#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ $# -eq 0 ] then tag='dev' else tag=$1 fi CONDUCTOR_VERSION=v3.15.0 rm -rf conductor conductor-community git clone https://github.com/Netflix/conductor -b $CONDUCTOR_VERSION git clone https://github.com/Netflix/conductor-community -b $CONDUCTOR_VERSION find conductor-community/ -name dependencies.lock -exec rm -v {} \; # Build conductor server ln -s config.$tag/config.properties config.properties ln -s config/startup.sh startup.sh docker build --no-cache -t hub.dev.d4science.org/conductor/server:$CONDUCTOR_VERSION-$tag -f Dockerfile-server . docker push hub.dev.d4science.org/conductor/server:$CONDUCTOR_VERSION-$tag unlink config.properties unlink startup.sh # Override fetch plugin with one that uses d4s-boot secure fetch cp config/fetch.js conductor/ui/src/plugins/fetch.js # Override root App with one instantiating d4s-boot configured for dev cp config.$tag/App.jsx conductor/ui/src/App.jsx # jump to ui code and build cd conductor/ui/ yarn install && yarn build cd - # copy the built app to local folder and build Docker image. The clean up. cp -r conductor/ui/build . ln -s config.$tag/nginx/conf.d/default.conf default.conf docker build --no-cache -t hub.dev.d4science.org/conductor/frontend:$CONDUCTOR_VERSION-$tag -f Dockerfile-frontend . docker push hub.dev.d4science.org/conductor/frontend:$CONDUCTOR_VERSION-$tag rm -rf build unlink default.conf