diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 7b6de58..62809ef 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,53 +1,55 @@ # Conductor Setup -**Conductor Setup** is composed of a set of ansible roles and a playbook named site.yaml useful for deploying a docker swarm running Conductor microservice orchestrator by [Netflix OSS](https://netflix.github.io/conductor/). +**Conductor Setup** is composed of a set of ansible roles and a playbook named site-*.yaml useful for deploying a docker swarm running Conductor microservice orchestrator by [Netflix OSS](https://netflix.github.io/conductor/). + +Current setup is based on Conductor 3.0.4 version adapted by Nubisware S.r.l. +It uses the docker images on dockerhub: + +- nubisware/conductor-server:3.0.4 +- nubisware/conductor-ui-oauth2:3.0.4 (which has been improved with Oauth2 login in collaboration with Keycloak) + +Besides the basic components Conductor itself (server and ui) and Elasticsearch 6.1.8, the repository can be configured to launch postgres or mysql persistence plus basic python based workers for running PyRest, PyMail, PyExec and PyShell in the same Swarm. +In addition a nginx based PEP can be executed to protect the conductor REST API server. +It is also possible to connect to an external postgres for stateful deployments. ## Structure of the project -The AutoDynomite Docker image script file is present in `dynomite` folder. -The Docker Compose Swarm files are present in the `stack` folder. +The folder roles contains the necessary roles for configuring the different configurations +There are 4 file for deploying to local, nw-cluster or D4SCience dev, pre and prod environments. + +To run a deployment + +`ansible-playbook site-X.yaml` + +whereas + +`ansible-playbook site-X.yaml -e dry=true` + +only generates the files for the stack without actually deploying it. + +The folder *local-site* contains a ready version for quickly launching a conductor instance with no replications (except workers), no auth in the Conductor UI and no PEP. + +`docker stack deploy -c elasticsearch-swarm.yaml -c postgres-swarm.yaml -c conductor-swarm.yaml -c conductor-workers-swarm.yaml -c pep-swarm.yaml conductor` + +When you have ensured that Postgres and Elasticsearch are running, execute: + +`docker stack deploy -c conductor-swarm.yaml conductor` + +This will create a local stack accessible through permissive pep at port 80. Please add two mappings for localhost in your /etc/hosts + +` conductor-server conductor-ui` + +and point your browser to http://conductor-ui. ## Built With * [Ansible](https://www.ansible.com) * [Docker](https://www.docker.com) -## Documentation - -The provided Docker stack files provide the following configuration: - -- 2 Conductor Server nodes with 2 replicas handled by Swarm -- 2 Conductor UI nodes with 2 replicas handled by Swarm -- 1 Elasticsearch node -- 1 Database node that can be postgres (default), mysql or mariadb -- 2 Optional replicated instances of PyExec worker running the tasks Http, Eval and Shell -- 1 Optional cluster-replacement service that sets up a networking environment (including on HAProxy LB) similar to the one available in production. By default it's disabled. - -The default configuration is run with the command: `ansible-playbook site.yaml` -Files for swarms and configurations will be generated inside a temporary folder named /tmp/conductor_stack on the local machine. -In order to change destination folder use the switch: `-e target_path=anotherdir` -If you only want to review the generated files run the command `ansible-playbook site.yaml -e dry=true` -In order to switch between postgres and mysql specify the db on the proper variable: `-e db=mysql` -In order to connect to an external postgres withouth pulling up a service in the stack use -e db=remote-postgres -In order to skip worker creation specify the noworker variable: `-e noworker=true` -In order to enable the cluster replacement use the switch: `-e cluster_replacement=true` -If you run the stack in production behind a load balanced setup ensure the variable cluster_check is true: `ansible-playbook site.yaml -e cluster_check=true` - -In order to avoid confusion of all variables a proper site.yaml has been created for prod environment. Run `ansible-playbook site-prod.yaml` and this should deploy a stack with prod setup. - -Other setting can be fine tuned by checking the variables in the proper roles which are: - -- *common*: defaults and common tasks -- *conductor*: defaults, templates and tasks for generating swarm files for replicated conductor-server and ui. -- *elasticsearch*: defaults, templates and task for starting in the swarm a single instance of elasticsearch -- *mysql*: defaults, template and tasks for starting in the swarm a single instance of mysql/mariadb -- *postgres*: defaults, templates and tasks for starting in the swarm a single instance of postgres -- *workers*: defaults and task for starting in the swarm a replicated instance of the workers for executing HTTP, Shell, Eval operations. ## Examples -The following example runs as user username on the remote hosts listed in hosts a swarm with 2 replicas of conductor server and ui, 1 postgres, 1 elasticsearch, 2 replicas of simple PyExec, an HAProxy that acts as load balancer. -`ansible-playbook -u username -i hosts site.yaml -e target_path=/tmp/conductor -e cluster_replacement=true` +Checkout the files site-X.yaml as a reference for different configurations. ## Change log diff --git a/local-site/base-config.cfg b/local-site/base-config.cfg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7ceabf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/base-config.cfg @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +[common] +loglevel = info +#server = +threads = 1 +pollrate = 1 + +[pymail] +server = smtp-relay.d4science.org +user = conductor_local +password = +protocol = starttls +port = 587 + diff --git a/local-site/conductor-swarm-config.properties b/local-site/conductor-swarm-config.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8a2f63d --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/conductor-swarm-config.properties @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# Servers. +conductor.grpc-server.enabled=false + +# Database persistence type. +conductor.db.type=postgres +conductor.postgres.jdbcUrl=jdbc:postgresql://postgresdb:5432/conductor +conductor.postgres.jdbcUsername=conductor +conductor.postgres.jdbcPassword=password + + +# Hikari pool sizes are -1 by default and prevent startup +conductor.postgres.connectionPoolMaxSize=10 +conductor.postgres.connectionPoolMinIdle=2 + + +# Elastic search instance indexing is enabled. +conductor.indexing.enabled=true +conductor.elasticsearch.url=http://elasticsearch:9200 +workflow.elasticsearch.instanceType=EXTERNAL +workflow.elasticsearch.index.name=conductor + +# Load sample kitchen sink workflow +loadSample=false diff --git a/local-site/conductor-swarm.yaml b/local-site/conductor-swarm.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abb79b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/conductor-swarm.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +version: '3.6' + + +services: + conductor-server: + environment: + - CONFIG_PROP=conductor-swarm-config.properties + image: "nubisware/conductor-server:3.0.4" + networks: + - conductor-network + deploy: + mode: replicated + replicas: 1 + restart_policy: + condition: on-failure + delay: 5s + window: 120s + configs: + - source: swarm-config + target: /app/config/conductor-swarm-config.properties + + logging: + driver: "journald" + + conductor-ui: + environment: + - WF_SERVER=http://conductor-server:8080/api/ + - AUTH_CONFIG_PATH=/app/config/auth.config + image: "nubisware/conductor-ui-oauth2:3.0.4" + networks: + - conductor-network + deploy: + mode: replicated + replicas: 1 + restart_policy: + condition: on-failure + delay: 5s + window: 120s + +networks: + conductor-network: + +configs: + swarm-config: + file: ./conductor-swarm-config.properties diff --git a/local-site/conductor-workers-swarm.yaml b/local-site/conductor-workers-swarm.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..681b28d --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/conductor-workers-swarm.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +version: '3.6' + +services: + base: + environment: + CONDUCTOR_SERVER: http://conductor-server:8080/api + configs: + - source: base-config + target: /app/config.cfg + image: 'nubisware/nubisware-conductor-worker-py-base' + networks: + - conductor-network + deploy: + mode: replicated + replicas: 2 + restart_policy: + condition: on-failure + delay: 5s + window: 120s + logging: + driver: "journald" + + +networks: + conductor-network: + +configs: + base-config: + file: base-config.cfg diff --git a/local-site/elasticsearch-swarm.yaml b/local-site/elasticsearch-swarm.