
567 lines
27 KiB

package org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.nodes.algorithms;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import org.gcube.contentmanagement.graphtools.utils.MathFunctions;
import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.configuration.ALG_PROPS;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.configuration.AlgorithmConfiguration;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.OutputTable;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.StatisticalType;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.enumtypes.TableTemplates;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.interfaces.SpatialProbabilityDistributionNode;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.spatialdistributions.AquamapsAlgorithmCore;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.spatialdistributions.AquamapsSuitable;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.user.GeneratorT;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils.DatabaseFactory;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils.DatabaseUtils;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils.Operations;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
public class AquamapsSuitableNode1v extends SpatialProbabilityDistributionNode {
// variables
protected String countSpeciesQuery, countCellsQuery, createTableStatement, destinationTable, destinationTableLabel, type;
protected AquamapsAlgorithmCore core;
protected AlgorithmConfiguration currentconfig;
protected AquamapsSuitableFunctions operations;
protected SessionFactory dbHibConnection;
public AquamapsSuitableNode1v() {
// Processing
// an initialization phase in which the input are initialized and then dumped to files
public void setup(AlgorithmConfiguration config) throws Exception {
// init algorithm
long t00 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
String distributionTable = config.getParam("DistributionTable");
// System.out.println("Dumping information .. in " + config.getPersistencePath() + config.getModel() + "/");
// operations.dumpAll(config.getPersistencePath() + config.getModel() + "/");
// System.out.println(".. Dump Done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " ms");
// create table
boolean createTable = config.getParam("CreateTable") != null ? Boolean.parseBoolean(config.getParam("CreateTable")) : false;
System.out.println("Creating table " + distributionTable + " " + createTable);
if (createTable) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
DatabaseUtils.createBigTable(createTable, distributionTable, config.getDatabaseDriver(), config.getDatabaseUserName(), config.getDatabasePassword(), config.getDatabaseURL(), createTableStatement, dbHibConnection);
//create minmaxlat table if necessary
// close connection
// DatabaseUtils.closeDBConnection(dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("Preparation phase finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t00) + " ms");
* databasecheckScheduler = new Timer(); databasecheckScheduler.schedule(new DatabaseController(), 0, refreshTime);
private void createMaxMinHspen(AlgorithmConfiguration config){
String hspenMinMaxLat="";
if ((config.getParam("PreprocessedTable")!=null)&&(config.getParam("PreprocessedTable").length()>0))
hspenMinMaxLat = config.getParam("PreprocessedTable");
//if not preprocessed then generate a preprocessed table
if ((hspenMinMaxLat==null)||(hspenMinMaxLat.length()==0)){
//take the name of the hspen table
String hspenTable = config.getParam("EnvelopeTable");
//check if the table exists
String supposedminmaxlattable = "maxminlat_"+hspenTable;
List<Object> select = null;
select = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery("select * from "+supposedminmaxlattable+" limit 1",dbHibConnection);
}catch(Exception ee){}
//if it exists then set the table name
if (select!=null){
hspenMinMaxLat = supposedminmaxlattable;
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm Node Init ->the min max latitudes table yet exists "+hspenMinMaxLat);
//otherwise create it by calling the creator
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm Node Init ->the min max latitudes table does not exist! - generating");
hspenMinMaxLat = AquamapsSuitable.generateMaxMinHspec(supposedminmaxlattable, hspenTable,config.getParam("OccurrencePointsTable"), dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm Node Init ->min max latitudes table created in "+hspenMinMaxLat);
// initializations
public void initSingleNode(AlgorithmConfiguration config) {
// take all species records
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm Init ->Taking all species records");
operations.numberOfSpecies = Integer.parseInt("" + (DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(countSpeciesQuery, dbHibConnection)).get(0));
// take all csquares records
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm Init ->Count all csquares");
operations.numberOfCells = Integer.parseInt("" + DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(countCellsQuery, dbHibConnection).get(0));
// take all csquares records
* System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm ->Taking csquares"); String CellsQuery = String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.csquareCodeQuery, currentconfig.getParam("CsquarecodesTable"), "" + operations.numberOfCells, "0"); operations.environmentVectors = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(CellsQuery, dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm Init ->init finished");
private void initCore(AlgorithmConfiguration config) {
currentconfig = config;
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Initializing DB connection");
dbHibConnection = DatabaseUtils.initDBSession(config);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Initializing DB connection OK");
countSpeciesQuery = String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.countAllSpeciesQuery, config.getParam("EnvelopeTable"));
countCellsQuery = String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.countCsquareCodeQuery, config.getParam("CsquarecodesTable"));
createTableStatement = String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.createTableStatement, config.getParam("DistributionTable"));
if (config.getTableSpace() != null) {
createTableStatement = createTableStatement.replace("#TABLESPACE#", "TABLESPACE " + config.getTableSpace());
} else
createTableStatement = createTableStatement.replace("#TABLESPACE#", "");
destinationTable = config.getParam("DistributionTable");
destinationTableLabel = config.getParam("DistributionTableLabel");
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Initializing Core Algorithm");
core = new AquamapsAlgorithmCore();
operations = new AquamapsSuitableFunctions(core, type, config);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Core Initializiation OK ");
// end initialization
// the core execution of a node
public int executeNode(int cellOrdinal, int chunksize, int speciesOrdinal, int speciesChunkSize, boolean duplicate, String pathToFiles, String nodeConfigurationFileObject, String logfile) {
long t00 = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + cellOrdinal + " Node Started");
// rebuild all files
core = new AquamapsAlgorithmCore();
operations = new AquamapsSuitableFunctions(new AquamapsAlgorithmCore(), type, null);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + cellOrdinal + " Rebuilding objects");
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
operations.rebuildConfig(new File(pathToFiles, nodeConfigurationFileObject).getAbsolutePath());
// operations.rebuildAll(cellOrdinal, chunksize, speciesOrdinal, speciesChunkSize, pathToFiles);
currentconfig = operations.currentconfig;
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + speciesOrdinal + " Objects Rebuilt in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " ms");
String SpeciesQuery = String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.selectAllSpeciesQuery, currentconfig.getParam("EnvelopeTable"), "" + speciesChunkSize, "" + speciesOrdinal);
String CellsQuery = String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.csquareCodeQuery, currentconfig.getParam("CsquarecodesTable"), "" + chunksize, "" + cellOrdinal);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Initializing DB connection with parameters: " + currentconfig.getConfigPath() + AlgorithmConfiguration.defaultConnectionFile + " " + currentconfig.getParam("DatabaseDriver") + " " + currentconfig.getParam("DatabaseUserName") + " " + currentconfig.getParam("DatabasePassword") + " " + currentconfig.getParam("DatabaseURL"));
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> File Exists: " + new File(currentconfig.getConfigPath() + AlgorithmConfiguration.defaultConnectionFile).exists());
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> File IS READABLE: " + new File(currentconfig.getConfigPath() + AlgorithmConfiguration.defaultConnectionFile).canRead());
dbHibConnection = DatabaseUtils.initDBSession(currentconfig);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Building Species Observations Max-Min Latitutes");
operations.allSpeciesObservations = new HashMap<String, List<Object>>();
String hspenMinMaxLat = currentconfig.getParam("PreprocessedTable");
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Preprocessed Table is " + hspenMinMaxLat);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Query: " + String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.selectAllSpeciesObservationQuery, hspenMinMaxLat));
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> DB CONNECTION " + dbHibConnection);
List<Object> SpeciesObservations = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.selectAllSpeciesObservationQuery, hspenMinMaxLat), dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Queried");
if (SpeciesObservations == null)
SpeciesObservations = new ArrayList<Object>();
