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2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
import requests;
import json;
import logging;
2020-06-19 10:50:02 +02:00
class PyExecPlugins(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
if not hasattr(cls, "plugins"):
logging.getLogger("pyexec").debug("Initializing plugins")
2020-06-19 10:50:02 +02:00
cls.plugins = {}
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
cls.alias = {}
2020-06-19 10:50:02 +02:00
logging.getLogger("pyexec").debug("Appending a plugin %s - %s ",, cls)
2020-06-19 10:50:02 +02:00
cls.plugins[] = cls
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
#Alias plugin also with taskdefinition so it will be lookup-able with poth Operation name and taskdefinition
if cls.taskdef is not None:
cls.alias[cls.taskdef["name"]] = cls
2020-06-19 10:50:02 +02:00
def getPlugins(cls):
return cls.plugins
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
def getPluginNames(cls):
return [*cls.plugins.keys()]
2020-06-19 10:50:02 +02:00
def get(cls, name):
return cls.plugins.get(name)
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
def getAlias(cls, name):
return cls.alias.get(name)
def registerTaskDefinitions(cls, server):
url = server + "/metadata/taskdefs"
#pyexec generic taskdefinition
taskdefs = [
# "name" : "pyexec",
# "description" : "Execute PyExec operations",
# "inputKeys" : ["operation"],
# "outputKeys" : ["ret"],
# "ownerEmail" : ""
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
for plg in cls.getPluginNames():
if cls.plugins[plg].taskdef is not None:
taskdef = cls.plugins[plg].taskdef
#Post all new (or not) task definitions to orchestrator
logging.getLogger("pyexec").debug("Recording task definitions %s", taskdefs)
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(taskdefs))
except Exception as e:
logging.getLogger("pyexec").warning("Unable to register task defs %s", e)
2020-06-19 10:50:02 +02:00
class PyExecPlugin(object, metaclass=PyExecPlugins):
def __init__(self, data=None): = data
def hasDefinition(self):
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
return (self.taskdef is not None)
#class Nop(PyExecPlugin):
# name = "Nop"
# taskdef = None
# def __init__(self, data=None):
# super().__init__(data)
# def execute(self):
# return None
2020-09-09 17:02:36 +02:00
#class Identity(PyExecPlugin):
# name = "Identity"
# taskdef = None
# def __init__(self, data=None):
# super().__init__(data)
# def execute(self):
#"_result", None)
# return
2020-09-09 17:02:36 +02:00
#class Sequence(PyExecPlugin):
# name = "Sequence"
# taskdef = None
# def __init__(self, data=None):
# super().__init__(data)
# def handleSequence(self, sequence, currentresults):
# for t in sequence:
# operation = t.get("operation", "Nop")
# if operation == "Sequence":
# self.handleSequence(t.tasks, self.results)
# else:
# p = PyExecPlugin.get(operation)
# if p != None:
# t["_result"] = currentresults
# pi = p(t)
# ret = pi.execute()
# self.result.append(ret)
# else: raise Exception("Operation {} not found.".format(operation))
# def execute(self):
# self.result = []
# self.handleSequence("tasks",[]),self.result)
# return {"result": self.result}
2020-09-09 17:02:36 +02:00
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
#class Http(PyExecPlugin):
# name = "Http"
# def __init__(self, data):
# super().__init__(data)
# self.method = data.get("method") or "get"
# self.url = data.get("url")
# self.headers = data.get("headers") or {}
# self.contenttype = self.headers.get("Content-Type")
# self.accept = self.headers.get("Accept")
# self.body = data.get("body")
# self.params = data.get("params")
# self.expect = data.get("expect")
# = data.get("fail")
# def doRequest(self):
# #print(self.method, self.url, self.contenttype, self.accept)
# if self.contenttype != None and self.contenttype.find("json") != -1:
# self.response = requests.request(self.method, self.url, headers=self.headers, json = self.body)
# else:
# self.response = requests.request(self.method, self.url, headers=self.headers, data = self.body, params = self.params)
# return self.response
# def computeStatus(self):
# if == False:
# return "COMPLETED"
# elif self.expect == None:
# return "COMPLETED" if self.response.ok else "FAILED"
# else:
# if type(self.expect) == list:
# return "COMPLETED" if (self.response.status_code in self.expect) else "FAILED"
# else:
# return "COMPLETED" if (self.response.status_code == self.expect) else "FAILED"
# def buildOutput(self, status):
# hdrs = {}
# for k in self.response.headers.keys(): hdrs[k] = self.response.headers[k]
# print("Response: {} {}".format(self.response.status_code, self.response.reason))
# if hdrs.get("Content-Type") != None and hdrs["Content-Type"].find("json") != -1 or self.accept != None and #self.accept.find("json") != -1:
# outbody = self.response.json() if len(self.response.content) != 0 else None
# else:
# outbody = self.response.text
# #print(outbody)
# return {
# 'status': status,
# 'output': {
# "body" : outbody,
# "headers" : hdrs,
# "status" : self.response.status_code,
# "reason" : self.response.reason
# },
# 'logs': ['one', 'two']
# }
# def execute(self):
# self.doRequest()
# status = self.computeStatus()
# return self.buildOutput(status)
2020-07-06 12:22:52 +02:00
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
#class Eval(PyExecPlugin):
# name = "Eval"
# def __init__(self, data=None):
# super().__init__(data)
# def execute(self):
# code ="code")
# if code != None:
# ret = eval(code, { "data" :})
# return { "result" : ret }
2020-09-09 17:02:36 +02:00
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
#class Write(PyExecPlugin):
# name = "Write"
# def __init__(self, data=None):
# super().__init__(data)
# def execute(self):
# print("File opening at",["path"])
# fo = open(["path"], "w")
# print("File opened", fo)
# typ ="type", "text")
# if typ == "json":
# fo.write(json.dumps("content","{}")))
# else:
# fo.write("content", ""))
# fo.close()
# return {}
2020-09-09 17:02:36 +02:00
2020-10-14 18:06:28 +02:00
#class Shell(PyExecPlugin):
# name = "Shell"
# def __init__(self, data=None):
# super().__init__(data)
# def execute(self):
# output = {
# 'results' : [],
# 'status' : "COMPLETED"
# }
# for cmdentry in"commands"):
# expect = cmdentry.get("expect", 0)
# cmd = cmdentry.get("line")
# #Use shell=True for very complex cmdlines that do have quotes and ther amenities
# withshell = cmdentry.get("withshell","withshell", False))
# if cmd == None:
# continue
# else:
# cmd = cmd.split() if not withshell else cmd
# print("Going to execute", withshell, cmd)
# completed =, shell=withshell, capture_output=True, text=True)
# output["results"].append({ 'returncode' : completed.returncode, 'stdout' : completed.stdout, 'stderr': completed.stderr})
# if completed.returncode != expect:
# output["status"] = "FAILED"
# break
# return output