package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The Class WmsUrlValidator. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa * Jan 25, 2016 */ public class WmsUrlValidator { private HashMap mapWmsParameters = new HashMap(); private String wmsRequest; private String baseWmsServiceUrl; private String wmsParameters; private String wmsNoStandardParameters = ""; private Map mapWmsNoStandardParams; public static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WmsUrlValidator.class); /** * Instantiates a new wms url validator. * * @param wmsRequest the wms request */ public WmsUrlValidator(String wmsRequest){ this.wmsRequest = wmsRequest; int indexStart = wmsRequest.indexOf("?"); if(indexStart==-1){ this.baseWmsServiceUrl = wmsRequest; this.wmsParameters = null; }else{ this.baseWmsServiceUrl=wmsRequest.substring(0, indexStart); this.baseWmsServiceUrl.trim(); this.wmsParameters = wmsRequest.substring(indexStart+1, this.wmsRequest.length()); this.wmsParameters.trim(); } } /** * Parses the wms request. * * @param returnEmptyParameter the return empty parameter * @param fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue the fill empty parameter as default * @return the wms request uri builded * @throws Exception the exception */ public String parseWmsRequest(boolean returnEmptyParameter, boolean fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue) throws Exception{ if(wmsParameters==null || wmsParameters.isEmpty()){ String msg = "IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO PARSE WMS URL, 'WMS PARAMETERS' not found!"; // logger.trace(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } for (WmsParameters wmsParam : WmsParameters.values()) { if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.BBOX)){ String value = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.BBOX, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), value); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.FORMAT)){ String value = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.FORMAT, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), value); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.HEIGHT)){ String value = validateValueOfParameter( WmsParameters.HEIGHT, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), value); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.CRS)){ String crs = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.CRS, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), crs); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.WIDTH)){ String value = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.WIDTH, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), value); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.REQUEST)){ String value = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.REQUEST, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), value); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.SERVICE)){ String value = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.SERVICE, wmsParameters,fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), value); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.SRS)){ String value = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.SRS, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), value); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.STYLES)){ String styles = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.STYLES, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), styles); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.VERSION)){ String version = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.VERSION, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), version); } if(wmsParam.equals(WmsParameters.LAYERS)){ String layers = validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.LAYERS, wmsParameters, fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue); mapWmsParameters.put(wmsParam.getParameter(), layers); } } String parsedWmsRequest = baseWmsServiceUrl+"?"; String[] params = wmsParameters.split("&"); //CREATING MAP TO RETURN WMS PARAMETERS NOT STANDARD mapWmsNoStandardParams = new TreeMap(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (String param : params) { int ei = param.indexOf("="); String key = param.substring(0, ei); String value = param.substring(ei+1, param.length()); mapWmsNoStandardParams.put(key, value); } //CREATE WMS REQUEST for (String key : mapWmsParameters.keySet()) { String value = mapWmsParameters.get(key); if(returnEmptyParameter || !