import requests import json class PyExecPlugins(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): if not hasattr(cls, "plugins"): print("Initializing plugins") cls.plugins = {} else: print("Appending a plugin ",, cls) cls.plugins[] = cls def getPlugins(cls): return cls.plugins def get(cls, name): return cls.plugins.get(name) class PyExecPlugin(object, metaclass=PyExecPlugins): def __init__(self, data=None): = data class Nop(PyExecPlugin): name = "Nop" def __init__(self, data=None): super().__init__(data) def execute(self): return None class Identity(PyExecPlugin): name = "Identity" def __init__(self, data=None): super().__init__(data) def execute(self): return class Http(PyExecPlugin): name = "Http" def __init__(self, data): super().__init__(data) self.method = data.get("method") or "get" self.url = data.get("url") self.headers = data.get("headers") or {} self.contenttype = self.headers.get("Content-Type") self.accept = self.headers.get("Accept") self.body = data.get("body") self.expect = data.get("expect") = data.get("fail") def doRequest(self): #print(self.method, self.url, self.contenttype, self.accept) if self.contenttype != None and self.contenttype.find("json") != -1: self.response = requests.request(self.method, self.url, headers=self.headers, json = self.body) else: self.response = requests.request(self.method, self.url, headers=self.headers, data = self.body) return self.response def computeStatus(self): if == False: return "COMPLETED" elif self.expect == None: return "COMPLETED" if self.response.ok else "FAILED" else: if type(self.expect) == list: return "COMPLETED" if (self.response.status_code in self.expect) else "FAILED" else: return "COMPLETED" if (self.response.status_code == self.expect) else "FAILED" def buildOutput(self, status): hdrs = {} for k in self.response.headers.keys(): hdrs[k] = self.response.headers[k] print("Response: {} {}".format(self.response.status_code, self.response.reason)) if hdrs.get("Content-Type") != None and hdrs["Content-Type"].find("json") != -1 or self.accept != None and self.accept.find("json") != -1: outbody = self.response.json() else: outbody = self.response.text return { 'status': status, 'output': { "body" : outbody, "headers" : hdrs, "status" : self.response.status_code, "reason" : self.response.reason}, 'logs': ['one', 'two']} def execute(self): try: self.doRequest() status = self.computeStatus() return self.buildOutput(status) except Exception as err: return { "status" : "FAILED", "output" : { "message" : "Internal error: {}".format(err)}, "logs" : ["one","two"] }