package org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.queries.impl; import static*; import static org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.queries.impl.Utils.*; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.gcube.resources.discovery.client.queries.api.Query; /** * A {@link Query} that interpolates named parameters inside a template. *

* Templates are strings with empty XML elements, optionally with a {@link #DEFAULT} attribute, e.g.: *

* all results that satisfy <cond1/> or <cond2 def='that'/> <extra/> *

* Whenever {@link #expression()} is invoked, the elements in the template are replaced according to the first rule that applies * among the following: * *

* * For example, given the previous template and the single parameter cond1="this", {@link #expression()} returns: *

* all results that satisfy this or that *

* */ public class QueryTemplate extends QueryBox implements Query { public static final String DEFAULT = "def"; public static final String STATEMENT = "statement"; private static final XMLInputFactory xmlif = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); private static final String wrapper = "_template_"; private final Map parameters; /** * Creates an instance with a template. * * @param template the template */ public QueryTemplate(String template) { super(template); this.parameters = new HashMap(); } /** * Creates an instance with a template and an initial set of parameters. * * @param template the template */ public QueryTemplate(String template, Map parameters) { super(template); notNull("parameters", parameters); this.parameters = new HashMap(parameters); } public String expression() { return interpolate(super.expression(), parameters); } /** * Adds a parameter to the query, overwriting any value that it may already have. * * @param name the parameter name * @param value the parameter value * @throws IllegalStateException if the parameter name or value are null */ public void addParameter(String name, String value) { notNull("name",name); notNull("value",value); this.parameters.put(name, value); } /** * Adds a parameter to the query, extending any value that it may already have. * * @param name the parameter name * @param value the value * @throws IllegalStateException if the parameter name or value are null */ public void appendParameter(String name, String value) { notNull("name",name); notNull("value",value); if (parameters.containsKey(name)) value=parameters.get(name)+value; parameters.put(name, value); } /** * Returns the current value of a parameter. * @param name the parameter name * @return the value * @throws IllegalStateException if the parameter does not exist * @throws IllegalStateException if the parameter name is null */ public String parameter(String name) throws IllegalStateException { notNull("name",name); if (hasParameter(name)) return parameters.get(name); throw new IllegalStateException("unknown parameter "+name); } /** * Returns true if the query has a given parameter. * @param name the parameter name * @return true if the query has a given parameter, false otherwise * @throws IllegalStateException if the parameter name is null */ public boolean hasParameter(String name) { notNull("name",name); return parameters.containsKey(name); } // helper private String interpolate(String expression, Map parameters) { // replace query parameters with their values. try { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); XMLStreamReader xmlr = xmlif.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader("<"+wrapper+">"+expression+"")); loop: while (true) { int tokenType =; switch (tokenType) { case START_ELEMENT: // replace parameters with values (provided or default) String name = xmlr.getLocalName(); if (name.equals(wrapper)) break; if (parameters.containsKey(name)) { String statement =xmlr.getAttributeValue(null,STATEMENT); if (statement != null) { builder.append(statement).append(" "); } builder.append(parameters.get(name)); }else { // is there a default value? String def = xmlr.getAttributeValue(null,DEFAULT); if (def != null) // add default as a parameter builder.append(def); } break; case CHARACTERS: // copy text in output builder.append(xmlr.getText()); break; case END_DOCUMENT: break loop; } } return builder.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot replace parameters " + parameters + " in query " + expression,e); } } }