package org.gcube.event.publisher; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class HTTPWithOIDCAuthEventSender implements EventSender { protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HTTPWithOIDCAuthEventSender.class); private URL baseEnndpointURL; private String clientId; private String clientSecret; private URL tokenURL; public HTTPWithOIDCAuthEventSender(URL baseEnndpointURL, String clientId, String clientSecret, URL tokenURL) { this.baseEnndpointURL = baseEnndpointURL; this.clientId = clientId; this.clientSecret = clientSecret; this.tokenURL = tokenURL; } @Override public void send(Event event) { log.debug("Starting HTTP POST thread to: {}", baseEnndpointURL); try { URL eventEndpoint = new URL(baseEnndpointURL, event.getName()); new Thread(new HTTPost(eventEndpoint, event)).start(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error("Cannot compute event endpoint URL. Event name: " + event.getName() + ", base endpoint: " + baseEnndpointURL, e); } } protected URL getTokenURL() { return tokenURL; } protected JWTToken getAuthorizationToken() throws OpenIdConnectRESTHelperException { if (clientId != null && clientSecret != null && tokenURL != null) { log.debug("Getting OIDC token for clientId '{}' from: {}", clientId, tokenURL); return OpenIdConnectRESTHelper.queryClientToken(clientId, clientSecret, tokenURL); } else { log.debug("Can't get OIDC token since not all the required params were provied"); return null; } } public class HTTPost implements Runnable { private static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 10000; private static final int READ_TIMEOUT = 5000; private URL endpoint; private Event event; public HTTPost(URL endpoint, Event event) { this.endpoint = endpoint; this.event = event; } @Override public void run() { try { log.debug("Getting auth token for client '{}' if needed", clientId); JWTToken token = getAuthorizationToken(); log.debug("Performing HTTP POST to: {}", endpoint); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) endpoint.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); connection.setConnectTimeout(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); log.trace("HTTP connection timeout set to: {}", connection.getConnectTimeout()); connection.setReadTimeout(READ_TIMEOUT); log.trace("HTTP connection Read timeout set to: {}", connection.getReadTimeout()); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); // Commented out as per the Conductor issue: // connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setDoOutput(true); if (token != null) { log.debug("Setting authorization header as: {}", token.getAccessTokenAsBearer()); connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", token.getAccessTokenAsBearer()); } else { log.debug("Sending request without authorization header"); } OutputStream os = connection.getOutputStream(); String jsonString = event.toJSONString(); log.trace("Sending event JSON: {}", jsonString); os.write(jsonString.getBytes("UTF-8")); os.flush(); os.close(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int httpResultCode = connection.getResponseCode(); log.trace("HTTP Response code: {}", httpResultCode); log.trace("Reading response"); boolean ok = true; InputStreamReader isr = null; if (httpResultCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { isr = new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); } else { ok = false; isr = new InputStreamReader(connection.getErrorStream(), "UTF-8"); } BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line + "\n"); } br.close(); isr.close(); if (ok) {"[{}] Event publish for {} is OK", httpResultCode, event.getName()); } else { log.debug("[{}] Event publish for {} is not OK", httpResultCode, event.getName()); } log.trace("Response message from server: {}", sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("POSTing JSON to: " + endpoint, e); } } } }