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package org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.reader;
* The Class QueryForResourceUtil.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* Apr 26, 2017
public class QueryForResourceUtil {
* Query for generic resource by id. Returns a query string to get a generic resource by input resource id
* @param resourceId the resource id
* @return the string
public static synchronized String queryForGenericResourceById(String resourceId){
return String.format("declare namespace ic = 'http://gcube-system.org/namespaces/informationsystem/registry'; " +
"for $resource in collection('/db/Profiles')//Document/Data/ic:Profile/Resource " +
"where ($resource/ID/text() eq '%s') return $resource", resourceId);
* Gets the gcube generic query string for secondary type.
* @param secondaryType the secondary type
* @return the gcube generic query string for secondary type
public static synchronized String getGcubeGenericQueryStringForSecondaryType(String secondaryType){
return "for $profile in collection('/db/Profiles/GenericResource')//Resource" +
" where $profile/Profile/SecondaryType/string() eq '"+secondaryType+"'" +
" return $profile";
* Gets the gcube generic query string for secondary type.
* @param name the resource name
* @param secondaryType the secondary type
* @return the gcube generic query string for secondary type
public static String getGcubeGenericQueryStringForSecondaryTypeAndName(String name, String secondaryType){
return "for $profile in collection('/db/Profiles/GenericResource')//Resource " +
"where $profile/Profile/SecondaryType/string() eq '" + secondaryType + "' and $profile/Profile/Name/string() " +
" eq '" + name + "'" +
"return $profile";