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e7acb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/elasticsearch-swarm.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +version: '3.6' + +services: + + elasticsearch: + image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.8.15 + environment: + - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m" + - transport.host= + - discovery.type=single-node + - xpack.security.enabled=false + networks: + conductor-network: + aliases: + - es + logging: + driver: "journald" + deploy: + mode: replicated + replicas: 1 + restart_policy: + condition: on-failure + delay: 5s + max_attempts: 3 + window: 120s + +networks: + conductor-network: diff --git a/local-site/nginx.conf b/local-site/nginx.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..613ba96 --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/nginx.conf @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +load_module modules/ngx_http_js_module.so; + +worker_processes 1; + +events { + worker_connections 1024; +} + +http { + + include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; + include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; +} diff --git a/local-site/nginx.default.conf b/local-site/nginx.default.conf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59396a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/nginx.default.conf @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +upstream _conductor-server { + ip_hash; + server conductor-server:8080; +} + +upstream _conductor-ui { + ip_hash; + server conductor-ui:5000; +} + +server { + + listen *:80; + listen [::]:80; + server_name conductor-server; + + location / { + proxy_pass http://_conductor-server; + } + +} + +server { + + listen *:80 default_server; + listen [::]:80 default_server; + server_name conductor-ui; + + location / { + proxy_set_header Host $host; + proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port; + proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; + proxy_pass http://_conductor-ui; + } + +} diff --git a/local-site/pep-swarm.yaml b/local-site/pep-swarm.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b34297d --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/pep-swarm.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +version: '3.6' + +services: + + pep: + image: nginx:stable-alpine + networks: + - conductor-network + ports: + - "80:80" + deploy: + replicas: 1 + restart_policy: + condition: on-failure + delay: 10s + window: 120s + configs: + - source: nginxconf + target: /etc/nginx/templates/default.conf.template + - source: nginxbaseconf + target: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf + +networks: + conductor-network: + +configs: + nginxconf: + file: ./nginx.default.conf + nginxbaseconf: + file: ./nginx.conf diff --git a/local-site/postgres-swarm.yaml b/local-site/postgres-swarm.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1566a7c --- /dev/null +++ b/local-site/postgres-swarm.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +version: '3.6' + +services: + + postgresdb: + image: postgres + environment: + POSTGRES_USER: "conductor" + POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "password" + POSTGRES_DB: "conductor" + networks: + - conductor-network + deploy: + replicas: 1 +networks: + conductor-network: diff --git a/roles/conductor/defaults/conductor_ui_secrets.yaml b/roles/conductor/defaults/conductor_ui_secrets.yaml index 2ebbb24..0338a70 100644 --- a/roles/conductor/defaults/conductor_ui_secrets.yaml +++ b/roles/conductor/defaults/conductor_ui_secrets.yaml @@ -1,15 +1,18 @@ $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 -64626566636365626537356334643266623431393062653538313362663664643538373137383732 -3865313539323962666165386336373633303066353634350a633231666363356238326130373561 -64336633343066323464343136336333613233396164623537623762323261383537633137363234 -3534616537666436370a326331316232613839656436646164343236356233646233623430623665 -64663265313964653063333133326636353162353532626364316433373030396434616434333631 -32333936666339303963636438616164343063393364666332323831363833323131653666303534 -62376162313737303036366532316163383434333130643363613166333433616331393636613635 -30613132636261613165613136356638353532663634393431383739363636323961323538383566 -62316261373262663335393632376366383031306563343531643632633234346531633164303038 -62633039363961613538393832623039383237623663366430313238653030376263613032663437 -38386635303332386630386133366232343966393761643635313833316536386634633563326639 -38626435393963643866363663353834343333346139363565353161663737393166613938353562 -62623661326237353163623138386432376531353864383036613931643164333633646431353162 -3666373032663262623438353236626436303132306436326636 +62366130363930353837376531653565316531653234366233663032386266346338356335623537 +3765393265633163396330646365393865386130393661650a666264363165656539396365643465 +35313238313135363736386661633833333736396236303861383061313366613235623731356336 +3634376335626138370a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diff --git a/roles/conductor/defaults/main.yaml b/roles/conductor/defaults/main.yaml index 1d94394..925bb39 100644 --- a/roles/conductor/defaults/main.yaml +++ b/roles/conductor/defaults/main.yaml @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ conductor_ui_image: nubisware/conductor-ui-oauth2:3.0.4 conductor_config: conductor-swarm-config.properties conductor_config_template: "{{ conductor_config }}.j2" +conductor_ui_clientid: "conductor-ui" +conductor_ui_public_url: "http://conductor-ui" + #nw_cluster_conductor_ui_secret: in vault #dev_conductor_ui_secret: in vault #pre_conductor_ui_secret: in vault diff --git a/roles/conductor/templates/oauth2_auth.cfg.j2 b/roles/conductor/templates/oauth2_auth.cfg.j2 index 27005ff..73938a4 100644 --- a/roles/conductor/templates/oauth2_auth.cfg.j2 +++ b/roles/conductor/templates/oauth2_auth.cfg.j2 @@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ "strategySettings": { "authorizationURL": "{{ iam_host }}/auth/realms/d4science/protocol/openid-connect/auth", "tokenURL": "{{ iam_host }}/auth/realms/d4science/protocol/openid-connect/token", - "clientID": "conductor-ui", + "clientID": "{{ conductor_ui_clientid }}", "clientSecret": "{{ conductor_ui_secret }}", - "callbackURL": "http://conductor-ui/login/callback", + "callbackURL": "{{ conductor_ui_public_url }}/login/callback", "logoutURL": "{{ iam_host }}/auth/realms/d4science/protocol/openid-connect/logout", - "logoutCallbackURL": "http://conductor-ui/logout/callback", + "logoutCallbackURL": "{{ conductor_ui_public_url }}/logout/callback", "roles": [ "admin", "viewer" ] }, "cookieSecret": "{{ conductor_ui_secret }}", diff --git a/roles/pep/defaults/main.yaml b/roles/pep/defaults/main.yaml index bc026e9..cd25d6c 100644 --- a/roles/pep/defaults/main.yaml +++ b/roles/pep/defaults/main.yaml @@ -1,2 +1,6 @@ pep_port: 80 + +# hostnames to be used as vhosts +conductor_server_name: conductor-server +conductor_ui_server_name: conductor-ui #pep_credentials: in vault diff --git a/roles/pep/defaults/pep_credentials.yaml b/roles/pep/defaults/pep_credentials.yaml index 130fa06..4812ded 100644 --- a/roles/pep/defaults/pep_credentials.yaml +++ b/roles/pep/defaults/pep_credentials.yaml @@ -1,18 +1,24 @@ $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 -64326266376663626435303764383036326164336561303030633464333131373161336461326162 -3630623962383434623834313737616435613966343637390a353562636535376539353538353061 -31383933313734646661633661353836386266393565633830353137646431613431663236376137 -6362613731386433370a323934373363383565323337373239666434353036333435613061666231 -34346134313038366165343861316233326331393732353334303039616535633866366261623764 -64653630353830396665363862633730396432633062363932636335643136613237373339613139 -32386330396237396363383638653431663864333162303936663563313535343536376139343166 -65316137326533306335643833353338376533633733393333623131316662386334653633353332 -66363734636237363637303863323638393339373364356433666466643038343930616166396136 -61666232356337613431316662353766393335306232616266363933653032656536386562373665 -36306234636233313237623364613033313261393431633139343037623732646431663139383062 -30396230326432376335303362356534613937306431636361663335376265363139366463656638 -31386430393037306233663161333465616236383134623961343732383633386665333231363036 -64346630633337643961653464613336623363303737626231326138633736656530653138326537 -35386161656461313034343935353863333635376664386565393530633532613965646662363634 -65396137646561353534373536616162353631383130363466356637643639323333643964323638 -3535 +63653037396633613264356337303461626364643463616264616333313065336263626665646233 +3861663135613138333863343261373464326239303835650a643535633265653339376332663462 +35306231383136623339313436343732666332333435383162366135386663363063376466636233 +6233353263663839310a623233353138373734356465653965376132643137643738363430333861 +63336132646562343639666334616633356631366535343561646434323130633135393535383061 +38313337303261396364653663316462376337393837373038623266633831303564646539326665 +30303065363335346538643436613030336163336535383665623533303535623064376539363062 +33393137376263383335363632633836626137346663613934346136306436353230663934633637 +32356234386161393937303563343931373939623737636466363936393438353666326663373038 +66343339353430393065346237626434356462653330313064303166366239343636636661633438 +38613863386666343638663762303531326531633062343132663462333137373062646339623961 +35666164313962356139623839323161303131306132633139303463393661636165353566373561 +37333963386332386635616332326239386639636434376232356465366131306366376464366433 +33323839326366653261636665623136336564373333313135313661633536333837353163373334 +32366532373239303263386565363236383036623333353662303031373335653032646166386262 +33656266356164666130343135386263346533393533386166306666366137313231386434343434 +31653633303133323031343566663834636565313235323863353963363633346264636339653463 +34353834343836306633346638313066316162373239326435313532643764306461663965303236 +31386331303334636636623035303236303265633839323963633066633932336335326561623334 +34366565393434393131656564646132343964653637393739613837313561646238646631316265 +32303865633862386162393161336533313465326632363463653831623961633039393932623633 +63613730663131343463316436326437393931343566373533666638366631333264353939343862 +306362633430393061666539616565383366 diff --git a/roles/pep/templates/config.js.j2 b/roles/pep/templates/config.js.j2 index ea76293..0d4d616 100644 --- a/roles/pep/templates/config.js.j2 +++ b/roles/pep/templates/config.js.j2 @@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ var config = { "pep-credentials" : "{{ pep_credentials }}", "hosts" : [ { - "host": "conductor-server", + "host": "{{ conductor_server_name }}", + "audience" : "conductor-server", "allow-basic-auth" : true, "pip" : [ { claim: "context", operator : "get-contexts" } ], "paths" : [ diff --git a/roles/pep/templates/nginx.default.conf.j2 b/roles/pep/templates/nginx.default.conf.j2 index 84c7549..b5b7a22 100644 --- a/roles/pep/templates/nginx.default.conf.j2 +++ b/roles/pep/templates/nginx.default.conf.j2 @@ -19,11 +19,14 @@ server { listen *:80; listen [::]:80; - server_name conductor-server; + server_name {{ conductor_server_name }}; +{% if conductor_server_name != conductor_ui_server_name %} + # When there is the possibility to separate vhosts for ui and apis as in local-site deployment forward also / to swagger docs location / { proxy_pass http://_conductor-server; } +{% endif %} location /api/ { js_content pep.enforce; @@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ server { listen *:80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; - server_name conductor-ui; + server_name {{ conductor_ui_server_name }}; location / { proxy_set_header Host $host; diff --git a/roles/pep/templates/pep-swarm.yaml.j2 b/roles/pep/templates/pep-swarm.yaml.j2 index 0dddaae..30ae156 100644 --- a/roles/pep/templates/pep-swarm.yaml.j2 +++ b/roles/pep/templates/pep-swarm.yaml.j2 @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ services: {% endif %} deploy: replicas: 1 +{% if infrastructure != 'local' %} + placement: + constraints: [node.role != worker] +{% endif %} restart_policy: condition: on-failure delay: 10s diff --git a/run.sh b/run.sh deleted file mode 100755 index a88d20f..0000000 --- a/run.sh +++ /dev/null @@ -1,86 +0,0 @@ -#!/bin/bash -# -# The "directory/directory.yml" is the old way that we used to simplify jobs execution. -# The "directory/site.yml" is the syntax used by roles (from ansible version 1.2) -# -# Otherwise we can directly execute a single play (file) -# - -PAR=50 -TIMEOUT=15 -PLAY=site.yml -HOSTS_DIR=. -ANSIBLE_HOSTS= - -export TMPDIR=/var/tmp/${USER} -if [ ! -d ${TMPDIR} ] ; then - mkdir -p ${TMPDIR} -fi - -if [ -f ./ansible.cfg ] ; then - export ANSIBLE_CONFIG="./ansible.cfg" -fi - -# No cows! -export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 - -export ANSIBLE_ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_VARS=True -export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False -export ANSIBLE_LIBRARY="/usr/share/ansible:./modules:../modules:$ANSIBLE_LIBRARY" - -# Update the galaxy requirements -if [ -f requirements.yml ] ; then - ansible-galaxy install --ignore-errors -f -r requirements.yml -fi - -PLAY_OPTS="-T $TIMEOUT -f $PAR" - -if [ -f "$1" ] ; then - PLAY=$1 -elif [ ! -f $PLAY ] ; then - echo "No play file available." - exit 1 -fi - -if [ -f "${PLAY}" ] ; then - MAIN="${PLAY}" - shift -elif [ -f "${PLAY}.yml" ]; then - MAIN="${PLAY}.yml" - shift -fi - -if [ -f ${HOSTS_DIR}/hosts ] ; then - ANSIBLE_HOSTS=${HOSTS_DIR}/hosts -fi -if [ -f ${HOSTS_DIR}/inventory/hosts ] ; then - ANSIBLE_HOSTS=${HOSTS_DIR}/inventory/hosts -fi -if [ ! -z "$ANSIBLE_HOSTS" ] ; then - PLAY_OPTS="-i $ANSIBLE_HOSTS" -fi - -#echo "Find vault encrypted files if any" -#if [ -d ./group_vars ] ; then -# VAULT_GROUP_FILES=$( find ./group_vars -name \*vault\* ) -#fi -#if [ -d ./host_vars ] ; then -# VAULT_HOST_FILES=$( find ./host_vars -name \*vault\* ) -#fi - -#if [ -n "$VAULT_GROUP_FILES" ] || [ -n "$VAULT_HOST_FILES" ] ; then - # Vault requires a password. - # To encrypt a password for a user: python -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt; print sha512_crypt.encrypt('')" -# if [ -f ~/.conductor_ansible_vault_pass.txt ] ; then -# PLAY_OPTS="$PLAY_OPTS --vault-password-file=~/.conductor_ansible_vault_pass.txt" -# else -# echo "There are password protected encrypted files, we will ask for password before proceeding" -# PLAY_OPTS="$PLAY_OPTS --ask-vault-pass" -# fi -#fi -PLAY_OPTS="$PLAY_OPTS --ask-vault-pass" - -# Main -ansible-playbook $PLAY_OPTS $MAIN $@ - -rm -f /tmp/passwordfile diff --git a/site-dev.yaml b/site-dev.yaml index 04903f5..3a04412 100644 --- a/site-dev.yaml +++ b/site-dev.yaml @@ -12,8 +12,12 @@ pep_credentials: "{{ dev_pep_credentials }}" conductor_ui_secret: "{{ dev_conductor_ui_secret }}" conductor_auth: oauth2 + conductor_server_name: conductor.dev.d4science.org + conductor_ui_server_name: conductor-ui.dev.d4science.org + conductor_ui_public_url: "http://{{ conductor_ui_server_name }}" conductor_replicas: 2 conductor_ui_replicas: 2 + roles: - common - databases diff --git a/site-nw-cluster.yaml b/site-nw-cluster.yaml index fe12862..ed229c5 100644 --- a/site-nw-cluster.yaml +++ b/site-nw-cluster.yaml @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ --- -- hosts: localhost -#- hosts: nw_cluster_infra +- hosts: nw_cluster_infra vars_files: - roles/workers/defaults/smtp.yaml - roles/pep/defaults/pep_credentials.yaml @@ -13,6 +12,9 @@ pep_credentials: "{{ nw_cluster_pep_credentials }}" conductor_ui_secret: "{{ nw_cluster_conductor_ui_secret }}" conductor_auth: oauth2 + conductor_server_name: conductor-dev.int.d4science.net + conductor_ui_server_name: conductorui-dev.int.d4science.net + conductor_ui_public_url: "http://{{ conductor_ui_server_name }}" conductor_replicas: 2 conductor_ui_replicas: 2 roles: diff --git a/site-pre.yaml b/site-pre.yaml index 7b9ca2d..c74164a 100644 --- a/site-pre.yaml +++ b/site-pre.yaml @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ --- -- hosts: localhost -#- hosts: pre_infra +- hosts: pre_infra vars_files: - roles/workers/defaults/smtp.yaml - roles/pep/defaults/pep_credentials.yaml @@ -13,6 +12,9 @@ pep_credentials: "{{ pre_pep_credentials }}" conductor_ui_secret: "{{ pre_conductor_ui_secret }}" conductor_auth: oauth2 + conductor_server_name: conductor.pre.d4science.org + conductor_ui_server_name: conductor-ui.pre.d4science.org + conductor_ui_public_url: "http://{{ conductor_ui_server_name }}" conductor_replicas: 2 conductor_ui_replicas: 2 roles: diff --git a/site-prod.yaml b/site-prod.yaml index cf32cb4..be15cae 100644 --- a/site-prod.yaml +++ b/site-prod.yaml @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ --- -- hosts: localhost -#- hosts: prod_infra +- hosts: prod_infra vars_files: - roles/workers/defaults/smtp.yaml - roles/pep/defaults/pep_credentials.yaml @@ -13,6 +12,9 @@ pep_credentials: "{{ prod_pep_credentials }}" conductor_ui_secret: "{{ prod_conductor_ui_secret }}" conductor_auth: oauth2 + conductor_server_name: conductor.d4science.org + conductor_ui_server_name: conductor-ui.d4science.org + conductor_ui_public_url: "http://{{ conductor_ui_server_name }}" conductor_replicas: 2 conductor_ui_replicas: 2 roles: