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package org.gcube.portlets.user.urlshortener;
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it
* @Jun 28, 2013
import static org.gcube.resources.discovery.icclient.ICFactory.clientFor;
import static org.gcube.resources.discovery.icclient.ICFactory.queryFor;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.gcube.common.encryption.encrypter.StringEncrypter;
import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.ServiceEndpoint;
import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.ServiceEndpoint.AccessPoint;
import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.ServiceEndpoint.Property;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.api.DiscoveryClient;
import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.queries.impl.XQuery;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.json.JSONTokener;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The Class UrlShortener.
* @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR (francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it)
* May 31, 2019
public final class UrlShortener {
protected static final String APPLICATION_JSON = "application/json";
protected static final String LONG_DYNAMIC_LINK = "longDynamicLink";
protected static final String SHORTENER = "HTTP-URL-Shortener-DL";
protected static final String KEY = "key";
protected static final String DYNAMIC_LINK = "dynamic-link";
protected static final String SUFFIX = "suffix";
private static String shortnerServiceUrl = null;
private static String decryptedKEY = null;
private static String suffixOption = null;
private static String dynamicLink = null;
protected static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UrlShortener.class);
private String uriRequest;
private boolean isAvailable = false;
* Instantiates a new url shortener.
* It uses the scope from {@link ScopeProvider#instance} to read the Runtime Resource {@link UrlShortener#SHORTENER}}
* @throws Exception the exception
public UrlShortener() throws Exception{
* Instantiates a new url shortener.
* @param scope the scope
* @throws Exception the exception
private UrlShortener(String scope) throws Exception {
logger.info("Trying to read the Runtime Resource with name {}, in the scope: {}",SHORTENER,scope);
if(scope==null || scope.isEmpty()){
String msg = "Scope is null or empty! You must set the scope into: "+ScopeProvider.instance.getClass();
throw new Exception(msg);
XQuery query = queryFor(ServiceEndpoint.class);
query.addCondition("$resource/Profile/Name/text() eq '"+SHORTENER+"'").setResult("$resource/Profile/AccessPoint");
DiscoveryClient<AccessPoint> client = clientFor(AccessPoint.class);
List<AccessPoint> endpoints = client.submit(query);
if (endpoints.size() == 0){
isAvailable = false;
logger.warn("Runtime Resource " +SHORTENER+ " not found");
throw new Exception("No Runtime Resource with name: "+SHORTENER+" is available in the scope: "+scope);
AccessPoint shortnerAP = endpoints.get(0);
shortnerServiceUrl = shortnerAP.address();
Map<String, Property> propertiesMap = shortnerAP.propertyMap();
if(propertiesMap==null || propertiesMap.size()==0) {
throw new Exception("You need to add the configurations as properties to "+SHORTENER);
String encrKey = readPropertyValue(propertiesMap, KEY);
logger.debug("Read property with name {} and value {}", KEY, encrKey);
if(encrKey!=null) {
decryptedKEY = StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().decrypt(encrKey);
logger.debug("Decrypted {}: {}+++MASKED-KEY+++", KEY, decryptedKEY.substring(0, decryptedKEY.length()-10));
dynamicLink = readPropertyValue(propertiesMap, DYNAMIC_LINK);
logger.debug("Read property with name {} and value {}", DYNAMIC_LINK, dynamicLink);
suffixOption = readPropertyValue(propertiesMap, SUFFIX);
logger.debug("Read property with name {} and value {}", SUFFIX, suffixOption);
if(shortnerServiceUrl==null || decryptedKEY==null) {
String error = "The access point in the RR: "+SHORTENER+" for scope "+scope+" is not available correctly. Impossible to read the service URL or decrypt the password";
throw new Exception(error);
logger.trace("The shortner service URL is: {}",shortnerServiceUrl);
String getParam = "";
if(decryptedKEY!=null && !decryptedKEY.isEmpty()){
getParam = "?"+KEY +"="+decryptedKEY;
//getParam = "?"+KEY +"=AIzaSyCRGq1oO76Xi-pQEMPbdGWIUGVwueVbE5Y";
uriRequest = shortnerServiceUrl+getParam;
logger.info("HTTP-URL-Shortener found in scope {}, uriRequest: {}... KEY MASKED",scope, uriRequest.substring(0,uriRequest.length()-10));
isAvailable = true;
}catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("An error occurred reading Runtime Resource for name: "+SHORTENER+", the scope is: "+scope, e);
isAvailable = false;
throw new Exception("No "+SHORTENER+" available!");
* Read property value.
* @param propertiesMap the properties map
* @param key the key
* @return the string
* @throws Exception the exception
public String readPropertyValue(Map<String, Property> propertiesMap, String key) throws Exception{
Property theProperty = propertiesMap.get(key)!=null?propertiesMap.get(key):null;
throw new Exception("You need to add the "+key+" Property in the "+SHORTENER);
return theProperty.value();
* Shorten.
* @param longUrl the long url
* @return a shorten url
* @throws Exception the exception
public String shorten(String longUrl) throws Exception{
if (longUrl == null) {
return longUrl;
try {
logger.debug("shorten the input longUrl: "+longUrl);
URL url = new URL(uriRequest);
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", APPLICATION_JSON);
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
//jsonObj.put(LONG_URL, longUrl);
String toLongURL = String.format("%s?link=%s",dynamicLink,longUrl);
jsonObj.put(LONG_DYNAMIC_LINK, toLongURL);
JSONObject jsonObjSuffix = null;
//suffixOption = null;
if(suffixOption!=null) {
jsonObjSuffix = new JSONObject(suffixOption);
}else {
jsonObjSuffix = new JSONObject();
jsonObjSuffix.put("option", "SHORT");
jsonObj.put("suffix", jsonObjSuffix);
// if(paramKeyValue!=null && !paramKeyValue.isEmpty()){
// jsonObj.put(KEY, paramKeyValue);
// }
logger.debug("Performing POST request to URI: {}+++MASKED-KEY+++",uriRequest.substring(0,uriRequest.length()-10));
logger.debug("the body contains the JSON request: \n{}",jsonObj.toString(3));
OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.getOutputStream());
BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream()));
JSONTokener tokener = new JSONTokener(rd);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(tokener);
logger.debug("response contains the json: "+jsonObject.toString());
return (String) jsonObject.get("shortLink"); //it is the SHORT URL
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
logger.error("MalformedURLException error in UrlShortener", e);
return longUrl;
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("IOException error in UrlShortener", e);
return longUrl;
* Checks if is available.
* @return true, if is available
public boolean isAvailable() {
return isAvailable;
* Gets the shortner server url.
* @return the shortner server url
public static String getShortnerServerUrl() {
return shortnerServiceUrl;
* Gets the shortner service url.
* @return the shortner service url
public static String getShortnerServiceUrl() {
return shortnerServiceUrl;
* Gets the key.
* @return the key
public static String getKey() {
return KEY;
* Gets the param key value.
* @return the param key value
public static String getParamKeyValue() {
return decryptedKEY;
* Gets the uri request.
* @return the uri request
public String getUriRequest() {
return uriRequest;
* Gets the suffix option.
* @return the suffix option
public static String getSuffixOption() {
return suffixOption;
* Gets the dynamic link.
* @return the dynamic link
public static String getDynamicLink() {
return dynamicLink;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append("UrlShortener [uriRequest=");
builder.append(", isAvailable=");
return builder.toString();