package org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mapping; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.blobstorage.service.IClient; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper.AccessType; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper.MemoryType; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper.StorageClient; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.configuration.AlgorithmConfiguration; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.ecoengine.datatypes.StatisticalType; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mapping.dataspace.DataProvenance; import org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mapping.dataspace.StoredData; public class OutputsManager { private AlgorithmConfiguration config; private List generatedFiles = new ArrayList(); private List generatedTables = new ArrayList(); private IClient storageclient; private String computationsession; private List provenanceData = new ArrayList(); public List getProvenanceData() { return provenanceData; } public List getGeneratedData() { return generatedFiles; } public List getGeneratedFiles() { return generatedFiles; } public List getGeneratedTables() { return generatedTables; } public OutputsManager(AlgorithmConfiguration config,String computationsession) { this.config = config; this.computationsession=computationsession; } public LinkedHashMap createOutput(StatisticalType prioroutput, StatisticalType posterioroutput) throws Exception { LinkedHashMap outputs = new LinkedHashMap(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Converting prior output into WPS output"); StatisticalTypeToWPSType converter = new StatisticalTypeToWPSType(); converter.convert2WPSType(prioroutput, false, config); generatedFiles.addAll(converter.getGeneratedFiles()); generatedTables.addAll(converter.getGeneratedTables()); LinkedHashMap priorOutput = converter.outputSet; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Converting posterior output into WPS output"); StatisticalTypeToWPSType postconverter = new StatisticalTypeToWPSType(); postconverter.convert2WPSType(posterioroutput, false, config); generatedFiles.addAll(postconverter.getGeneratedFiles()); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Generated Files "+generatedFiles); generatedTables.addAll(postconverter.getGeneratedTables()); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Generated Tables "+generatedFiles); LinkedHashMap postOutput = postconverter.outputSet; LinkedHashMap ndoutput = new LinkedHashMap(); // merging a priori and a posteriori output AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Merging prior and posterior output"); if (ConfigurationManager.useStorage()) prepareForStoring(); for (String okey : postOutput.keySet()) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Assigning output: " + okey + " to the expected output"); IOWPSInformation postInfo = postOutput.get(okey); // search for the best prior matching the output IOWPSInformation info = priorOutput.get(okey); if (info == null) { // if the output was not defined a priori occupy a suitable slot // if not yet occupied for (String priorPName : priorOutput.keySet()) { // check if the slot for this output had been yet occupied if (outputs.get(priorPName) == null && priorPName.startsWith(postInfo.getClassname())) { okey = priorPName; info = priorOutput.get(priorPName); break; } } } // this check filters out the containers of sub elements if (postInfo != null && postInfo.getContent() != null) { if (ConfigurationManager.useStorage()) { if (postInfo.getLocalMachineContent() != null) { // return the url from storage manager String storageurl = uploadFileOnStorage(postInfo.getLocalMachineContent(), postInfo.getMimetype()); postInfo.setContent(storageurl); } } /* else if (postInfo.getLocalMachineContent() != null) { String url = ""; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Reference URL: " + url); outputs.put(okey, url); } else*/ if (info != null) { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Found a corresponding output: " + okey); outputs.put(okey, postInfo.getContent()); //add link to the file also among the non deterministic output if (postInfo.getLocalMachineContent() != null) { ndoutput.put(okey, postInfo); } } else { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Output was not expected: " + okey); ndoutput.put(okey, postInfo); } saveProvenanceData(postInfo); } System.gc(); } XmlObject ndxml = generateNonDeterministicOutput(ndoutput); outputs.put("non_deterministic_output", ndxml); //safety check for declared output, i.e. a priori output for (String pkey:priorOutput.keySet()){ if (outputs.get(pkey)==null){ AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Safety check: adding empty string for " + pkey+ " of type "+priorOutput.get(pkey).getClassname()); outputs.put(pkey, ""); } } return outputs; } private void saveProvenanceData(IOWPSInformation info){ String name = info.getName(); String id = info.getName(); DataProvenance provenance = DataProvenance.COMPUTED; String creationDate = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(System.currentTimeMillis()); String operator = config.getAgent(); String computationId = computationsession; String type = info.getMimetype(); /* if (info.getLocalMachineContent() != null) { type = StoredType.DATA; } */ String payload = info.getContent(); StoredData data = new StoredData(name, info.getAbstractStr(),id, provenance, creationDate, operator, computationId, type,payload,config.getGcubeScope()); provenanceData.add(data); } private void prepareForStoring() { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Preparing storage client"); String scope = config.getGcubeScope(); //ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); String serviceClass = "WPS"; String serviceName = "wps.synch"; String owner = config.getParam(ConfigurationManager.serviceUserNameParameterVariable); storageclient = new StorageClient(serviceClass, serviceName, owner, AccessType.SHARED, MemoryType.VOLATILE).getClient(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Storage client ready"); } private String uploadFileOnStorage(String localfile, String mimetype) throws Exception { AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Storing->Start uploading on storage the following file: " + localfile); File localFile = new File(localfile); String remotef = "/wps_synch_output/" +config.getAgent()+"/"+computationsession+"/"+ localFile.getName(); storageclient.put(true).LFile(localfile).RFile(remotef); String url = storageclient.getHttpUrl().RFile(remotef); /* if (config.getGcubeScope().startsWith("/gcube")) url = "" + url + "&fileName=" + localFile.getName() + "&contentType=" + mimetype; else url = "" + url+ "&fileName=" + localFile.getName() + "&contentType=" + mimetype; */ AnalysisLogger.getLogger().info("Storing->Uploading finished - URL: " + url); return url; } public String cleanTagString(String tag) { return tag.replace(" ", "_").replaceAll("[\\]\\[!\"#$%&'()*+,\\./:;<=>?@\\^`{|}~-]", ""); } public XmlObject generateNonDeterministicOutputPlain(LinkedHashMap ndoutput) throws Exception { String XMLString = "\n" + " \n"; for (String key : ndoutput.keySet()) { IOWPSInformation info = ndoutput.get(key); String payload = info.getContent(); String mimetype = info.getMimetype(); XMLString += " " + " \n" + " \n" + " " + mimetype + "\n" + " \n"; } XMLString += " \n" + "\n"; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Non deterministic output: " + XMLString); XmlObject xmlData = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance(); ByteArrayInputStream xstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(XMLString.getBytes()); xmlData = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xstream); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Output has been correctly parsed"); return xmlData; } public XmlObject generateNonDeterministicOutputCollection(LinkedHashMap ndoutput) throws Exception { String XMLString = "" + "\n\n" + " \n" + " \n"; for (String key : ndoutput.keySet()) { IOWPSInformation info = ndoutput.get(key); String payload = info.getContent(); String mimetype = info.getMimetype(); XMLString += " " + " \n" + " \n" + " " + mimetype + "\n" + " \n"; } XMLString += " \n" + " \n\n"; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Non deterministic output: " + XMLString); XmlObject xmlData = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance(); ByteArrayInputStream xstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(XMLString.getBytes()); xmlData = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xstream); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Output has been correctly parsed"); return xmlData; } public XmlObject generateNonDeterministicOutput(LinkedHashMap ndoutput) throws Exception { if (ndoutput.size()==0) return null; String XMLString = "" + "\n\n"; int count = 0; for (String key : ndoutput.keySet()) { IOWPSInformation info = ndoutput.get(key); String payload = info.getContent(); String mimetype = info.getMimetype(); String abstractStr = info.getAbstractStr(); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("IOWPS Information: " + "name "+info.getName()+"," +"abstr "+info.getAbstractStr()+"," +"content "+info.getContent()+"," +"def "+info.getDefaultVal()+","); if ((abstractStr==null || abstractStr.trim().length()==0) && (payload!= null && payload.trim().length()>0)) abstractStr = info.getName(); else if (abstractStr == null) abstractStr = ""; //geospatialized // XMLString += " " + "0,0"+ " \n" + " \n" + " " + mimetype + "\n" + " \n"; XMLString += " " + " \n" + " \n" + " " + mimetype + "\n" + " \n"; count++; } XMLString += " \n"; AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Non deterministic output: " + XMLString); XmlObject xmlData = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance(); ByteArrayInputStream xstream = new ByteArrayInputStream(XMLString.getBytes()); xmlData = XmlObject.Factory.parse(xstream); AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug("Output has been correctly parsed"); return xmlData; } public void shutdown(){ try{ storageclient.close(); }catch(Exception e){ } } }