
303 lines
8.2 KiB

package org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.analysis.guesser.treeStructure.graph;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JApplet;
import org.jgraph.JGraph;
import org.jgraph.graph.DefaultGraphCell;
import org.jgraph.graph.GraphConstants;
import org.jgrapht.ext.JGraphModelAdapter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
public class GraphDisplayer extends JApplet {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GraphDisplayer.class);
private static final Color DEFAULT_BG_COLOR = Color.decode("#FAFBFF");
private static final Dimension DEFAULT_SIZE = new Dimension(530, 320);
private JGraphModelAdapter m_jgAdapter;
public static int WIDTH = 1000;
public static int HEIGHT = 800;
public static int WIDTHBOX = 1280;
public static int HEIGHTBOX = 1024;
private int newxposition;
private int newyposition;
private CustomListenableDirectedWeightedGraph g;
private int nodesCounter;
private static final int minx = 10;
private static final int miny = 10;
ArrayList<String> VertexNames;
HashMap<String, String> Edges;
public void generatePosition(int lastxPosition, int lastyposition) {
int rangex = (int) WIDTH - (int) lastxPosition;
// compute a fraction of the range, 0 <= frac < range
Random a = new Random();
int newx = lastxPosition + 70 + (int) (rangex * a.nextDouble());
int epsilon = 1;
int newy = (int) lastyposition + (int) (epsilon * 20f * Math.random());
if (newx > WIDTH)
newx = WIDTH - 100;
if (newx < lastxPosition - 90)
newx = lastxPosition + 90;
if (newy > HEIGHT)
newy = HEIGHT - 10;
if (newy < 0)
newy = 0;
newxposition = newx;
newyposition = newy;
// System.out.println("LAST X "+lastxPosition+" NEW X "+newxposition);
// System.out.println("LAST Y "+lastyposition+" NEW Y "+newyposition);
public void init() {
JGraph jgraph = new JGraph(m_jgAdapter);
public void generateGraph() {
for (String v : VertexNames) {
public void generateRandomGraph() {
for (String v : VertexNames) {
int randx = minx + (int) ((WIDTH - 100) * Math.random());
int randy = miny + (int) ((HEIGHT - 100) * Math.random());
positionVertexAt(v, randx, randy);
public void generateUpTo5StarGraph() {
// individua le star
HashMap<String, Integer> vertexFrequencies = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
// calcolo le frequenze dei vertici
for (String edge : Edges.values()) {
System.out.println(edge + "-" + vertexFrequencies.get(edge));
if (vertexFrequencies.get(edge) != null) {
int f = vertexFrequencies.get(edge).intValue();
vertexFrequencies.put(edge, new Integer(f + 1));
} else
vertexFrequencies.put(edge, new Integer(0));
for (String vertex : VertexNames) {
if (Edges.get(vertex) == null) {
boolean trovato = false;
// cerco ogni vertice tra gli archi
for (String starvertex : Edges.values()) {
if (vertex.equals(starvertex)) {
trovato = true;
if (!trovato) {
System.out.println("aggiunto vertice isolato " + vertex);
vertexFrequencies.put(vertex, new Integer(0));
System.out.println("FEQS " + vertexFrequencies.toString());
// ordino le star
ArrayList<String> starList = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String vertex : vertexFrequencies.keySet()) {
int freq = vertexFrequencies.get(vertex);
int i = 0;
boolean trovato = false;
for (String element : starList) {
int referfreq = vertexFrequencies.get(element);
if (referfreq < freq) {
starList.add(i, vertex);
trovato = true;
if (!trovato)
// dispongo le star nel layout
int bound = 200;
int[] boundedXIndexex = { bound, WIDTH - bound, bound, WIDTH - bound, WIDTH / 2 };
int[] boundedYIndexex = { bound, bound, HEIGHT - bound, HEIGHT - bound, HEIGHT / 2 };
int sizeStar = starList.size();
// int sizeStar = 1;
// distribuisco le star sul grafico
for (int i = 0; i < sizeStar; i++) {
positionVertexAt(starList.get(i), boundedXIndexex[i], boundedYIndexex[i]);
// calcolo il numero di elementi della stella
int countelems = 0;
for (String edge : Edges.keySet()) {
if (Edges.get(edge).equals(starList.get(i))) {
if (countelems > 0) {
double subdivision = 360 / countelems;
double angle = 105f;
double radius = 200f;
System.out.println("Numero di elementi nella stella: " + countelems + " suddivisioni: " + subdivision);
for (String edge : Edges.keySet()) {
// dispongo gli elementi a stella
if (Edges.get(edge).equals(starList.get(i))) {
int currentx = boundedXIndexex[i];
int currenty = boundedYIndexex[i];
int epsilonx = (int) (radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)));
int epsilony = (int) (radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)));
System.out.println("angolo attuale: " + angle + " x0: " + currentx + " y0 " + currenty + " ex " + epsilonx + " ey " + epsilony);
positionVertexAt(edge, currentx + epsilonx, currenty + epsilony);
angle += subdivision;
private void genPositionVertex(String vertexName) {
if (nodesCounter > 0) {
if ((nodesCounter % 2) == 0) {
newxposition = 10 + (int) (20f * Math.random());
newyposition += 100;
} else
generatePosition(newxposition, newyposition);
positionVertexAt(vertexName, newxposition, newyposition);
public GraphDisplayer() {
g = new CustomListenableDirectedWeightedGraph(CustomWeightedEdge.class);
m_jgAdapter = new JGraphModelAdapter(g);
VertexNames = new ArrayList<String>();
Edges = new HashMap<String, String>();
newxposition = minx;
newyposition = miny;
nodesCounter = 0;
public void addVertex(String name) {
public void addEdge(String v1, String v2, double bi) {
CustomWeightedEdge ed = (CustomWeightedEdge)g.addEdge(v1,v2);
Edges.put(v1, v2);
private void adjustDisplaySettings(JGraph jg) {
String colorStr = null;
try {
colorStr = getParameter("bgcolor");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (colorStr != null) {
c = Color.decode(colorStr);
private void positionVertexAt(Object vertex, int x, int y) {
// seleziono la cella chiamata vertex
DefaultGraphCell cell = m_jgAdapter.getVertexCell(vertex);
// recupero gli attributi della cella
Map attr = cell.getAttributes();
// recupero i boundaries della cella
Rectangle2D b = GraphConstants.getBounds(attr);
// setto i parametri del nuovo rettangolo
GraphConstants.setBounds(attr, new Rectangle(x, y, (int) (((String)vertex).length()+50+b.getWidth()), (int) b.getHeight()));
// costruisco una nuova cella
Map cellAttr = new HashMap();
cellAttr.put(cell, attr);
// posiziono la cella nel grafo
m_jgAdapter.edit(cellAttr, null, null, null);
public void start() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
GraphFramer starter = new GraphFramer("Grafo");
// create a visualization using JGraph, via an adapter
String nodi[] = { "ciao", "come", "stai", "oggi", "domani", "dopodomani" };
for (String nodo : nodi) {
for (int j = 0; j < nodi.length; j++) {
int i0 = (int) (nodi.length * Math.random());
int i1 = (int) (nodi.length * Math.random());
System.out.println("i0: " + i0 + " i1: " + i1);
if (i0 != i1) {
starter.graphDisplayer.addEdge(nodi[i0], nodi[i1],0);