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package org.gcube.dataaccess.databases.utilsold;
//package org.gcube.dataanalysis.databases.utilsold;
//import java.math.BigInteger;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.List;
//import org.gcube.contentmanagement.lexicalmatcher.utils.AnalysisLogger;
////import org.gcube.databasemanagement.DBAdapter;
//import org.gcube.dataanalysis.databases.structure.MySQLTableStructure;
//import org.gcube.dataanalysis.databases.structure.AbstractTableStructure;
//import org.gcube.dataanalysis.databases.structure.PostgresTableStructure;
////import org.gcube.contentmanagement.databases.structure.MySQLTableStructure;
//import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
///** Class that allows manage a database offering several functionalities */
//public class DatabaseManagement {
// // AbstractTableStructure crossTableStructure;
// private List<String> tablesname = new ArrayList<String>();
// private String configPath;
// private String sourceSchemaName;
// private SessionFactory sourceDBSession;
// private String DBType;
// private AbstractTableStructure crossTableStructure;
// // private DBAdapter typesMap;
// private DatabaseOperations op = new DatabaseOperations();
//// private String destinationDBType;
//// private String sourceDBType;
// MySQLTableStructure mysqlobj;
// private static final String MYSQL = "MySQL";
// private static final String POSTGRES = "Postgres";
// private static final String selectTablesQuery = "SELECT distinct table_name FROM information_schema.COLUMNS where table_schema='%1$s';";
// private static final String listSchemaNameQuery="select schema_name from information_schema.schemata where schema_name <> 'information_schema' and schema_name !~ E'^pg_'";
// public DatabaseManagement(String cfgDir, String SourceFile)
// throws Exception {
// configPath = cfgDir;
// if (!configPath.endsWith("/"))
// configPath += "/";
// sourceSchemaName = op.getDBSchema(configPath + SourceFile);
// sourceDBSession = DatabaseFactory.initDBConnection(configPath
// + SourceFile);
//// destinationDBType = POSTGRES;
//// sourceDBType = MYSQL;
//// // typesMap = new DBAdapter(configPath + "/" + sourceDBType + "2"
//// // + destinationDBType + ".properties");
// }
// // Get the table's names
// public List<String> getTables() throws Exception {
// String query = String.format(selectTablesQuery, sourceSchemaName);
// List<Object> resultSet = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(query,
// sourceDBSession);
// for (Object result : resultSet) {
// tablesname.add((String) result);
// }
// // Get the Database's type
// DBType = op.getDBType();
// return tablesname;
// }
// //Get the schema's name for the database Postgres
// public List<String> getSchemas() throws Exception{
// // Get the Database's type
// DBType = op.getDBType();
// List<String> list= new ArrayList<String>();
// if (DBType.equals(POSTGRES)) {
// List<Object> resultSet = DatabaseFactory.executeSQLQuery(listSchemaNameQuery,
// sourceDBSession);
// for (Object result : resultSet) {
// list.add((String) result);
// }
// }
// if (DBType.equals(MYSQL)){
// list=null;
// }
// return list;
// }
// // Get the "Create Table" statement
// public String getCreateTable(String tablename) throws Exception {
// String createstatement = "";
// if (DBType.equals(POSTGRES)) {
// // for (String table : tablesname) {
// crossTableStructure = getSourceTableObject(tablename);
// String tableBuildQuery = crossTableStructure.buildUpCreateTable();
// AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug(
// "DatabaseManagement->'Create Table' statement: "
// + tableBuildQuery);
// // }
// }
// if (DBType.equals(MYSQL)) {
// // for (String table : tablesname) {
// crossTableStructure = getSourceTableObject(tablename);
// try {
// String createtablestatement = mysqlobj
// .showCreateTable(sourceDBSession);
// AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug(
// "DatabaseManagement->'Create Table' statement: "
// + createtablestatement);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// // TODO: handle exception
// AnalysisLogger.getLogger().debug(
// "DatabaseManagement->Exception: " + e.getMessage());
// }
// // }
// }
// return createstatement;
// }
// // Method that create the database object
// private AbstractTableStructure getSourceTableObject(String tablename)
// throws Exception {
// if (DBType.equals(MYSQL)) {
// mysqlobj = new MySQLTableStructure(sourceSchemaName, tablename,
// sourceDBSession);
// // mysqlobj = new MySQLTableStructure(sourceSchemaName, tablename,
// // typesMap, sourceDBSession);
// // return new MySQLTableStructure(sourceSchemaName, tablename,
// // typesMap, sourceDBSession);
// return mysqlobj;
// }
// else if (DBType.equals(POSTGRES)) {
// PostgresTableStructure postobj = new PostgresTableStructure(
// sourceSchemaName, tablename, sourceDBSession);
// // PostgresTableStructure postobj = new PostgresTableStructure(
// // sourceSchemaName, tablename, typesMap, sourceDBSession);
// return postobj;
// } else {
// return null;
// }
// }
// // Method that returns the estimated number of rows
// public BigInteger getNumberOfRows(String tablename) throws Exception {
// BigInteger rows;
// rows = op.calculateElements(tablename, sourceDBSession);
// return rows;
// }