--- - name: Generate conductor-swarm template: src: templates/conductor-swarm.yaml.j2 dest: "{{ target_path }}/conductor-swarm.yaml" - name: Generate conductor config from dynomite seeds when: conductor_db is defined and conductor_db == 'dynomite' vars: seeds: "{{ lookup('file', '{{ target_path}}/seeds.list').splitlines() }}" template: src: "templates/{{ conductor_config_template }}" dest: "{{ target_path }}/{{ conductor_config }}" - name: Generate conductor config for JDBC DB when: conductor_db is not defined or conductor_db != 'dynomite' template: src: "templates/{{ conductor_config_template }}" dest: "{{ target_path }}/{{ conductor_config }}" - name: Copy conductor SQL schema init for JDBC DB when: (conductor_db is not defined or conductor_db != 'dynomite') and init_db template: src: "templates/conductor-db-init-{{ conductor_db }}.sql.j2" dest: "{{ target_path }}/conductor-db-init.sql"