Gianpaolo Coro 2013-04-17 13:31:55 +00:00
parent e5008ea09c
commit a09aba7a06
7 changed files with 447 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
package org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.insertion;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.configuration.AlgorithmConfiguration;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.meta.NetCDFMetadata;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.meta.OGCFormatter;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.meta.features.FeaturesManager;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.utils.ThreddsDataExplorer;
import org.opengis.metadata.Metadata;
import ucar.nc2.dataset.CoordinateAxis;
import ucar.nc2.dt.GridDatatype;
import ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridDataset;
import ucar.nc2.units.DateRange;
public class ThreddsFetcher {
private FeaturesManager featurer;
public static String NetCDFDateFormat = "time: E MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy";
public static String HumanDateFormat = "MM-dd-yy HH:mm";
public ThreddsFetcher(String scope) {
featurer = new FeaturesManager();
public void fetch(String threddsCatalogURL) throws Exception {
List<String> filesURL = ThreddsDataExplorer.getFiles(threddsCatalogURL);
for (String filename : filesURL) {
// if (!filename.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
// continue;
String url = OGCFormatter.getOpenDapURL(threddsCatalogURL, filename);
if (ThreddsDataExplorer.isGridDataset(url)) {
// retrieve information
GridDataset gds =;
List<GridDatatype> gridTypes = gds.getGrids();
for (GridDatatype gdt : gridTypes) {
String description = gdt.getDescription();
if ((description==null) || (description.length()==0))
description = gdt.getFullName();
// get date range
DateRange dr = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getDateRange();
// SimpleDateFormat netcdfDF = new SimpleDateFormat(NetCDFDateFormat, Locale.ENGLISH);
SimpleDateFormat humanDF = new SimpleDateFormat(HumanDateFormat, Locale.ROOT);
String hStartDate = null;
String hEndDate = null;
String duration = null;
String resolution = gdt.getTimeDimension()==null?null:""+gdt.getTimeDimension().getLength();
if (dr != null) {
hStartDate = dr.getStart() == null ? null : humanDF.format(dr.getStart().getDate());
hEndDate = dr.getEnd() == null ? null : humanDF.format(dr.getEnd().getDate());
duration = dr.getDuration() == null ? null : "" + dr.getDuration();
// control if the file is yet on GN
String generatedTitle = generateTitle(filename, description, hStartDate, hEndDate);
Metadata previousmeta = featurer.checkForMetadatabyTitle(FeaturesManager.treatTitleForGN(generatedTitle), generatedTitle);
if (previousmeta!=null){
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("***WARNING: layer yet found on GeoNetwork***");
/*Layers check - for testing only
else {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("***layer retrieval failed***");
if (true) System.exit(0);
int numberOfDimensions = 2;
if ((gdt.getZDimension()!=null)&&(gdt.getZDimension().getLength()>1)){
numberOfDimensions = 3;
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Length of Z Dimension: "+gdt.getZDimension().getLength());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Bidimensional Layer ");
// get resolution - take the maximum regular step
CoordinateAxis xAxis = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getXHorizAxis();
CoordinateAxis yAxis = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getYHorizAxis();
double resolutionX = Math.abs((double) (xAxis.getMaxValue() - xAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) xAxis.getShape()[0]);
double resolutionY = Math.abs((double) (yAxis.getMaxValue() - yAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) yAxis.getShape()[0]);
//build metadata
NetCDFMetadata metadataInserter = new NetCDFMetadata();
// Build standard info:
// insert ranges and sampling
metadataInserter.setAbstractField(generateAbstractField(gdt.getFullName(), filename, description, gdt.getUnitsString().trim(), hStartDate, hEndDate, duration, resolution, numberOfDimensions));
metadataInserter.setResolution(Math.max(resolutionX, resolutionY));
// set Bounding box
//set keywords
metadataInserter.setCustomTopics(filename, description);
//set Temporal Extent
if (hStartDate!=null){
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("title: " + metadataInserter.getTitle());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("abstract: " + metadataInserter.getAbstractField());
public static String generateTitle(String filename, String description, String startDate, String endDate) {
String dateString = "";
if (startDate != null){
if (startDate.equals(endDate))
dateString = " in [" + startDate + "]";
dateString = " from [" + startDate + "] to [" + endDate + "]";
return description.replaceAll("( )+", " ") + dateString+" (" + filename + ")";
public static String generateAbstractField(String layername, String filename, String description, String unit, String startDate, String endDate, String duration, String timeInstants, int numberOfDimensions) {
String timeresolutionString = "";
String durationString = "";
if ((timeInstants != null) && (timeInstants.length() > 0))
timeresolutionString = " Number of time instants: " + timeInstants+".";
if ((duration != null) && (duration.length() > 0))
durationString = " Time interval lenght: " + duration+".";
String dateString = "";
if (startDate != null)
dateString = " in the time range between [" + startDate + "] and [" + endDate + "].";
String unitString = "";
if ((unit != null) && (unit.length()>0))
unitString= " (" + unit + ")";
String numberOfDimensionsString = "";
if (numberOfDimensions>0)
numberOfDimensionsString = " Number of Dimensions: "+numberOfDimensions+".";
return layername + ": " + description + unitString+dateString + durationString + timeresolutionString + numberOfDimensionsString+ " Taken from the file " + filename + " resident on a THREDDS instance.";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// ThreddsFetcher tf = new ThreddsFetcher("/gcube/devsec");
ThreddsFetcher tf = new ThreddsFetcher(null);

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@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.utils.NetCDFTemporalPrimitive;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.DefaultIdentifier;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.DefaultMetadata;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.citation.DefaultCitation;
@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.distribution.DefaultDistribution;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.distribution.DefaultFormat;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultExtent;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultGeographicBoundingBox;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultSpatialTemporalExtent;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.extent.DefaultTemporalExtent;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.identification.DefaultDataIdentification;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.identification.DefaultKeywords;
import org.geotoolkit.metadata.iso.identification.DefaultResolution;
@ -62,6 +65,7 @@ import org.opengis.metadata.maintenance.ScopeCode;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.GeometricObjectType;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.SpatialRepresentationType;
import org.opengis.metadata.spatial.TopologyLevel;
import org.opengis.temporal.TemporalPrimitive;
import org.opengis.util.InternationalString;
public class NetCDFMetadata {
@ -80,14 +84,43 @@ public class NetCDFMetadata {
private String contactInfo = "";
private String abstractField = "T: temperature (degK) from resident on the THREDDS instance " + threddsCatalogUrl;
private String purpose = "Maps publication";
private String author = "gCube Ecological Engine Library";
private String author = "i-Marine";
private double res = 0.5d;
private double xLL = -180;
private double xRU = 180;
private double yLL = -85.5;
private double yRU = 85.5;
private String layerUrl = "";
private HashSet<String> customTopics;
private Date startDate;
private Date endDate;
public void setCustomTopics(String... topics){
customTopics = new HashSet<String>();
for (String topic:topics)
public HashSet<String> getCustomTopics(){
return customTopics;
public void setStartDate(Date date){
public void setEndDate(Date date){
public Date getStartDate(){
return startDate;
public Date getEndDate(){
return endDate;
public String getGeonetworkUrl() {
return geonetworkUrl;
@ -279,8 +312,20 @@ public class NetCDFMetadata {
if (customTopics!=null)
descriptiveKeyWords.put(KeywordType.THEME, keySet);
if (startDate!=null){
HashSet<String> temporalkeySet = new HashSet<String>();
if (!endDate.equals(startDate))
descriptiveKeyWords.put(KeywordType.TEMPORAL, temporalkeySet);
// author:
DefaultResponsibleParty party = new DefaultResponsibleParty();
@ -307,6 +352,7 @@ public class NetCDFMetadata {
DefaultKeywords keywords = new DefaultKeywords();
for (String key : entry.getValue())
keywords.getKeywords().add(new DefaultInternationalString(key));
DefaultCitation thesaurus = new DefaultCitation();
thesaurus.setTitle(new DefaultInternationalString("General"));
@ -329,15 +375,22 @@ public class NetCDFMetadata {
// Spatial Rapresentation Info
DefaultGeometricObjects geoObjs = new DefaultGeometricObjects();
DefaultVectorSpatialRepresentation spatial = new DefaultVectorSpatialRepresentation();
// Extent:
DefaultExtent extent = new DefaultExtent();
extent.setGeographicElements(Collections.singleton(new DefaultGeographicBoundingBox(xLL, xRU, yLL, yRU)));
extent.setDescription(new DefaultInternationalString("Bounding box"));
/*Only with Geotoolkit 4.x
DefaultTemporalExtent stext = new DefaultTemporalExtent(startDate,endDate);
@ -347,7 +400,6 @@ public class NetCDFMetadata {
DefaultResolution dres = new DefaultResolution();
// layers access:
DefaultDistribution distribution = new DefaultDistribution();
DefaultDigitalTransferOptions transferOptions = new DefaultDigitalTransferOptions();
@ -411,7 +463,7 @@ public class NetCDFMetadata {
ident.setSpatialRepresentationTypes(new ArrayList<SpatialRepresentationType>(Arrays.asList(SpatialRepresentationType.GRID)));
ident.setSpatialResolutions(new ArrayList<DefaultResolution>(Arrays.asList(dres)));
ident.setLanguages(new ArrayList<Locale>(Arrays.asList(Locale.ENGLISH)));
// Metadata Obj:
DefaultMetadata meta = new DefaultMetadata(party, sourceGenerationDate, ident);
@ -419,12 +471,12 @@ public class NetCDFMetadata {
GNClient client = new GNClient(geonetworkUrl);
client.login(geonetworkUser, geonetworkPwd);
File tmetafile = meta2File(meta);
client.insertMetadata(new GNInsertConfiguration("3", "datasets", "_none_", true), tmetafile);
// System.out.println(meta);
// tmetafile.delete();

View File

@ -21,6 +21,10 @@ public class OGCFormatter {
return fileUrl.replace("dodsC", "wcs") + "?service=wcs&version=1.0.0" + "&request=GetCoverage&coverage=" + layerName + "&CRS=EPSG:4326" + "&bbox=" + bbox + "&width=676&height=330&format=geotiff";
public static String getOpenDapURL(String threddsCatalog, String filename) {
return threddsCatalog.replace("catalog.xml",filename).replace("catalog","dodsC");
public static String buildBoundingBox(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
// note: the bounding box is left,lower,right,upper
return (x1 + "," + y1 + "," + x2 + "," + y2);

View File

@ -3,15 +3,21 @@ package org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.meta.features;
import it.geosolutions.geonetwork.util.GNSearchRequest;
import it.geosolutions.geonetwork.util.GNSearchResponse;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger;
import org.opengis.metadata.Metadata;
import org.opengis.metadata.citation.OnlineResource;
import org.opengis.metadata.distribution.DigitalTransferOptions;
public class FeaturesManager {
private String geonetworkUrl = "";
private String geonetworkUrl = "";
private String geonetworkUser = "admin";
private String geonetworkPwd = "admin";
private String scope = "/gcube/devsec";
@ -84,24 +90,106 @@ public class FeaturesManager {
return (getOpenDapLink(meta) != null);
public Metadata getGNInfobyTitle(String info) throws Exception {
public GeoNetworkReader initGeoNetworkReader() throws Exception {
if (scope!=null)
ConfigurationManager.setConfiguration(new Configuration() {
public String getGeoNetworkUser() {
return geonetworkUser;
public String getGeoNetworkPassword() {
return geonetworkPwd;
public String getGeoNetworkEndpoint() {
return geonetworkUrl;
GeoNetworkReader gn = GeoNetwork.get();
return gn;
public String getGeonetworkURLFromScope() throws Exception {
GeoNetworkReader gn = initGeoNetworkReader();
return gn.getConfiguration().getGeoNetworkEndpoint();
public String getGeonetworkUserFromScope() throws Exception {
GeoNetworkReader gn = initGeoNetworkReader();
return gn.getConfiguration().getGeoNetworkUser();
public String getGeonetworkPasswordFromScope() throws Exception {
GeoNetworkReader gn = initGeoNetworkReader();
return gn.getConfiguration().getGeoNetworkPassword();
public Metadata getGNInfobyTitle(String info) throws Exception {
GeoNetworkReader gn = initGeoNetworkReader();
// Form query object
GNSearchRequest req = new GNSearchRequest();
req.addParam(GNSearchRequest.Param.title, info);
// req.addConfig(GNSearchRequest.Config.similarity, "1");
GNSearchResponse resp = gn.query(req);
Metadata meta = null;
if (resp.getCount() != 0)
for (GNSearchResponse.GNMetadata metadata : resp) {
meta = gn.getById(metadata.getUUID());
try {
meta = gn.getById(metadata.getUUID());
} catch (Exception e) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Error retrieving information for some metadata");
return meta;
public List<Metadata> getAllGNInfobyTitle(String info, String tolerance) throws Exception {
GeoNetworkReader gn = initGeoNetworkReader();
// Form query object
GNSearchRequest req = new GNSearchRequest();
req.addParam(GNSearchRequest.Param.title, info);
req.addConfig(GNSearchRequest.Config.similarity, tolerance);
GNSearchResponse resp = gn.query(req);
Metadata meta = null;
List<Metadata> metadatalist = new ArrayList<Metadata>();
if (resp.getCount() != 0)
for (GNSearchResponse.GNMetadata metadata : resp) {
try {
meta = gn.getById(metadata.getUUID());
} catch (Exception e) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Error retrieving information for some metadata");
return metadatalist;
public Metadata checkForMetadatabyTitle(String searchString, String completetitle) throws Exception {
List<Metadata> mlist = getAllGNInfobyTitle(searchString, "1");
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Searching for: "+searchString);
Metadata mfound = null;
for (Metadata m : mlist) {
String title = m.getIdentificationInfo().iterator().next().getCitation().getTitle().toString();
if (completetitle.equalsIgnoreCase(title)) {
mfound = m;
return mfound;
public String getGeonetworkUrl() {
return geonetworkUrl;
@ -126,10 +214,31 @@ public class FeaturesManager {
this.geonetworkPwd = geonetworkPwd;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
public static String treatTitleForGN(String layerTitle) {
int idx = layerTitle.indexOf("from");
String layerTitle2 = layerTitle;
if (idx>0)
layerTitle2 = layerTitle.toLowerCase().substring(0, idx).trim();
idx = layerTitle.indexOf("(");
layerTitle2 = layerTitle.toLowerCase().substring(0, idx).trim();
layerTitle2 = layerTitle2.replaceAll("(\\(.*\\))", " ");
layerTitle2 = layerTitle2.replace("_", " ").replace("-", " ").replace("(", " ").replace(")", " ");
String punct = "[!\"#$%&'*+,./:;<=>?@\\^_`{|}~-]";
layerTitle2 = layerTitle2.replaceAll("( |^)+[^A-Za-z]+("+punct+")*[^A-Za-z]*", " ").trim();
return layerTitle2.replaceAll(punct, " ").replaceAll("( )+", " ");
public static void main1(String args[]) throws Exception {
// String title = "temperature (";
// String title = "Bathymetry";
String title = "FAO aquatic species distribution map of Melanogrammus aeglefinus";
// String title = "FAO aquatic species distribution map of Melanogrammus aeglefinus";
// String title = "geopotential height from [12/09/2004 19:00] to [12/09/2004 22:00] (";
String title = "geopotential height";
FeaturesManager fm = new FeaturesManager();
Metadata meta = fm.getGNInfobyTitle(title);
System.out.println("is file? " + fm.isThreddsFile(meta));
@ -138,4 +247,8 @@ public class FeaturesManager {
System.out.println("wms:" + fm.getWMSLink(meta));
System.out.println("thredds:" + fm.getThreddsLink(meta));
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
System.out.println(treatTitleForGN("sea/land/lake/ice field composite mask from"));

View File

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ public class GeoIntersector {
public LinkedHashMap<String, Double> getFeaturesInTime(String layerTitle, double x, double y) throws Exception {
return getFeaturesInTime(layerTitle, x, y, 0);
public LinkedHashMap<String, Double> getFeaturesInTime(String layerTitle, double x, double y, double z) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap<String, Double> features = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
// get the layer
Metadata meta = featurer.getGNInfobyTitle(layerTitle);
@ -32,7 +36,7 @@ public class GeoIntersector {
// check if it is a NetCDF
if (featurer.isThreddsFile(meta)) {
System.out.println("found a netCDF file with title " + layerTitle+" and layer name "+layer);
features = getFeaturesFromNetCDF(featurer.getOpenDapLink(meta), layer, x, y);
features = getFeaturesFromNetCDF(featurer.getOpenDapLink(meta), layer, x, y, z);
} else {
System.out.println("found a Geo Layer with title " + layerTitle+" and layer name "+layer);
features = getFeaturesFromWFS(featurer.getWFSLink(meta), layer, x, y);
@ -42,11 +46,11 @@ public class GeoIntersector {
return features;
private LinkedHashMap<String, Double> getFeaturesFromNetCDF(String opendapURL, String layer, double x, double y) {
private LinkedHashMap<String, Double> getFeaturesFromNetCDF(String opendapURL, String layer, double x, double y, double z) {
if (opendapURL == null)
return null;
return ThreddsDataExplorer.retrieveDataFromNetCDF(opendapURL, layer, x, y);
return ThreddsDataExplorer.retrieveDataFromNetCDF(opendapURL, layer, x, y, z);
private LinkedHashMap<String, Double> getFeaturesFromWFS(String wfsUrl, String layer, double x, double y) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.utils;
import org.opengis.temporal.TemporalPrimitive;
public class NetCDFTemporalPrimitive implements TemporalPrimitive{
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return super.equals(obj);
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public int hashCode() {
return 1;
public String toString() {
return "<gmd:extent/>";

View File

@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ public class ThreddsDataExplorer {
return fileNames;
public static LinkedHashMap<String, Double> retrieveDataFromNetCDF(String openDapLink, String layer, double x, double y) {
public static LinkedHashMap<String, Double> retrieveDataFromNetCDF(String openDapLink, String layer, double x, double y, double z) {
try {
LinkedHashMap<String, Double> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
if (isGridDataset(openDapLink)) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Managing Grid File");
return manageGridDataset(layer, openDapLink, x, y);
return manageGridDataset(layer, openDapLink, x, y, z);
* else if (isPointDataset(openDapLink)) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Managing Points File"); }
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class ThreddsDataExplorer {
// A GridDatatype is like a specialized Variable that explicitly handles X,Y,Z,T dimensions
public static LinkedHashMap<String, Double> manageGridDataset(String layer, String filename, double x, double y) throws Exception {
public static LinkedHashMap<String, Double> manageGridDataset(String layer, String filename, double x, double y, double z) throws Exception {
LinkedHashMap<String, Double> valuesMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Double>();
GridDataset gds =;
List<GridDatatype> gridTypes = gds.getGrids();
@ -101,9 +101,14 @@ public class ThreddsDataExplorer {
CoordinateAxis tAxis = gcs.getTimeAxis();
timeSteps = tAxis.getSize();
CoordinateAxis zAxis = gdt.getCoordinateSystem().getVerticalAxis();
double resolutionZ = Math.abs((double) (zAxis.getMaxValue() - zAxis.getMinValue()) / (double) zAxis.getShape()[0]);
int zint = (int) Math.round(z/resolutionZ);
int[] xy = gcs.findXYindexFromLatLon(y, x, null);
for (int j = 0; j < timeSteps; j++) {
Array data = grid.readDataSlice(j, 0, xy[1], xy[0]); // note order is t, z, y, x
Array data = grid.readDataSlice(j, zint, xy[1], xy[0]); // note order is t, z, y, x
Double val = takeFirstDouble(data);
if (!val.isNaN()) {
String date = "" + j;
@ -197,6 +202,7 @@ public class ThreddsDataExplorer {
// A GridDatatype is like a specialized Variable that explicitly handles X,Y,Z,T dimensions
public static boolean isGridDataset(String filename) {
try {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Analyzing file "+filename);
Formatter errlog = new Formatter();
FeatureDataset fdataset =, filename, null, errlog);
if (fdataset == null) {
@ -205,7 +211,7 @@ public class ThreddsDataExplorer {
return false;
} else
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
return false;
@ -244,4 +250,42 @@ public class ThreddsDataExplorer {
return isdataset;
public static double adjX(double x){
if (x < -180)
x = -180;
if (x > 180)
x = 180;
return x;
public static double adjY(double y){
if (y < -90)
y = -90;
if (y > 90)
y = 90;
return y;
public static double getMinX(GridCoordSystem gcs){
CoordinateAxis xAxis = gcs.getXHorizAxis();
return adjX(xAxis.getMinValue() - 180);
public static double getMaxX(GridCoordSystem gcs){
CoordinateAxis xAxis = gcs.getXHorizAxis();
return adjX(xAxis.getMaxValue() - 180);
public static double getMinY(GridCoordSystem gcs){
CoordinateAxis yAxis = gcs.getYHorizAxis();
return adjY(yAxis.getMinValue());
public static double getMaxY(GridCoordSystem gcs){
CoordinateAxis yAxis = gcs.getYHorizAxis();
return adjY(yAxis.getMaxValue());