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#### R and JAGS code for estimating LWR-parameters from previous studies
#### Meant for updating the ESTIMATE table in FishBase
#### Created by Rainer Froese in March 2013, including JAGS models by James Thorston
#### Modified in June 2013 to include subfamilies
rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # remove previous variables and data
options(digits=3) # 3 significant digits as default
library(R2jags) # Interface with JAGS
runif(1) # sets random seed
#### Read in data
DataFile = "RF_LWR2.csv" # RF_LWR4 was extracted from FishBase in June 2013
Data = read.csv(DataFile, header=TRUE)
cat("Start", date(), "\n")
cat("Data file =", DataFile, "\n")
# Get unique, sorted list of Families
Fam.All <- sort(unique(as.character(Data$Family)))
Families <- Fam.All[Fam.All== "Acanthuridae" | Fam.All == "Achiridae"]
OutFile = "LWR_Test1.csv"
JAGSFILE = "dmnorm_0.bug"
# Get unique, sorted list of body shapes
Bshape <- sort(unique(as.character(Data$BodyShapeI)))
# Functions
# Function to get the priors for the respective body shape
#--------------------------------------------------------- <- function(BS) {
### Assignment of priors based on available body shape information
# priors derived from 5150 LWR studies in FishBase 02/2013
if (BS == "eel-like") { # eel-like prior for log(a) and b
prior_mean_log10a = -2.99
prior_sd_log10a = 0.175
prior_tau_log10a = 1/prior_sd_log10a^2
prior_mean_b = 3.06
prior_sd_b = 0.0896
prior_tau_b = 1/prior_sd_b^2
} else
if (BS == "elongated") { # elongate prior for log(a) and b
prior_mean_log10a = -2.41
prior_sd_log10a = 0.171
prior_tau_log10a = 1/prior_sd_log10a^2
prior_mean_b = 3.12
prior_sd_b = 0.09
prior_tau_b = 1/prior_sd_b^2
} else
if (BS == "fusiform / normal") { # fusiform / normal prior for log(a) and b
prior_mean_log10a = -1.95
prior_sd_log10a = 0.173
prior_tau_log10a = 1/prior_sd_log10a^2
prior_mean_b = 3.04
prior_sd_b = 0.0857
prior_tau_b = 1/prior_sd_b^2
} else
if (BS == "short and / or deep") { # short and / or deep prior for log(a) and b
prior_mean_log10a = -1.7
prior_sd_log10a = 0.175
prior_tau_log10a = 1/prior_sd_log10a^2
prior_mean_b = 3.01
prior_sd_b = 0.0905
prior_tau_b = 1/prior_sd_b^2
} else
# priors across all shapes, used for missing or other BS
prior_mean_log10a = -2.0
prior_sd_log10a = 0.313
prior_tau_log10a = 1/prior_sd_log10a^2
prior_mean_b = 3.04
prior_sd_b = 0.119
prior_tau_b = 1/prior_sd_b^2
# Priors for measurement error (= sigma) based on 5150 studies
# given here as shape mu and rate r, for gamma distribution
SD_rObs_log10a = 6520
SD_muObs_log10a = 25076
SD_rObs_b = 6808
SD_muObs_b = 37001
# Priors for between species variability (= sigma) based on 5150 studies for 1821 species
SD_rGS_log10a = 1372
SD_muGS_log10a = 7933
SD_rGS_b = 572
SD_muGS_b = 6498
prior.list <- list(mean_log10a=prior_mean_log10a, sd_log10a=prior_sd_log10a,
tau_log10a=prior_tau_log10a, mean_b=prior_mean_b, sd_b=prior_sd_b,
tau_b=prior_tau_b, SD_rObs_log10a=SD_rObs_log10a, SD_muObs_log10a=SD_muObs_log10a,
SD_rObs_b=SD_rObs_b, SD_muObs_b=SD_muObs_b, SD_rGS_log10a=SD_rGS_log10a,
SD_muGS_log10a=SD_muGS_log10a, SD_rGS_b=SD_rGS_b, SD_muGS_b=SD_muGS_b)