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm-> Obtained Observations " + SpeciesObservations.size());
int lenObservations = SpeciesObservations.size();
for (int i = 0; i < lenObservations; i++) {
Object[] maxminArray = (Object[]) SpeciesObservations.get(i);
String speciesid = (String) maxminArray[0];
List<Object> maxminInfo = new ArrayList<Object>();
operations.allSpeciesObservations.put((String) speciesid, maxminInfo);
// take all species records
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm ->Taking species records");
operations.speciesVectors = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(SpeciesQuery, dbHibConnection);
// take all csquares records
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm ->Taking csquares");
if (operations.environmentVectors == null)
operations.environmentVectors = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(CellsQuery, dbHibConnection);
int maxSpecies = operations.speciesVectors.size();
int maxCells = operations.environmentVectors.size();
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm ->Processing " + maxCells + " cells VS " + maxSpecies + " species");
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm ->Focus On Table: " + currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable"));
for (int j = 0; j < maxSpecies; j++) {
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: calculating elements from " + cellOrdinal + " to " + maxCells + " for species " + j);
Object speciesV = operations.speciesVectors.get(j);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + cellOrdinal + " calculating probabilities");
singleStepPreprocess(speciesV, duplicate);
for (int i = 0; i < maxCells; i++) {
Object area = operations.environmentVectors.get(i);
operations.calcProb(speciesV, area);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + cellOrdinal + " probabilities calculated!");
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + cellOrdinal + " writing on DB");
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + cellOrdinal + " write on DB OK");
try {
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(logfile));
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("ERROR " + e);
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + cellOrdinal + " Database Closed!");
System.out.println("Aquamaps Suitable: " + cellOrdinal + " Node Ended in " + ((float) (System.currentTimeMillis() - t00) / 1000f) + " s");
return 0;
// Auxiliary Functions
// to overwrite in case of native generation in order to filer on the probabilities types
public List<StatisticalType> getInputParameters() {
List<StatisticalType> parameters = new AquamapsSuitable().getInputParameters();
return parameters;
public Queue<String> filterProbabilitySet(Queue<String> probabiltyRows) {
return probabiltyRows;
public float getInternalStatus() {
return 100;
public ALG_PROPS[] getProperties() {
return p;
public String getName() {
public String getDescription() {
return "Algorithm by Aquamaps on a single node";
public void postProcess(boolean manageDuplicates, boolean manageFault) {
if (databasecheckScheduler != null)
if (manageFault) {
try {
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate("drop table " + currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable"), dbHibConnection);
} catch (Exception e) {
public void postProcess4(boolean manageDuplicates) {
if (databasecheckScheduler != null)
if (manageDuplicates) {
try {
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Deleting duplicates ... this can require very much time");
String distributionTable = currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable");
String countQuery = String.format("select count(*) from %1$s ", distributionTable);
System.out.println("Taking number of elements ... ");
long t00 = System.currentTimeMillis();
* List<Object> explain = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.countAll, currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable")), dbHibConnection); String explained = "" + explain.get(0); explained = explained.substring(explained.lastIndexOf("rows=")); explained = explained.substring(explained.indexOf('=') + 1, explained.indexOf(' ')); int nElements = (int )(Integer.parseInt(explained)*1.5);
int nElements = Integer.parseInt("" + (DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(countQuery, dbHibConnection)).get(0));
System.out.println("Calculated " + nElements + " elements in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t00));
int maxRounds = 100;
int[] chunkSizes = Operations.takeChunks(nElements, maxRounds);
// String selectChunk = "select speciesid,csquarecode, '' || ctid as ctidstring from %1$s limit %2$s offset %3$s";
String selectChunk = "select speciesid,csquarecode, CAST( ctid AS text ) from %1$s limit %2$s offset %3$s";
int offset = 0;
HashMap<String, String> mapSpecies = new HashMap<String, String>();
List<String> duplicates = new ArrayList<String>();
t00 = System.currentTimeMillis();
for (int i = 0; i < maxRounds; i++) {
// for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
String query = String.format(selectChunk, distributionTable, "" + chunkSizes[i], "" + offset);
offset += chunkSizes[i];
System.out.println("Selecting " + chunkSizes[i] + " from " + offset + " : " + query);
long t01 = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<Object> objs = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(query, dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("Selected in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t01));
for (Object rowO : objs) {
Object[] row = (Object[]) rowO;
String species = "" + row[0];
String csquareCode = "" + row[1];
String ctid = "" + row[2];
String key = species + ":" + csquareCode;
if (mapSpecies.containsKey(key)) {
} else
mapSpecies.put(key, ctid);
System.out.println("Status " + ((float) i / (float) maxRounds) * 100f);
System.out.println("Finished map calculation in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t00));
t00 = System.currentTimeMillis();
StringBuffer toDelete = new StringBuffer();
toDelete.append("delete * from %1$s where ctid in (");
int size = duplicates.size();
if (size > 0) {
System.out.println("Building Deleting Statement ...");
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (j != size - 1) {
System.out.println("Finished Building Deleting Statement in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t00));
System.out.println("Deleting ...");
t00 = System.currentTimeMillis();
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(toDelete.toString(), dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("... Deleted in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t00));
} else
System.out.println("No Duplications to delete");
System.out.println("Deleted All duplicates in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("An Error Occurred");
public void postProcess1(boolean manageDuplicates) {
if (databasecheckScheduler != null)
if (manageDuplicates) {
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Deleting duplicates ... this can require very much time");
String distributionTable = currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable");
// String deletecommand = String.format("delete from %1$s where exists ( select * from %1$s i where i.speciesid = %1$s.speciesid and i.csquarecode = %1$s.csquarecode and i.ctid < %1$s.ctid)", currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable"));
String deletecommand = String.format("select * into testtable from %1$s where exists (select * from %1$s i where i.speciesid = %1$s.speciesid and i.csquarecode = %1$s.csquarecode and i.ctid < %1$s.ctid)", currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable"));
// DELETE FROM %1$s WHERE ctid NOT IN(SELECT MAX(s.ctid) FROM %1$s s GROUP BY (s.speciesid,s.csquarecode))",
* String countQuery = String.format("select count(*) from %1$s ",distributionTable); int nElements = Integer.parseInt(""+(DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(countQuery, dbHibConnection)).get(0)); int maxRounds = 100;
* int[] chunkSizes = Operations.takeChunks(nElements, 100); String selectChunk = "select speciesid,csquarecode,ctid from %1$s limit %2$s offset %3$s"; int offset = 0; HashMap<String,String> mapSpecies = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> duplicates = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i=0;i<maxRounds;i++) { String query = String.format(selectChunk, distributionTable,""+chunkSizes[i],""+offset); offset += chunkSizes[i]; List<Object> objs = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(query, dbHibConnection); for (Object rowO:objs) { Object[] row = (Object[]) rowO; String species = ""+row[0]; String csquareCode = ""+row[1]; String ctid = ""+row[3]; String key = species+":"+csquareCode; if (mapSpecies.containsKey(key)){ duplicates.add(ctid); } else mapSpecies.put(key, ctid); } }
* StringBuffer toDelete = new StringBuffer(); toDelete.append("delete * from %1$s where ctid in ("); int size = duplicates.size(); for (int j=0;j<size;j++){ toDelete.append(duplicates.get(j)); if (j!=size-1){ toDelete.append(","); } }
* toDelete.append(")");
try {
// DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(deletecommand, dbHibConnection);
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(deletecommand, dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("Deleted duplicates in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("An Error Occurred");
public void postProcess2(boolean manageDuplicates) {
if (databasecheckScheduler != null)
if (manageDuplicates) {
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Deleting duplicates ... this can require very much time");
String deletecommand = String.format("select * from %1$s where exists (select * from %1$s i where i.speciesid = %1$s.speciesid and i.csquarecode = %1$s.csquarecode and i.ctid < %1$s.ctid)", currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable"));
try {
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(deletecommand, dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("Deleted duplicates in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("An Error Occurred");
public static void main2(String[] args) throws Exception {
String configPath = "./cfg/";
String csquareTable = "hcaf_d";
String preprocessedTable = "maxminlat_hspen";
String envelopeTable = "hspen";
int numberOfResources = 1;
String userName = "gianpaolo.coro";
String generatorName = "AQUAMAPS_SUITABLE";
String scope = "/gcube";
String finalDistributionTable = "hspec_suitable_executor_all1";
// String finalDistributionTable = "hspec2012_04_11_18_41_01_575";
AlgorithmConfiguration config = GeneratorT.getGenerationConfig(numberOfResources, generatorName, envelopeTable, preprocessedTable, "", userName, csquareTable, finalDistributionTable, configPath);
config.setParam("ServiceUserName", "gianpaolo.coro");
config.setParam("CreateTable", "false");
config.setParam("DatabaseUserName", "utente");
config.setParam("DatabasePassword", "d4science");
config.setParam("DatabaseURL", "jdbc:postgresql://");
config.setParam("DatabaseDriver", "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect");
AquamapsSuitableNode1v node = new AquamapsSuitableNode1v();
// pre process: add default min and max information
public void singleStepPreprocess(Object species, boolean duplicate) throws Exception {
List<Object> speciesObservations = operations.allSpeciesObservations.get(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.getMainInfoID(species));
if (((speciesObservations == null) || speciesObservations.size() == 0)) {
Object[] defaultmaxmin = { "90", "-90" };
speciesObservations = new ArrayList<Object>();
String speciesID = AquamapsSuitableFunctions.getMainInfoID(species);
// if this is a duplicate message, cancel all associate information to this species
if (duplicate) {
System.out.println("Deleting Duplicates for species " + speciesID);
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.deleteDuplicates, currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable"), speciesID), dbHibConnection);
System.out.println("Duplicates deleted in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0));
operations.getBoundingBoxInformation((Object[]) species, (Object[]) speciesObservations.get(0));
// writes the distribution model on the DB: input species vector + list of areas vectors to report
public void singleStepPostprocess(Object species) {
// write info on DB
List<String> toWrite = new ArrayList<String>();
String speciesID = AquamapsSuitableFunctions.getMainInfoID(species);
Map<String, Float> csquaresMap = operations.completeDistribution.get(speciesID);
if (csquaresMap != null) {
// write only processed areas
for (String singleCsquare : csquaresMap.keySet()) {
String additionalInformation = operations.getAdditionalInformation(species, operations.processedAreas.get(singleCsquare));
if (additionalInformation == null)
additionalInformation = "";
else if (additionalInformation.length() > 0)
additionalInformation = "," + additionalInformation.trim();
float prob = 0f;
try {
prob = csquaresMap.get(singleCsquare);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Aquamaps Algorithm Single Step PostProcess ->Error in getting probability value at " + speciesID + " , " + singleCsquare);
if (prob > 0)
toWrite.add("'" + speciesID + "','" + singleCsquare + "','" + MathFunctions.roundDecimal(prob, 2) + "'" + additionalInformation);
AquamapsSuitableFunctions.writeOnDB(toWrite, currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable"), dbHibConnection);
public StatisticalType getOutput() {
List<TableTemplates> templateHspec = new ArrayList<TableTemplates>();
OutputTable p = new OutputTable(templateHspec,destinationTableLabel,destinationTable,"Output hspec table");
return p;
public int getNumberOfSpecies() {
return operations.numberOfSpecies;
public int getNumberOfGeoInfo() {
return operations.numberOfCells;
private int lastProcessed;
Timer databasecheckScheduler;
private static int refreshTime = 10000;
public int getNumberOfProcessedSpecies() {
return lastProcessed;
private class DatabaseController extends TimerTask {
public void run() {
try {
List<Object> explain = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.countAll, currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable")), dbHibConnection);
String explained = "" + explain.get(0);
explained = explained.substring(explained.lastIndexOf("rows="));
explained = explained.substring(explained.indexOf('=') + 1, explained.indexOf(' '));
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("ESTIMATED ROWS: " + explained);
lastProcessed = Integer.parseInt(explained);
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
* List<Object> all = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(String.format(AquamapsSuitableFunctions.countAll, currentconfig.getParam("DistributionTable")), dbHibConnection); int numberOfElements = Integer.parseInt("" + all.get(0)); lastProcessed = numberOfElements;
} catch (Exception e2) {
public void stop() {
}catch(Exception e){}