
123 lines
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package org.gcube.gcat.rest;
import javax.ws.rs.DELETE;
import javax.ws.rs.DefaultValue;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
//import javax.ws.rs.NotAuthorizedException;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status;
import javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException;
//import org.gcube.common.authorization.control.annotations.AuthorizationControl;
import org.gcube.gcat.annotation.PURGE;
import org.gcube.gcat.api.GCatConstants;
//import org.gcube.gcat.api.roles.Role;
import org.gcube.gcat.persistence.ckan.CKANPackageTrash;
import com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.rs.ResourceGroup;
import com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.rs.ResourceLabel;
import com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.rs.ResponseCode;
import com.webcohesion.enunciate.metadata.rs.StatusCodes;
* This collection allow to interact with thrashed items
* @author Luca Frosini (ISTI - CNR)
@ResourceGroup("Item Related APIs")
@ResourceLabel("Trash APIs")
public class Trash extends BaseREST implements org.gcube.gcat.api.interfaces.Trash<Response> {
* List the thrashed items.<br/>
* By default, it lists only the trashed items of the requesting user.<br/>
* The listed items belong to the supported organizations for the
* context of the request (i.e. the context where the token has been generated).<br/>
* See <a href="./resource_Configuration.html">supportedOrganizations parameter in
* Configuration</a>.
* If the user specifies <code>own_only=false</code> and the user is
* <em>Catalogue-Admin</em> or above it return the thrashed items of all the
* users for all the supported organizations.
* @param ownOnly indicates that the user is interested only in its own items or the items of all the users.
* @return the json array containing the items in the trash
* @pathExample /trash
* @responseExample application/json ["item1","item54"]
// @AuthorizationControl(allowedRoles={Role.CATALOGUE_EDITOR, Role.CATALOGUE_ADMIN, Role.CATALOGUE_MANAGER}, exception=NotAuthorizedException.class)
public String list(@QueryParam(GCatConstants.OWN_ONLY_QUERY_PARAMETER) @DefaultValue("true") Boolean ownOnly) throws WebServiceException {
CKANPackageTrash ckanPackageTrash = new CKANPackageTrash();
return ckanPackageTrash.list();
* Delete in background all items in the trash.<br/>
* The operation returns immediately to the client and continues in background.<br/>
* There is no way to monitor or stop the running operation.<br/>
* The thrashed items cannot be recovered.</br/>
* By default, it empty only the trashed items of the requesting user.<br/>
* The listed items belong to the supported organizations for the
* context of the request (i.e. the context where the token has been generated).<br/>
* See <a href="./resource_Configuration.html">supportedOrganizations parameter in
* Configuration</a>.
* If the user specifies <code>own_only=false</code> and the user is
* <em>Catalogue-Admin</em> or above it empty the thrash of all the
* users for all the supported organizations.
* @param ownOnly indicates that the user is interested only in its own items or the items of all the users.
* @return 202 Accepted if the request has been accepted successfully
* @throws WebServiceException
* @pathExample /trash
@StatusCodes ({
@ResponseCode ( code = 202, condition = "The empty trash operation has been accepted successfully.")
// @AuthorizationControl(allowedRoles={Role.CATALOGUE_EDITOR, Role.CATALOGUE_ADMIN, Role.CATALOGUE_MANAGER}, exception=NotAuthorizedException.class)
public Response empty(@QueryParam(GCatConstants.OWN_ONLY_QUERY_PARAMETER) @DefaultValue("true") Boolean ownOnly) throws WebServiceException {
Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
CKANPackageTrash ckanPackageTrash = new CKANPackageTrash();
return Response.status(Status.ACCEPTED).build();
* It is the same of
* <a href="resource_Trash.html#resource_Trash_empty_ownOnly_DELETE">DELETE</a> operation
@StatusCodes ({
@ResponseCode ( code = 202, condition = "The empty trash operation has been accepted successfully.")
// @AuthorizationControl(allowedRoles={Role.CATALOGUE_EDITOR, Role.CATALOGUE_ADMIN, Role.CATALOGUE_MANAGER}, exception=NotAuthorizedException.class)
public Response emptyViaPurge(@QueryParam(GCatConstants.OWN_ONLY_QUERY_PARAMETER) @DefaultValue("true") Boolean ownOnly) throws WebServiceException {
return empty(ownOnly);