package org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.reader; import static org.gcube.resources.discovery.icclient.ICFactory.client; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.utils.XPathHelper; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.MetadataType; import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.api.DiscoveryClient; import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.queries.api.Query; import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.queries.impl.QueryBox; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; /** * The Class MedataFormatReader. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa * @Jul 26, 2013 */ public class MedataFormatDiscovery { public static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MedataFormatDiscovery.class); protected static final String DATA_CATALOGUE_METADATA_SECONDARY_TYPE = "DataCatalogueMetadata"; private String secondaryType; private ScopeBean scope; private List metadataTypes; /** * Instantiates a new medata format reader. * * @param scope - the scope to be searched * @throws Exception the exception */ public MedataFormatDiscovery(ScopeBean scope) throws Exception { this.scope = scope; this.secondaryType = DATA_CATALOGUE_METADATA_SECONDARY_TYPE; this.metadataTypes = readProfileFromInfrastrucure(); } /** * this method looks up the applicationProfile profile among the ones available in the infrastructure. * * @return the applicationProfile profile * @throws Exception the exception */ private List readProfileFromInfrastrucure() throws Exception { logger.trace("read secondary type: "+secondaryType); if(this.scope==null) throw new Exception("Scope is null"); String scopeString = this.scope.toString(); logger.trace("read scope: "+scopeString); List list = new ArrayList(); try { ScopeProvider.instance.set(scopeString);"scope provider set instance: "+scopeString); String queryString = getGcubeGenericQueryString(secondaryType); logger.trace("queryString: " +queryString); Query q = new QueryBox(queryString); DiscoveryClient client = client(); List appProfile = client.submit(q); if (appProfile == null || appProfile.size() == 0) throw new ApplicationProfileNotFoundException("Your applicationProfile is not registered in the infrastructure, the scope is "+scopeString); else { for (String elem : appProfile) { try{ DocumentBuilder docBuilder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); Node node = docBuilder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(elem))).getDocumentElement(); XPathHelper helper = new XPathHelper(node); MetadataType meta = getMetadataTypeFromResource(helper); list.add(meta); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error while trying to fetch applicationProfile "+secondaryType+" from the infrastructure, ",e); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while trying to fetch applicationProfile "+secondaryType+" from the infrastructure, "+e); return list; } finally{ ScopeProvider.instance.reset(); } return list; } /** * Gets the metadata type from resource. * * @param helper the helper * @return the metadata type from resource * @throws ApplicationProfileNotFoundException the application profile not found exception */ private MetadataType getMetadataTypeFromResource(XPathHelper helper) throws ApplicationProfileNotFoundException{ try { MetadataType metaType = new MetadataType(); List id = helper.evaluate("/Resource/ID/text()"); if(id==null || id.isEmpty()) throw new ApplicationProfileNotFoundException("Resource ID not found for "+helper.toString()); else{ metaType.setId(id.get(0)); } List name = helper.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Name/text()"); if(name==null || name.isEmpty()) throw new ApplicationProfileNotFoundException("Resource Name not found for "+helper.toString()); else metaType.setName(name.get(0)); List description = helper.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Description/text()"); if(description==null || description.isEmpty()) throw new ApplicationProfileNotFoundException("Resource Name not found for "+helper.toString()); else metaType.setDescription(description.get(0)); return metaType; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("An error occurred in getListDefaultLayerFromNode ", e); return null; } } /** * Gets the metadata type from resource. * * @param secondaryType the secondary type * @return the metadata type from resource */ /*private MetadataType getMetadataTypeFromResource(XPathHelper helper) throws ApplicationProfileNotFoundException{ List metadataformat; List listGeoexplorerDefaultLayer = new ArrayList(); try { metadataformat = helper.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Body/metadataformat"); if (metadataformat != null && metadataformat.size() > 0) { List metadatafields = helper.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Body/metadataformat/metadatafield/text()"); List currValue = null; for (String metafield : metadatafields) { logger.trace("found metafield : "+metafield); GeoexplorerDefaultLayer geoDefLayer = new GeoexplorerDefaultLayer(); geoDefLayer.setUUID(uuid); geoDefLayer.setScope(scope.toString()); // currValue = helper.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Body/DefaultLayers/DefaultLayer[UUID='"+uuid+"']/@isBaseLayer"); currValue = helper.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Body/DefaultLayers/DefaultLayer[UUID='"+uuid+"']/IsBaseLayer/text()"); logger.trace("is base layer?" +currValue); if (currValue != null && currValue.size() > 0){ boolean isBase = Boolean.parseBoolean(currValue.get(0)); geoDefLayer.setBaseLayer(isBase); // logger.trace("isBaseLayer : "+isBase); } currValue = helper.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Body/DefaultLayers/DefaultLayer[UUID='"+uuid+"']/Description/text()"); String descr = ""; if (currValue != null && currValue.size() > 0) { descr = currValue.get(0); geoDefLayer.setDescription(descr); // logger.trace("description: "+descr+" for UUID: "+uuid); } currValue = helper.evaluate("/Resource/Profile/Body/DefaultLayers/DefaultLayer[UUID='"+uuid+"']/Name/text()"); descr = ""; if (currValue != null && currValue.size() > 0) { descr = currValue.get(0); geoDefLayer.setName(descr); // logger.trace("name: "+descr+" for UUID: "+uuid); } logger.trace("Filled object: "+geoDefLayer); listGeoexplorerDefaultLayer.add(geoDefLayer); } } else throw new ApplicationProfileNotFoundException("Your applicationProfile with scope "+scope.toString()+" is wrong, consider adding element in "); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("An error occurred in getListDefaultLayerFromNode ", e); return listGeoexplorerDefaultLayer; } return listGeoexplorerDefaultLayer; }*/ public synchronized String getGcubeGenericQueryString(String secondaryType){ return "for $profile in collection('/db/Profiles/GenericResource')//Resource" + " where $profile/Profile/SecondaryType/string() eq '"+secondaryType+"'" + " return $profile"; } /** * Gets the secondary type. * * @return the secondary type */ public String getSecondaryType() { return secondaryType; } /** * Gets the scope. * * @return the scope */ public ScopeBean getScope() { return scope; } /** * Gets the metadata types. * * @return the metadataTypes */ public List getMetadataTypes() { return metadataTypes; } /** * The main method. * * @param args the arguments * @throws InterruptedException the interrupted exception */ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { String scopeString = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE"; final ScopeBean scope = new ScopeBean(scopeString); MedataFormatDiscovery reader; try { reader = new MedataFormatDiscovery(scope); System.out.println(reader.getMetadataTypes()); // String value = "true"; // if (value != null){ // boolean isBase = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); // System.out.println(isBase); //// logger.trace("isBaseLayer : "+isBase); // } } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }