/** * */ package org.gcube.portlets.gcubeckan.gcubeckandatacatalog.client.view; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.RolesCkanGroupOrOrg; import org.gcube.portlets.gcubeckan.gcubeckandatacatalog.client.GCubeCkanDataCatalog; import org.gcube.portlets.gcubeckan.gcubeckandatacatalog.client.event.ShowRevertOperationWidgetEvent; import org.gcube.portlets.gcubeckan.gcubeckandatacatalog.client.resource.CkanPortletResources; import org.gcube.portlets.gcubeckan.gcubeckandatacatalog.shared.BeanUserInOrgGroupRole; import org.gcube.portlets.gcubeckan.gcubeckandatacatalog.shared.CkanConnectorAccessPoint; import org.gcube.portlets.gcubeckan.gcubeckandatacatalog.shared.ManageProductResponse; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckan2zenodopublisher.client.CkanToZenodoPublisherServiceAsync; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.CkanContentModeratorWidget; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.util.ModerationQueryStringUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.util.ModerationQueryStringUtil.ModerationBuilder; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.util.QueryStringUtil; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.ResizeEvent; import com.google.gwt.event.logical.shared.ResizeHandler; import com.google.gwt.event.shared.HandlerManager; import com.google.gwt.http.client.URL; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONObject; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONParser; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONString; import com.google.gwt.json.client.JSONValue; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Command; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Cookies; import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window; import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Frame; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ScrollPanel; import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.VerticalPanel; /** * The Class GCubeCkanDataCatalogPanel. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa francesco.mangiacrapa@isti.cnr.it Jun 9, 2016 */ public class GCubeCkanDataCatalogPanel extends BaseViewTemplate { private CkanMetadataManagementPanel managementPanel; private ScrollPanel centerScrollable = new ScrollPanel(); private CkanFramePanel ckanFramePanel; private CkanOrganizationsPanel ckanOrganizationsPanel; private CkanGroupsPanel ckanGroupsPanel; private Image loading = new Image(CkanPortletResources.ICONS.loading()); private RootPanel rootPanel; private HandlerManager eventBus; private CkanConnectorAccessPoint ckanAccessPoint; private ManageProductResponse manageProductResponse = null; private ManageProductResponse moderationProductResponse = null; private String viewPerVREPath = null; private static String latestSelectedProductIdentifier; public static final int IFRAME_FIX_HEIGHT = 1800; private JSONObject obj; private boolean reloadCatServiceConfig = false; private CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs ckanModeratorCheckConfig; /** * Instantiates a new g cube ckan data catalog panel. * * @param rootPanel the root panel * @param eventManager the event manager */ public GCubeCkanDataCatalogPanel(RootPanel rootPanel, HandlerManager eventManager) { this.rootPanel = rootPanel; this.eventBus = eventManager; // postMessage(obj.toString(), ckanFramePanel.getFrame()); // send message about gateway url obj = new JSONObject(); String landingPageVREs = Window.Location.getProtocol() + "//" + Window.Location.getHostName() + "/explore"; JSONString value = new JSONString(landingPageVREs); obj.put("explore_vres_landing_page", value); ckanFramePanel = new CkanFramePanel(eventBus); managementPanel = new CkanMetadataManagementPanel(eventBus); ckanOrganizationsPanel = new CkanOrganizationsPanel(this); ckanGroupsPanel = new CkanGroupsPanel(this); initPanel(); setTopPanelVisible(true); // decode parameters (they could have been encoded) final Map paramsMap = new HashMap(3); String queryParameters = Window.Location.getQueryString(); if (queryParameters != null && !queryParameters.isEmpty()) { String decoded = URL.decodeQueryString(queryParameters); // equals should be encoded too (%3D) String[] params = decoded.substring(decoded.indexOf("?") + 1).split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String[] queryAndValue = params[i].split("="); paramsMap.put(queryAndValue[0], queryAndValue[1]); } GWT.log("Extracted parameters are " + paramsMap); } String pathParameter = paramsMap.get(GCubeCkanDataCatalog.GET_PATH_PARAMETER); // Window.Location.getParameter(GCubeCkanDataCatalog.GET_PATH_PARAMETER); String queryParameter = paramsMap.get(GCubeCkanDataCatalog.GET_QUERY_PARAMETER);// Window.Location.getParameter(GCubeCkanDataCatalog.GET_QUERY_PARAMETER); String queryStringParameter = paramsMap.get(GCubeCkanDataCatalog.GET_QUERY_STRING_PARAMETER); if (queryStringParameter != null) { GWT.log("Read " + GCubeCkanDataCatalog.GET_QUERY_STRING_PARAMETER + " as: " + queryStringParameter); String base64DecodeQueryString = QueryStringUtil.base64DecodeQueryString(queryStringParameter); ModerationBuilder moderationBuilder = new ModerationQueryStringUtil() .toModerationBuilder(base64DecodeQueryString); if (moderationBuilder != null) { GWT.log("Moderation Builder is: " + moderationBuilder); CkanContentModeratorWidget ccmw = new CkanContentModeratorWidget(moderationBuilder); ccmw.showAsModal("Manage Items"); } } String browserLocationURL = getBrowserLocationURL(); GCubeCkanDataCatalog.service.getCKanConnector(browserLocationURL, pathParameter, queryParameter, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(CkanConnectorAccessPoint ckan) { if (ckan.isOutsideLoginOnPortal()) { // the portlet is outside the portal and no user is logged // in show only home and statistics managementPanel.doNotShowUserRelatedInfo(); // set the cookie as session cookie (removed on browser close) Cookies.setCookie("ckan_hide_header", "true", null, ".d4science.org", "/", false); } // set the iframe url ckanAccessPoint = ckan; instanceCkanFrame(ckan.buildURI()); GCubeCkanDataCatalogPanel.this.rootPanel.remove(loading); String browserLocationURL = getBrowserLocationURL(); // check if view per organisation is enabled // and performing some actions in this case (e.g. removed the management // buttons, etc.) GCubeCkanDataCatalog.service.isViewPerVREEnabled(browserLocationURL, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { GWT.log("isViewPerVREEnabled?: " + result); if (result != null && !result.isEmpty()) { // hide all management buttons managementPanel.removeGenericManagementButtons(); // set real relative path ckanAccessPoint.addPathInfo(result); // save this information viewPerVREPath = result; } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // ? } }); if (!ckan.isOutsideLoginOnPortal()) { // MANAGE CKAN MANAGEMENT PANEL ACCORDING TO MY ROLE GCubeCkanDataCatalog.service.getMyRole(new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { managementPanel.visibilityEditItemButton(false); managementPanel.visibilityDeleteItemButton(false); managementPanel.visibilityPublishItemButton(false, true); } @Override public void onSuccess(RolesCkanGroupOrOrg result) { GWT.log("isUserLoggedInVRE: "+ckanAccessPoint.isUserLoggedInVRE()); GWT.log("getLoggedInScope: "+ckanAccessPoint.getLoggedInScope()); if (ckanAccessPoint.isUserLoggedInVRE()) { switch (result) { case ADMIN: { managementPanel.visibilityPublishItemButton(true, true); managementPanel.visibilityEditItemButton(true); managementPanel.visibilityDeleteItemButton(true); managementPanel.enablePublishItemButton(true); break; } case EDITOR: { managementPanel.visibilityPublishItemButton(true, true); managementPanel.visibilityEditItemButton(true); managementPanel.visibilityDeleteItemButton(true); managementPanel.enablePublishItemButton(true); break; } case MEMBER: { managementPanel.visibilityEditItemButton(false); managementPanel.visibilityDeleteItemButton(false); // Disable the button "Publish Item" is to inform the user that he/she has // not the rights to publish managementPanel.visibilityPublishItemButton(true, true); managementPanel.enablePublishItemButton(false); break; } default: { managementPanel.visibilityEditItemButton(false); managementPanel.visibilityDeleteItemButton(false); // Disable the button "Publish Item" is to inform the user that he/she has // not the rights to publish managementPanel.visibilityPublishItemButton(true, true); managementPanel.enablePublishItemButton(false); break; } } } else { managementPanel.visibilityPublishItemButton(false, true); managementPanel.visibilityEditItemButton(false); managementPanel.visibilityDeleteItemButton(false); } } }); // retrieve