# Servers. conductor.jetty.server.enabled=true conductor.grpc.server.enabled=false # Database persistence model. Possible values are memory, redis, and dynomite. # If ommitted, the persistence used is memory # # memory : The data is stored in memory and lost when the server dies. Useful for testing or demo # redis : non-Dynomite based redis instance # dynomite : Dynomite cluster. Use this for HA configuration. db=postgres jdbc.url=jdbc:postgresql://postgresdb:5432/conductor jdbc.username=conductor jdbc.password=password conductor.postgres.connection.pool.size.max=10 conductor.postgres.connection.pool.idle.min=2 flyway.enabled=false # Elastic search instance type. Possible values are memory and external. # If not specified, the instance type will be embedded in memory # # memory: The instance is created in memory and lost when the server dies. Useful for development and testing. # external: Elastic search instance runs outside of the server. Data is persisted and does not get lost when # the server dies. Useful for more stable environments like staging or production. workflow.elasticsearch.instanceType=external # Transport address to elasticsearch workflow.elasticsearch.url=elasticsearch:9300 # Name of the elasticsearch cluster workflow.elasticsearch.index.name=conductor # Additional modules (optional) # conductor.additional.modules=class_extending_com.google.inject.AbstractModule # Additional modules for metrics collection (optional) # conductor.additional.modules=com.netflix.conductor.contribs.metrics.MetricsRegistryModule,com.netflix.conductor.contribs.metrics.LoggingMetricsModule # com.netflix.conductor.contribs.metrics.LoggingMetricsModule.reportPeriodSeconds=15 # Load sample kitchen sink workflow loadSample=false