package app; import static org.gcube.smartgears.Constants.configuration_file_path; import static org.gcube.smartgears.Constants.extensions_file_path; import static org.gcube.smartgears.Constants.ghn_home_property; import static org.gcube.smartgears.Constants.handlers_file_path; import static utils.TestUtils.context_root; import static utils.TestUtils.context_root_path; import static utils.TestUtils.location; import static utils.TestUtils.servlet_name; import; import; import org.apache.catalina.Wrapper; import org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext; import org.apache.catalina.startup.Tomcat; import; import org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanner; import org.gcube.informationsystem.publisher.ScopedPublisher; import org.gcube.smartgears.Constants; import org.gcube.smartgears.configuration.application.ApplicationConfiguration; import org.gcube.smartgears.configuration.application.ApplicationExtensions; import org.gcube.smartgears.configuration.application.ApplicationHandlers; import org.gcube.smartgears.configuration.application.DefaultApplicationConfiguration; import org.gcube.smartgears.configuration.container.ContainerConfiguration; import org.gcube.smartgears.context.application.ApplicationContext; import org.gcube.smartgears.managers.ContainerManager; import org.gcube.smartgears.provider.ProviderFactory; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.ShrinkWrap; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.asset.StringAsset; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.exporter.ZipExporter; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.WebArchive; import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.impl.base.path.BasicPath; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import utils.TestProvider; import utils.TestUtils; /** * Simulates a single-servlet application to be transformed into a gCube resource. *


* can be called in a default scope ({@link #call()} or in a specific scope ({@link #callIn(String)}). Calls are blocking but always * configured and executed in a separate thread; * * @author Fabio Simeoni * */ public class SomeApp { private final Tomcat tomcat = new Tomcat(); private WebArchive war = defaultWar(); private ContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration; private ApplicationConfiguration configuration; private ApplicationHandlers handlers = new ApplicationHandlers(); private ApplicationExtensions extensions = new ApplicationExtensions(); private TestProvider provider = new TestProvider(new File("src/test/resources/test-configuration.ini")); private boolean deployHandlers = true; private boolean deployExtensions = true; private boolean deployConfiguration = true; private boolean clean=true; public SomeApp() { if (ContainerManager.instance!=null) ContainerManager.instance.stop(true); tomcat.getConnector().setPort(0); tomcat.setBaseDir(location); System.setProperty(ghn_home_property,location); containerConfiguration = defaultContainerConfiguration(); configuration = defaultConfiguration(); } /** * Sets a {@link TestProvider} to resolve dependencies at runtime. * * @param provider the provider */ public void set(TestProvider provider) { this.provider = provider; } /** * Runs the test with the state left by previous run. *

* Use only within a single test! */ public void dirtyRun() { this.clean = false; } /** * Returns the configuration of the application. *

* The initial configuration is based on defaults, but can be changed and extended. * * @return the configuration */ public ApplicationConfiguration configuration() { return configuration; } /** * Returns the configuration of the containerConfiguration. *

* The initial configuration is based on defaults, but can be changed and extended. * * @return the configuration */ public ContainerConfiguration containerConfiguration() { return containerConfiguration; } /** * Returns the handlers that manage the application, none by default. * * @return the handlers */ public ApplicationHandlers handlers() { return handlers; } /** * Avoids deployment of the configured handlers in the application's WAR. *

* The handlers will instead be directly available at runtime. */ public void bypassHandlerDeployment() { provider.use(handlers()); deployHandlers = false; } /** * Avoids resource configuration deployment. */ public void asExternal() { configuration.context(context_root_path);; bypassConfigurationDeployment(); bypassExtensionsDeployment(); bypassHandlerDeployment(); } /** * Avoids resource configuration deployment. */ public void withExternal(ApplicationConfiguration config) { config.context(context_root_path);; } public void bypassConfigurationDeployment() { deployConfiguration = false; } public void usePublisher(ScopedPublisher publisher) { provider.use(publisher); } /** * Uses default handlers. */ public void useDefaultHandlers() { deployHandlers = false; } /** * Returns the extensions of the application, none by default. * * @return the handlers */ public ApplicationExtensions extensions() { return extensions; } /** * Uses default extensions. */ public void useDefaultExtensions() { deployExtensions = false; } /** * Avoids deployment of the configured extensions in the application's WAR. *

