package; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.analysis.core.LexicalEngineConfiguration; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.MathFunctions; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; //score relative to a certain category and column public class CategoryScores { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CategoryScores.class); // column names vs percentage private HashMap columnsScore; private int matchedElements; private BigInteger maxElements; private BigInteger categoryElements; private LexicalEngineConfiguration config; public CategoryScores(BigInteger catElements, LexicalEngineConfiguration Config) { columnsScore = new HashMap(); matchedElements = 0; setCategoryElements(catElements); config = Config; maxElements = calculateMaxElements(catElements); } public double calculateCoverage(){ double bd = new BigDecimal(matchedElements).divide(new BigDecimal(maxElements), 2, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR).doubleValue(); //lower poor categories if (maxElements.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(config.chunkSize))<=0) bd = bd *0.8; //To-DO take into observation!!! //higher very big set coverage if (categoryElements.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(10000))>0) bd = Math.max(0.01, bd); return bd; } private BigInteger calculateMaxElements(BigInteger catElements){ BigInteger maxElements = BigInteger.ZERO; int maxNumberOfChunks = config.ReferenceChunksToTake; int chunkSize = config.chunkSize; int numberofcycles=0; if (maxNumberOfChunks<0) return catElements; try{ BigDecimal intcycles; BigDecimal oddcycles; BigDecimal catElementsDecimal = new BigDecimal(catElements); BigDecimal[] arraydecimal = catElementsDecimal.divideAndRemainder(new BigDecimal(BigInteger.valueOf(chunkSize))); intcycles = arraydecimal[0]; oddcycles = arraydecimal[1]; numberofcycles = intcycles.intValue(); if ((numberofcycles==0)&&(oddcycles.intValue() > 0)) { numberofcycles = numberofcycles + 1; maxElements = oddcycles.toBigInteger(); } else{ if (numberofcycles>maxNumberOfChunks) numberofcycles = maxNumberOfChunks; maxElements = BigInteger.valueOf(chunkSize).multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(numberofcycles)); } }catch(Exception e){} return maxElements; } public String showScores(){ return columnsScore.toString()+":"+calculateCoverage(); //+" - "+matchedElements+" vs "+maxElements; } public void incrementScore(String columnName,float increment,boolean doIncrementMathes) { Float score = columnsScore.get(columnName); if (score==null) score =new Float(0); score = MathFunctions.incrementPerc(score, increment, matchedElements); if (doIncrementMathes) matchedElements ++; columnsScore.put(columnName, score); } public float getScore(String columnName,boolean simpleMatch) { if (simpleMatch){ return getSimpleScore(columnName); } else return getScore(columnName); } public float getScore(String columnName) { Float score = null; try { // score = columnsScore.get(columnName)*(float)calculateCoverage(); score = columnsScore.get(columnName); if (score!=null){ return score*(float)calculateCoverage(); } } catch (Exception e) { } return score; } public float getSimpleScore(String columnName) { Float score = null; try { // score = columnsScore.get(columnName)*(float)calculateCoverage(); score = columnsScore.get(columnName); if (score!=null){ return score; } } catch (Exception e) { } return score; } // take the best performing column public String findBest() { String bestCol = null; Float bestscore = Float.valueOf(-1); for (String column : columnsScore.keySet()) { Float score = new Float(0); try { score = columnsScore.get(column); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("ERROR in getting SCORE ",e); } if (bestscore.compareTo(score) < 0) { bestscore = score; bestCol = column; } } return bestCol; } // take the best performing columns public ArrayList findBestList() { ArrayList bestCols = new ArrayList(); for (String column : columnsScore.keySet()) { Float score = new Float(0); try { score = columnsScore.get(column); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("ERROR in getting SCORE ",e); } // find best place where to put column int size = bestCols.size(); int index = size; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (columnsScore.get(bestCols.get(i)).compareTo(score) <= 0) { index = i; break; } } bestCols.add(index, column); } return bestCols; } public void setCategoryElements(BigInteger categoryElements) { this.categoryElements = categoryElements; } public BigInteger getCategoryElements() { return categoryElements; } }