-- V1__initial_schema.sql -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SCHEMA FOR METADATA DAO -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE meta_event_handler ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, event varchar(255) NOT NULL, active boolean NOT NULL, json_data mediumtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY event_handler_name_index (name), KEY event_handler_event_index (event) ); CREATE TABLE meta_task_def ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, json_data mediumtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_task_def_name (name) ); CREATE TABLE meta_workflow_def ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, name varchar(255) NOT NULL, version int(11) NOT NULL, latest_version int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, json_data mediumtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_name_version (name,version), KEY workflow_def_name_index (name) ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SCHEMA FOR EXECUTION DAO -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE event_execution ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, event_handler_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, event_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, message_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, execution_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, json_data mediumtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_event_execution (event_handler_name,event_name,message_id) ); CREATE TABLE poll_data ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, queue_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, domain varchar(255) NOT NULL, json_data mediumtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_poll_data (queue_name,domain), KEY (queue_name) ); CREATE TABLE task_scheduled ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, workflow_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, task_key varchar(255) NOT NULL, task_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_workflow_id_task_key (workflow_id,task_key) ); CREATE TABLE task_in_progress ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, task_def_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, task_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, workflow_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, in_progress_status boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_task_def_task_id1 (task_def_name,task_id) ); CREATE TABLE task ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, task_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, json_data mediumtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_task_id (task_id) ); CREATE TABLE workflow ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, workflow_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, correlation_id varchar(255), json_data mediumtext NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_workflow_id (workflow_id) ); CREATE TABLE workflow_def_to_workflow ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, workflow_def varchar(255) NOT NULL, date_str integer NOT NULL, workflow_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_workflow_def_date_str (workflow_def,date_str,workflow_id) ); CREATE TABLE workflow_pending ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, workflow_type varchar(255) NOT NULL, workflow_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_workflow_type_workflow_id (workflow_type,workflow_id), KEY workflow_type_index (workflow_type) ); CREATE TABLE workflow_to_task ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, modified_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, workflow_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, task_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_workflow_to_task_id (workflow_id,task_id), KEY workflow_id_index (workflow_id) ); -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SCHEMA FOR QUEUE DAO -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TABLE queue ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, queue_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_queue_name (queue_name) ); CREATE TABLE queue_message ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, created_on TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, deliver_on TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, queue_name varchar(255) NOT NULL, message_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, popped boolean DEFAULT false, offset_time_seconds long, payload mediumtext, PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY unique_queue_name_message_id (queue_name,message_id), KEY combo_queue_message (queue_name,popped,deliver_on,created_on) ); -- V2__queue_message_timestamps.sql -- ALTER TABLE `queue_message` CHANGE `created_on` `created_on` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; ALTER TABLE `queue_message` CHANGE `deliver_on` `deliver_on` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; -- V3__queue_add_priority.sql -- SET @dbname = DATABASE(); SET @tablename = "queue_message"; SET @columnname = "priority"; SET @preparedStatement = (SELECT IF( ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE (table_name = @tablename) AND (table_schema = @dbname) AND (column_name = @columnname) ) > 0, "SELECT 1", CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", @tablename, " ADD ", @columnname, " TINYINT DEFAULT 0 AFTER `message_id`") )); PREPARE addColumnIfNotExist FROM @preparedStatement; EXECUTE addColumnIfNotExist; DEALLOCATE PREPARE addColumnIfNotExist; -- V4__1009_Fix_MySQLExecutionDAO_Index.sql -- # Drop the 'unique_event_execution' index if it exists SET @exist := (SELECT COUNT(INDEX_NAME) FROM information_schema.STATISTICS WHERE `TABLE_NAME` = 'event_execution' AND `INDEX_NAME` = 'unique_event_execution' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = database()); SET @sqlstmt := IF(@exist > 0, 'ALTER TABLE `event_execution` DROP INDEX `unique_event_execution`', 'SELECT ''INFO: Index already exists.'''); PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlstmt; EXECUTE stmt; # Create the 'unique_event_execution' index with execution_id column instead of 'message_id' so events can be executed multiple times. ALTER TABLE `event_execution` ADD CONSTRAINT `unique_event_execution` UNIQUE (event_handler_name, event_name, execution_id); -- V5__correlation_id_index.sql -- # Drop the 'workflow_corr_id_index' index if it exists SET @exist := (SELECT COUNT(INDEX_NAME) FROM information_schema.STATISTICS WHERE `TABLE_NAME` = 'workflow' AND `INDEX_NAME` = 'workflow_corr_id_index' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = database()); SET @sqlstmt := IF(@exist > 0, 'ALTER TABLE `workflow` DROP INDEX `workflow_corr_id_index`', 'SELECT ''INFO: Index already exists.'''); PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlstmt; EXECUTE stmt; # Create the 'workflow_corr_id_index' index with correlation_id column because correlation_id queries are slow in large databases. CREATE INDEX workflow_corr_id_index ON workflow (correlation_id); -- V6__new_qm_index_with_priority.sql -- # Drop the 'combo_queue_message' index if it exists SET @exist := (SELECT COUNT(INDEX_NAME) FROM information_schema.STATISTICS WHERE `TABLE_NAME` = 'queue_message' AND `INDEX_NAME` = 'combo_queue_message' AND TABLE_SCHEMA = database()); SET @sqlstmt := IF(@exist > 0, 'ALTER TABLE `queue_message` DROP INDEX `combo_queue_message`', 'SELECT ''INFO: Index already exists.'''); PREPARE stmt FROM @sqlstmt; EXECUTE stmt; # Re-create the 'combo_queue_message' index to add priority column because queries that order by priority are slow in large databases. CREATE INDEX combo_queue_message ON queue_message (queue_name,priority,popped,deliver_on,created_on);