(value==null) && !value.isEmpty()){ parsedWmsRequest+=key+"="+value; parsedWmsRequest+="&"; } /*if(!returnEmptyParameter && (value==null || value.isEmpty())){ }else{ fullWmsRequest+=key+"="+value; fullWmsRequest+="&"; }*/ String exist = mapWmsParameters.get(key); if(exist!=null) mapWmsNoStandardParams.remove(key); //REMOVE WMS STANDARD PARAMETER FROM MAP } for (String key : mapWmsNoStandardParams.keySet()) { wmsNoStandardParameters+=key+"="+mapWmsNoStandardParams.get(key) + "&"; } if(wmsNoStandardParameters.length()>0) wmsNoStandardParameters = wmsNoStandardParameters.substring(0, wmsNoStandardParameters.length()-1); //REMOVE LAST & logger.trace("wmsNotStandardParameters: "+wmsNoStandardParameters); String fullWmsUrlBuilded; if(!wmsNoStandardParameters.isEmpty()){ fullWmsUrlBuilded = parsedWmsRequest + wmsNoStandardParameters; //remove last & logger.trace("full wms url builded + wms no standard parameters: "+fullWmsUrlBuilded); }else{ fullWmsUrlBuilded = parsedWmsRequest.substring(0, parsedWmsRequest.length()-1); //remove last & logger.trace("WmsUrlValidator parseWmsRequest returning, full wms url builded: "+fullWmsUrlBuilded); } return fullWmsUrlBuilded; } /** * Gets the map wms parameters. * * @return the map wms parameters */ public HashMap getMapWmsParameters() { return mapWmsParameters; } /** * Gets the wms request. * * @return the wmsRequest */ public String getWmsRequest() { return wmsRequest; } /** * Gets the base wms service url. * * @return the baseWmsServiceUrl */ public String getBaseWmsServiceUrl() { return baseWmsServiceUrl; } /** * Gets the wms no standard parameters. * * @return the wms no standard parameters like a query string (param1=value1¶m2=value2&...) */ public String getWmsNoStandardParameters() { return wmsNoStandardParameters; } /** * Gets the value of parsed wms parameter. * * @param parameter the parameter * @return the value of parsed wms parameter parsed from wms request. */ public String getValueOfParsedWMSParameter(WmsParameters parameter){ return mapWmsParameters.get(parameter.getParameter()); } /** * Validate value of parameter. * * @param wmsParam the wms param * @param queryStringParameters the value of parameter * @param fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue the fill empty parameter as default value * @return the string */ public static String validateValueOfParameter(WmsParameters wmsParam, String queryStringParameters, boolean fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue){ try{ logger.trace("validateValueOfParameter wmsParam "+wmsParam+" with queryStringParameters " +queryStringParameters); String value = getValueOfParameter(wmsParam, queryStringParameters); logger.trace("validateValueOfParameter wmsParam "+wmsParam+" value " +value); if(fillEmptyParameterAsDefaultValue && (value==null || value.isEmpty())){ logger.trace("setting empty value for parameter: "+wmsParam.getParameter() +", as default value: "+wmsParam.getValue()); value = wmsParam.getValue(); } return value; }catch(Exception e){ //silent return null; } } /** * Gets the value of parameter. * * @param wmsParam the wms param * @param wmsRequestParamaters the url wms parameters * @return the value of parameter or null if parameter not exists */ public static String getValueOfParameter(WmsParameters wmsParam, String wmsRequestParamaters) { // logger.trace("finding: "+wmsParam +" into "+url); int index = wmsRequestParamaters.toLowerCase().indexOf(wmsParam.getParameter().toLowerCase()+"="); //ADDING CHAR "=" IN TAIL TO BE SECURE IT IS A PARAMETER // logger.trace("start index of "+wmsParam+ " is: "+index); String value = ""; if(index > -1){ int start = index + wmsParam.getParameter().length()+1; //add +1 for char '=' String sub = wmsRequestParamaters.substring(start, wmsRequestParamaters.length()); int indexOfSeparator = sub.indexOf("&"); int end = indexOfSeparator!