Loredana Liccardo cf08416252 - some corrections added (algorithms gettablesdetails, listdbinfo,listschemas,listtables, randomsampling,smartsampling,sampling,submitquery). check added in order to use trim function on a not null object.
- bug fixed and founded with the TabularData Database resource that has 2 access points with the same endpoint, username and password values.
In component DatabasesResourcesManager getAccessPoints method in DBResource class modified and equals method defined in AccessPoint class. DBResource, Normalizer, Decider e Guesser classes modified in order manage the exception generated in equals method. Exception managed also in algorithms (except ListNames) in database-rm-algorithms components.
- tag version changed in pom file from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
- classes in regressiontest package updated in previous operations and committed

git-svn-id: 82a268e6-3cf1-43bd-a215-b396298e98cf
2014-10-16 09:16:53 +00:00
dataaccess/algorithms - some corrections added (algorithms gettablesdetails, listdbinfo,listschemas,listtables, randomsampling,smartsampling,sampling,submitquery). check added in order to use trim function on a not null object. 2014-10-16 09:16:53 +00:00