package org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.remote; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.graphtools.utils.HttpRequest; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.FileTools; public class RemoteInstaller { static String sshConnection = "plink -ssh -i privatekeyss2.ppk gcube@"; static String print(InputStream std,OutputStream out,InputStream err) throws Exception{ int value = 0; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (std.available () > 0) { System.out.println ("STD:"); value = (); System.out.print ((char) value); sb.append(""+(char) value); while (std.available () > 0) { value = (); System.out.print ((char) value); sb.append(""+(char) value); } } if (err.available () > 0) { System.out.println ("ERR:"); value = (); System.out.print ((char) value); sb.append(""+(char) value); while (err.available () > 0) { value = (); System.out.print ((char) value); sb.append(""+(char) value); } } System.out.println(); return sb.toString(); } static void cmd1(String[] commands) throws Exception { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime (); Process p = r.exec (commands[0]); InputStream std = p.getInputStream (); OutputStream out = p.getOutputStream (); InputStream err = p.getErrorStream (); Thread.sleep (1000); print(std,out,err); int commandTries = 1; for (int i=2;i0){ k=1; lastline.append(value); } } if (command.contains("./addAlgorithm")){ //if (!lastline.toString().contains("All done!")){ if (lastline.toString().contains("Exception:")){ if (commandTries<2){ commandTries++; i = i-2; //retry the command } else{ System.err.println("Error at installing the algorithm!!!"); System.err.println("last line "+lastline); System.exit(-1); } } } } p.destroy (); System.out.println("Ready!"); } static void cmd2(String[] commands) throws Exception { Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime (); Process p = r.exec (commands[0]); InputStream std = p.getInputStream (); OutputStream out = p.getOutputStream (); InputStream err = p.getErrorStream (); Thread.sleep (1000); print(std,out,err); int commandTries = 1; for (int i=2;i0){ k=1; lastline.append(value); System.out.println("lastline: "+value.substring(0, Math.min(200,value.length()))); if (value.startsWith("gcube@dataminer")){ System.out.println("Prompt READY!"); break; } } } if (command.contains("./addAlgorithm")){ //if (!lastline.toString().contains("All done!")){ if (lastline.toString().contains("Exception:")){ if (commandTries<2){ commandTries++; i = i-2; //retry the command } else{ System.err.println("Error at installing the algorithm!!!"); System.err.println("last line "+lastline); System.exit(-1); } } } } p.destroy (); System.out.println("Ready!"); } public static void startRobot(String dataminer,String password,String scope, boolean skipinstallerdownload) throws Exception{ String filepath = "DataMinerAlgorithms.txt"; startRobot(dataminer, password, scope, filepath, skipinstallerdownload); } public static void startRobot(String dataminer,String password,String scope, String filepath, boolean skipinstallerdownload) throws Exception{ long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); String installStrings = FileTools.loadString(filepath,"UTF-8"); //String[] install = installStrings.split("\n"); String[] install = installStrings.split("\n"); System.out.println("Algorithms to install "+install.length); ArrayList installArray = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(install)); String rmlogging = "rm ./tomcat/webapps/wps/WEB-INF/lib/log4j-over-slf4j-1.7.5.jar"; String rmlib1 = "rm ./tomcat/webapps/wps/WEB-INF/lib/STEP1VPAICCATBFTERetros-1.0.0.jar"; // String rmlib1 = "rm ./tomcat/webapps/wps/WEB-INF/lib/ECOPATH*"; String rmlib2 = "rm ./tomcat/webapps/wps/WEB-INF/lib/TunaAtlasDataAccess-1.0.0.jar"; String rmlib3 = "rm ./tomcat/webapps/wps/WEB-INF/lib/dataminer-algorithms.jar"; String rmInstaller = "rm"; String rmInstallerFolder = "rm -r ./algorithmInstaller"; String chmod = "chmod 777 tomcat/webapps/wps/config/*"; String rmSMState = "rm -r SmartGears/state/"; //String commands [] = {sshConnection+dataminer,"0",password,"0","ls -l","0",rmlogging,"0",chmod,"0","cd algorithmInstaller","0",install,"5",install,"5","cd ..","0",rmSMState,"0","./","3","./","30"}; String forecommands [] = null; if (!skipinstallerdownload){ String getInstaller = "wget --no-check-certificate"; String unzipInstaller = "unzip"; String choice= "N"; String mod= "chmod 777 -R algorithmInstaller/*"; String iforecommands [] = {sshConnection+dataminer,"2","y","0",password,"0","ls -l","0",rmlogging,"0",rmlib1,"0",rmlib2,"0",rmlib3,"0",rmInstaller,"0",rmInstallerFolder,"0", chmod,"0",getInstaller,"2",unzipInstaller,"2",choice,"0",mod,"0","./","3", "cd algorithmInstaller","0"}; forecommands = iforecommands; } else{ String iforecommands [] = {sshConnection+dataminer,"2","y","0",password,"0","ls -l","0",rmlogging,"0",rmlib1,"0",rmlib2,"0",rmlib3,"0",rmInstaller,"0", chmod,"0","./","10","cd algorithmInstaller","0"}; forecommands = iforecommands; } String postcommands [] = {"cd ..","0","./","30"}; ArrayList commandsArray = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(forecommands)); String [] installers = installStrings.split("\n"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int max = 10; int i =0; for (String installer: installers){ int limit = 1000; if (installer.length()>limit) installer = installer.substring(0, limit)+"...\""; sb.append(installer+"\n"); if (i == max) { i = 0; String commands = sb.toString(); commandsArray.add(commands); commandsArray.add("10"); sb = new StringBuffer(); } else i++; } if (sb.toString().length()>0) { commandsArray.add(sb.toString()); commandsArray.add("10"); } /* for (String installer:installArray) { installer = installer.trim().replace("/gcube/devsec", scope); if (installer.length()>0){ commandsArray.add(installer); commandsArray.add("3"); } } */ commandsArray.addAll(new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(postcommands))); String[] commands = new String[commandsArray.size()]; commands = commandsArray.toArray(commands); cmd1(commands); System.out.println("Elapsed Time: "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-t0)); } public enum Environment { PROD, DEV, PROTO, PRE } public static String dumpInstallerFile(Environment env){ String url = ""; String file = ""; switch(env){ case PROD: url = ""; file ="ProdInstaller.txt"; break; case DEV: url = ""; file ="DevInstaller.txt"; break; case PROTO: url = ""; file ="ProtoInstaller.txt"; break; case PRE: url = ""; file ="PreInstaller.txt"; break; } String answer = HttpRequest.sendGetRequest(url, ""); List installationStringsList = new ArrayList(); String answerbuffer = answer; String install = ""; while (answerbuffer.length()>0){ for (int i=0;i<7;i++){ int pipe = answerbuffer.indexOf("|"); String token = answerbuffer.substring(0,pipe); install+=token+"|"; answerbuffer = answerbuffer.substring(pipe+1); } install = install.trim(); if (!install.startsWith("|")) install = "|"+install; installationStringsList.add(install); install = ""; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (String installer:installationStringsList){ if (installer.contains("deprecated")) continue; String [] tablerow = installer.split("\\|"); String row = tablerow[5]; if (row.contains("")){ row = row .replace("","").replace("", ""); row = row.trim(); sb.append(row+"\n"); } } try { FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(file),false) ; fw.write(sb.toString()); fw.close(); return file; }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } }