package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.server.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.ASLSession; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.exceptions.InternalErrorException; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.Workspace; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItem; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.FolderItem; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.items.GCubeItem; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.CKanUtils; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.models.RolesIntoOrganization; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.DataCalogueMetadataFormatReader; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.MetadataType; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.MetadataField; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.MetadataFormat; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.MetadataValidator; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.metadatadiscovery.bean.jaxb.MetadataVocabulary; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.server.CKANPublisherServicesImpl; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.MetaDataProfileBean; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.MetaDataTypeWrapper; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.MetadataFieldWrapper; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.OrganizationBean; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.ResourceBeanWrapper; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.GroupManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.RoleManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.UserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayGroupManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayRoleManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayUserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeGroup; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeRole; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GatewayRolesNames; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanOrganization; /** * Util class with static methods * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR ( */ public class Utils { // Logger private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Utils.class); /** * Builds a string made of key + scope * @param key * @param scope * @return */ public static String concatenateSessionKeyScope(String key, String scope){ return key.concat(scope); } /** * Build up the resource beans. * @param resourceIds * @param ws * @param username * @return */ public static List getWorkspaceResourcesInformation( List resourceIds, Workspace ws, String username) { List toReturn = null; try{ toReturn = new ArrayList<>(); for (String resourceId : resourceIds) { logger.debug("RESOURCE ID IS " + resourceId); ResourceBeanWrapper newResource = new ResourceBeanWrapper(); WorkspaceItem item = ws.getItem(resourceId); newResource.setDescription(item.getDescription()); newResource.setId(item.getId()); newResource.setUrl(item.getPublicLink(true)); newResource.setName(item.getName()); newResource.setToBeAdded(true); // default is true newResource.setMimeType(((FolderItem)item).getMimeType()); newResource.setOwner(username); toReturn.add(newResource); } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Unable to retrieve resources' info", e); } return toReturn; } /** Gets the gcube item properties. * * @param item the item * @return the gcube item properties */ public static Map getGcubeItemProperties(WorkspaceItem item) { if(item instanceof GCubeItem){ GCubeItem gItem = (GCubeItem) item; try { if(gItem.getProperties()!=null){ Map map = gItem.getProperties().getProperties(); HashMap properties = new HashMap(map.size()); //TO PREVENT GWT SERIALIZATION ERROR for (String key : map.keySet()) properties.put(key, map.get(key)); return properties; } } catch (InternalErrorException e) { logger.error("Error in server getItemProperties: ", e); return null; } } return null; } /** * Retrieve the list of organizations in which the user has the ckan-admin role * @param currentScope the current scope * @param username the current username * @param groupName the current groupName * @param ckanPublisherServicesImpl */ public static List getUserOrganizationsListAdmin(String currentScope, String username, String groupName, CKANPublisherServicesImpl ckanPublisherServicesImpl){ List toReturn = new ArrayList(); try{ UserManager userManager = new LiferayUserManager(); RoleManager roleManager = new LiferayRoleManager(); GroupManager groupManager = new LiferayGroupManager(); // user id long userid = userManager.getUserId(username); // retrieve current group id long currentGroupId = groupManager.getGroupIdFromInfrastructureScope(currentScope); logger.debug("Group id is " + currentGroupId + " and scope is " + currentScope); // retrieve the flat list of organizations List groups = groupManager.listGroupsByUser(userid); // root (so check into the root, the VOs and the VRES) if(groupManager.isRootVO(currentGroupId)){ logger.debug("The list of organizations of the user " + username + " is " + groups); for (GCubeGroup gCubeGroup : groups) { // get the name of this vre String gCubeGroupName = gCubeGroup.getGroupName(); // get the role of the users in this vre List roles = roleManager.listRolesByUserAndGroup(userid, groupManager.getGroupId(gCubeGroupName)); // the default one