package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.opengis.ows.x11.AllowedValuesDocument.AllowedValues; import net.opengis.ows.x11.DomainMetadataType; import net.opengis.ows.x11.ValueType; import net.opengis.wps.x100.ComplexDataDescriptionType; import net.opengis.wps.x100.InputDescriptionType; import net.opengis.wps.x100.LiteralInputType; import net.opengis.wps.x100.LiteralOutputType; import net.opengis.wps.x100.OutputDescriptionType; import net.opengis.wps.x100.SupportedComplexDataInputType; import net.opengis.wps.x100.SupportedComplexDataType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * * @author Giancarlo Panichi * * */ public class WPS2DM { private final static String SEPARATOR = "|"; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WPS2DM.class); /** * * @param title * title * @param minOcc * min occurrences * @param maxOcc * max occurrences * @param rangeOccs * range occurrences * @param id * id * @param crs * crs * @return parameter */ public static Parameter manageBoundingBoxInformation(String title, int minOcc, int maxOcc, int rangeOccs, String id, String crs) { Parameter converted = null; title = "Bounding Box Input in OGC 06-121r3 spec. E.g. 102,46,103,47,urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4328 " + title; if (crs != null && crs.length() > 0) title += " Supported CRS " + crs; title = buildParameterDescription(title, null, null, minOcc, maxOcc, null); if ((maxOcc == 1) || (maxOcc < 0) || (maxOcc == 0)) converted = new ObjectParameter(id, title, String.class.getName(), " "); else converted = new ListParameter(id, title, String.class.getName(), SEPARATOR, null); return converted; } /** * * @param title * title * @param minOcc * min occurrences * @param maxOcc * max occurences * @param rangeOccs * range occurrences * @param defaultValue * default value * @param id * id * @param uoms * uoms * @param type * type * @return parameter */ public static Parameter manageLiteral(String title, int minOcc, int maxOcc, int rangeOccs, String defaultValue, String id, String uoms, DomainMetadataType type) { Parameter converted = null; logger.debug("WPS type:" + type.getStringValue()); String guessedType = guessWPSLiteralType(type); logger.debug("Guessed type: " + guessedType); // rebuild title if ((defaultValue == null || defaultValue.trim().length() == 0)) defaultValue = guessDefaultValue(guessedType); logger.debug("Guessed default value: " + defaultValue); title = buildParameterDescription(title, null, uoms, minOcc, maxOcc, defaultValue); if ((maxOcc == 1) || (maxOcc < 0) || (maxOcc == 0)) { if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) { if (title.contains("[a sequence of names of columns from ")) { Pattern pattern = Pattern .compile("a sequence of names of columns from (\\w+) separated by (\\p{ASCII})"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(title); logger.debug("Machter title: " + title); logger.debug("Machter find: " + matcher.find()); logger.debug("Machter group: " +; logger.debug("Machter start: " + matcher.start()); logger.debug("Machter end: " + matcher.end()); logger.debug("Machter Group Count: " + matcher.groupCount()); String referredTabularParameterName =; logger.debug("Matcher referredTabularParameterName: " + referredTabularParameterName); String separator =; logger.debug("Matcher separator: " + separator); converted = new ColumnListParameter(id, title, referredTabularParameterName, separator); } else { if (title.contains("[the name of a column from ")) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("the name of a column from (\\w+)"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(title); logger.debug("Machter title: " + title); logger.debug("Machter find: " + matcher.find()); logger.debug("Machter group: " +; logger.debug("Machter start: " + matcher.start()); logger.debug("Machter end: " + matcher.end()); logger.debug("Machter Group Count: " + matcher.groupCount()); String referredTabularParameterName =; logger.debug("Matcher referredTabularParameterName: " + referredTabularParameterName); converted = new ColumnParameter(id, title, referredTabularParameterName, defaultValue); } else { if (title.contains("[a sequence of values separated by ")) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("a sequence of values separated by (\\p{ASCII})"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(title); logger.debug("Machter title: " + title); logger.debug("Machter find: " + matcher.find()); logger.debug("Machter group: " +; logger.debug("Machter start: " + matcher.start()); logger.debug("Machter end: " + matcher.end()); logger.debug("Machter Group Count: " + matcher.groupCount()); String separator =; logger.debug("Matcher separator: " + separator); converted = new ListParameter(id, title, guessedType, separator,defaultValue); } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_")) { logger.debug("WKT parameter: " + title); converted = retrieveWKTParameter(id, title, defaultValue); } else { if (title.contains("[ITEMID]")) { logger.debug("ItemID parameter: " + title); title = title.replace("[ITEMID]", ""); converted = new ItemIdParameter(id, title, defaultValue); } else { if (title.contains("[DATE]")) { logger.debug("DATE parameter: " + title); title = title.replace("[DATE]", ""); converted = new DateParameter(id, title, defaultValue); } else { if (title.contains("[TIME]")) { logger.debug("TIME parameter: " + title); title = title.replace("[TIME]", ""); converted = new TimeParameter(id, title, defaultValue); } else { converted = new ObjectParameter(id, title, guessPrimitiveType(guessedType), defaultValue); } } } } } } } } else { converted = new ObjectParameter(id, title, guessPrimitiveType(guessedType), defaultValue); } } else { if (guessedType.compareTo(Boolean.class.getName()) == 0) { converted = new ObjectParameter(id, title, guessedType, defaultValue); } else { converted = new ListParameter(id, title, String.class.getName(), SEPARATOR, defaultValue); } } return converted; } private static Parameter retrieveWKTParameter(String id, String title, String defaultValue) { WKTGeometryType wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Polygon; if (title.contains("[WKT_POINT]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_POINT]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Point; } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_LINESTRING]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_LINESTRING]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.LineString; } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_POLYGON]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_POLYGON]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Polygon; } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_CIRCLE]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_CIRCLE]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Circle; } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_TRIANGLE]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_TRIANGLE]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Triangle; } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_SQUARE]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_SQUARE]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Square; } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_PENTAGON]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_PENTAGON]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Pentagon; } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_HEXAGON]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_HEXAGON]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Hexagon; } else { if (title.contains("[WKT_BOX]")) { title = title.replace("[WKT_BOX]", ""); wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Box; } else { wktGeometryType = WKTGeometryType.Polygon; } } } } } } } } } Coordinates coordinates = retrieveCoordinates(title); String wktDescription = cleanWKTDescription(title); WKTParameter wktParameter = new WKTParameter(id, wktDescription, wktGeometryType, coordinates, defaultValue); logger.debug("Retrieved WKTParameter: " + wktParameter); return wktParameter; } private static Coordinates retrieveCoordinates(String title) { logger.debug("Retrieve Coordinates"); Coordinates coordinates = null; if (title != null && !title.isEmpty() && title.contains("[COORDS_")) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\[COORDS_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)_(.*?)\\]"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(title); if (matcher.find()) { logger.debug("Coords Match found"); coordinates = new Coordinates(,,,; } } logger.debug("Retrieved Coordinates: " + coordinates); return coordinates; } private static String cleanWKTDescription(String title) { if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) { int indexStart = title.indexOf("[COORDS_"); if (indexStart > -1 && indexStart < title.length()) { String subTitle = title.substring(indexStart); logger.debug("Title without the initial part: " + subTitle); int indexEnd = subTitle.indexOf("]"); if (indexEnd > -1 && indexEnd < subTitle.length()) { StringBuilder titleCleaned = new StringBuilder(); titleCleaned.append(title.substring(0, indexStart)); if (indexEnd + 1 < subTitle.length()) { titleCleaned.append(subTitle.substring(indexEnd + 1)); } title = new String(titleCleaned.toString()); } } } logger.debug("Cleaned Description: " + title); return title; } /** * * @param maxMegaBytes * max mega bytes * @param title * title * @param minOcc * min occurrences * @param maxOcc * max occurrences * @param rangeOccs * range occurrences * @param id * id * @param defaultType * default type * @param supportedTypes * supported type * @return parameter */ public static Parameter manageComplexData(String maxMegaBytes, String title, int minOcc, int maxOcc, int rangeOccs, String id, ComplexDataDescriptionType defaultType, ComplexDataDescriptionType[] supportedTypes) { Parameter converted = null; String mimeType = null; String schema = null; String encoding = null; ArrayList supportedMimeTypes = new ArrayList(); // GenericFileDataConstants.MIME_TYPE_TEXT_XML mimeType = defaultType.getMimeType(); schema = defaultType.getSchema(); encoding = defaultType.getEncoding(); logger.debug("Default MimeType: " + mimeType); logger.debug("Default Schema: " + schema); logger.debug("Default Encoding: " + encoding); for (ComplexDataDescriptionType supported : supportedTypes) { supportedMimeTypes.add(supported.getMimeType()); } // rebuild title title = buildParameterDescription(title, maxMegaBytes, null, minOcc, maxOcc, null); if ((maxOcc == 1) || (maxOcc < 0) || (maxOcc == 0)) { if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) { if (title.contains("[a http link to a table")) { converted = new TabularParameter(id, title, " ", new ArrayList(), mimeType, supportedMimeTypes); } else { if (title.contains("[a http link to a file")) { if (title.contains("[NETCDF]")) { converted = new FileParameter(id, title, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes, true); } else { converted = new FileParameter(id, title, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes, false); } } else { if (title.contains("[a sequence of http links")) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "\\[a sequence of http links separated by (\\p{ASCII}) , each indicating a table"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(title); boolean match = false; if (match = matcher.find()) { logger.debug("Machter title: " + title); logger.debug("Machter find: " + match); logger.debug("Machter group: " +; logger.debug("Machter start: " + matcher.start()); logger.debug("Machter end: " + matcher.end()); logger.debug("Machter Group Count: " + matcher.groupCount()); String separator =; logger.debug("Matcher separator: " + separator); converted = new TabularListParameter(id, title, separator, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes); } else { if (title.contains("[NETCDF]")) { converted = new FileParameter(id, title, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes, true); } else { converted = new FileParameter(id, title, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes, false); } } } else { if (title.contains("[NETCDF]")) { converted = new FileParameter(id, title, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes, true); } else { converted = new FileParameter(id, title, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes, false); } } } } } else { converted = new FileParameter(id, title, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes, false); } } else { converted = new FileParameter(id, title, mimeType, supportedMimeTypes, false); } return converted; } public static Parameter convert2DMType(InputDescriptionType wpsType) throws ServiceException { try { String id = wpsType.getIdentifier().getStringValue(); String title = wpsType.getTitle() != null ? wpsType.getTitle().getStringValue() : ""; int minOcc = wpsType.getMinOccurs().intValue(); int maxOcc = wpsType.getMaxOccurs().intValue(); int rangeOccs = maxOcc - minOcc; if (rangeOccs == 0) rangeOccs = 1; // default Parameter converted = new ObjectParameter(id, title, String.class.getName(), " "); if (rangeOccs > 1) converted = new ListParameter(id, title, String.class.getName(), SEPARATOR, null); // Bounding Boxes if (wpsType.isSetBoundingBoxData()) { logger.debug("Conversion to DM Type->" + id + " is a Bounding Box Input"); converted = manageBoundingBoxInformation(title, minOcc, maxOcc, rangeOccs, id, wpsType.getBoundingBoxData().getDefault().getCRS()); } // Literals else if (wpsType.isSetLiteralData()) { logger.debug("Conversion to DM Type->" + id + " is a Literal Input"); LiteralInputType literal = wpsType.getLiteralData(); String uoms = literal.getUOMs() == null ? "" : literal.getUOMs().getDefault().getUOM().getStringValue(); String defaultValue = literal.getDefaultValue(); converted = manageLiteral(title, minOcc, maxOcc, rangeOccs, defaultValue, id, uoms, literal.getDataType()); AllowedValues allowedValues = literal.getAllowedValues(); if (allowedValues != null) { ValueType[] values = allowedValues.getValueArray(); logger.debug("ValueType[]:" + Arrays.toString(values)); List enumValues = new ArrayList<>(); for (ValueType v : values) { enumValues.add(v.getStringValue()); } if (values.length > 1) { ObjectParameter conv = (ObjectParameter) converted; if (conv.getType() != null && !conv.getType().isEmpty() && conv.getType().compareToIgnoreCase(Boolean.class.getName()) != 0) { converted = new EnumParameter(conv.getName(), conv.getDescription(), enumValues, conv.getDefaultValue()); } } } } else if (wpsType.isSetComplexData()) { logger.debug("Conversion to DM Type->" + id + " is a Complex Input"); SupportedComplexDataInputType complex = wpsType.getComplexData(); String maxMegaBytes = complex.getMaximumMegabytes() != null ? complex.getMaximumMegabytes().toString() : "1"; logger.debug("Max Megabytes: " + maxMegaBytes); converted = manageComplexData(maxMegaBytes, title, minOcc, maxOcc, rangeOccs, id, complex.getDefault().getFormat(), complex.getSupported().getFormatArray()); } logger.debug("Conversion to DM Type->Name=" + id); logger.debug("Conversion to DM Type->Title=" + title); logger.debug("Conversion to DM Type->Number of Inputs to Manage=" + rangeOccs); return converted; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new ServiceException(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public static Parameter convert2DMType(OutputDescriptionType wpsType) { String id = wpsType.getIdentifier().getStringValue(); String title = wpsType.getTitle() != null ? wpsType.getTitle().getStringValue() : ""; // default Parameter converted = new ObjectParameter(id, title, String.class.getName(), " "); logger.debug("Conversion to DM Type->Output id:" + id); logger.debug("Conversion to DM Type->Title:" + title); // Bounding Boxes if (wpsType.isSetBoundingBoxOutput()) { logger.debug("Bounding Box Output"); converted = manageBoundingBoxInformation(title, -1, -1, -1, id, ""); } // Literals else if (wpsType.isSetLiteralOutput()) { logger.debug("Literal Output"); LiteralOutputType literal = wpsType.getLiteralOutput(); String uoms = literal.getUOMs() == null ? "" : literal.getUOMs().toString(); converted = manageLiteral(title, -1, -1, -1, "", id, uoms, literal.getDataType()); } else if (wpsType.isSetComplexOutput()) { logger.debug("Complex Output"); SupportedComplexDataType complex = wpsType.getComplexOutput(); converted = manageComplexData("", title, -1, -1, -1, id, complex.getDefault().getFormat(), complex.getSupported().getFormatArray()); } return converted; } /** * * @param title * title * @param maxMegabytes * max mega bytes * @param UoM * UoM * @param minElements * min elements * @param maxElements * max elements * @param defaultValue * default value * @return description */ public static String buildParameterDescription(String title, String maxMegabytes, String UoM, int minElements, int maxElements, String defaultValue) { String description = title; /* * String innerDescription = ""; * * if (maxMegabytes != null && maxMegabytes.trim().length() > 0) { * innerDescription += "Max MB Size:" + maxMegabytes.trim() + "; "; } if * (UoM != null && UoM.trim().length() > 0) { innerDescription += * "Unit of Measure:" + UoM.trim() + "; "; } if (minElements > 0) { * innerDescription += "Min N. of Entries:" + minElements + "; "; } if * (maxElements > 0) { innerDescription += "Max N. of Entries:" + * maxElements + "; "; } if (defaultValue != null && * defaultValue.trim().length() > 0) { innerDescription += "default:" + * defaultValue.trim() + "; "; } * * if (innerDescription.length() > 0) description += " [" + * innerDescription.substring(0, * innerDescription.lastIndexOf(";")).trim() + "]"; */ return description; } public static String guessWPSLiteralType(DomainMetadataType type) { if (type == null || type.getStringValue() == null) return String.class.getName(); else { String typeS = type.getReference().trim(); if (typeS.length() == 0) return String.class.getName(); else if (typeS.contains("float") || typeS.contains("double") || typeS.contains("decimal")) return Double.class.getName(); else if (typeS.contains("int")) return Integer.class.getName(); else if (typeS.contains("long")) return Long.class.getName(); else if (typeS.contains("short")) return Short.class.getName(); else if (typeS.contains("boolean")) return Boolean.class.getName(); } return String.class.getName(); } public static String guessDefaultValue(String type) { if (type.equals(String.class.getName())) return " "; else return "0"; } public static String guessPrimitiveType(String type) { if (type.equals(Integer.class.getName())) { return Integer.class.getName(); } else if (type.equals(String.class.getName())) { return String.class.getName(); } else if (type.equals(Boolean.class.getName())) { return Boolean.class.getName(); } else if (type.equals(Double.class.getName())) { return Double.class.getName(); } else if (type.equals(Float.class.getName())) { return Float.class.getName(); } else return null; } }