package org.gcube.gcat.persistence.ckan; import; import; import; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.tika.mime.MimeType; import org.apache.tika.mime.MimeTypes; import org.gcube.common.gxhttp.request.GXHTTPStringRequest; import org.gcube.gcat.utils.Constants; import org.gcube.gcat.utils.ContextUtility; import org.gcube.gcat.utils.HTTPCall; import org.gcube.gcat.workspace.CatalogueStorageHubManagement; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; /** * @author Luca Frosini (ISTI - CNR) */ public class CKANResource extends CKAN { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CKANResource.class); // see public static final String RESOURCE_CREATE = CKAN.CKAN_API_PATH + "resource_create"; // see public static final String RESOURCE_SHOW = CKAN.CKAN_API_PATH + "resource_show"; // see public static final String RESOURCE_UPDATE = CKAN.CKAN_API_PATH + "resource_update"; // see public static final String RESOURCE_PATCH = CKAN.CKAN_API_PATH + "resource_patch"; // see public static final String RESOURCE_DELETE = CKAN.CKAN_API_PATH + "resource_delete"; protected static final String URL_KEY = "url"; private static final String RESOURCES_KEY = "resources"; private static final String PACKAGE_ID_KEY = "package_id"; private static final String FORMAT_KEY = "format"; private static final String MIME_TYPE_KEY = "mimetype"; private static final String REVISION_ID_KEY = "revision_id"; private static final String TEMP = "TEMP_"; public final static String RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX = "^[\\s\\S]*$"; public static final MimeTypes ALL_MIME_TYPES; /* TODO Remove this code ASAP. It requires a function from Storage HUB */ private static final String URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST_PROD = ""; private static final String URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST_PRE = ""; private static final String URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST_DEV = ""; public static final String URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST; public static final String URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_PATH = "/shub/"; static { String context = ContextUtility.getCurrentContext(); if(context.startsWith("/gcube")) { URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST = URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST_DEV; } else if(context.startsWith("/pred4s")){ URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST = URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST_PRE; } else { URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST = URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST_PROD; } // If you might be dealing with custom mimetypes too, then Tika supports those, and change line one to be: // TikaConfig config = TikaConfig.getDefaultConfig(); // MimeTypes ALL_MIME_TYPES = config.getMimeRepository(); ALL_MIME_TYPES = MimeTypes.getDefaultMimeTypes(); } /* TODO END Code to be Removed */ protected String itemID; public String getItemID() { return itemID; } protected String resourceID; protected boolean persisted; protected URL persistedURL; protected String mimeType; protected String originalFileExtension; protected JsonNode previousRepresentation; protected CatalogueStorageHubManagement storageHubManagement; public URL getPersistedURL() { return persistedURL; } public static String extractResourceID(JsonNode jsonNode) { String resourceID = null; if(jsonNode.has(ID_KEY)) { resourceID = jsonNode.get(ID_KEY).asText(); } return resourceID; } public String getResourceID() { if(resourceID == null && previousRepresentation != null) { resourceID = CKANResource.extractResourceID(previousRepresentation); } return resourceID; } public void setResourceID(String resourceID) { this.resourceID = resourceID; } public void setPreviousRepresentation(JsonNode jsonNode) { validate(jsonNode); previousRepresentation = jsonNode; } public JsonNode getPreviousRepresentation() { if(previousRepresentation == null && resourceID != null) { sendGetRequest(READ, getMapWithID(resourceID)); validate(result); previousRepresentation = result; } return previousRepresentation; } public CKANResource(String itemID) { super(); this.nameRegex = RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX; this.itemID = itemID; CREATE = RESOURCE_CREATE; READ = RESOURCE_SHOW; UPDATE = RESOURCE_UPDATE; PATCH = RESOURCE_PATCH; DELETE = RESOURCE_DELETE; PURGE = null; persisted = false; previousRepresentation = null; } @Override public String list(int limit, int offeset) { return list(); } public String list() { CKANPackage ckanPackage = new CKANPackage(); ckanPackage.setName(itemID); String itemJson =; JsonNode item = getAsJsonNode(itemJson); JsonNode resources = item.get(RESOURCES_KEY); return