organizations GCubeCkanDataCatalog.service.getCkanOrganizationsNamesAndUrlsForUser( new AsyncCallback>() { @Override public void onSuccess(List result) { ckanOrganizationsPanel.setOrganizations(result); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // an error message will be displayed ckanOrganizationsPanel.setOrganizations(null); } }); // retrieve groups GCubeCkanDataCatalog.service.getCkanGroupsNamesAndUrlsForUser( new AsyncCallback>() { @Override public void onSuccess(List result) { ckanGroupsPanel.setGroups(result); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { ckanGroupsPanel.setGroups(null); } }); // check if the url encodes a revert operation to be performed if (paramsMap.containsKey(GCubeCkanDataCatalog.REVERT_QUERY_PARAM) && paramsMap.get(GCubeCkanDataCatalog.REVERT_QUERY_PARAM).equals("true")) { eventBus.fireEvent(new ShowRevertOperationWidgetEvent(Window.Location.getHref())); } final CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs moderatorcheckConfig = new CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs(); final Command whenDone = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { GWT.log("onConfigurationLoaded executed"); boolean isContentModerationEnabled = false; boolean isModeratorRoleAssingned = false; boolean isExistsMyItemInModeration = false; try { isContentModerationEnabled = moderatorcheckConfig.isContentModerationEnabled(); isModeratorRoleAssingned = moderatorcheckConfig.isModeratorRoleAssigned(); isExistsMyItemInModeration = moderatorcheckConfig.isExistsMyItemInModeration(); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Command - Check configs error: " + e.getMessage()); } ckanModeratorCheckConfig = moderatorcheckConfig; GWT.log("Moderation is enabled? " + isContentModerationEnabled); GWT.log("Moderator role is assigned? " + isModeratorRoleAssingned); GWT.log("isExistsMyItemInModeration? " + isExistsMyItemInModeration); if (isContentModerationEnabled) { managementPanel.showMessageCatalogueIsModerated(isContentModerationEnabled); } // Enabling moderation if the moderation is active in the context and // the user has the role of MODERATOR in the context if (isContentModerationEnabled && isModeratorRoleAssingned) { GWT.log("The moderator role is assigned to user and the moderation is enabled in the context"); managementPanel.showManageCMSProductsButton(isContentModerationEnabled); managementPanel.enableManageCMSProductsButton(isContentModerationEnabled); } // Enabling moderation if the moderation is active in the context and // the user has at least one item under moderation or already moderated if (isContentModerationEnabled && isExistsMyItemInModeration) { GWT.log("The user has at least one item moderated or under moderation, and the moderation is enabled in the context"); managementPanel.showManageCMSProductsButton(isContentModerationEnabled); managementPanel.enableManageCMSProductsButton(isContentModerationEnabled); } } }; try { moderatorcheckConfig.checkConfigs(whenDone, reloadCatServiceConfig); // reloadCatServiceConfig = false; } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Check configs error: " + e.getMessage()); } /** * (GRSF) Just check if it is enabled.. then we need to listen for dom events * coming */ GCubeCkanDataCatalog.service .isManageProductEnabled(new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(ManageProductResponse manageResponse) { manageProductResponse = manageResponse; if (manageProductResponse != null) { managementPanel.showManageGRSFProductButton( manageProductResponse.isManageEnabled()); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { managementPanel.showManageGRSFProductButton(false); } }); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { GCubeCkanDataCatalogPanel.this.rootPanel.remove(loading); Window.alert("Sorry, An error occurred during contacting Gcube Ckan Data Catalogue!"); } }); Window.addResizeHandler(new ResizeHandler() { @Override public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { GWT.log("onWindowResized width: " + event.getWidth() + " height: " + event.getHeight()); updateSize(); } }); rootPanel.add(loading); rootPanel.add(this); updateSize(); // listen for DOM messages listenForPostMessage(); CkanToZenodoPublisherServiceAsync.Util.getInstance().checkZenodoEnvironment(new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { managementPanel.visibilityPublishOnZenodoButton(false); } @Override public void onSuccess(Boolean result) { GWT.log("checkZenodoEnvironment result: " + result); managementPanel.visibilityPublishOnZenodoButton(result); } }); } /** * Gets the browser location URL. * * @return the browser location URL */ public String getBrowserLocationURL() { String browserLocationURL = null; try { browserLocationURL = Window.Location.getHref(); } catch (Exception e) { // silent } GWT.log("Returning browserLocationURL: " + browserLocationURL); return browserLocationURL; } public static String getLatestSelectedProductIdentifier() { return latestSelectedProductIdentifier; } /** * Gets the top panel height. * * @return the top panel height */ public int getTopPanelHeight() { if (managementPanel.isVisible()) return managementPanel.getCurrentHeight(); return 0; } /** * Sets the top panel visible. * * @param bool the new top panel visible */ public void setTopPanelVisible(boolean bool) { managementPanel.setVisible(bool); updateSize(); } // /** // * show or hide the Publish/Update/Delete buttons according to the role. // * // * @param show the show // */ // public void showPublishUpdateDeleteButtons(boolean show) { // // managementPanel.visibilityUpdateDeleteButtons(show); // } /** * Instance ckan frame. * * @param ckanUrlConnector the ckan url connector * @return the frame */ public Frame instanceCkanFrame(String ckanUrlConnector) { ckanFramePanel.setVisible(true); ckanOrganizationsPanel.setVisible(false); ckanGroupsPanel.setVisible(false); return ckanFramePanel.instanceFrame(ckanUrlConnector, obj.toString(), ckanAccessPoint.getBaseUrl()); } /** * Inits the panel. */ private void initPanel() { setTopPanelVisible(false); addToTop(managementPanel); VerticalPanel containerIntoScrollPanel = new VerticalPanel(); containerIntoScrollPanel.setWidth("100%"); containerIntoScrollPanel.add(ckanFramePanel); containerIntoScrollPanel.add(ckanOrganizationsPanel); containerIntoScrollPanel.add(ckanGroupsPanel); centerScrollable.add(containerIntoScrollPanel); ckanOrganizationsPanel.setVisible(false); addToMiddle(centerScrollable); } /** * Update window size. */ public void updateSize() { /* * RootPanel workspace = rootPanel; int topBorder = workspace.getAbsoluteTop(); * GWT.log("top: "+topBorder); int footer = 30; // 85 footer is bottombar + * sponsor int rootHeight = Window.getClientHeight() - topBorder - 5 - footer; * int height = rootHeight - getTopPanelHeight(); if (ckanFramePanel.getFrame() * != null) { int newH =managementPanel != null && * managementPanel.getCurrentHeight() > 0 ? managementPanel.getOffsetHeight() + * height : height; ckanFramePanel.getFrame().setHeight(2000+"px"); } */ RootPanel workspace = this.rootPanel; int topBorder = workspace.getAbsoluteTop(); int footer = 55; int rootHeight = Window.getClientHeight() - topBorder - 5 - footer; int height = rootHeight - getTopPanelHeight(); if (this.ckanFramePanel.getFrame() != null) { int newH = this.managementPanel != null && this.managementPanel.getCurrentHeight() > 0 ? this.managementPanel.getOffsetHeight() + height : height; this.ckanFramePanel.getFrame().setHeight(newH + "px"); } // workspace.setHeight(height+"px"); } /** * Print a message * * @param string */ protected native void printString(String string) /*-{ console.log(string); }-*/; /** * Listen for post message. */ private final native void listenForPostMessage() /*-{ var that = this; $wnd .addEventListener( "message", function(msg) { console.log("read message..."); that.@org.gcube.portlets.gcubeckan.gcubeckandatacatalog.client.view.GCubeCkanDataCatalogPanel::onPostMessage(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)(msg.data, msg.origin); }); }-*/; /** * On post message. * * @param data the data * @param origin the origin */ private void onPostMessage(String data, String origin) { printString("Read data: " + data + ", from origin: " + origin); printString("Ckan base url: " + ckanAccessPoint.getBaseUrl()); // parsing data.. it is a json bean of the type printString("Incoming message is " + data + " from " + origin); if (ckanAccessPoint.getBaseUrl().indexOf(origin) >= 0) { // The data has been sent from your site // The data sent with postMessage