* The extensions will instead be directly available at runtime. */ public void bypassExtensionsDeployment() { provider.use(extensions()); deployExtensions = false; } /** * Starts the application. * * @return the context of the application */ public ApplicationContext start() { return startWith(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.err.println("test servlet invoked with no particular task"); } }); } /** * Starts the application, injecting test logic in its single servlet * * @param test test logic * @return the context of the application */ public ApplicationContext startWith(Runnable test) { // install provider ProviderFactory.testProvider(provider); if (clean) cleanupInstallation(); if (deployConfiguration) deployConfiguration(); if (deployHandlers) deployHandlers(); if (deployExtensions) deployExtensions(); try { System.err.println("deploying with " + war.toString(true)); StandardContext ctx = (StandardContext) tomcat.addWebapp(context_root_path, warFile().getAbsolutePath()); // tells tomcat to look also for exploded directories such as this project's (finds initializer) ((StandardJarScanner) ctx.getJarScanner()).setScanAllDirectories(true); //this starts webapp and always comes back tomcat.start(); ApplicationContext context = provider.context; if (context==null) throw new RuntimeException("app failed @ startup"); Wrapper webapp = (Wrapper) tomcat.getHost().findChild(context_root_path).findChild(servlet_name); if (webapp!=null) { webapp.setServlet(new TestServlet(test)); //context.container().configuration().port(port()); containerConfiguration = context.container().configuration(); } return context; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Retuens true if the application was successfully start in the container. * * @return true if the application was successfully start in the container */ public boolean isActive() { return tomcat.getHost().findChild("/" + context_root).findChild(servlet_name) != null; } /** * Makes a request to the application. */ public String send(Request call) { return call.make(port()).getEntity(String.class); } /** * Makes a request to the application. */ public ClientResponse httpSend(Request call) { return call.make(port()); } /** * Stops the application */ public void stop() { try { tomcat.stop(); tomcat.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("WARNING: could not clearly stop container:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } public File containerConfigurationFile() { return new File(location,Constants.container_configuraton_file_path); } // helpers /** * Includes the configuration in the application's WAR. */ private void deployConfiguration() { String xml = TestUtils.bind(configuration()); System.err.println("deploying with configuration:\n" + xml); war.addAsWebResource(new StringAsset(xml), new BasicPath(configuration_file_path)); } /** * Includes the handlers in the application's WAR. */ private void deployHandlers() { String xml = TestUtils.bind(handlers()); System.err.println("deploying with handlers:\n" + xml); war.addAsWebResource(new StringAsset(xml), new BasicPath(handlers_file_path)); } /** * Includes the extensions in the application's WAR. */ private void deployExtensions() { String xml = TestUtils.bind(extensions()); System.err.println("deploying with extensions:\n" + xml); war.addAsWebResource(new StringAsset(xml), new BasicPath(extensions_file_path)); } private File warFile() { File warFile = new File(location, "test.war"); if (warFile.exists() && !warFile.delete()) System.out.println("could not delete old deployment");; // seems safer than plain overwrite to avoid war corruption, true); return warFile; } private WebArchive defaultWar() { WebArchive war = ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class); war.setWebXML(new File("src/test/java/app/web.xml")); return war; } private ApplicationConfiguration defaultConfiguration() { return new DefaultApplicationConfiguration().serviceClass("test-class").name("test-app").version("1.0"); } private ContainerConfiguration defaultContainerConfiguration() { InputStream is = SomeApp.class.getResourceAsStream("/test-configuration.ini"); return ContainerConfiguration.load(is); } public int port() { return tomcat.getConnector().getLocalPort(); } private void cleanupInstallation() { System.out.println("cleaning installation in location "+location); File installation = new File(location); if (installation.exists()) try { FileUtils.deleteDirectory(installation); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } installation.mkdirs(); } }