# Function to do a Bayesian analysis including LWR from relatives
SpecRelLWR <- function(a, b, wts, GenusSpecies, Nspecies, prior_mean_b, prior_tau_b,
prior_mean_log10a, prior_tau_log10a, SD_rObs_log10a, SD_muObs_log10a,
SD_rObs_b, SD_muObs_b, SD_rGS_log10a, SD_muGS_log10a,
SD_rGS_b, SD_muGS_b){
### Define JAGS model
Model = "
model {
#### Process model -- effects of taxonomy
# given the likelihood distributions and the priors,
# create normal posterior distributions for log10a, b,
# and for the process error (=between species variability sigmaGS)
abTrue[1] ~ dnorm(prior_mean_log10a,prior_tau_log10a)
abTrue[2] ~ dnorm(prior_mean_b,prior_tau_b)
sigmaGSlog10a ~ dgamma( SD_rGS_log10a, SD_muGS_log10a)
sigmaGSb ~ dgamma( SD_rGS_b, SD_muGS_b)
# given the posterior distributions and the process errors,
# establish for every species the expected witin-species
# parameter distributions; no correlation roGS between species
roGS <- 0
tauGenusSpecies[1] <- pow(sigmaGSlog10a,-2)
tauGenusSpecies[2] <- pow(sigmaGSb,-2)
for(k in 1:Nspecies){
abGenusSpecies[k,1] ~ dnorm(abTrue[1],tauGenusSpecies[1])
abGenusSpecies[k,2] ~ dnorm(abTrue[2],tauGenusSpecies[2])
### Observation model
## Errors
# given the data and the priors, establish distributions
# for the observation errors sigmaObs
sigmaObslog10a ~ dgamma( SD_rObs_log10a, SD_muObs_log10a)
sigmaObsb ~ dgamma( SD_rObs_b, SD_muObs_b)
# create inverse covariance matrix, with negative parameter correlation roObs
roObs ~ dunif(-0.99,0)
CovObs[1,1] <- pow(sigmaObslog10a,2)
CovObs[2,2] <- pow(sigmaObsb,2)
CovObs[1,2] <- roObs * sigmaObslog10a * sigmaObsb
CovObs[2,1] <- CovObs[1,2]
TauObs[1:2,1:2] <- inverse(CovObs[1:2,1:2])
## likelihood
# given the data, the priors and the covariance,
# create multivariate likelihood distributions for log10(a) and b
for(i in 1:N){
TauObsI[i,1:2,1:2] <- TauObs[1:2,1:2] * pow(Weights[i],2) # weighted precision
ab[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(abGenusSpecies[GenusSpecies[i],1:2],TauObsI[i,1:2,1:2])
# Write JAGS model
cat(Model, file=JAGSFILE)
# JAGS settings
Nchains = 3 # number of MCMC chains to be used in JAGS
Nburnin = 1e4 # number of burn-in iterations, to be discarded; 1e4 = 10000 iterations for burn-in
Niter = 3e4 # number of iterations after burn-in; 3e4 = 30000 iterations
Nthin = 1e1 # subset of iterations to be used for analysis; 1e1 = every 10th iteration
# Run JAGS: define data to be passed on in DataJags;
# determine parameters to be returned in Param2Save;
# call JAGS with function Jags()
DataJags = list(ab=cbind(log10(a),b), N=length(a), Weights=wts, Nspecies=Nspecies, GenusSpecies=GenusSpecies,
prior_mean_b=prior_mean_b, prior_tau_b=prior_tau_b,
prior_mean_log10a=prior_mean_log10a, prior_tau_log10a=prior_tau_log10a,
SD_rObs_log10a=SD_rObs_log10a, SD_muObs_log10a=SD_muObs_log10a,
SD_rObs_b=SD_rObs_b, SD_muObs_b=SD_muObs_b,
SD_rGS_log10a=SD_rGS_log10a, SD_muGS_log10a=SD_muGS_log10a,
SD_rGS_b=SD_rGS_b, SD_muGS_b=SD_muGS_b)
Params2Save = c("abTrue","abGenusSpecies","sigmaGSlog10a","sigmaGSb","sigmaObslog10a","sigmaObsb","roObs")
Jags <- jags(inits=NULL, model.file=JAGSFILE,, data=DataJags,, n.chains=Nchains, n.thin=Nthin, n.iter=Niter, n.burnin=Nburnin)