getAsString(resources); } protected String getFormat() { String format = null; if(originalFileExtension != null) { format = originalFileExtension; } else { try { MimeType mimeTypeClzInstance = ALL_MIME_TYPES.forName(mimeType); format = mimeTypeClzInstance.getExtension(); // List extensions = mimeTypeClzInstance.getExtensions(); if(format == null || format.compareTo("") == 0) { format = mimeType.split("/")[1].split(";")[0]; } } catch(Exception e) { try { format = mimeType.split("/")[1].split(";")[0]; } catch(Exception ex) { format = null; } } } if(format != null && format.startsWith(".")) { format = format.substring(1); } return format; } protected ObjectNode persistStorageFile(ObjectNode objectNode) { if(objectNode.has(URL_KEY)) { String urlString = objectNode.get(URL_KEY).asText(); URL url; try { url = new URL(urlString); } catch(MalformedURLException e) { throw new BadRequestException(e); } url = copyStorageResource(url); if(name != null) { objectNode.put(NAME_KEY, name); } if(mimeType != null) { objectNode.put(MIME_TYPE_KEY, mimeType); if(!objectNode.has(FORMAT_KEY)) { String format = getFormat(); if(format != null) { objectNode.put(FORMAT_KEY, format); } } } objectNode.put(URL_KEY, url.toString()); return objectNode; } String error = String.format("The content must contains the %s property", URL_KEY); throw new BadRequestException(error); } protected ObjectNode validate(String json) throws MalformedURLException { JsonNode jsonNode = getAsJsonNode(json); return validate(jsonNode); } protected ObjectNode validate(JsonNode jsonNode) { ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode) jsonNode; if(objectNode.has(PACKAGE_ID_KEY)) { String packageId = objectNode.get(PACKAGE_ID_KEY).asText(); if(packageId.compareTo(itemID) != 0) { String error = String.format( "Item ID %s does not match %s which is the value of %s contained in the representation.", itemID, packageId, PACKAGE_ID_KEY); throw new BadRequestException(error); } } else { objectNode.put(PACKAGE_ID_KEY, itemID); } if(objectNode.has(ID_KEY)) { String gotId = objectNode.get(ID_KEY).asText(); if(resourceID == null) { resourceID = gotId; } else { if(resourceID.compareTo(gotId) != 0) { String error = String.format( "Resource ID %s does not match %s which is the value of %s contained in the representation.", resourceID, gotId, ID_KEY); throw new BadRequestException(error); } } } else { resourceID = TEMP + UUID.randomUUID().toString(); logger.trace( "The id of the resource with name {} for package {} has not been provided. It has been generated : {}", name, itemID, resourceID); } return objectNode; } protected URL getFinalURL(String url) { try { URL urlURL = new URL(url); return CKANResource.getFinalURL(urlURL); } catch(MalformedURLException e) { throw new BadRequestException(e); } } public static URL getFinalURL(URL url) { HTTPCall httpCall = new HTTPCall(url.toString()); httpCall.setgCubeTargetService(false); URL finalURL = httpCall.getFinalURL(url); return finalURL; } protected boolean isStorageFile(URL url) { URL urlToCheck = url; try { urlToCheck = getFinalURL(url); } catch(Exception e) { // TODO Evaluate if we want to validate the URL. If the URL does not exists the service // could decide to refuse the Resource Creation } if(urlToCheck.getHost().compareTo(URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_HOST) == 0) { if(urlToCheck.getPath().startsWith(URI_RESOLVER_STORAGE_HUB_PATH)) { persistedURL = urlToCheck; return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the URl is a workspace URL so that is has to copy the resource to guarantee * the resource remain persistent * @param url the URL to check * @return the public URL of the copied resource if any. It return the original URL otherwise */ protected URL copyStorageResource(URL url) { persistedURL = url; if(isStorageFile(persistedURL)) { storageHubManagement = new CatalogueStorageHubManagement(); try { persistedURL = storageHubManagement.ensureResourcePersistence(persistedURL, itemID, resourceID); String originalFilename = storageHubManagement.getOriginalFilename(); name = FilenameUtils.removeExtension(originalFilename); originalFileExtension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(originalFilename); mimeType = storageHubManagement.getMimeType(); persisted = true; } catch(Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(e); } } return persistedURL; } protected void deleteStorageResource(URL url, String resourceID, String mimetype) { persistedURL = url; if(isStorageFile(persistedURL)) { try { GXHTTPStringRequest gxhttpStringRequest = GXHTTPStringRequest.newRequest(persistedURL.toString()); HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = gxhttpStringRequest.from(Constants.CATALOGUE_NAME).head(); String storageHubContentType = httpURLConnection.getContentType().split(";")[0]; if(mimetype.compareTo(storageHubContentType) != 0) { mimetype = storageHubContentType; // Using storage hub mimetype } } catch(Exception e) { // using provided mimetype } storageHubManagement = new CatalogueStorageHubManagement(); try { storageHubManagement.deleteResourcePersistence(itemID, resourceID, mimetype); } catch(Exception e) { throw new InternalServerErrorException(e); } } } protected String create(JsonNode jsonNode) { try { ObjectNode objectNode = validate(jsonNode); objectNode = persistStorageFile(objectNode); String ret = super.create(getAsString(objectNode)); if(persisted) { String gotResourceID = result.get(ID_KEY).asText(); if(gotResourceID != null && gotResourceID.compareTo(resourceID) != 0) { resourceID = gotResourceID; String revisionID = result.get(REVISION_ID_KEY).asText(); storageHubManagement.renameFile(resourceID, revisionID); } } return ret; } catch(WebApplicationException e) { // TODO Remove created file if any throw e; } catch(Exception e) { // TODO Remove created file if any throw new InternalServerErrorException(e); } } @Override public String create(String json) { JsonNode jsonNode = getAsJsonNode(json); return create(jsonNode); } @Override public String read() { return sendGetRequest(READ, getMapWithID(resourceID)); } protected String update(JsonNode jsonNode) throws Exception { ObjectNode resourceNode = (ObjectNode) jsonNode; // This cannot be moved outside otherwise we don't resourceNode = validate(resourceNode); getPreviousRepresentation(); String oldURL = previousRepresentation.get(CKANResource.URL_KEY).asText(); String newURL = resourceNode.get(CKANResource.URL_KEY).asText(); if(!previousRepresentation.equals(resourceNode)) { if(oldURL.compareTo(newURL) != 0) { logger.trace("The URL of the resource with id {} was not changed", resourceID); storageHubManagement = new CatalogueStorageHubManagement(); this.mimeType = previousRepresentation.get(CKANResource.MIME_TYPE_KEY).asText(); try { storageHubManagement.retrievePersistedFile(resourceID, mimeType); }catch (Exception e) { // If the file was not persisted by gCat (e.g. created with the portlet) some errors can occurs } } else { logger.trace("The URL of resource with id {} has been changed the old URL was {}, the new URL is {}", resourceID, oldURL, newURL); resourceNode = persistStorageFile(resourceNode); /* try { URL urlOLD = new URL(oldURL); deleteStorageResource(urlOLD); }catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to remove old file at URL {}", oldURL); } */ } String ret = super.update(getAsString(resourceNode)); if(storageHubManagement.getPersistedFile()!= null) { String revisionID = result.get(REVISION_ID_KEY).asText(); storageHubManagement.addRevisionID(resourceID, revisionID); } return ret; } return previousRepresentation.asText(); } @Override public String update(String json) { try { JsonNode jsonNode = getAsJsonNode(json); return update(jsonNode); } catch(WebApplicationException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e); } } @Override public String patch(String json) { String[] moreAllowed = new String[] {HEAD.class.getSimpleName(), GET.class.getSimpleName(), PUT.class.getSimpleName(), DELETE.class.getSimpleName()}; throw new NotAllowedException(OPTIONS.class.getSimpleName(), moreAllowed); } @Override public void delete(boolean purge) { delete(); } @Override public void delete() { try { deleteFile(); sendPostRequest(DELETE, createJsonNodeWithID(resourceID)); } catch(WebApplicationException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e); } } @Override protected void purge() { String[] moreAllowed = new String[] {HEAD.class.getSimpleName(), GET.class.getSimpleName(), PUT.class.getSimpleName(), DELETE.class.getSimpleName()}; throw new NotAllowedException(OPTIONS.class.getSimpleName(), moreAllowed); } public JsonNode createOrUpdate(JsonNode jsonNode) { ObjectNode resourceNode = (ObjectNode) jsonNode; if(resourceNode.has(ID_KEY)) { try { update(resourceNode); } catch(WebApplicationException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e); } } else { create(resourceNode); } return result; } public void deleteFile() { try { getPreviousRepresentation(); URL url = new URL(previousRepresentation.get(URL_KEY).asText()); mimeType = previousRepresentation.get(MIME_TYPE_KEY).asText(); deleteStorageResource(url, resourceID, mimeType); } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to delete resource {}", previousRepresentation != null ? getAsString(previousRepresentation) : ""); } } public void rollback() { if(previousRepresentation != null) { try { update(previousRepresentation); } catch(WebApplicationException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw new WebApplicationException(e); } } else { delete(); } } }