
568 lines
21 KiB

package org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.connectors.netcdf;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.contentmanagement.graphtools.utils.MathFunctions;
import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils.Tuple;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.utils.VectorOperations;
import ucar.ma2.Array;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayByte;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayDouble;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayFloat;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayInt;
import ucar.ma2.ArrayLong;
import ucar.ma2.Range;
import ucar.ma2.StructureData;
import ucar.ma2.StructureMembers.Member;
import ucar.nc2.constants.FeatureType;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis1DTime;
import ucar.nc2.dt.GridCoordSystem;
import ucar.nc2.dt.GridDatatype;
import ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridDataset;
import ucar.nc2.ft.FeatureCollection;
import ucar.nc2.ft.FeatureDataset;
import ucar.nc2.ft.FeatureDatasetFactoryManager;
import ucar.nc2.ft.PointFeatureCollection;
import ucar.nc2.ft.PointFeatureIterator;
import ucar.nc2.ft.point.PointDatasetImpl;
import ucar.nc2.ft.point.standard.StandardPointCollectionImpl;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPoint;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonPointImpl;
import ucar.unidata.geoloc.LatLonRect;
public class NetCDFDataExplorer {
public static String timePrefix = "time:";
public NetCDFDataExplorer(String openDapLink, String layer) {
calcZRange(openDapLink, layer);
public List<Double> retrieveDataFromNetCDF(String openDapLink, String layer, int time, List<Tuple<Double>> triplets) {
try {
List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
if (isGridDataset(openDapLink)) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Managing Grid File");
return manageGridDataset(layer, openDapLink, time, triplets);
* else if (isPointDataset(openDapLink)) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Managing Points File"); }
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Warning: the NETCDF file is of an unknown type");
return values;
} catch (Exception e) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("ERROR: " + e.getMessage());
// e.printStackTrace();
return null;
public double minZ = 0;
public double maxZ = 0;
public void calcZRange(String openDapLink, String layer) {
try {
if (isGridDataset(openDapLink)) {
gds =;
List<GridDatatype> gridTypes = gds.getGrids();
for (GridDatatype gdt : gridTypes) {
// AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Inside File - layer name: " + gdt.getFullName());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Inside File - layer name: " + gdt.getName());
if (layer.equalsIgnoreCase(gdt.getName())) {
CoordinateAxis zAxis = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getVerticalAxis();
minZ = zAxis.getMinValue();
maxZ = zAxis.getMaxValue();
} catch (Exception e) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDF Explorer Error:" + e.getLocalizedMessage());
// A GridDatatype is like a specialized Variable that explicitly handles X,Y,Z,T dimensions
GridDataset gds;
public List<Double> manageGridDataset(String layer, String filename, int time, List<Tuple<Double>> triplets) throws Exception {
List<Double> values = new ArrayList<Double>();
if (gds == null)
gds =;
List<GridDatatype> gridTypes = gds.getGrids();
for (GridDatatype gdt : gridTypes) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Inside File - layer name: " + gdt.getName() + " layer to find " + layer);
// if the layer is an HTTP link then take the first innser layer
if (layer.equalsIgnoreCase(gdt.getName()) || layer.toLowerCase().startsWith("http:")) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Found layer " + layer + " inside file");
GridDatatype grid = gds.findGridDatatype(gdt.getName());
CoordinateAxis zAxis = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getVerticalAxis();
CoordinateAxis xAxis = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getXHorizAxis();
CoordinateAxis yAxis = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getYHorizAxis();
double resolutionZ = 0;
try {
resolutionZ = Math.abs((double) (zAxis.getMaxValue() - zAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) zAxis.getShape()[0]);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Zmin:" + zAxis.getMinValue() + " Zmax:" + zAxis.getMaxValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
GridCoordSystem gcs = grid.getCoordinateSystem();
int tsize = triplets.size();
long t01 = System.currentTimeMillis();
LatLonRect llr = null;
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Extracting subset...");
GridDatatype gdtsub = grid.makeSubset(new Range(time, time), null, llr, 1, 1, 1);
Array data = gdtsub.readVolumeData(time); // note order is t, z, y, x
int[] shapeD = data.getShape();
int zD = 0;
int xD = 0;
int yD = 0;
if (shapeD.length > 2) {
zD = shapeD[0];
yD = shapeD[1];
xD = shapeD[2];
else if (shapeD.length > 1) {
yD = shapeD[0];
xD = shapeD[1];
// double resolutionX = Math.abs((double) (xAxis.getMaxValue() - xAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) xAxis.getShape()[0]);
// double resolutionY = Math.abs((double) (yAxis.getMaxValue() - yAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) yAxis.getShape()[0]);
double resolutionX = Math.abs((double) (xAxis.getMaxValue() - xAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) xD);
double resolutionY = Math.abs((double) (yAxis.getMaxValue() - yAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) yD);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Shape: Z:" + zD + " X:" + xD + " Y:" + yD);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Layer Information Retrieval ELAPSED Time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t01));
int rank = data.getRank();
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Rank of the layer: " + rank);
ArrayFloat.D3 data3Float = null;
ArrayDouble.D3 data3Double = null;
ArrayInt.D3 data3Int = null;
ArrayLong.D3 data3Long = null;
ArrayFloat.D2 data2Float = null;
ArrayDouble.D2 data2Double = null;
ArrayInt.D2 data2Int = null;
ArrayLong.D2 data2Long = null;
if (data.getRank() == 3) {
if (data instanceof ArrayFloat.D3)
data3Float = (ArrayFloat.D3) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayInt.D3)
data3Int = (ArrayInt.D3) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayDouble.D3)
data3Double = (ArrayDouble.D3) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayDouble.D3)
data3Double = (ArrayDouble.D3) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayLong.D3)
data3Long = (ArrayLong.D3) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayByte.D3)
data3Double = (ArrayDouble.D3) VectorOperations.arrayByte3DArrayDouble((ArrayByte) data);
throw new Exception("Layer data format not supported");
} else {
if (data instanceof ArrayFloat.D2)
data2Float = (ArrayFloat.D2) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayInt.D2)
data2Int = (ArrayInt.D2) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayDouble.D2)
data2Double = (ArrayDouble.D2) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayLong.D2)
data2Long = (ArrayLong.D2) data;
else if (data instanceof ArrayByte.D2)
data2Double = (ArrayDouble.D2) VectorOperations.arrayByte2DArrayDouble((ArrayByte) data);
throw new Exception("Layer data format not supported");
double xmin = xAxis.getMinValue();
double xmax = xAxis.getMaxValue();
double ymax = yAxis.getMaxValue();
double ymin = yAxis.getMinValue();
int xmaxidx = (int) Math.round((xmax - xmin) / resolutionX);
int ymaxidx = (int) Math.round((ymax - ymin) / resolutionY);
boolean is0_360 = false;
// if (((xmax == 360) && (xmin == 0)) || ((xmax == 359.5) && (xmin == 0.5))) {
// if ((xmin>=0) || (ymin == -77.0104751586914 && ymax==89.94786834716797)) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("X dimension: " + xD + " Xmin:" + xmin + " Xmax:" + xmax + " Xmaxidx:" + xmaxidx+" XRes: "+resolutionX);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Y dimension: " + yD + " Ymin:" + ymin + " Ymax:" + ymax + " Ymaxidx:" + ymaxidx+" YRes: "+resolutionY);
if ((xmin >= 0)) {
xmax = 180;
xmin = -180;
is0_360 = true;
for (int i = 0; i < tsize; i++) {
int zint = 0;
int xint = 0;
int yint = 0;
Tuple<Double> triplet = triplets.get(i);
double x = triplet.getElements().get(0);
double y = triplet.getElements().get(1);
if (x == 180)
x = -180;
if (y == 90)
y = -90;
double z = 0;
if (triplet.getElements().size() > 1)
z = triplet.getElements().get(2);
if (resolutionZ > 0) {
if ((zAxis.getMinValue() <= z) && (zAxis.getMaxValue() >= z))
zint = Math.abs((int) Math.round((z - zAxis.getMinValue()) / resolutionZ));
if (y < ymin)
y = ymin;
if (x < xmin)
x = xmin;
if (y > ymax)
y = ymax;
if (x > xmax)
x = xmax;
int[] idxbb = gcs.findXYindexFromLatLon(75,10, null);
int[] idxo = gcs.findXYindexFromLatLon(0,0, null);
LatLonPoint inverseOrigin = gcs.getLatLon(idxo[0],idxo[1]);
// LatLonPoint inverseBB = gcs.getLatLon(idxbb[0],idxbb[1]);
//correction to origin offset
x = x - inverseOrigin.getLongitude();
y = y - inverseOrigin.getLatitude();
if (i==0)
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("bb: " + idxbb[0] +","+idxbb[1]+" origin: "+idxo[0]+","+idxo[1]+" middle "+xD/2+","+yD/2+" shift "+(idxo[0]-(xD/2))+" inverse shift on origin "+inverseOrigin);
int[] idx = gcs.findXYindexFromLatLon(y,x, null);
xint = idx[0];
yint = idx[1];
if (yint < 0) {
yint = 0;
if (xint < 0) {
xint = 0;
if (xint > xD - 1)
xint = xD - 1;
if (yint > yD - 1)
yint = yD - 1;
* if ((xmin <= x) && (xmax >= x)) // xint = (int) Math.round((x - xmin) / resolutionX); { if (is0_360) { if (x < 0) xint = (int) Math.round((x - xmin + xmax) / resolutionX); else xint = (int) Math.round((x) / resolutionX); } else { xint = (int) Math.round((x-xmin) / resolutionX); } }
* if ((yAxis.getMinValue() <= y) && (yAxis.getMaxValue() >= y)) { yint = (int) Math.round((ymax - y) / resolutionY); }
* if (xint > xD - 1) xint = xD - 1; if (yint > yD - 1) yint = yD - 1;
Double val = Double.NaN;
if (zint > zD - 1)
zint = zD - 1;
if (data3Float != null)
val = Double.valueOf(data3Float.get(zint, yint, xint));
else if (data3Int != null)
val = Double.valueOf(data3Int.get(zint, yint, xint));
else if (data3Double != null)
val = Double.valueOf(data3Double.get(zint, yint, xint));
else if (data3Long != null)
val = Double.valueOf(data3Long.get(zint, yint, xint));
else if (data2Float != null)
val = Double.valueOf(data2Float.get(yint, xint));
else if (data2Int != null)
val = Double.valueOf(data2Int.get(yint, xint));
else if (data2Double != null)
val = Double.valueOf(data2Double.get(yint, xint));
else if (data2Long != null)
val = Double.valueOf(data2Long.get(yint, xint));
return values;
private boolean detIsPositive(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
double det = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2 - x0 * y2 + y0 * x2 + x0 * y1 - y0 * x1);
if (det == 0)
System.out.printf("determinate = 0%n");
return det > 0;
public static GridDatatype getGrid(String layer, String netcdffile) throws Exception{
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Opening File : " + netcdffile);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Searching for layer: " + layer);
GridDataset gds =;
List<GridDatatype> gridTypes = gds.getGrids();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (GridDatatype gdt : gridTypes) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Inside File - layer name: " + gdt.getName());
sb.append(gdt.getName()+" ");
if (layer.equals(gdt.getName())) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Found layer " + layer + " inside file");
GridDatatype grid = gds.findGridDatatype(gdt.getName());
return grid;
throw new java.lang.Exception("No layer with name "+layer+" is available in the NetCDF file. Possible values are "+sb.toString());
// A GridDatatype is like a specialized Variable that explicitly handles X,Y,Z,T dimensions
public static LinkedHashMap<String, Double> manageGridDataset(String layer, String filename, double x, double y, double z) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap<String, Double> valuesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
GridDataset gds =;
List<GridDatatype> gridTypes = gds.getGrids();
for (GridDatatype gdt : gridTypes) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Inside File - layer name: " + gdt.getName());
if (layer.equalsIgnoreCase(gdt.getName())) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Found layer " + layer + " inside file");
GridDatatype grid = gds.findGridDatatype(gdt.getName());
GridCoordSystem gcs = grid.getCoordinateSystem();
long timeSteps = 0;
java.util.Date[] dates = null;
if (gcs.hasTimeAxis1D()) {
CoordinateAxis1DTime tAxis1D = gcs.getTimeAxis1D();
dates = tAxis1D.getTimeDates();
timeSteps = dates.length;
} else if (gcs.hasTimeAxis()) {
CoordinateAxis tAxis = gcs.getTimeAxis();
timeSteps = tAxis.getSize();
CoordinateAxis zAxis = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getVerticalAxis();
double resolutionZ = Math.abs((double) (zAxis.getMaxValue() - zAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) zAxis.getShape()[0]);
int zint = 0;
if (resolutionZ > 0) {
if ((zAxis.getMinValue() <= z) && (zAxis.getMaxValue() >= z))
zint = Math.abs((int) Math.round((z - zAxis.getMinValue()) / resolutionZ));
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Z index to take: " + zint);
int[] xy = gcs.findXYindexFromLatLon(x, y, null);
for (int j = 0; j < timeSteps; j++) {
try {
Array data = grid.readDataSlice(j, zint, xy[1], xy[0]); // note order is t, z, y, x
Double val = takeFirstDouble(data);
if (!val.isNaN()) {
String date = "" + j;
if (dates != null)
date = dates[j].toString();
valuesMap.put(timePrefix + date, Double.parseDouble("" + val));
} catch (Exception e) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Error in getting grid values in (" + x + "," + y + "," + z + "= with zint: " + zint + " resolution: " + resolutionZ + " and shape: " + zAxis.getShape()[0]);
return valuesMap;
public static Double takeFirstDouble(Array data) {
long datal = data.getSize();
Double val = Double.NaN;
try {
for (int k = 0; k < datal; k++) {
Double testVal = data.getDouble(k);
if (!testVal.isNaN()) {
val = testVal;
} catch (Exception ee) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> WARNING: Error in getting value: " + ee.getLocalizedMessage());
return val;
// A GridDatatype is like a specialized Variable that explicitly handles X,Y,Z,T dimensions
public LinkedHashMap<String, String> managePointsDataset(String layer, String filename, double x, double y) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap<String, String> valuesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
float tolerance = 0.25f;
Formatter errlog = new Formatter();
FeatureDataset fdataset =, filename, null, errlog);
PointDatasetImpl ds = (PointDatasetImpl) fdataset;
List<FeatureCollection> lfc = ds.getPointFeatureCollectionList();
for (FeatureCollection fc : lfc) {
StandardPointCollectionImpl spf = (StandardPointCollectionImpl) fc;
PointFeatureIterator iter = null;
while ((y - tolerance > -90) && (x - tolerance > -180) && (y + tolerance < 90) && (x + tolerance < 180)) {
LatLonRect rect = new LatLonRect(new LatLonPointImpl(y - tolerance, x - tolerance), new LatLonPointImpl(y + tolerance, x + tolerance));
PointFeatureCollection coll = spf.subset(rect, null);
iter = coll.getPointFeatureIterator(100 * 1000); // 100Kb buffer
if (iter.getCount() == 0)
tolerance = tolerance + 0.25f;
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> tolerance = " + tolerance);
if (iter != null) {
try {
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ucar.nc2.ft.PointFeature pf =;
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> EarthLoc: " + pf.getLocation());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> EarthTime: " + pf.getObservationTime());
StructureData sd = pf.getData();
List<Member> mems = sd.getMembers();
for (Member m : mems) {
String unit = m.getUnitsString();
if ((unit != null) && (unit.length() > 0)) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> description: " + m.getDescription());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> data param: " + m.getDataParam());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> name: " + m.getName());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> unit: " + m.getUnitsString());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> type: " + m.getDataType());
Array arr = sd.getArray(m.getName());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> is Time: " + m.getDataType());
Double val = takeFirstDouble(arr);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> extracted value: " + val);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> -> EarthTime: ");
} finally {
return valuesMap;
// A GridDatatype is like a specialized Variable that explicitly handles X,Y,Z,T dimensions
public static boolean isGridDataset(String filename) {
try {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Analyzing file " + filename);
Formatter errlog = new Formatter();
FeatureDataset fdataset =, filename, null, errlog);
if (fdataset == null) {
// System.out.printf("GRID Parse failed --> %s\n", errlog);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> NOT GRID");
return false;
} else
return true;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return false;
// A GridDatatype is like a specialized Variable that explicitly handles X,Y,Z,T dimensions
public static boolean isPointDataset(String filename) {
try {
Formatter errlog = new Formatter();
FeatureDataset fdataset =, filename, null, errlog);
if (fdataset == null) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> NOT POINT");
return false;
} else
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
public static boolean isDataset(String filename) throws Exception {
boolean isdataset = false;
try {
Formatter errlog = new Formatter();
FeatureType[] fts = FeatureType.values();
for (int i = 0; i < fts.length; i++) {
FeatureDataset fdataset =[i], filename, null, errlog);
if (fdataset == null) {
// System.out.printf(fts[i]+": Parse failed --> %s\n",errlog);
} else {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("NetCDFDataExplorer-> " + fts[i] + " OK!");
isdataset = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return isdataset;
public static double adjX(double x) {
* if (x < -180) x = -180; if (x > 180) x = 180;
return x;
public static double adjY(double y) {
* if (y < -90) y = -90; if (y > 90) y = 90;
return y;
public static double getMinX(GridCoordSystem gcs) {
CoordinateAxis xAxis = gcs.getXHorizAxis();
return adjX(xAxis.getMinValue());
public static double getMaxX(GridCoordSystem gcs) {
CoordinateAxis xAxis = gcs.getXHorizAxis();
return adjX(xAxis.getMaxValue());
public static double getMinY(GridCoordSystem gcs) {
CoordinateAxis yAxis = gcs.getYHorizAxis();
return adjY(yAxis.getMinValue());
public static double getMaxY(GridCoordSystem gcs) {
CoordinateAxis yAxis = gcs.getYHorizAxis();
return adjY(yAxis.getMaxValue());
public static double getResolution(String layer, String file) throws Exception{
GridDatatype gdt = getGrid(layer, file);
double minY = NetCDFDataExplorer.getMinY(gdt.getCoordinateSystem());
double maxY = NetCDFDataExplorer.getMaxY(gdt.getCoordinateSystem());
GridDatatype gdtsub = gdt.makeSubset(new Range(0, 0), null, null, 1, 1, 1);
Array data = gdtsub.readVolumeData(0); // note order is t, z, y, x
int[] shapeD = data.getShape();
int yD = 0;
if (shapeD.length > 2)
yD = shapeD[1];
yD = shapeD[0];
double resolutionY = Math.abs((double) (maxY - minY) / (double) yD);
resolutionY = MathFunctions.roundDecimal(resolutionY, 4);
return resolutionY;