diff --git a/.classpath b/.classpath
index 0cad5db..e50289f 100755
--- a/.classpath
+++ b/.classpath
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
diff --git a/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component b/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component
index 6bfbbcc..0da405d 100755
--- a/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component
+++ b/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.component
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
diff --git a/src/test/java/AlgorithmPackageParserTest.java b/src/test/java/AlgorithmPackageParserTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index a0de0cc..0000000
--- a/src/test/java/AlgorithmPackageParserTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.datamodel.Algorithm;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.datamodel.AlgorithmSet;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.process.AddAlgorithmCommand;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.process.AlgorithmPackageParser;
-public class AlgorithmPackageParserTest {
- private static int BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
- public void extractAllAlgorithms() throws IOException {
- String url = "http:***REMOVED***svn.research-infrastructures.eu/public/d4science/gcube/trunk/data-analysis/DataMinerConfiguration/algorithms/dev/algorithms";
- List commands = this.extractAddAlgorithmCommands(url);
- AlgorithmSet algorithms = new AlgorithmSet();
- for (String cmd : commands) {
- System.out.println("-----------------------------------------");
- System.out.println(cmd);
- AddAlgorithmCommand aac = new AddAlgorithmCommand(cmd);
- System.out.println(aac);
- ***REMOVED*** start creating the algo from the command
- Algorithm algo = new Algorithm();
- algo.setAlgorithmType(aac.getAlgorithmType());
- algo.setCategory(aac.getCategory());
- algo.setClazz(aac.getClazz());
- algo.setDescription(aac.getDescription());
- algo.setName(aac.getName());
- algo.setPackageURL(aac.getUrl());
- algo.setSkipJava(aac.getSkipjava());
- ***REMOVED*** then override with info from the package
- if (aac.getUrl().length() > 4) {
- Algorithm packagedAlgo = this.extractAlgorithm(aac.getUrl());
- if (packagedAlgo != null) {
- algo.setDependencies(packagedAlgo.getDependencies());
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- algorithms.addAlgorithm(algo);
- break;
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***to uncomment
- ***REMOVED*** new DataminerPoolManager().addAlgorithmsToVRE(algorithms,
- ***REMOVED*** "/gcube/devNext/NextNext");
- ***REMOVED***
- /**
- * Extract 'addAlgorithm' commands from a file containing wiki-table-style
- * entries for algorithm.
- *
- * @return
- * @throws IOException
- */
- private List extractAddAlgorithmCommands(String listUrl)
- throws IOException {
- URL url = new URL(listUrl);
- InputStream is = url.openStream();
- StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
- byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
- int read = 0;
- while ((read = is.read(buffer)) != -1) {
- s.append(new String(buffer, 0, read));
- ***REMOVED***
- List out = new Vector<>();
- String[] lines = s.toString().split("\n");
- for (String line : lines) {
- System.out.println("--------------------");
- if (!line.isEmpty()) {
- String[] parts = line.split("\\|");
- int c = 1;
- for (String part : parts) {
- if (part == null || part.trim().isEmpty()) {
- continue;
- ***REMOVED***
- System.out.println(c + ". " + part);
- c++;
- if (part.contains("addAlgorithm.sh")) {
- String cmd = part.trim();
- cmd = cmd.replaceAll("", "");
- cmd = cmd.replaceAll("", "");
- System.out.println(cmd);
- ***REMOVED*** AddAlgorithmCommand aac = new AddAlgorithmCommand(cmd);
- ***REMOVED*** System.out.println(aac);
- out.add(cmd);
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- return out;
- ***REMOVED***
- /**
- * Create an Algorithm starting from the algorithm jar.
- *
- * @param url
- * @return
- * @throws IOException
- */
- private Algorithm extractAlgorithm(String url) throws IOException {
- return new AlgorithmPackageParser().parsePackage(url);
- ***REMOVED***
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
-***REMOVED*** ProxySelector.setDefault(new PropertiesBasedProxySelector(
-***REMOVED*** "/home/ngalante/.proxy-settings"));
- new AlgorithmPackageParserTest().extractAllAlgorithms();
- ***REMOVED***
diff --git a/src/test/java/AnsibleWorkerTest.java b/src/test/java/AnsibleWorkerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 2972c98..0000000
--- a/src/test/java/AnsibleWorkerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-import java.io.File;
-import java.util.UUID;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.ansible.AnsibleWorker;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.ansible.model.Inventory;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.ansible.model.Playbook;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.ansible.model.Role;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.ansible.model.RoleFile;
-public class AnsibleWorkerTest {
- public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
- AnsibleWorker worker = new AnsibleWorker(new File("/home/nagalante/gcube/dataminer-pool-manager/work/"+UUID.randomUUID().toString()));
- System.out.println("created worker named " + worker.getWorkerId());
- worker.setInventory(new Inventory());
- worker.setPlaybook(new Playbook());
- Role r = new Role();
- r.setName("latex");
- RoleFile tf = new RoleFile("main", "do something special for " + r.getName());
- r.addTaskFile(tf);
- worker.addRole(r);
- ***REMOVED***worker.apply();
- ***REMOVED***
diff --git a/src/test/java/DataminerPoolManagerTest.java b/src/test/java/DataminerPoolManagerTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b88221f..0000000
--- a/src/test/java/DataminerPoolManagerTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-import java.net.ProxySelector;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.datamodel.Algorithm;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.datamodel.AlgorithmSet;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.datamodel.Dependency;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.util.PropertiesBasedProxySelector;
-public class DataminerPoolManagerTest {
- /*
- private static Map domains = new HashMap<>();
- private static Map clusters = new HashMap<>();
- private static Dependency createDependency(String depName) {
- String[] parts = depName.split(":");
- Dependency out = new Dependency();
- if(parts.length>1) {
- out.setType(parts[0]);
- out.setName(parts[1]);
- ***REMOVED*** else {
- out.setType("os");
- out.setName(depName);
- ***REMOVED***
- return out;
- ***REMOVED***
- private static Algorithm createAlgorithm(String name, String ... deps) {
- Algorithm a = new Algorithm();
- a.setName(name);
- for(String dep:deps) {
- a.addDependency(createDependency(dep));
- ***REMOVED***
- return a;
- ***REMOVED***
- private static AlgorithmSet createAlgorithmSet(String name, Algorithm ... algs) {
- AlgorithmSet out = new AlgorithmSet();
- out.setName(name);
- for(Algorithm a:algs) {
- out.addAlgorithm(a);
- ***REMOVED***
- return out;
- ***REMOVED***
- private static Domain getDomain(String name) {
- if(domains.get(name)==null) {
- Domain d = new Domain();
- d.setName(name);
- domains.put(name, d);
- return d;
- ***REMOVED*** else {
- return domains.get(name);
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- private static Host createHost(String hostname, String domainName) {
- Host out = new Host();
- out.setName(hostname);
- Domain d = getDomain(domainName);
- out.setDomain(d);
- return out;
- ***REMOVED***
- private static Cluster getCluster(String name) {
- if(clusters.get(name)==null) {
- Cluster d = new Cluster();
- d.setName(name);
- clusters.put(name, d);
- return d;
- ***REMOVED*** else {
- return clusters.get(name);
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- private static Collection extractDependencies() {
- Collection out = new TreeSet<>(new DependencyComparator());
- for(Cluster c:clusters.values()) {
- for(AlgorithmSet as:c.getAlgorithmSets()) {
- for(Algorithm a:as.getAlgorithms()) {
- for(Dependency d:a.getDependencies()) {
- out.add(d);
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- return out;
- ***REMOVED***
- private static Collection extractAlgorithms() {
- Collection out = new TreeSet<>(new AlgorithmComparator());
- for(Cluster c:clusters.values()) {
- for(AlgorithmSet as:c.getAlgorithmSets()) {
- for(Algorithm a:as.getAlgorithms()) {
- out.add(a);
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- return out;
- ***REMOVED***
- static {