Jags$BUGSoutput # contains the results from the JAGS run
# Analyze output for the relatives
abTrue <- Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$abTrue
R_mean_log10a <- mean(abTrue[,1]) # true mean of log10(a)
R_sd_log10a <- sd(abTrue[,1]) # true SE of log10(a)
R_mean_b <- mean(abTrue[,2]) # true mean of b
R_sd_b <- sd(abTrue[,2]) # true SE of b
# Analyze output for the target species
abGenusSpecies <- Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$abGenusSpecies
mean_log10a <- mean(abGenusSpecies[,1,1]) # true mean of log10(a) for the first species= target species
sd_log10a <- sd(abGenusSpecies[,1,1]) # true SE of log10(a)
mean_b <- mean(abGenusSpecies[,1,2]) # true mean of b
sd_b <- sd(abGenusSpecies[,1,2]) # true SE of b
mean_sigma_log10a <- mean(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigmaObslog10a) # measurement error of log10(a)
sd_sigma_log10a <- apply(as.matrix(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigmaObslog10a), 2, sd)
mean_sigma_b <- mean(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigmaObsb) # measurement error of b
sd_sigma_b <- apply(as.matrix(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigmaObsb), 2, sd)
ro_ab <- mean(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$roObs) # measurement correlation of log10(a),b
out.list <- list(N=length(a), mean_log10a=mean_log10a, sd_log10a=sd_log10a, mean_b=mean_b, sd_b=sd_b,
R_mean_log10a=R_mean_log10a, R_sd_log10a=R_sd_log10a, R_mean_b=R_mean_b, R_sd_b=R_sd_b)
# Function to do a Bayesian LWR analysis with studies for target species only
SpecLWR <- function(a, b, wts, prior_mean_b, prior_tau_b,
prior_mean_log10a, prior_tau_log10a, SD_rObs_log10a, SD_muObs_log10a,
SD_rObs_b, SD_muObs_b, SD_rGS_log10a, SD_muGS_log10a,
SD_rGS_b, SD_muGS_b){
# Define JAGS model
Model = "
model {
sigma1 ~ dgamma( SD_rObs_log10a, SD_muObs_log10a) # posterior distribution for measurement error in log10a
sigma2 ~ dgamma( SD_rObs_b, SD_muObs_b) # posterior distribution for measurement error in log10a
ro ~ dunif(-0.99,0) # uniform prior for negative correlation between log10a and b
abTrue[1] ~ dnorm(prior_mean_log10a,prior_tau_log10a) # normal posterior distribution for log10a
abTrue[2] ~ dnorm(prior_mean_b,prior_tau_b) # normal posterior distribution for b
CovObs[1,1] <- pow(sigma1,2)
CovObs[2,2] <- pow(sigma2,2)
CovObs[1,2] <- ro * sigma1 * sigma2
CovObs[2,1] <- CovObs[1,2]
TauObs[1:2,1:2] <- inverse(CovObs[1:2,1:2]) # create inverse covariance matrix
for(i in 1:N){
TauObsI[i,1:2,1:2] <- TauObs[1:2,1:2] * pow(Weights[i],2) # converts prior SD into prior weighted precision
# given the data, the priors and the covariance, create multivariate normal posteriors for log(a) and b
ab[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(abTrue[1:2],TauObsI[i,1:2,1:2])
# Write JAGS model
cat(Model, file=JAGSFILE)
# JAGS settings
Nchains = 3 # number of MCMC chains to be used in JAGS
Nburnin = 1e4 # number of burn-in runs, to be discarded; 10000 iterations for burn-in
Niter = 3e4 # number of iterations after burn-in; 3e4 = 30000 iterations
Nthin = 1e1 # subset of iterations to be used for analysis; 1e1 = every 10th iteration
