# Changelog ## [v1.5.1] [r4.24.0] - [2020-06-10] ### Features - Updated for support https protocol [#19423] ## [v1.5.0] - [2017-02-15] ### Features - Removed ScopeProvider calls ## [v1.4.0] - [2016-12-01] ### Features - Updated algorithms to DataMiner ## [v1.3.0] - [2014-12-05] ### Features - algorithm SubmitQuery modified in order to pass the string pathfile to the submitQuery method of class DatabaseManagement in order to generate a file and retrieve it from the statistical manager with the map as output. - Algorithms RandomSampleOnTable, SampleOnTable, SmartSampleOnTable and SubmitQuery modified in order to manage the file as output. - total number rows returned as output for the result of the submit Query operation: algorithm SubmitQuery modified ## [v1.2.0] - [2014-10-27] ### Features - some algorithms modified to cope modifications applied in the database-resource-manager component and regarding the management of the same access point for a resource and the database connection shutdown. ## [v1.1.0] - [2014-09-10] ### Features - SubmitQuery algorithm updated because input parameters in the SubmitQuery method of DatabaseManagement class have been updated - timer added in the SubmitQuery algorithm that stops the query execution after 30 minutes - hibernate bug fixed and related to a join tables with same columns names. Bug resolved using JDBC. GetConnection method changed in the SubmitQuery algorithm to create the connection with JDBC - method shutdown of algorithm SubmitQuery implemented in order to allow a user to cancel a submit query operation - bug fixed when two algorithms are submitted concurrently.Bug related to map result's name. Bug fixed generating the name as ResultsMap"+UUID.randomUUID() - classes SubmitQuery, SampleOnTable, SmartSampleOnTable, RandomSampleOnTable modified in order to not make available the file as result - file DestinationDBHibernate modified to insert the property on the timeout - bug fixed on table names that are keywords.Method GetTableDetails corrected to consider the name as schema.table for postgres and database.table for mysql ## [v1-0-0] - [2014-06-09] ### Features - First Release This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).