- Algorithm ewe = createAlgorithm("ewe", "mono", "latex", "cran:some_R_package", "custom:some_git_package");
- Algorithm ensemble = createAlgorithm("ensemble", "python");
- Algorithm voodoo = createAlgorithm("voodoo", "os:latex", "custom:blah");
- AlgorithmSet as1 = createAlgorithmSet("as1-fishes", ewe);
- AlgorithmSet as2 = createAlgorithmSet("as2-stat", ensemble);
- AlgorithmSet as3 = createAlgorithmSet("as3-blackmagic", voodoo, ewe);
- Cluster cluster1 = getCluster("cluster-1");
- cluster1.addHost(createHost("host1", "domain1"));
- cluster1.addHost(createHost("host2", "domain1"));
- cluster1.addHost(createHost("host3", "domain1"));
- cluster1.addHost(createHost("host1", "domain2"));
- cluster1.addHost(createHost("host2", "domain2"));
- Cluster cluster2 = getCluster("cluster-2");
- cluster2.addHost(createHost("host4", "domain1"));
- cluster2.addHost(createHost("host5", "domain1"));
- cluster2.addHost(createHost("host6", "domain1"));
- cluster2.addHost(createHost("host3", "domain2"));
- cluster2.addHost(createHost("host4", "domain2"));
- cluster2.addHost(createHost("host5", "domain2"));
- cluster1.addAlgorithmSet(as1);
- cluster1.addAlgorithmSet(as2);
- cluster2.addAlgorithmSet(as1);
- cluster2.addAlgorithmSet(as3);
- ***REMOVED***
- */
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- /*
- AnsibleBridge ab = new AnsibleBridge();
- ab.printInventoryByDomainAndSets(clusters.values());
- System.out.println("-----------");
- ab.printInventoryBySets(clusters.values());
- AnsibleWorker worker = ab.createWorker();
- for(Algorithm a:extractAlgorithms()) {
- for(Role r:ab.generateRoles(a)) {
- worker.addRole(r);
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- for(Dependency d:extractDependencies()) {
- for(Role r:ab.generateRoles(d)) {
- worker.addRole(r);
- ***REMOVED***
- ***REMOVED***
- */
- ScopeProvider.instance.set("/gcube/devNext/NextNext");
- ProxySelector.setDefault(new PropertiesBasedProxySelector("/home/ngalante/.proxy-settings"));
-***REMOVED*** ***REMOVED*** create the algorithm (download it, etc etc)
-***REMOVED*** Algorithm algorithm = new Algorithm();
-***REMOVED*** algorithm.setName("ichtyop");
-***REMOVED*** algorithm.setClazz("org.gcube...");
-***REMOVED*** algorithm.setDescription("some description");
-***REMOVED*** Dependency d = new Dependency();
-***REMOVED*** d.setName("libpng");
-***REMOVED*** d.setType("os");
-***REMOVED*** algorithm.addDependency(d);
-***REMOVED*** d = new Dependency();
-***REMOVED*** d.setName("some-r-package");
-***REMOVED*** d.setType("cran");
-***REMOVED*** algorithm.addDependency(d);
-***REMOVED*** d = new Dependency();
-***REMOVED*** d.setName("some-other-r-package");
-***REMOVED*** d.setType("cran");
-***REMOVED*** algorithm.addDependency(d);
-***REMOVED*** d = new Dependency();
-***REMOVED*** d.setName("voodoo");
-***REMOVED*** d.setType("custom");
-***REMOVED*** algorithm.addDependency(d);
-***REMOVED*** ***REMOVED*** create the algorithm (download it, etc etc)
-***REMOVED*** Algorithm ewe = new Algorithm();
-***REMOVED*** ewe.setName("ewe");
-***REMOVED*** d = new Dependency();
-***REMOVED*** d.setName("voodoo");
-***REMOVED*** d.setType("custom");
-***REMOVED*** ewe.addDependency(d);
- AlgorithmSet algorithms = new AlgorithmSet();
- algorithms.setName("dummy-set");
-***REMOVED*** algorithms.addAlgorithm(algorithm);
-***REMOVED*** algorithms.addAlgorithm(ewe);
- Algorithm ensemble = new Algorithm();
- ensemble.setName("ewe");
- ensemble.setCategory("a");
- ensemble.setAlgorithmType("transducerers");
- ensemble.setPackageURL("http:***REMOVED***data.d4science.org/eDd5b2ovMmpSVEZaZWYvY3g2bDZNcGRFNUIxNi85UFlHbWJQNStIS0N6Yz0");
- ensemble.setClazz("org.gcube.dataanalysis.executor.rscripts.Ichthyopmodelonebyone");
- ensemble.setSkipJava("N");
- ensemble.setDescription("test");
- Dependency d = new Dependency();
- d.setName("libpng3");
- d.setType("os");
- ensemble.addDependency(d);
- algorithms.addAlgorithm(ensemble);
- ***REMOVED***new DataminerPoolManager().addAlgorithmsToVRE(algorithms, "/gcube/devNext/NextNext", "test"+UUID.randomUUID(), false);
- ***REMOVED***
diff --git a/src/test/java/ISClientTest.java b/src/test/java/ISClientTest.java
deleted file mode 100644
index f1a1574..0000000
--- a/src/test/java/ISClientTest.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import java.net.ProxySelector;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.clients.ISClient;
-import org.gcube.dataanalysis.dataminer.poolmanager.util.PropertiesBasedProxySelector;
-public class ISClientTest {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- ProxySelector.setDefault(new PropertiesBasedProxySelector("/home/ngalante/.proxy-settings"));
- ScopeProvider.instance.set("/gcube/devNext/NextNext");
- System.out.println(new ISClient().listDataminersInVRE());
- ***REMOVED***