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# Servers.
# Database persistence model. Possible values are memory, redis, and dynomite.
# If ommitted, the persistence used is memory
# memory : The data is stored in memory and lost when the server dies. Useful for testing or demo
# redis : non-Dynomite based redis instance
# dynomite : Dynomite cluster. Use this for HA configuration.
{% if use_jdbc is defined and use_jdbc %}
db={{ conductor_db }}
jdbc.url={{ jdbc_url }}
jdbc.username={{ jdbc_user }}
jdbc.password={{ jdbc_pass }}
conductor.{{ conductor_db }}.connection.pool.size.max=10
conductor.{{ conductor_db }}.connection.pool.idle.min=2
{% else %}
# Dynomite Cluster details.
# format is host:port:rack separated by semicolon
workflow.dynomite.cluster.hosts={% set ns = namespace() %}
{% set ns.availability_zone = "" %}
{% for seed in seeds %}
{% set ns.seed_tokens = seed.split(':') %}
{% if ns.availability_zone == "" %}
{% set ns.availability_zone = ns.seed_tokens[2] %}
{% endif %}
{% if ns.availability_zone == ns.seed_tokens[2] %}
{{ ns.seed_tokens[0] }}:8102:{{ ns.availability_zone }}{%- if not loop.last %};{%- endif %}
{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
# If you are running using dynomite, also add the following line to the property
# to set the rack/availability zone of the conductor server to be same as dynomite cluster config
EC2_AVAILABILTY_ZONE={{ ns.availability_zone }}
# Dynomite cluster name
# Namespace for the keys stored in Dynomite/Redis
# Namespace prefix for the dyno queues
# No. of threads allocated to dyno-queues (optional)
# Non-quorum port used to connect to local redis. Used by dyno-queues.
# When using redis directly, set this to the same port as redis server
# For Dynomite, this is 22122 by default or the local redis-server port used by Dynomite.
{% endif %}
# Elastic search instance type. Possible values are memory and external.
# If not specified, the instance type will be embedded in memory
# memory: The instance is created in memory and lost when the server dies. Useful for development and testing.
# external: Elastic search instance runs outside of the server. Data is persisted and does not get lost when
# the server dies. Useful for more stable environments like staging or production.
# Transport address to elasticsearch
# Name of the elasticsearch cluster
# Additional modules (optional)
# Additional modules for metrics collection (optional)
# Load sample kitchen sink workflow