import pytest import requests import time import importlib import logging import logging.config from pytest_httpserver import HTTPServer from pyexecplugins.pyexecplugins import PyExecPlugin logging.config.fileConfig('tests/logging-test.conf') pluginstotest = ("Http", "Shell", "Eval", "Mail") for plg in pluginstotest: path = "pyexecplugins." + plg importlib.import_module(path) logger = logging.getLogger("test")"All available plugins are: %s", PyExecPlugin.getPluginNames()) def sleeping5(request): time.sleep(5) def sleeping15(request): time.sleep(15) def test_data(httpserver): uri = "/postdata" data = { "method" : "post", "url" : httpserver.url_for(uri), "headers" : { "Authorization" : "Bearer 9392j9fn9392", "Content-Type" : "application/json" }, "body" : {"foo": "bar"}, "params" : "gino=stilla", "expect" : 201, "fail" : None, "connection-timeout" : 1, "read-timeout" : 1, "no-timeout" : "false", } httpserver.expect_request(uri=uri, headers=data["headers"], json=data["body"]).respond_with_data("Created", status=data["expect"]) http_plugin = PyExecPlugin.get("Http")(data, None) out = http_plugin.execute() assert out["status"] == 201 assert out["body"] == "Created" def test_params(httpserver): uri = "/params" data = { "method" : "get", "url" : httpserver.url_for(uri), "headers" : { "Authorization" : "Bearer 9392j9fn9392" }, "params" : "gino=stilla", "expect" : 200, "fail" : None, "connection-timeout" : 1, "read-timeout" : 1, "no-timeout" : "false", } httpserver.expect_request(uri=uri, headers=data["headers"], query_string=data["params"]).respond_with_data("OK") http_plugin = PyExecPlugin.get("Http")(data, None) out = http_plugin.execute() assert out["status"] == 200 assert out["body"] == "OK" def test_timeout(httpserver): uri = "/timeout" data = { "method" : "get", "url" : httpserver.url_for(uri), "read-timeout" : 3 } httpserver.expect_request(uri).respond_with_handler(sleeping5) http_plugin = PyExecPlugin.get("Http")(data, None) with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout): assert http_plugin.execute() # no timeout is tested with a server wait time of 15 seconds that simulates an indefinite wait, that is higher than defaults def test_no_timeout(httpserver): uri = "/notimeout" data = { "method" : "get", "url" : httpserver.url_for(uri), "no-timeout" : True } httpserver.expect_request(uri).respond_with_handler(sleeping15) http_plugin = PyExecPlugin.get("Http")(data, None) http_plugin.execute() def test_connection_refused(httpserver): httpserver.stop() data = { "method" : "get", "url" : httpserver.url_for("/") } http_plugin = PyExecPlugin.get("Http")(data, None) with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): http_plugin.execute()