package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.UUID; import javax.jms.ExceptionListener; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageListener; import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection; import org.gcube.common.clients.ProxyBuilderImpl; import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.ServiceEndpoint; import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.ServiceEndpoint.AccessPoint; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.blobstorage.resource.StorageObject; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.blobstorage.service.IClient; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper.AccessType; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper.MemoryType; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper.StorageClient; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils.Operations; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.messagequeue.ATTRIBUTE; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.messagequeue.Consumer; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.messagequeue.Producer; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.messagequeue.QCONSTANTS; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.messagequeue.QueueManager; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.scripts.ScriptIOWorker; import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.api.DiscoveryClient; import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.queries.api.SimpleQuery; import org.gcube.vremanagement.executor.api.SmartExecutor; import org.gcube.vremanagement.executor.api.types.LaunchParameter; import org.gcube.vremanagement.executor.client.plugins.ExecutorPlugin; import org.gcube.vremanagement.executor.client.plugins.query.SmartExecutorPluginQuery; import org.gcube.vremanagement.executor.client.plugins.query.filter.ListEndpointDiscoveryFilter; import org.gcube.vremanagement.executor.client.plugins.query.filter.SpecificEndpointDiscoveryFilter; import org.gcube.vremanagement.executor.client.proxies.SmartExecutorProxy; import static org.gcube.resources.discovery.icclient.ICFactory.*; public class QueueJobManager { // broadcast message period public static int broadcastTimePeriod = 120000; // max silence before computation stops public static int maxSilenceTimeBeforeComputationStop = 10800000; // max number of retries per computation step public static int maxNumberOfComputationRetries = 1; // period for controlling a node activity public static int computationWatcherTimerPeriod = 120000; // max number of message to put in a queue // protected static int maxNumberOfMessages = 20; public static int maxNumberOfStages = Integer.MAX_VALUE;//10; // timeout for resending a message public static int queueWatcherMaxwaitingTime = QCONSTANTS.refreshStatusTime;// * 5; protected int maxFailureTries; private static String pluginName = "SmartGenericWorker";//"GenericWorker"; protected String scope; protected String session; protected boolean yetstopped; protected boolean messagesresent; protected float status; protected boolean abort; protected boolean shutdown; protected List eprs; protected int activeNodes; protected int computingNodes; protected int numberOfMessages; protected int totalNumberOfMessages; protected int actualNumberOfNodes; protected int totalNumberOfStages; public int currentNumberOfStages; // files management protected List filenames; protected List fileurls; // queue parameters protected String queueName; protected String queueResponse; protected String queueURL; protected String queueUSER; protected String queuePWD; protected org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.messagequeue.Consumer consumer; protected Producer producer; Timer broadcastTimer; Timer computationWatcherTimer; ComputationTimerWatcher computationWatcher; String serviceClass; String serviceName; String owner; String localDir; String remoteDir; String outputDir; String script; List arguments; String configuration; boolean deletefiles; StatusListener statuslistener; private void resetAllVars() { scope = null; yetstopped = false; messagesresent = false; status = 0; abort = false; shutdown = false; eprs = null; activeNodes = 0; computingNodes = 0; numberOfMessages = 0; actualNumberOfNodes = 0; filenames = null; fileurls = null; queueName = null; queueResponse = null; queueURL = null; queueUSER = null; queuePWD = null; consumer = null; producer = null; broadcastTimer = null; computationWatcherTimer = null; computationWatcher = null; serviceClass = null; serviceName = null; owner = null; localDir = null; remoteDir = null; outputDir = null; script = null; arguments = null; configuration = null; deletefiles = false; statuslistener = null; } public int getActiveNodes() { return computingNodes; } public float getStatus() { float innerStatus = 0; if (totalNumberOfMessages != 0) innerStatus = (1f - ((float) numberOfMessages / (float) totalNumberOfMessages)); if (totalNumberOfStages == 0) return innerStatus; else { float offset = ((float) Math.max(currentNumberOfStages - 1, 0)) / (float) totalNumberOfStages; float status = offset + (innerStatus / (float) totalNumberOfStages); // AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("stages: "+totalNumberOfStages+" inner status: "+innerStatus+" currentStage: "+currentNumberOfStages+" status: "+status); return status; } } // there is only one node from the client point of view public int getNumberOfNodes() { if (eprs.size() > 0) return 1; else return 0; } public void setNumberOfNodes(int newNumberOfNodes) { // ignore this setting in this case } private void init(String scope, int numberOfNodes) throws Exception { resetAllVars(); // init scope variables this.scope = scope; // introduce a session // initialize flags shutdown = false; yetstopped = false; messagesresent = false; abort = false; // find all the nodes - initialize the eprs findNodes(scope); } public QueueJobManager(String scope, int numberOfNodes, String session) throws Exception { init(scope, numberOfNodes); this.session = session; } public QueueJobManager(String scope, int numberOfNodes, List eprs, String session) throws Exception { init(scope, numberOfNodes); this.eprs = eprs; this.session = session; } private void setGlobalVars(String serviceClass, String serviceName, String owner, String localDir, String remoteDir, String outputDir, String script, List arguments, String configuration, boolean deletefiles) { this.serviceClass = serviceClass; this.serviceName = serviceName; this.owner = owner; this.localDir = localDir; this.remoteDir = remoteDir; this.outputDir = outputDir; this.script = script; this.arguments = arguments; this.configuration = configuration; this.deletefiles = deletefiles; } private int totalmessages = 0; public boolean uploadAndExecuteChunkized(String serviceClass, String serviceName, String owner, String localDir, String remoteDir, String outputDir, String script, List arguments, String configuration, boolean deletefiles, boolean forceUpload) throws Exception { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); int elements = arguments.size(); /*generic-worker * int div = elements / (maxNumberOfMessages); int rest = elements % (maxNumberOfMessages); if (rest > 0) div++; if (div == 0) { div = 1; } */ if (session == null || session.length()==0) session = (("" + UUID.randomUUID()).replace("-", "") + Math.random()).replace(".", ""); int[] chunkSizes = null; //up to 1120 species we don't make stages if (elements>maxNumberOfStages) chunkSizes = Operations.takeChunks(elements, maxNumberOfStages); else { chunkSizes = new int[1]; chunkSizes[0]=elements; } int allchunks = chunkSizes.length; totalNumberOfStages = allchunks; currentNumberOfStages = 0; int start = 0; totalmessages = 0; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Starting the computation in "+allchunks+" stages"); for (int i = 0; i < allchunks; i++) { numberOfMessages = totalNumberOfMessages = 0; currentNumberOfStages++; int end = Math.min(elements, start + chunkSizes[i]); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Computing the chunk number " + (i + 1) + " of " + allchunks + " between " + start + " and " + (end - 1)); List sublist = new ArrayList(); for (int j = start; j < end; j++) sublist.add(arguments.get(j)); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("size sub:" + sublist.size()); // totalmessages=totalmessages+sublist.size(); uploadAndExecute(serviceClass, serviceName, owner, localDir, remoteDir, outputDir, script, sublist, configuration, deletefiles, forceUpload); if (abort) break; start = end; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Processed chunk number " + (i + 1)); } currentNumberOfStages = totalNumberOfStages; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Finished computation on all chunks and messages " + totalmessages); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Whole Procedure done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " ms"); return (!abort); } private boolean uploadAndExecute(String serviceClass, String serviceName, String owner, String localDir, String remoteDir, String outputDir, String script, List arguments, String configuration, boolean deletefiles, boolean forceUpload) throws Exception { int numberOfRetries = maxNumberOfComputationRetries; boolean recompute = true; while ((numberOfRetries > 0) && (recompute)) { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); // if (numberOfRetries inputs = generateInputMessage(filenames, fileurls, outputDir, script, arguments.get(k), k, scope, serviceClass, serviceName, owner, remoteDir, session, configuration, deletefiles); producer.sendMessage(inputs, 0); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Sent Message " + k); } } waitForMessages(); if (numberOfMessages>0){ abort = true; } } */ // deleteRemoteFolder(); // summary AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("-SUMMARY-"); for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfMessages; i++) { if (activeMessages[i]) AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Error : the Message Number " + i + " Was Never Processed!"); if (resentMessages[i] > 0) { messagesresent = true; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Warning : the Message Number " + i + " Was resent " + resentMessages[i] + " Times"); } } AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("-SUMMARY END-"); stop(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Stopped"); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Single Step Procedure done in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " ms"); activeNodes = 0; numberOfRetries--; if (abort) { recompute = true; if (numberOfRetries > 0) Thread.sleep(10000); } else recompute = false; } return (!abort); } public boolean hasResentMessages() { return messagesresent; } public void waitForMessages() throws Exception { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Waiting..."); while ((numberOfMessages > 0) && (!abort)) { Thread.sleep(2000); // long tcurrent = System.currentTimeMillis(); // if ((tcurrent - waitTime) > maxwaitingTime) { // break; // } } AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("...Stop - Abort?" + abort); } public boolean wasAborted() { return abort; } public void purgeQueues() throws Exception { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Purging Queue"); List tasksProxies = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < actualNumberOfNodes; j++) { try { contactNodes(tasksProxies, j, queueName, queueUSER, queuePWD, queueURL, queueResponse, session, "true"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Error in purgin queue on node " + j); } } AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Queue Purged"); } public void stop() { try { if (!yetstopped) { if (broadcastTimer != null) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Stopping Broadcaster"); broadcastTimer.cancel(); broadcastTimer.purge(); } if (computationWatcherTimer != null) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Stopping Watcher"); computationWatcherTimer.cancel(); computationWatcherTimer.purge(); } AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Purging Status Listener"); if (statuslistener != null) statuslistener.destroyAllWatchers(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Stopping Producer and Consumer"); try{ producer.stop(); producer.closeSession(); }catch(Exception e1){} try{ consumer.stop(); consumer.closeSession(); }catch(Exception e2){} AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Purging Remote Queues"); purgeQueues(); yetstopped = true; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Not completely stopped"); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void contactNodes(List tasksProxies, int order, String queueName, String queueUSER, String queuePWD, String queueURL, String queueResponse, String session, String purgeQueue) throws Exception { // generate the input map according to the arguments Map inputs = generateWorkerInput(queueName, queueUSER, queuePWD, queueURL, queueResponse, session, purgeQueue); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Inputs " + inputs); // take the i-th endpoint of the executor String selectedEPR = eprs.get(order); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Broadcasting to node " + (order + 1) + " on " + selectedEPR); /*OLD EXECUTOR CALL // run the executor script ExecutorCall call = new ExecutorCall(pluginName, gscope); call.setEndpointReference(selectedEPR); TaskCall task = null; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("EPR:" + selectedEPR); task = call.launch(inputs); // AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Task EPR:" + task.getEndpointReference()); TaskProxy proxy = task.getProxy(); tasksProxies.add(new WorkerWatcher(proxy, AnalysisLogger.getLogger())); // AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Contacting node " + (order + 1) + " OK on " + selectedEPR); */ // ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); ExecutorPlugin runExecutorPlugin = new ExecutorPlugin(); SmartExecutorPluginQuery runQuery = new SmartExecutorPluginQuery(runExecutorPlugin); /* TODO Add key_value filter here * Tuple[] tuples = new Tuple[n]; * * runQuery.addConditions(pluginName, tuples); */ runQuery.addConditions(pluginName); SpecificEndpointDiscoveryFilter sedf = new SpecificEndpointDiscoveryFilter(selectedEPR); runQuery.setEndpointDiscoveryFilter(sedf); SmartExecutorProxy proxy = new ProxyBuilderImpl(runExecutorPlugin, runQuery).build(); //AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Launching Smart Executor in namely Scope: "+scope+" real scope "+ScopeProvider.instance.get()); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Launching Smart Executor in namely Scope: "+scope); LaunchParameter launchParameter = new LaunchParameter(pluginName, inputs); String excecutionIdentifier = proxy.launch(launchParameter); tasksProxies.add(new WorkerWatcher(proxy, excecutionIdentifier, AnalysisLogger.getLogger())); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Contacting node " + (order + 1) + " OK on " + selectedEPR); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List getFilteredEndpoints(String scopeString){ ScopeProvider.instance.set(scopeString); ExecutorPlugin executorPlugin = new ExecutorPlugin(); SmartExecutorPluginQuery query = new SmartExecutorPluginQuery(executorPlugin); /* add key_value filter here * Tuple[] tuples = new Tuple[n]; * * runQuery.addConditions(pluginName, tuples); */ query.addConditions(pluginName); /* Used to add extra filter to ServiceEndpoint discovery */ query.setServiceEndpointQueryFilter(null); List nodes = query.discoverEndpoints(new ListEndpointDiscoveryFilter()); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Found the following nodes: "+nodes+" in scope "+scopeString); return nodes; } private int findNodes(String scopeString) throws Exception { eprs = getFilteredEndpoints(scopeString); actualNumberOfNodes = eprs.size(); return actualNumberOfNodes; } /* private int findNodes(String scopeString) throws Exception { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("SCOPE:"+scopeString); GCUBEScope scope = GCUBEScope.getScope(scopeString); ISClient client = GHNContext.getImplementation(ISClient.class); WSResourceQuery wsquery = client.getQuery(WSResourceQuery.class); wsquery.addAtomicConditions(new AtomicCondition("//gc:ServiceName", "Executor")); wsquery.addAtomicConditions(new AtomicCondition("/child::*[local-name()='Task']/name[text()='" + pluginName + "']", pluginName)); List listdoc = client.execute(wsquery, scope); EndpointReferenceType epr = null; eprs = new ArrayList(); int numberOfEP = 0; for (RPDocument resource : listdoc) { epr = resource.getEndpoint(); numberOfEP++; eprs.add(epr); } AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Found " + numberOfEP + " endpoints"); // get current number of available nodes actualNumberOfNodes = eprs.size(); return numberOfEP; } */ public String getQueueURL(String scope) throws Exception{ //set the scope provider first! //Service //MessageBroker ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); SimpleQuery query = queryFor(ServiceEndpoint.class); query.addCondition("$resource/Profile/Category/text() eq 'Service' and $resource/Profile/Name eq 'MessageBroker' "); DiscoveryClient client = clientFor(ServiceEndpoint.class); List resources = client.submit(query); if (resources==null || resources.size()==0){ throw new Exception("No Message-Queue available in scope "+scope); } else{ AccessPoint ap = resources.get(0).profile().accessPoints().iterator().next(); String queue = ap.address(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Found AMQ Url : "+queue); return queue; } } private void setQueueVariables() throws Exception { queueName = "D4ScienceJob"; // + session; queueResponse = queueName + "Response"+session; //general scope // TODO Check THIS // queueURL = gscope.getServiceMap().getEndpoints(GHNContext.MSGBROKER).iterator().next().getAddress().toString(); queueURL = getQueueURL(scope); //tests on ecosystem //TODO: delete this! // queueURL = "tcp://"; // queueURL = "tcp://"; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Queue for the scope: " + queueURL); if (queueURL==null){ if (scope.startsWith("/gcube")) queueURL = "tcp://"; else queueURL = "tcp://"; } queueUSER = ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_USER; queuePWD = ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_PASSWORD; } public void deleteRemoteFolder() throws Exception { ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); IClient client = new StorageClient(serviceClass, serviceName, owner, AccessType.SHARED,MemoryType.VOLATILE).getClient(); // IClient client = new StorageClient(serviceClass, serviceName, owner, AccessType.SHARED, gscope).getClient(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Removing Remote Dir " + remoteDir); client.removeDir().RDir(remoteDir); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Removed"); } private void uploadFilesOnStorage(boolean forceupload) throws Exception { ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); IClient client = new StorageClient(serviceClass, serviceName, owner, AccessType.SHARED, MemoryType.VOLATILE).getClient(); // IClient client = new StorageClient(serviceClass, serviceName, owner, AccessType.SHARED, gscope).getClient(); File dir = new File(localDir); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Start uploading"); filenames = new ArrayList(); fileurls = new ArrayList(); boolean uploadFiles = forceupload; // if we do not force upload then check if the folder is yet there if (!uploadFiles) { List remoteObjects = client.showDir().RDir(remoteDir); // only upload files if they are not yet uploaded if (remoteObjects.size() == 0) uploadFiles = true; } if (!uploadFiles) AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Unnecessary to Uploading Files"); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Loading files"); //patch for concurrent uploads String tempdir = ""+UUID.randomUUID()+"/"; for (File sfile : files) { if (sfile.getName().startsWith(".")) continue; String localf = sfile.getAbsolutePath(); String filename = sfile.getName(); String remotef = remoteDir + tempdir+sfile.getName(); if (uploadFiles) { client.put(true).LFile(localf).RFile(remotef); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Uploading File "+localf+" as remote file "+remotef); } String url = client.getUrl().RFile(remotef); // AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("URL obtained: " + url); filenames.add(filename); fileurls.add(url); } AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Loading finished"); } private void broadcastListenCommandToExecutorNodes() throws Exception { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Submitting script to Remote Queue " + queueName); List tasksProxies = new ArrayList(); try{ findNodes(scope); }catch(Exception e){ AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Error in Finding nodes - using previous value"); } activeNodes = actualNumberOfNodes; // launch the tasks for (int i = 0; i < actualNumberOfNodes; i++) { try { contactNodes(tasksProxies, i, queueName, queueUSER, queuePWD, queueURL, queueResponse, session, "false"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Error in Contacting nodes"); } } } private void createClientProducer() throws Exception { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Creating Message Queue and Producer"); // create the Producer QueueManager qm = new QueueManager(); qm.createAndConnect(queueUSER, queuePWD, queueURL, queueName); producer = new Producer(qm, queueName); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Producer OK"); } private void createClientConsumer() throws Exception { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Creating Response Message Queue and Consumer"); // create the listener statuslistener = new StatusListener(); QueueManager qm1 = new QueueManager(); qm1.createAndConnect(queueUSER, queuePWD, queueURL, queueResponse); consumer = new Consumer(qm1, statuslistener, statuslistener, queueResponse); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Consumers OK"); } boolean activeMessages[]; public int resentMessages[]; private void sendMessages() throws Exception { int i = 0; numberOfMessages = arguments.size(); totalNumberOfMessages = numberOfMessages; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Messages To Send " + numberOfMessages); activeMessages = new boolean[numberOfMessages]; resentMessages = new int[numberOfMessages]; for (String argum : arguments) { Map inputs = generateInputMessage(filenames, fileurls, outputDir, script, argum, i, scope, serviceClass, serviceName, owner, remoteDir, session, configuration, deletefiles, false); producer.sendMessage(inputs, 0); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Send " + i); activeMessages[i] = true; i++; } AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Messages Sent " + numberOfMessages); } private Map generateInputMessage(Object filenames, Object fileurls, String outputDir, String script, String argum, int i, String scope, String serviceClass, String serviceName, String owner, String remoteDir, String session, String configuration, boolean deletefiles, boolean duplicateMessage) { Map inputs = new HashMap(); inputs.put(, filenames); inputs.put(, fileurls); inputs.put(, outputDir); inputs.put(, script); inputs.put(, argum + " " + duplicateMessage); inputs.put(, "" + i); inputs.put(, scope); inputs.put(, serviceClass); inputs.put(, serviceName); inputs.put(, owner); inputs.put(, remoteDir); inputs.put(, "" + deletefiles); inputs.put(, session); inputs.put(, configuration); inputs.put(, queueResponse); inputs.put(, queueUSER); inputs.put(, queuePWD); inputs.put(, queueURL); return inputs; } private Map generateWorkerInput(String queueName, String queueUser, String queuePassword, String queueURL, String queueResponse, String session, String purge) { Map inputs = new HashMap(); inputs.put(, ScriptIOWorker.toInputString(queueName)); inputs.put(, ScriptIOWorker.toInputString(queueUser)); inputs.put(, ScriptIOWorker.toInputString(queuePassword)); inputs.put(, ScriptIOWorker.toInputString(queueURL)); inputs.put(, ScriptIOWorker.toInputString(queueResponse)); inputs.put(, session); inputs.put(, purge); return inputs; } public class Broadcaster extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { try { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("(((((((((((((((((((((((((((------Broadcasting Information To Watchers------)))))))))))))))))))))))))))"); broadcastListenCommandToExecutorNodes(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("(((((((((((((((((((((((((((------END Broadcasting Information To Watchers------)))))))))))))))))))))))))))"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("--------------------------------Broadcaster: Error Sending Listen Message to Executors------)))))))))))))))))))))))))))"); } } } public class ComputationTimerWatcher extends TimerTask { long maxTime; long lastTimeClock; public ComputationTimerWatcher(long maxtime) { this.maxTime = maxtime; this.lastTimeClock = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void reset() { lastTimeClock = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void setmaxTime(long maxTime) { this.maxTime = maxTime; } @Override public void run() { try { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Computation Watcher Timing Is " + (t0 - lastTimeClock)+" max computation time is "+maxTime); if ((t0 - lastTimeClock) > maxTime) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Computation Watcher - Computation Timeout: Closing Queue Job Manager!!!"); abort(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Error Taking clock"); } } } public synchronized void abort() { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Computation Aborted"); this.abort = true; } public class StatusListener implements MessageListener, ExceptionListener { private QueueWorkerWatcher[] watchers; synchronized public void onException(JMSException ex) { abort(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("JMS Exception occured. Shutting down client."); } private synchronized void addWatcher(int order) { if (watchers == null) watchers = new QueueWorkerWatcher[totalNumberOfMessages]; QueueWorkerWatcher watcher = watchers[order]; if (watcher != null) { destroyWatcher(order); } Map message = generateInputMessage(filenames, fileurls, outputDir, script, arguments.get(order), order, scope, serviceClass, serviceName, owner, remoteDir, session, configuration, deletefiles, true); watchers[order] = new QueueWorkerWatcher(producer, message, order); } private synchronized void resetWatcher(int order) { if (watchers == null) watchers = new QueueWorkerWatcher[totalNumberOfMessages]; else if (watchers[order] != null) watchers[order].resetTime(); } private synchronized void destroyWatcher(int order) { if (watchers != null && watchers[order] != null) { if (watchers[order].hasResent()) resentMessages[order] = resentMessages[order] + 1; watchers[order].destroy(); watchers[order] = null; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Destroyed Watcher number " + order); } } public synchronized void destroyAllWatchers() { if (watchers != null) { for (int i = 0; i < watchers.length; i++) { destroyWatcher(i); } } } public void onMessage(Message message) { // get message try { HashMap details = (HashMap) (HashMap) message.getObjectProperty(; String status = (String) details.get(; String order = "" + details.get(; String nodeaddress = (String) details.get(; String msession = (String) details.get(; Object error = details.get(; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Current session " + session); if ((msession != null) && (msession.equals(session))) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Session " + session + " is right - acknowledge"); message.acknowledge(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Session " + session + " acknowledged"); int orderInt = -1; try { orderInt = Integer.parseInt(order); } catch (Exception e3) { e3.printStackTrace(); } if (orderInt > -1) { // reset the watcher if (computationWatcher!=null) computationWatcher.reset(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Task number " + order + " is " + status + " on node " + nodeaddress + " and session " + session); if (status.equals( { computingNodes++; addWatcher(orderInt); } if (status.equals( { resetWatcher(orderInt); } else if (status.equals( { totalmessages++; computingNodes--; destroyWatcher(orderInt); if (numberOfMessages > 0) numberOfMessages--; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Remaining " + numberOfMessages + " messages to manage"); activeMessages[orderInt] = false; } else if (status.equals( { if (error!=null) AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("REPORTED FATAL_ERROR on " +nodeaddress+" : "); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info(error); computingNodes--; if (maxFailureTries <= 0) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Too much Failures - Aborting"); destroyAllWatchers(); abort(); } else { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Failure Occurred - Now Resending Message " + orderInt); resentMessages[orderInt] = resentMessages[orderInt] + 1; maxFailureTries--; // resend message Map retrymessage = generateInputMessage(filenames, fileurls, outputDir, script, arguments.get(orderInt), orderInt, scope, serviceClass, serviceName, owner, remoteDir, session, configuration, deletefiles, true); producer.sendMessage(retrymessage, QCONSTANTS.timeToLive); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Failure Occurred - Resent Message " + orderInt); } } } else AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Ignoring message " + order + " with status " + status); } else { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("wrong session " + msession + " ignoring message"); // consumer.manager.session.recover(); } } catch (Exception e) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Error reading details ", e); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("...Aborting Job..."); abort(); } } } }