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Raw Normal View History

package org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.algorithms;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.configuration.AlgorithmConfiguration;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.ColumnType;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.DatabaseType;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.InputTable;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.OutputTable;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.StatisticalType;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.enumtypes.TableTemplates;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.interfaces.StandardLocalInfraAlgorithm;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils.DatabaseFactory;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils.DatabaseUtils;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.utils.IOHelper;
import org.gcube.dataanalysis.geo.utils.CSquareCodesConverter;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
public class CSquaresCreator extends StandardLocalInfraAlgorithm {
static String xDim = "Longitude_Column";
static String yDim = "Latitude_Column";
static String inputTableParameter = "InputTable";
static String outputTableParameter = "OutputTableName";
String resolutionParameter = "CSquare_Resolution";
String codecolumnName = "csquare_code";
String outTable = "";
String outTableLabel = "";
double resolution = 0.1;
SessionFactory connection = null;
protected void setInputParameters() {
List<TableTemplates> templates = new ArrayList<TableTemplates>();
InputTable tinput = new InputTable(templates, inputTableParameter, "The table to which the algorithm adds the csquare column");
ColumnType xDimension = new ColumnType(inputTableParameter, xDim, "The column containing Longitude information", "x", false);
ColumnType yDimension = new ColumnType(inputTableParameter, yDim, "The column containing Latitude information", "y", false);
IOHelper.addDoubleInput(inputs, resolutionParameter, "The resolution of the CSquare codes", "0.1");
IOHelper.addStringInput(inputs, outputTableParameter, "The name of the output table", "csquaretbl_");
public StatisticalType getOutput() {
List<TableTemplates> template = new ArrayList<TableTemplates>();
OutputTable p = new OutputTable(template, outTableLabel, outTable, "Output table");
return p;
public void init() throws Exception {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator Initialized");
public String getDescription() {
return "An algorithm that adds a column containing the CSquare codes associated to longitude and latitude columns.";
protected void process() throws Exception {
status = 0;
AnalysisLogger.setLogger(config.getConfigPath() + AlgorithmConfiguration.defaultLoggerFile);
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
String x = IOHelper.getInputParameter(config, xDim);
String y = IOHelper.getInputParameter(config, yDim);
String table = IOHelper.getInputParameter(config, inputTableParameter);
outTable = ("code_" + UUID.randomUUID()).replace("-", "");
resolution = Double.parseDouble(IOHelper.getInputParameter(config, resolutionParameter));
outTableLabel = IOHelper.getInputParameter(config, outputTableParameter);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator: received parameters: x " + x + ", y " + y + ", table " + table + ", outputTable " + outTable + ", res " + resolution + " outLabel " + outTableLabel);
status = 10;
if (x == null || x.trim().length() == 0 || y == null || y.trim().length() == 0)
throw new Exception("Error please provide information for the input table");
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator: finished");
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
} finally {
status = 100;
public String selectInformationForTransformation (AlgorithmConfiguration config, String table, int limit, int offset){
String x = IOHelper.getInputParameter(config, xDim);
String y = IOHelper.getInputParameter(config, yDim);
String select = "select *," + x + " as loforcs01," + y + " as laforcs01 from " + table + " limit " + limit + " offset " + offset;
return select;
public String rowToCode (Object[] rowArray){
// take x and y
String xValue = "" + rowArray[rowArray.length - 2];
String yValue = "" + rowArray[rowArray.length - 1];
// generate csquarecodes
String csquare = "";
try {
double xV = Double.parseDouble(xValue);
double yV = Double.parseDouble(yValue);
csquare = CSquareCodesConverter.convertAtResolution(yV, xV, resolution);
} catch (Exception e) {
return csquare;
public void addCodeColumToTable(String table) throws Exception{
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: initializing connection");
long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
connection = DatabaseUtils.initDBSession(config);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: database: " + config.getDatabaseURL());
// create a new output table
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: dropping table " + outTable + " if exists");
try {
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(DatabaseUtils.dropTableStatement(outTable), connection);
} catch (Exception e) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: table " + outTable + " does not exist yet");
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: creating the new table " + outTable);
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(DatabaseUtils.createBlankTableFromAnotherStatement(table, outTable), connection);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: adding new column to " + outTable);
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(DatabaseUtils.addColumnStatement(outTable, codecolumnName, "character varying"), connection);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: getting columns from " + outTable);
// get columns names
List<Object> names = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(DatabaseUtils.getColumnsNamesStatement(outTable), connection);
StringBuffer colnames = new StringBuffer();
int nnames = names.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nnames; i++) {
if (i < nnames - 1)
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: columns are: " + colnames.toString());
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: taking chunks ... ");
// take chunks of the table
int initIdx = 0;
int limit = 5000;
long maxRows = DatabaseUtils.estimateNumberofRows(table, connection);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: estimated number of rows " + maxRows);
status = 20;
while (true) {
String select = selectInformationForTransformation(config, table, limit, initIdx);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: executing query: "+select);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: from " + initIdx + " to " + (initIdx + limit) + " limit "+limit);
List<Object> rows = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(select, connection);
if (rows == null || rows.size() == 0) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: no more rows");
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CodeCreator: transforming ");
// take x and y
List<String[]> stringrows = new ArrayList<String[]>();
for (Object row : rows) {
Object[] rowArray = (Object[]) row;
String code = rowToCode(rowArray);
rowArray[nnames-1] = code;
String[] stringArray = new String[nnames];
// convert all the objects into Strings
for (int k = 0; k < stringArray.length; k++) {
stringArray[k] = "" + rowArray[k];
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator: inserting chunks into the table");
// write the vector into the table
DatabaseUtils.insertChunksIntoTable(outTable, colnames.toString(), stringrows, limit, connection, true);
initIdx = initIdx+limit;
status = Math.min(90, 20 + (70 * initIdx / maxRows));
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator: status " + status);
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator: finished");
} catch (Throwable e) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator : ERROR!: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
try {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator: dropping " + outTable);
DatabaseFactory.executeSQLUpdate(DatabaseUtils.dropTableStatement(outTable), connection);
} catch (Exception e1) {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator: could not drop " + outTable);
throw new Exception(e.getMessage());
} finally {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator finished in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + " ms");
public void shutdown() {
AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("CSquareCreator shutdown");