package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckan2zenodopublisher.client.ui.authors; import java.util.Arrays; import; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckan2zenodopublisher.client.ui.utils.InfoTextAndLabels; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckan2zenodopublisher.client.view.FieldUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckan2zenodopublisher.shared.wrapped.ZenodoAuthor; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.ControlGroup; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.ControlLabel; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.ListBox; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.TextBox; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class CreatorView. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Jan 15, 2020 */ public class CreatorView extends Composite { private static CreatorViewUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(CreatorViewUiBinder.class); /** * The Interface CreatorViewUiBinder. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Jan 15, 2020 */ interface CreatorViewUiBinder extends UiBinder { } @UiField TextBox field_name; @UiField TextBox field_affiliation; @UiField TextBox field_orcid; @UiField Button remove_author; @UiField ControlGroup cg_authors; @UiField ListBox field_author_type; @UiField HorizontalPanel controls_author_type; @UiField ControlLabel field_cl_author; private HandlerManager eventBus; private String userRole; //Can be: Creator, Contributor etc.. private ZenodoAuthor author; private boolean isMandatoryField; /** * Instantiates a new creator view. * * @param author the author * @param userRole the user role * @param isMandatoryField the is mandatory field */ public CreatorView(ZenodoAuthor author, String userRole, Boolean isMandatoryField) { initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); GWT.log("Creating CreatorView for author: "+author+", userRole: "+userRole); this.userRole = userRole; = author; this.isMandatoryField = isMandatoryField == null? false:isMandatoryField; String fieldLabel = isMandatoryField?"*":""; if(this.userRole!=null) { field_cl_author.add(new HTML(fieldLabel+" "+userRole)); remove_author.setText("Remove "+userRole); }else { //default role is Author field_cl_author.add(new HTML(fieldLabel+" Author")); remove_author.setText("Remove Author"); } if(!=null) { setField_name(InfoTextAndLabels.validValue(; setField_affiliation(InfoTextAndLabels.validValue(; setField_orcid(InfoTextAndLabels.validValue(; if(!=null) { controls_author_type.setVisible(true); FieldUtil.addValuesToListBox(field_author_type,; FieldUtil.selectValueToListBox(field_author_type, Arrays.asList(; } } if(this.userRole!=null) { String userRoleToLowerCase = userRole.toLowerCase(); if(userRoleToLowerCase.startsWith("creator")) { InfoTextAndLabels.addTooltipForFieldKey("creators", field_cl_author); }else if(userRoleToLowerCase.startsWith("contributor")) { InfoTextAndLabels.addTooltipForFieldKey("contributors", field_cl_author); }else { InfoTextAndLabels.addTooltipForFieldKey("authors", field_cl_author); } } GWT.log("Created creator view with author: "; } /** * Instantiates a new creator view. * * @param author the author * @param userRole the user role * @param eventBus the event bus * @param isFieldMandatory the is field mandatory */ public CreatorView(ZenodoAuthor author, String userRole, HandlerManager eventBus, Boolean isFieldMandatory) { this(author, userRole, isFieldMandatory); this.eventBus = eventBus; remove_author.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { CreatorView.this.eventBus.fireEvent(new RemoveCreatorEvent(CreatorView.this)); } }); } /** * Sets the visible remove creator. * * @param visible the new visible remove creator */ public void setVisibleRemoveCreator(boolean visible) { remove_author.setVisible(visible); } /** * Checks if is mandatory field. * * @return true, if is mandatory field */ public boolean isMandatoryField() { return isMandatoryField; } /** * Gets the field name. * * @return the field name */ public TextBox getField_name() { return field_name; } /** * Sets the field name. * * @param field_name the new field name */ public void setField_name(String field_name) { this.field_name.setValue(field_name); } /** * Gets the field affiliation. * * @return the field affiliation */ public TextBox getField_affiliation() { return field_affiliation; } /** * Sets the field affiliation. * * @param field_affiliation the new field affiliation */ public void setField_affiliation(String field_affiliation) { this.field_affiliation.setValue(field_affiliation); } /** * Gets the field orcid. * * @return the field orcid */ public TextBox getField_orcid() { return field_orcid; } /** * Sets the field orcid. * * @param field_orcid the new field orcid */ public void setField_orcid(String field_orcid) { this.field_orcid.setValue(field_orcid); } /** * Gets the control group author. * * @return the control group author */ public ControlGroup getControlGroup_Author() { return cg_authors; } /** * Gets the user role. * * @return the user role */ public String getUserRole() { return userRole; } /** * Gets the author. * * @return the author */ public ZenodoAuthor getAuthor() { return author; } /** * Gets the field author type. * * @return the field author type */ public ListBox getField_author_type() { return field_author_type; } /** * Gets the author type value. * * @return the author type value */ public String getAuthorTypeValue(){ String authorTypeSelected = null; if(controls_author_type.isVisible()) { authorTypeSelected = field_author_type.getValue(); } return authorTypeSelected; } }