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Raw Normal View History

package org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.configuration.AlgorithmConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.postgresql.copy.CopyManager;
import org.postgresql.core.BaseConnection;
public class DatabaseUtils {
static String queryDesc = "SELECT column_name,data_type, character_maximum_length, is_nullable FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_name ='%1$s'";
static String queryColumns = "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE table_name ='%1$s'";
static String queryForKeys = "SELECT b.column_name as name, a.constraint_type as type FROM information_schema.table_constraints as a join information_schema.key_column_usage as b on a.table_name ='%1$s' and a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name";
static String genCreationStatement = "CREATE TABLE %1$s ( %2$s %3$s );";
static String updateColValues = "UPDATE %1$s SET %2$s = %3$s.%4$s FROM %3$s WHERE %1$s.%5$s = %3$s.%6$s ;";
static String addColumn = "ALTER TABLE %1$s ADD COLUMN %2$s %3$s;";
SessionFactory referencedbConnection;
public DatabaseUtils(SessionFactory referencedbConnection) {
this.referencedbConnection = referencedbConnection;
public static String createUpdateStatement(String tableToUpdate, String fieldToUpdate, String tableFromUpdate, String columnFromUpdate, String tableToUpKey, String tableFromUpKey) {
return String.format(updateColValues, tableToUpdate, fieldToUpdate, tableFromUpdate, columnFromUpdate, tableFromUpdate, tableToUpdate, tableToUpKey, tableFromUpdate, tableFromUpKey);
public static String addColumnStatement(String tableToUpdate, String columnName, String columnKey) {
return String.format(addColumn, tableToUpdate, columnName, columnKey);
private String primaryK;
private String primaryKColName;
private void getPrimaryKeys(List<Object> keys, String table) {
int keynum = 0;
if (keys != null)
keynum = keys.size();
StringBuffer pkeybuffer = new StringBuffer();
primaryKColName = "";
for (int i = 0; i < keynum; i++) {
Object[] valueKey = (Object[]) keys.get(i);
String colname = (String) valueKey[0];
String type = (String) valueKey[1];
if (type.equals("PRIMARY KEY")) {
if (pkeybuffer.length() > 0)
if (primaryKColName.length() > 0)
primaryKColName = ",";
primaryKColName = primaryKColName + colname;
if (pkeybuffer.length() > 0)
primaryK = ", CONSTRAINT " + table + "_idx PRIMARY KEY (" + pkeybuffer.toString() + ")";
public String getPrimaryKey() {
return primaryKColName;
private String columnDescrs;
private void getColumnsDesc(List<Object> columnsDescs) {
int num = columnsDescs.size();
StringBuffer colbuffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
Object[] descriptions = (Object[]) columnsDescs.get(i);
String colname = "" + descriptions[0];
String type = "" + descriptions[1];
String len = "" + descriptions[2];
String isnullable = "" + descriptions[3];
if (len != null && len.length() > 0 && !len.equals("null"))
type = type + "(" + len + ")";
if (isnullable != null && isnullable.equalsIgnoreCase("NO"))
isnullable = "NOT NULL";
isnullable = "";
colbuffer.append(colname + " " + type + " " + isnullable);
if (i < num - 1) {
columnDescrs = colbuffer.toString();
public List<Object> columns;
public List<Object> getColumnDecriptions() {
return columns;
public String getColumnName(int index) {
return "" + ((Object[]) getColumnDecriptions().get(index))[0];
public String getColumnType(int index) {
return "" + ((Object[]) getColumnDecriptions().get(index))[1];
public static String duplicateTableStatement(String tableFrom, String tableTo) {
return "select * into " + tableTo + " from " + tableFrom;
public static String createBlankTableFromAnotherStatement(String tableFrom, String tableTo) {
return "select * into " + tableTo + " from (select * from " + tableFrom + " limit 0) a";
public static String dropTableStatement(String table) {
return "drop table " + table;
public static String getDinstictElements(String table, String columns, String filter) {
return "select distinct " + columns + " from " + table + " " + filter + " order by " + columns;
public static String getOrderedElements(String table, String key, String column) {
return "select " + key + "," + column + " from " + table + " order by " + key;
public static String sumElementsStatement(String table, String column) {
return "select sum(" + column + ") from " + table;
public static String getColumnsElementsStatement(String table, String columns, String filter) {
return "select " + columns + " from " + table + " " + filter;
public static String countElementsStatement(String table) {
return "select count(*) from " + table;
public static String update(String table, String valueColumnName, String value, String keyColumnName, String key) {
return "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + valueColumnName + " = '" + value + "'" + " WHERE " + keyColumnName + " = '" + key + "'";
public static String insertIntoColumn(String table, String keyColumnName, String valueColumnName, List<Object> couplesColumnAndKeys) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int ncols = couplesColumnAndKeys.size();
if (ncols > 0) {
buffer.append("insert into " + table + " (" + keyColumnName + "," + valueColumnName + ") values ");
for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
Object[] couples = (Object[]) couplesColumnAndKeys.get(i);
String key = "" + couples[0];
String value = "" + couples[1];
buffer.append("(" + key + "," + value + ")");
if (i < ncols - 1)
buffer.append(", ");
return buffer.toString();
public static String insertFromBuffer(String table, String columnsNames, StringBuffer values) {
return "insert into " + table + " (" + columnsNames + ") values " + values;
