Fixed distro files and pom according to new release procedure Fixed bug causing too many interaction with IS Assigned a distinguish name to different threads Deprecated unneeded method Fixed bug which causes duplication of records in fallback files when forcing use of fallback #10677 Changed pom.xml to use new make-servicearchive directive #10146 Added possibility to marshal/unmarshall list and array of Records #10804 Added abstract method isConnectionActive() in PersistenceBackend Migrated document-store marshalling/unmarshalling to Jackson #9035 Added Jackson support on Usage Record model to allow to use it for marshalling and unmarshalling Marsahlling and unmarshalling use Jackson Added shutdown() method #7345 Renewing persistence configuration after repeated failures #6277 Added new api to close connection to persistence if any Added support to allow client to set no aggregation #5808 gestito il fallback prolungato di timeout ??? Added JobUsageRecord aggregation by providing AggregatedJobUsageRecord class Added a configuration to set aggregation parameters, defaults are provided #4240) Agrgegation parameters are load from a property file or from a Service Endpoint (property file has priority over ServiceEndpoint) Removed dependency over reflection library (refs #2357) Fixed distro directory First Release