import subprocess import logging from pyexecplugins.pyexecplugins import PyExecPlugin class Plugin(PyExecPlugin): name = "Shell" taskdef = { "name" : "pyshell", "description" : "Execute an Shell commands on target machine. Commands are in the form of an array of objects like { 'line': 'ls -l', 'expect' : 0, 'withshell' : False}. For expect 0 is the default, for withshell False is the default thus they can be omitted.", "inputKeys" : ["commands"], "outputKeys" : ["results"], "ownerEmail" : "" } def __init__(self, data=None): super().__init__(data) def execute(self): results = [] for cmdentry in"commands"): expect = cmdentry.get("expect", 0) cmd = cmdentry.get("line") #Use shell=True for very complex cmdlines that do have quotes and other amenities withshell = cmdentry.get("withshell","withshell", False)) if cmd == None: continue else: cmd = cmd.split() if not withshell else cmd logging.debug("Going to execute (withshell=%b) %s", withshell, cmd) completed =, shell=withshell, capture_output=True, text=True) results.append({ 'returncode' : completed.returncode, 'stdout' : completed.stdout, 'stderr': completed.stderr}) if completed.returncode != expect: raise Exception("Intermediate command failed with status code " + str(completed.returncode) ) return { "results": results }