("The configuration read for "+documentConfigDV.getId()+ " is not a List of "+GcubeProfileDV.class.getSimpleName()+", skipping it"); // } // } // // if(gcubeProfiles.size()>0) { // config.setGcubeProfiles(gcubeProfiles); // documentConfigDV.setConfiguration(config); // listDocumentConfig.add(documentConfigDV); // } // } // // return listDocumentConfig; // // // } /** * Gets the list use case descriptors. * * @param handlersIds the handlers ids * @return the list use case descriptors * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public List getListUseCaseDescriptors(List handlersIds) throws Exception {"getListUseCaseDescriptors called for handlersIds: " + handlersIds); try { List listUseCaseDescriptor = null; SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); try { UseCaseDescriptorCaller client = GeoportalClientCaller.useCaseDescriptors(); if (handlersIds == null) { handlersIds = Arrays.asList(GEOPORTAL_DATA_HANDLER.geoportal_data_entry.getId());"handlersIds is null, so using default: " + handlersIds); } // TODO MUST BE USED THE FOLLOWING ONE // listUseCaseDescriptor = client.getListForHandlerIds(handlersIds); listUseCaseDescriptor = client.getList(); } catch (Exception e) { String error = "Error on contacting the Geoportal service"; LOG.error(error + " for handlers: " + handlersIds, e); throw new Exception( "Error when contacting the Geoportal service. Refresh and try again or contact the support"); } if (listUseCaseDescriptor == null) { listUseCaseDescriptor = new ArrayList(); } List listUCDDV = new ArrayList(listUseCaseDescriptor.size()); for (UseCaseDescriptor ucd : listUseCaseDescriptor) { listUCDDV.add(ConvertToDataValueObjectModel.toUseCaseDescriptorDV(ucd, null)); } // MOCK /* * List listUCDDV = new ArrayList(); * UseCaseDescriptorDV usecaseDescriptorDV = new UseCaseDescriptorDV("theId", * "version", "listConcessioni", null); List handlers = * new ArrayList(); * * List gcubeProfiles = new ArrayList(); * GcubeProfileDV profile = new GcubeProfileDV(); * profile.setGcubeName("GcubeName"); * profile.setGcubeSecondaryType("GcubeSecondaryType"); * gcubeProfiles.add(profile); * * ConfigurationDV> configuration = new * ConfigurationDV>(gcubeProfiles); HandlerDeclarationDV * handler = new * HandlerDeclarationDV(GEOPORTAL_DATA_HANDLER.geoportal_data_entry.getId(), * GEOPORTAL_DATA_HANDLER.geoportal_data_entry.getType(), "Concessioni", * configuration, GEOPORTAL_DATA_HANDLER.geoportal_data_entry); * * handlers.add(handler); usecaseDescriptorDV.setHandlers(handlers); * listUCDDV.add(usecaseDescriptorDV); */"for handlersIds {} returning {} " + UseCaseDescriptor.class.getSimpleName(), handlersIds, listUCDDV.size()); return listUCDDV; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on getting list of Use Case Descriptors", e); throw new Exception("An error occurred when getting list of Use Case Descriptors", e); } } }