/** * */ package org.gcube.resourcemanagement.model.reference.entities.facets; import org.gcube.com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize; import org.gcube.informationsystem.model.reference.entities.Facet; import org.gcube.informationsystem.types.annotations.ISProperty; import org.gcube.informationsystem.types.reference.Change; import org.gcube.informationsystem.types.reference.TypeMetadata; import org.gcube.informationsystem.utils.TypeVersion; import org.gcube.resourcemanagement.model.impl.entities.facets.CapabilityFacetImpl; /** * CapabilityFacet captures a defined facility to perform a specified task supported by a given Resource. * It is mainly used to provide a human-readable description of the capabilities of a resource * (e.g., the support for transactions of an electronic device or some non-functional * properties of a service like its replicability to support High-Availability (HA)). * * https://wiki.gcube-system.org/gcube/Facet_Based_Resource_Model#Capability_Facet * * @author Luca Frosini (ISTI - CNR) */ @JsonDeserialize(as=CapabilityFacetImpl.class) @TypeMetadata( name = CapabilityFacet.NAME, description = "CapabilityFacet captures a defined facility for performing a specified task supported by a given Resource.\n" + "It is mainly used to provide a human-readable description of the capabilities of a resource " + "(e.g., the support for transactions of an electronic device or some non-functional " + "properties of a service like its replicability to support High-Availability (HA)).", version = TypeVersion.MINIMAL_VERSION_STRING ) @Change(version = TypeVersion.MINIMAL_VERSION_STRING, description = TypeVersion.MINIMAL_VERSION_DESCRIPTION) public interface CapabilityFacet extends Facet { public static final String NAME = "CapabilityFacet"; // CapabilityFacet.class.getSimpleName(); @ISProperty(description = "The distinguishing name of the capability.", mandatory=true, nullable=false) public String getName(); public void setName(String name); @ISProperty(description = "A human oriented description of the capability.") public String getDescription(); public void setDescription(String description); @ISProperty(description = "A string used to specialise the capability.") public String getQualifier(); public void setQualifier(String qualifier); }