fix #21803, create-user-portlet may notcreated user to all contexts

Bug/21803 r5.4.0
Massimiliano Assante 3 years ago
parent 747b9a52d6
commit 9ca0963b76

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [v3.0.1] - 2021-07-08
- Feature #21777, migrated to new AccessTokenProvider class
- Bug fix #21803, create-user-portlet may not add the yet created user to all the context at once
## [v3.0.0] - 2020-09-24

@ -238,12 +238,16 @@ public class CreateUsersImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements HandleUsers"Create workspace via shub has been done, proceed with user add to VRE");
// adding to the current VRE
long userId = userManager.getUserId(user.getScreenName());
userManager.assignUserToGroup(getCurrentGroupID(), userId);
logger.debug("trying to send the event to create the account for this user to the orchestrator");"trying to send the event to create the account for this user to the orchestrator");
long currGroupId = pContext.getCurrentGroupId(getThreadLocalRequest());
Group theVRE = GroupLocalServiceUtil.getGroup(currGroupId);
new CreateUserAddToVrePublisher().publish(
CreateUserAddToVre.newEvent(user.getScreenName(), name, surname, email, INITIAL_PWD, theVRE));
logger.debug("... sleeping 5 seconds");
logger.debug("... now adding his user to the VRE");
userManager.assignUserToGroup(getCurrentGroupID(), userId);
if (sendEmail)
sendEmailToUser(email, name + " " + surname);
}catch(Exception e){