# Run JAGS: define data to be passed on in DataJags; determine parameters to be returned in Param2Save; call JAGS with function Jags()
DataJags = list(ab=cbind(log10(a),b), N=length(a), Weights=wts, prior_mean_b=prior_mean_b,
prior_tau_b=prior_tau_b, prior_mean_log10a=prior_mean_log10a, prior_tau_log10a=prior_tau_log10a,
SD_rObs_log10a=SD_rObs_log10a, SD_muObs_log10a=SD_muObs_log10a,
SD_rObs_b=SD_rObs_b, SD_muObs_b=SD_muObs_b)
Params2Save = c("abTrue","sigma1","sigma2","ro")
Jags <- jags(inits=NULL, model.file=JAGSFILE,, data=DataJags,, n.chains=Nchains, n.thin=Nthin, n.iter=Niter, n.burnin=Nburnin)
Jags$BUGSoutput # contains the results from the JAGS run
# Analyze output
abTrue <- Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$abTrue
mean_log10a <- mean(abTrue[,1]) # true mean of log10(a)
sd_log10a <- sd(abTrue[,1]) # true SE of log10(a)
mean_b <- mean(abTrue[,2]) # true mean of b
sd_b <- sd(abTrue[,2]) # true SE of b
mean_sigma_log10a <- mean(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigma1) # measurement error of log10(a)
sd_sigma_log10a <- apply(as.matrix(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigma1), 2, sd)
mean_sigma_b <- mean(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigma2) # measurement error of b
sd_sigma_b <- apply(as.matrix(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$sigma2), 2, sd)
ro_ab <- mean(Jags$BUGSoutput$sims.list$ro) # measurement correlation of log10(a),b
out.list <- list(N=length(a), mean_log10a=mean_log10a, sd_log10a=sd_log10a, mean_b=mean_b, sd_b=sd_b)
} # End of Functions section
# Analysis by Family
# Do LWR analysis by Family, Subfamily and Body shape, depending on available LWR studies
# for(Fam in "Acanthuridae") {
for(Fam in Families) {
Subfamilies <- sort(unique(Data$Subfamily[Data$Family==Fam]))
for(SF in Subfamilies) {
for(BS in Bshape) {
# get species (SpecCodes) in this Subfamily and with this body shape
SpecCode.SF.BS <- unique(Data$SpecCode[Data$Family==Fam & Data$Subfamily==SF & Data$BodyShapeI==BS])
# if there are species with this body shape
if(length(SpecCode.SF.BS > 0)) {
# get priors for this body shape
prior <-
# get LWR data for this body shape
b_raw <- Data$b[Data$Family==Fam & Data$Subfamily==SF & Data$BodyShapeI==BS]
cat("Family =", Fam, ", Subfamily =", SF, ", Body shape =", BS, ", Species =", length(SpecCode.SF.BS), ", LWR =",
length(b_raw[]), "\n")
# if no LWR studies exist for this body shape, assign the respective priors to all species
if(length(b_raw[])==0) {
# assign priors to species with no LWR in this Subfamily with this body shape
cat("Assigning overall body shape prior to", length(SpecCode.SF.BS), " species \n")
for(SpC in SpecCode.SF.BS) {
out.prior <- data.frame(Fam, SF, BS, SpC, 0, prior$mean_log10a, prior$sd_log10a, prior$mean_b, prior$sd_b,
paste("all LWR estimates for this BS"))
write.table(out.prior, file=OutFile, append = T, sep=",", dec=".", row.names=F, col.names=F)
} else {
# Update priors for this body shape using existing LWR studies
# get LWR data for this Subfamily and body shape
Keep <- which(Data$Family==Fam & Data$Subfamily==SF & Data$BodyShapeI==BS &$b)==F & Data$Score>0)
wts <- Data$Score[Keep] # Un-normalized weights (so that Cov is comparable among analyses)
a <- Data$a[Keep]
b <- Data$b[Keep]
GenSpec <- paste(Data$Genus[Keep],Data$Species[Keep])
# add a first dummy record with prior LWR and low score = 0.3, as pseudo target species
# Name of dummy target species is Dum1 dum1
TargetSpec = paste("Dum1", "dum1")
wts <- c(0.3, wts)
a <- c(10^(prior$mean_log10a), a)
b <- c(prior$mean_b, b)
GenSpec <- c(TargetSpec, GenSpec)
# Relabel GenSpec so that TargetSpec = level 1
OtherSpecies = unique(GenSpec[GenSpec != TargetSpec])
GenusSpecies = factor(GenSpec, levels=c(TargetSpec, OtherSpecies))
Nspecies = nlevels(GenusSpecies) # number of species
# run Bayesian analysis for pseudo target species with Subfamily members
# The resulting R_mean_log10a, R_sd_log10a, R_mean_b, R_sd_b will be used for species without LWR
cat("Updating Subfamily-Bodyshape prior using", Nspecies-1, "species with LWR studies \n")
prior.SFam.BS <- SpecRelLWR(a, b, wts, GenusSpecies, Nspecies, prior_mean_b=prior$mean_b,
prior_tau_b=prior$tau_b, prior_mean_log10a=prior$mean_log10a,
prior_tau_log10a=prior$tau_log10a, SD_rObs_log10a=prior$SD_rObs_log10a,
SD_muObs_log10a=prior$SD_muObs_log10a, SD_rObs_b=prior$SD_rObs_b,
SD_muObs_b=prior$SD_muObs_b, SD_rGS_log10a=prior$SD_rGS_log10a,
SD_muGS_log10a=prior$SD_muGS_log10a, SD_rGS_b=prior$SD_rGS_b,
# if there are Genera with >= 5 species with LWR, update body shape priors for these Genera
Genera <- unique(as.character(Data$Genus[Keep]))
# create empty list of lists for storage of generic priors
prior.Gen.BS <- rep(list(list()),length(Genera)) # create a list of empty lists
names(prior.Gen.BS) <- Genera # name the list elements according to the Genera
for(Genus in Genera){
# check if Genus contains >= 5 species with LWR data
if(length(unique(Data$SpecCode[Data$Family==Fam & Data$Subfamily==SF & Data$BodyShapeI==BS &$b)==F &
Data$Score>0 & Data$Genus==Genus]))>=5) {
# run Subfamily analysis with only data for this genus
Keep <- which(Data$Family==Fam & Data$Subfamily==SF & Data$BodyShapeI==BS &$b)==F & Data$Score>0 &
wts <- Data$Score[Keep] # Un-normalized weights (so that Cov is comparable among analyses)
a <- Data$a[Keep]
b <- Data$b[Keep]
GenSpec <- paste(Data$Genus[Keep],Data$Species[Keep])
# add a first dummy record with prior LWR and low score = 0.3, as pseudo target species
# Name of dummy target species is Dum1 dum1
TargetSpec = paste("Dum1", "dum1")
wts <- c(0.3, wts)
a <- c(10^(prior$mean_log10a), a)
b <- c(prior$mean_b, b)
GenSpec <- c(TargetSpec, GenSpec)
# Relabel GenSpec so that TargetSpec = level 1
OtherSpecies = unique(GenSpec[GenSpec != TargetSpec])
GenusSpecies = factor(GenSpec, levels=c(TargetSpec, OtherSpecies))
Nspecies = nlevels(GenusSpecies) # number of species
# run Bayesian analysis for pseudo target species with Genus members
# R_mean_log10a, R_sd_log10a, R_mean_b, R_sd_b will be used for species without LWR
cat("Updating prior for Genus =", Genus, ", with", Nspecies -1, "LWR Species \n")
prior.Gen.BS[[Genus]] <- SpecRelLWR(a, b, wts, GenusSpecies, Nspecies,
SD_muObs_log10a=prior$SD_muObs_log10a, SD_rObs_b=prior$SD_rObs_b,
SD_muObs_b=prior$SD_muObs_b, SD_rGS_log10a=prior$SD_rGS_log10a,
SD_muGS_log10a=prior$SD_muGS_log10a, SD_rGS_b=prior$SD_rGS_b,
# new Subfamily-BS priors have been generated
# for some genera, new Genus-BS priors have been generated
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loop through all species in this Subfamily-BS; assign LWR as appropriate
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
for(SpC in SpecCode.SF.BS) {
Genus <- as.character(unique(Data$Genus[Data$SpecCode==SpC]))
Species <- as.character(unique(Data$Species[Data$SpecCode==SpC]))
TargetSpec = paste(Genus, Species)
LWR <- length(Data$b[Data$SpecCode==SpC &$b)==F & Data$Score>0])
LWRGenspec <- length(unique(Data$SpecCode[Data$BodyShapeI==BS &$b)==F &
Data$Score>0 & Data$Genus==Genus]))
LWRSFamspec <- length(unique(Data$SpecCode[Data$BodyShapeI==BS &$b)==F &
Data$Score>0 & Data$Family==Fam & Data$Subfamily==SF]))
# >= 5 LWR in target species, run single species analysis
if(LWR >= 5) {
# Run analysis with data only for this species
Keep <- which(Data$SpecCode==SpC &$b)==F & Data$Score>0)
wts = Data$Score[Keep] # Un-normalized weights (so that Cov is comparable among analyses)
a = Data$a[Keep]
b = Data$b[Keep]
# determine priors to be used
if(LWRGenspec >= 5) {
} else
if (LWRSFamspec > 0) {
} else {
cat("Running single species analysis for", TargetSpec, "LWR =", LWR, ", LWR species in Genus=",LWRGenspec,"\n" )
# call function for single species analysis
post <- SpecLWR(a, b, wts, prior_mean_b=prior_mean_b,
prior_tau_b=prior_tau_b, prior_mean_log10a=prior_mean_log10a,
prior_tau_log10a=prior_tau_log10a, SD_rObs_log10a=prior$SD_rObs_log10a,
SD_muObs_log10a=prior$SD_muObs_log10a, SD_rObs_b=prior$SD_rObs_b,
SD_muObs_b=prior$SD_muObs_b, SD_rGS_log10a=prior$SD_rGS_log10a,
SD_muGS_log10a=prior$SD_muGS_log10a, SD_rGS_b=prior$SD_rGS_b,
out.SpC <- data.frame(Fam, SF, BS, SpC, LWR, format(post$mean_log10a, digits=3), format(post$sd_log10a, digits=3), format(post$mean_b, disgits=3), format(post$sd_b, digits=3),
paste("LWR estimates for this species"))
write.table(out.SpC, file=OutFile, append = T, sep=",", dec=".", row.names=F, col.names=F)
} else
# 1-4 LWR in target species and >= 5 LWR species in Genus
# run hierarchical analysis for genus members, with Subfamily-BS prior
if(LWR >= 1 & LWRGenspec >=5) {
# run Subfamily analysis with only data for this genus
Keep <- which(Data$Family==Fam & Data$Subfamily==SF & Data$BodyShapeI==BS &$b)==F & Data$Score>0 &
wts <- Data$Score[Keep] # Un-normalized weights (so that Cov is comparable among analyses)
a <- Data$a[Keep]
b <- Data$b[Keep]
GenSpec <- paste(Data$Genus[Keep],Data$Species[Keep])
# Relabel GenSpec so that TargetSpec = level 1
OtherSpecies = unique(GenSpec[GenSpec != TargetSpec])
GenusSpecies = factor(GenSpec, levels=c(TargetSpec, OtherSpecies))
Nspecies = nlevels(GenusSpecies) # number of species
# run Bayesian analysis for target species with Genus members
cat("Running analysis with congeners for", TargetSpec, ", LWR =", LWR,", LWR species in Genus =", LWRGenspec,"\n")
post <- SpecRelLWR(a, b, wts, GenusSpecies, Nspecies,
SD_muObs_log10a=prior$SD_muObs_log10a, SD_rObs_b=prior$SD_rObs_b,
SD_muObs_b=prior$SD_muObs_b, SD_rGS_log10a=prior$SD_rGS_log10a,
SD_muGS_log10a=prior$SD_muGS_log10a, SD_rGS_b=prior$SD_rGS_b,
out.SpC <- data.frame(Fam, SF, BS, SpC, LWR, format(post$mean_log10a, digits=3), format(post$sd_log10a, digits=3), format(post$mean_b, disgits=3), format(post$sd_b, digits=3),
paste("LWR estimates for species & Genus-BS"))
write.table(out.SpC, file=OutFile, append = T, sep=",", dec=".", row.names=F, col.names=F)
} else
# 1-4 LWR in target species and < 5 LWR species in Genus
# run hierarchical analysis for Subfamily members, with bodyshape prior
if(LWR >= 1 & LWRSFamspec > 1) {
# run Subfamily analysis
Keep <- which(Data$Family==Fam & Data$Subfamily==SF & Data$BodyShapeI==BS &$b)==F & Data$Score>0)
wts <- Data$Score[Keep] # Un-normalized weights (so that Cov is comparable among analyses)
a <- Data$a[Keep]
b <- Data$b[Keep]
GenSpec <- paste(Data$Genus[Keep],Data$Species[Keep])
# Relabel GenSpec so that TargetSpec = level 1
OtherSpecies = unique(GenSpec[GenSpec != TargetSpec])
GenusSpecies = factor(GenSpec, levels=c(TargetSpec, OtherSpecies))
Nspecies = nlevels(GenusSpecies) # number of species
# run Bayesian analysis for target species with Subfamily members
cat("Running analysis with Subfamily members for", TargetSpec, ", LWR =", LWR,", LWR species in Subfamily-BS =",
LWRSFamspec, "\n")
post <- SpecRelLWR(a, b, wts, GenusSpecies, Nspecies,
SD_muObs_log10a=prior$SD_muObs_log10a, SD_rObs_b=prior$SD_rObs_b,
SD_muObs_b=prior$SD_muObs_b, SD_rGS_log10a=prior$SD_rGS_log10a,
SD_muGS_log10a=prior$SD_muGS_log10a, SD_rGS_b=prior$SD_rGS_b,
out.SpC <- data.frame(Fam, SF, BS, SpC, LWR, format(post$mean_log10a, digits=3), format(post$sd_log10a, digits=3),
format(post$mean_b, disgits=3), format(post$sd_b, digits=3),
paste("LWR estimates for species & Subfamily-BS"))
write.table(out.SpC, file=OutFile, append = T, sep=",", dec=".", row.names=F, col.names=F)
} else
# assign Genus-BS priors to target species
if(LWRGenspec >= 5) {
cat("Assign Genus-BS prior for", TargetSpec, "\n")
out.SpC <- data.frame(Fam, SF, BS, SpC, LWR, format(prior.Gen.BS[[Genus]]$mean_log10a, digits=3),
format(prior.Gen.BS[[Genus]]$sd_log10a, digits=3),
format(prior.Gen.BS[[Genus]]$mean_b, digits=3), format(prior.Gen.BS[[Genus]]$sd_b, digits=3),
paste("LWR estimates for this Genus-BS"))
write.table(out.SpC, file=OutFile, append = T, sep=",", dec=".", row.names=F, col.names=F)
} else {
# -----------------------------------------------
# assign Subfamily-BS priors to target species
cat("Assign Subfamily-BS prior for", TargetSpec,"\n")
out.SpC <- data.frame(Fam, SF, BS, SpC, LWR, format(prior.SFam.BS$mean_log10a, digits=3), format(prior.SFam.BS$sd_log10a, digits=3),
format(prior.SFam.BS$mean_b, digits=3), format(prior.SFam.BS$sd_b, digits=3), paste("LWR estimates for this Subfamily-BS"))
write.table(out.SpC, file=OutFile, append = T, sep=",", dec=".", row.names=F, col.names=F)
} # end of species loop for this Subfamily and body shape
} # end of section dealing with Subfamily - body shapes that contain LWR estimates
} # end of section that deals with Subfamily - body shapes that contain species
} # end of body shape section
} # end of Subfamily section
} # end of Family section
cat("End", date(),"\n")