public static void insertChunksIntoTable(String table, String columnsNames, List<String[]> values, int chunkSize,SessionFactory dbconnection) throws Exception{
int valuesize = values.size();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
int stopIndex =0;
for (int i=0;i<valuesize;i++){
String[] row = values.get(i);
for (int j=0;j<row.length;j++){
String preprow = row[j].replaceAll("^'", "").replaceAll("'$", "");
preprow=preprow.replace("'", ""+(char)96);
if (preprow.equalsIgnoreCase("NULL"))
if (j<row.length-1)
if (stopIndex>0 && stopIndex%chunkSize==0){
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(insertFromBuffer(table, columnsNames, sb), dbconnection);
sb = new StringBuffer();
else if (i<valuesize-1)
if (stopIndex<valuesize-1){
if (sb.length()>0){
// System.out.println(sb);
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(insertFromBuffer(table, columnsNames, sb), dbconnection);
}catch(Exception e){
throw e;
public static String insertFromString(String table, String columnsNames, String values) {
return "insert into " + table + " (" + columnsNames + ") values " + values;
public static String deleteFromBuffer(String table, StringBuffer couples) {
return "delete from " + table + " where " + couples;
public static String copyFileToTableStatement(String file, String table) {
return "COPY " + table + " FROM '" + file + "' DELIMITERS ';' WITH NULL AS 'null string'";
public static String copyFileFromTableStatement(String file, String table, String delimiter, boolean withheader) {
String withheaderS = "";
if (withheader)
withheaderS = " CSV HEADER";
return "COPY " + table + " TO '" + file + "' DELIMITERS '" + delimiter + "' WITH NULL AS '' " + withheaderS;
public static String updateTableColumnFromOther(String tableName, String fieldToUpdate, String otherTable, String otherColumn, String keyColumn, String otherKeyColumn) {
return "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET " + fieldToUpdate + " = " + otherTable + "." + otherColumn + " FROM " + otherTable + " WHERE " + tableName + "." + keyColumn + "=" + otherTable + "." + otherKeyColumn;
public static String updateColumn(String table, String keyColumnName, String valueColumnName, List<Object> couplesColumnAndKeys) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int ncols = couplesColumnAndKeys.size();
for (int i = 0; i < ncols; i++) {
Object[] couples = (Object[]) couplesColumnAndKeys.get(i);
String key = "" + couples[0];
String value = "" + couples[1];
buffer.append("UPDATE " + table + " SET " + valueColumnName + " = '" + value + "'" + " WHERE " + keyColumnName + " = '" + key + "'");
if (i < ncols - 1)
return buffer.toString();
public String buildCreateStatement(String originaltable, String destinationTable) {
// take the structure of table 1
List<Object> keys = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(String.format(queryForKeys, originaltable), referencedbConnection);
getPrimaryKeys(keys, destinationTable);
columns = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(String.format(queryDesc, originaltable), referencedbConnection);
String creationStatement = String.format(genCreationStatement, destinationTable, columnDescrs, primaryK);
return creationStatement;
public static String getColumnsNamesStatement(String table) {
String statement = String.format(queryColumns, table);
return statement;
public static void createBigTable(boolean createTable, String table, String dbdriver, String dbuser, String dbpassword, String dburl, String creationStatement, SessionFactory dbHibConnection) throws Exception {
if (createTable) {
try {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Dropping previous table if exists");
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate("drop table " + table, dbHibConnection);
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Creating Big Table");
DatabaseFactory.executeUpdateNoTransaction(creationStatement, dbdriver, dbuser, dbpassword, dburl, true);
public static void createRemoteTableFromFile(String filePath, String tablename, String delimiter, boolean hasHeader, String username, String password, String databaseurl) throws Exception {
Connection conn = DatabaseFactory.getDBConnection("org.postgresql.Driver", username, password, databaseurl);
CopyManager copyManager = new CopyManager((BaseConnection) conn);
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filePath);
copyManager.copyIn(String.format("COPY %s FROM STDIN WITH DELIMITER '%s' %s ", tablename, delimiter, (hasHeader) ? "CSV HEADER" : "CSV"), fis);
public static void createLocalFileFromRemoteTable(String filePath, String tablename, String delimiter, String username, String password, String databaseurl) throws Exception {
Connection conn = DatabaseFactory.getDBConnection("org.postgresql.Driver", username, password, databaseurl);
CopyManager copyManager = new CopyManager((BaseConnection) conn);
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filePath);
copyManager.copyOut(String.format("COPY %s TO STDOUT WITH DELIMITER '%s' NULL AS '' ", tablename, delimiter), fw);
public static SessionFactory initDBSession(AlgorithmConfiguration config) {
SessionFactory dbHibConnection = null;
try {
if ((config != null) && (config.getConfigPath() != null)) {
String defaultDatabaseFile = config.getConfigPath() + AlgorithmConfiguration.defaultConnectionFile;
dbHibConnection = DatabaseFactory.initDBConnection(defaultDatabaseFile, config);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("ERROR IN DB INITIALIZATION : " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
// AnalysisLogger.getLogger().trace(e);
return dbHibConnection;
public static void closeDBConnection(SessionFactory dbHibConnection) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {