package org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.document.filesets.sdi; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsConstructor; import org.bson.Document; import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.document.filesets.Materialization; import java.util.List; public class GCubeSDILayer extends Materialization { @Data @NoArgsConstructor /** * A GeoJSON object MAY have a member named "bbox" to include * information on the coordinate range for its Geometries, Features, or * FeatureCollections. The value of the bbox member MUST be an array of * length 2*n where n is the number of dimensions represented in the * contained geometries, with all axes of the most southwesterly point * followed by all axes of the more northeasterly point. The axes order * of a bbox follows the axes order of geometries. * * source */ public static class BBOX extends Document { public final String asGeoJSONBBox(){ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("["); builder.append(getMaxX()+","); // W builder.append(getMinY()+","); // S if(is3d()) builder.append(getMinZ()+","); // Z builder.append(getMinX()+","); // E builder.append(getMaxY()+","); // N if(is3d()) builder.append(getMaxZ()+","); // Z builder.deleteCharAt(builder.length()); builder.append("]"); return builder.toString(); } public double[] asGeoJSONArray(){ if(is3d()){ return new double[]{getMaxX(),getMinY(),getMinZ(),getMinX(),getMaxY(),getMaxZ()}; }else return new double[]{getMaxX(),getMinY(),getMinX(),getMaxY()}; } public static final BBOX fromGeoJSON(double[] coords){ BBOX toReturn = new BBOX(); toReturn.setMaxX(coords[0]); toReturn.setMinY(coords[1]); if(coords.length == 6){ // 3D toReturn.setMinZ(coords[2]); toReturn.setMinX(coords[3]); toReturn.setMaxY(coords[4]); toReturn.setMaxZ(coords[5]); }else { toReturn.setMinX(coords[2]); toReturn.setMaxY(coords[3]); } return toReturn; } public static final BBOX WORLD=new BBOX(180d,90d,-180d,-90d); public static final BBOX WORLD_3D=new BBOX(180d,90d,-180d,-90d); public static final String MAX_X="_maxX"; public static final String MAX_Y="_maxY"; public static final String MAX_Z="_maxZ"; public static final String MIN_X="_minX"; public static final String MIN_Y="_minY"; public static final String MIN_Z="_minZ"; public BBOX(Double maxX,Double minX,Double maxY,Double minY,Double maxZ,Double minZ){ this(maxX,minX,maxY,minY); setMaxZ(maxZ); setMinZ(minZ); } public BBOX(Double maxX,Double minX,Double maxY,Double minY){ setMaxX(maxX); setMinX(minX); setMaxY(maxY); setMinY(minY); } @JsonIgnore public BBOX setMaxX(Double d){this.put(MAX_X,d);return this;} @JsonIgnore public BBOX setMaxY(Double d){this.put(MAX_Y,d);return this;} @JsonIgnore public BBOX setMaxZ(Double d){this.put(MAX_Z,d);return this;} @JsonIgnore public BBOX setMinX(Double d){this.put(MIN_X,d);return this;} @JsonIgnore public BBOX setMinY(Double d){this.put(MIN_Y,d);return this;} @JsonIgnore public BBOX setMinZ(Double d){this.put(MIN_Z,d);return this;} @JsonIgnore public Double getMinY(){return (Double) this.getOrDefault(MIN_Y,-90d);} @JsonIgnore public Double getMaxY(){return (Double) this.getOrDefault(MAX_Y,90d);} @JsonIgnore public Double getMinX(){return (Double) this.getOrDefault(MIN_X,-180d);} @JsonIgnore public Double getMaxX(){return (Double) this.getOrDefault(MAX_X,180d);} @JsonIgnore public Double getMinZ(){return (Double) this.getOrDefault(MIN_Z,null);} @JsonIgnore public Double getMaxZ(){return (Double) this.getOrDefault(MAX_Z,null);} @JsonIgnore public Boolean is3d(){ return getMinZ()!=null && getMaxZ() !=null; } } public static final String GCUBE_SDY_LAYER_TYPE="gcube-sdi-layer"; public static final String OGC_LINKS="_ogcLinks"; public static final String B_BOX = "_bbox"; public static final String PLATFORM_INFO="_platformInfo"; public GCubeSDILayer(){ super(GCUBE_SDY_LAYER_TYPE); } @JsonIgnore public List getOGCLinks(){return this.get(OGC_LINKS, List.class);} @JsonIgnore public Object getBBox(){return this.get(B_BOX);} @JsonIgnore public List getPlatformInfo(){return this.get(PLATFORM_INFO,List.class);} }