is stored in event.data String height = null; String productId = null; boolean isProductKeyMissing = false; try { JSONValue parsedJSON = JSONParser.parseStrict(data); JSONObject object = parsedJSON.isObject(); GWT.log("Object is " + object); if (object != null) { // Supporting Task #12286: parsing the translate values for 'dataset', // 'organization' and so on if (object.containsKey("translate")) { JSONObject theTranslate = (JSONObject) object.get("translate"); GWT.log("theTranslate is " + object); for (String key : theTranslate.keySet()) { // GWT.log("theTranslate key " + key); String value = theTranslate.get(key).isString().stringValue(); printString("Customizing navigation link '" + key + "' with translate: " + value); managementPanel.customizeLabelAccordingTranslate(key, value); } } else if (object.containsKey("height")) { height = object.get("height").isString().stringValue(); if (object.containsKey("product")) productId = object.get("product").isString().stringValue(); else isProductKeyMissing = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Exception is " + e); } if (height != null) setIFrameHeight(height.toString()); // show or hide the manage product button if (!isProductKeyMissing) { latestSelectedProductIdentifier = productId.toString(); managementPanel.enableShareItemButton(productId != null && !productId.isEmpty()); managementPanel.enableEditItemButton(productId != null && !productId.isEmpty()); managementPanel.enableDeleteItemButton(productId != null && !productId.isEmpty()); managementPanel.enablePublishOnZenodoButton(productId != null && !productId.isEmpty()); managementPanel.enableManageGRSFProductButton( productId != null && !productId.isEmpty() && manageProductResponse.isManageEnabled()); // managementPanel.enableManageCMSProductsButton(productId != null && // !productId.isEmpty() && moderationProductResponse.isManageEnabled()); } } else { // The data hasn't been sent from your site! // Be careful! Do not use it. return; } } /** * Sets the i frame height. * * @param height the new i frame height */ private void setIFrameHeight(String height) { String parsedHeight = null; if (height == null || height.isEmpty()) return; if (height.contains("px")) { parsedHeight = height; // Setting parsedHeight to null if the height is 0px String checkHeight = height; checkHeight = checkHeight.replaceAll("px", ""); try { int intH = Integer.parseInt(checkHeight); if (intH == 0) { parsedHeight = null; printString("height is 0px so setting parsedHeight = null"); } } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { int intH = Integer.parseInt(height); parsedHeight = intH + " px"; } catch (Exception e) { } } if (parsedHeight != null) { GWT.log("Setting new height for ckan iFrame: " + height); this.ckanFramePanel.getFrame().setHeight(height); } } /** * Gets the base urlckan connector. * * @return the base urlckan connector */ public String getBaseURLCKANConnector() { return ckanAccessPoint.getBaseUrlWithContext(); } /** * Return the catalogue url (e.g. http://ckan-d-d4s.d4science.org:443/) * * @return */ public String getCatalogueUrl() { printString("Base url for iframe is " + ckanAccessPoint.getCatalogueBaseUrl()); return ckanAccessPoint.getCatalogueBaseUrl(); } /** * Gets the gcube token value to ckan connector. * * @return the gcube token value to ckan connector */ public String getGcubeTokenValueToCKANConnector() { return ckanAccessPoint.getGcubeTokenValue(); } /** * Gets the path info. * * @return the path info */ public String getPathInfo() { return ckanAccessPoint.getPathInfoParameter(); } /** * Show the organizations panel. */ public void showOrganizations() { ckanOrganizationsPanel.setVisible(true); ckanGroupsPanel.setVisible(false); ckanFramePanel.setVisible(false); } /** * Show the groups panel. */ public void showGroups() { ckanGroupsPanel.setVisible(true); ckanOrganizationsPanel.setVisible(false); ckanFramePanel.setVisible(false); } /** * Show management panel * * @param show */ public void showManagementPanel(boolean show) { managementPanel.showManageGRSFProductButton(show); } /** * Check if the view per vre is enabled */ public boolean isViewPerVREEnabled() { return viewPerVREPath != null; } public CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs getCkanModeratorConfig() { return ckanModeratorCheckConfig; } }