import configparser import importlib import logging import sys import os import random from pyexecplugins.pyexecplugins import * from conductor.ConductorWorker import ConductorWorker class PyExec(): errors = { "info" : logging.INFO, "error" : logging.ERROR, "debug" : logging.DEBUG} def __init__(self, pluginlist): self.init(pluginlist) def computeDomain(self, plg): domain = self.getDomain(plg) commondomain = self.getDomain("common") if domain is not None and commondomain is not None: domain = domain + "," + commondomain elif commondomain is not None: domain = commondomain return domain def getDomain(self, plg): if self.cfg.has_section(plg): return self.cfg[plg].get("domain") else: return None def init(self, pluginlist): self.cfg = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.cfg") self.workerid = self.cfg["common"].get("workerid", "pythonworker-" + str(random.randint(1000,10000))) logging.basicConfig(level=self.errors[self.cfg["common"]["loglevel"]])"Initializing PyExec worker %s with config.cfg", self.workerid) self.threads = self.cfg["common"].getint("threads", 3) self.pollrate = self.cfg["common"].getfloat("pollrate", .1) self.server = os.environ.get('CONDUCTOR_SERVER', self.cfg["common"].get("server", "http://localhost:8080/api")) for plg in pluginlist: path = "pyexecplugins." + plg try: importlib.import_module(path) except Exception as err: logging.warning("Skipping plugin %s %s", path, err) continue PyExecPlugin.registerTaskDefinitions(self.server) def start(self):"Started PyExec with plugins: %s", PyExecPlugin.getPluginNames()) cc = ConductorWorker(self.server, self.threads, self.pollrate, self.workerid) # start workers for all included plugins that are available also as standalone tasks ... for plg in PyExecPlugin.getPlugins(): plugin = PyExecPlugin.get(plg) if plugin.supportsStandalone(plugin): domain = self.computeDomain(plugin.taskdef["name"]) cc.start(plugin.taskdef["name"], self.pyexec, False, domain) # ... plus fallback pyexec for managing non standalone calls, Nop, Identity and Sequence domain = self.computeDomain("pyexec") cc.start('pyexec', self.pyexec, True, domain) def pyexec(self, task): try:"Executing task {} of type {}[{}] from wkf {}[{}]".format( task["workflowTask"]["taskReferenceName"], task["taskDefName"], task["taskId"], task["workflowType"], task["workflowInstanceId"])) # Get operation from input or task type (in case of standalone tasks) fallback to Nop operation = task["inputData"].get("operation") or task["taskDefName"] or "Nop" logging.debug("Operation is %s", operation) # Get plugin by checking either name or alias (in case of standalone tasks the task type is aliased to the plugin name) p = PyExecPlugin.get(operation) or PyExecPlugin.getAlias(operation) logging.debug("Plugin is %s", p) if p != None: pi = p(task["inputData"]) ret = pi.execute() else: raise Exception("Operation {} not found.".format(operation)) return { "status" : "COMPLETED", "output" : ret, "logs" : ["one","two"]} except Exception as exc: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] logging.debug(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno) logging.error(str(exc)) return { "status" : "FAILED", "output" : { "message" : str(exc) }, "logs" : ["one","two"]} if __name__ == '__main__': pyexec = PyExec(sys.argv[1:]) pyexec.start()