=-1?indexOfSeparator:sub.length(); value = sub.substring(0, end); }else return null; // logger.trace("return value: "+value); return value; } /** * Sets the value of parameter. * * @param wmsParam the wms param * @param wmsRequestParameters the wms url parameters * @param newValue the new value * @param addIfNotExists add the parameter if not exists * @return the string */ public static String setValueOfParameter(WmsParameters wmsParam, String wmsRequestParameters, String newValue, boolean addIfNotExists){ String toLowerWmsUrlParameters = wmsRequestParameters.toLowerCase(); String toLowerWmsParam = wmsParam.getParameter().toLowerCase(); int index = toLowerWmsUrlParameters.indexOf(toLowerWmsParam+"="); //END WITH CHAR "=" TO BE SECURE IT IS A PARAMETER // logger.trace("start index of "+wmsParam+ " is: "+index); if(index > -1){ int indexStartValue = index + toLowerWmsParam.length()+1; //add +1 for char '=' int indexOfSeparator = toLowerWmsUrlParameters.indexOf("&", indexStartValue); //GET THE FIRST "&" STARTING FROM INDEX VALUE // logger.trace("indexOfSeparator index of "+wmsParam+ " is: "+indexOfSeparator); int indexEndValue = indexOfSeparator!=-1?indexOfSeparator:toLowerWmsUrlParameters.length(); // logger.trace("end: "+indexEndValue); return wmsRequestParameters.substring(0, indexStartValue) + newValue +wmsRequestParameters.substring(indexEndValue, wmsRequestParameters.length()); }else if (addIfNotExists){ wmsRequestParameters+="&"+wmsParam.getParameter()+"="+newValue; } // logger.trace("return value: "+value); return wmsRequestParameters; } /** * Gets the styles as list. * * @return the styles as list */ public List getStylesAsList() { List listStyles = new ArrayList(); String styles = getValueOfParsedWMSParameter(WmsParameters.STYLES); if(styles!=null && !styles.isEmpty()){ String[] arrayStyle = styles.split(","); for (String style : arrayStyle) { if(style!=null && !style.isEmpty()) listStyles.add(style); } } return listStyles; } /** * Gets the map wms no standard params. * * @return an empty map if WMS no standard parameters don't exist */ public Map getMapWmsNoStandardParams() { return mapWmsNoStandardParams==null?new HashMap(1):mapWmsNoStandardParams; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("WmsUrlValidator [mapWmsParameters="); builder.append(mapWmsParameters); builder.append(", wmsRequest="); builder.append(wmsRequest); builder.append(", baseWmsServiceUrl="); builder.append(baseWmsServiceUrl); builder.append(", wmsParameters="); builder.append(wmsParameters); builder.append(", wmsNotStandardParameters="); builder.append(wmsNoStandardParameters); builder.append(", mapWmsNoStandardParams="); builder.append(mapWmsNoStandardParams); builder.append("]"); return builder.toString(); } /** * The main method. * * @param args the arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // String baseGeoserverUrl = ""; // String baseGeoserverUrl = ""; // String fullPath = ",-90.0,180.0,90&styles=Species_prob, puppa&layers=layerName&FORMAT=image/gif"; // String fullPath = ",-180.0,90.0,180.0"; // String baseGeoserverUrl = ""; // String fullPath = ",-180.0,85.0,180.0&styles=&width=640&height=480&srs=EPSG:4326&CRS=EPSG:4326&format=image/png&COLORSCALERANGE=auto"; // WmsUrlValidator validator = new WmsUrlValidator(baseGeoserverUrl, fullPath , "", false); // logger.trace("base wms service url: "+validator.getBaseWmsServiceUrl()); // logger.trace("layer name: "+validator.getLayerName()); // logger.trace("full wms url: "+validator.getFullWmsUrlRequest(false, true)); // logger.trace("style: "+validator.getStyles()); // logger.trace("not standard parameter: "+validator.getWmsNotStandardParameters()); // String[] arrayStyle = validator.getStyles().split(","); // // if(arrayStyle!=null && arrayStyle.length>0){ // // for (String style : arrayStyle) { // if(style!=null && !style.isEmpty()) // // System.out.println("Style: "+style.trim()); // } // } // // String fullPath = ",-90,180,90&VERSION=1.1.0&FORMAT=image/png&SERVICE=WMS&HEIGHT=230&LAYERS=&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=676"; // fullPath = WmsUrlValidator.setValueOfParameter(WmsParameters.LAYERS, fullPath, "123", true); // System.out.println(fullPath); String wmsRequest = ",-180.0,90.0,180.0&VERSION=1.1.0&FORMAT=application/openlayers&SERVICE=wms&HEIGHT=330&LAYERS=aquamaps:lsoleasolea20130716162322254cest&REQUEST=GetMap&STYLES=Species_prob&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=676"; // String wmsRequest = ",-180.0,85.0,180.0"; WmsUrlValidator wms; try { wms = new WmsUrlValidator(wmsRequest); System.out.println("Returned wms: "+wms.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // } }