#Percentage threshold for discarding a category categoryDiscardThreshold=0 #Percentage threshold for accepting similarity between a single Time series entry and a reference entry entryAcceptanceThreshold=50 #Size of a comparison chunk chunkSize=50 #Number of chunks to take from Time series for performing comparison respect to reference data; if set to -1 all chunks will be analyzed timeSeriesChunksToTake=1 #Number of chunks to take from Reference for performing comparison Time Series Elements; if set to -1 all chunks will be analyzed referenceChunksToTake=5 #Use random choice for chunks selection = true |false randomTake=true #Use Simple String Match as distance calculation useSimpleDistance=false #Number Of Threads to use numberOfThreadsToUse=5 #if two final scores differ for more than this percentage, prune the lower result categoryDiscardDifferencialThreshold = 50 #maximum difference between a result and the best result singleEntryRecognitionMaxDeviation = 40