RolesIntoOrganization correspondentRoleToCheck = RolesIntoOrganization.MEMBER; // NOTE: it is supposed that there is just one role for this person correspondent to the one in the catalog for (GCubeRole gCubeRole : roles) { if(gCubeRole.getRoleName().equalsIgnoreCase(GatewayRolesNames.CATALOGUE_ADMIN.getRoleName())){ logger.debug("User " + username + " has role " + gCubeRole.getRoleName() + " in " + gCubeGroupName); correspondentRoleToCheck = RolesIntoOrganization.ADMIN; break; } } // if the role is member, continue if(correspondentRoleToCheck.equals(RolesIntoOrganization.MEMBER)) continue; // with this invocation, we check if the role is present in ckan and if it is not it will be added CKanUtils ckanUtils = ckanPublisherServicesImpl.getCkanUtilsObj(groupManager.getInfrastructureScope(gCubeGroup.getGroupId())); // if there is an instance of ckan in this scope.. if(ckanUtils != null){ boolean res = ckanUtils.checkRole(username, gCubeGroupName, correspondentRoleToCheck); if(res){ // get the orgs of the user List ckanOrgs = ckanUtils.getOrganizationsByUser(username); for (CkanOrganization ckanOrganization : ckanOrgs) { if(ckanOrganization.getName().equals(gCubeGroupName.toLowerCase())){ toReturn.add(new OrganizationBean(ckanOrganization.getTitle(), ckanOrganization.getName())); break; } } } } } }else if(groupManager.isVO(currentGroupId)){ for (GCubeGroup gCubeGroup : groups) { if(currentGroupId != gCubeGroup.getParentGroupId() || currentGroupId != gCubeGroup.getGroupId()) continue; String gCubeGroupName = gCubeGroup.getGroupName(); List roles = roleManager.listRolesByUserAndGroup(userid, groupManager.getGroupId(gCubeGroupName)); // the default one RolesIntoOrganization correspondentRoleToCheck = RolesIntoOrganization.MEMBER; // NOTE: it is supposed that there is just one role for this person correspondent to the one in the catalog for (GCubeRole gCubeRole : roles) { logger.debug("User " + username + " has role " + gCubeRole.getRoleName() + " in " + gCubeGroupName); if(gCubeRole.getRoleName().equalsIgnoreCase(GatewayRolesNames.CATALOGUE_ADMIN.getRoleName())){ correspondentRoleToCheck = RolesIntoOrganization.ADMIN; break; } } // if the role is member, continue if(correspondentRoleToCheck.equals(RolesIntoOrganization.MEMBER)) continue; // with this invocation, we check if the role is present in ckan and if it is not it will be added CKanUtils ckanUtils = ckanPublisherServicesImpl.getCkanUtilsObj(groupManager.getInfrastructureScope(gCubeGroup.getGroupId())); // if there is an instance of ckan in this scope.. if(ckanUtils != null){ boolean res = ckanUtils.checkRole(username, gCubeGroupName, correspondentRoleToCheck); if(res){ // get the orgs of the user List ckanOrgs = ckanUtils.getOrganizationsByUser(username); for (CkanOrganization ckanOrganization : ckanOrgs) { if(ckanOrganization.getName().equals(gCubeGroupName.toLowerCase())){ toReturn.add(new OrganizationBean(ckanOrganization.getTitle(), ckanOrganization.getName())); break; } } } } } }else if(groupManager.isVRE(currentGroupId)){ // vre List roles = roleManager.listRolesByUserAndGroup(userManager.getUserId(username), groupManager.getGroupId(groupName)); logger.debug("The list of roles for " + username + " into " + groupName + " is " + roles); // the default one RolesIntoOrganization correspondentRoleToCheck = RolesIntoOrganization.MEMBER; // NOTE: it is supposed that there is just one role for this person correspondent to the one in the catalog for (GCubeRole role : roles) { logger.debug("User " + username + " has role " + role.getRoleName() + " in " + currentScope); if(role.getRoleName().equalsIgnoreCase(GatewayRolesNames.CATALOGUE_ADMIN.getRoleName())){ correspondentRoleToCheck = RolesIntoOrganization.ADMIN; break; } } if(correspondentRoleToCheck.equals(RolesIntoOrganization.ADMIN)){ // with this invocation, we check if the role is present in ckan and if it is not it will be added CKanUtils ckanUtils = ckanPublisherServicesImpl.getCkanUtilsObj(groupManager.getInfrastructureScope(currentGroupId)); boolean res = ckanUtils.checkRole(username, groupName, correspondentRoleToCheck); if(res){ // get the orgs of the user List ckanOrgs = ckanUtils.getOrganizationsByUser(username); for (CkanOrganization ckanOrganization : ckanOrgs) { if(ckanOrganization.getName().equals(groupName.toLowerCase())){ toReturn.add(new OrganizationBean(ckanOrganization.getTitle(), ckanOrganization.getName())); break; } } } } } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Unable to retrieve the role information for this user. Returning member role", e); }"Retrieved orgs in which the user has admin roles " + toReturn); return toReturn; } /** * Given a ckan organization name retrieve the infrastructure scope * @param organizationName (prevre, devvre, ...) * @return the scope of the infrastructure */ public static String retrieveScopeFromOrganizationName(String organizationName) throws Exception { logger.debug("Organization name is " + organizationName); GroupManager gm = new LiferayGroupManager(); List groups = gm.listGroups(); for (GCubeGroup gCubeGroup : groups) { if(gCubeGroup.getGroupName().equalsIgnoreCase(organizationName)) return gm.getInfrastructureScope(gCubeGroup.getGroupId()); } return null; } /** * Given the scope in the infrastructure the method retrieves the name of the ckan organization * @return the ckan organization name for this scope */ public static String getOrganizationNameFromScope(String scope) throws Exception { if(scope != null){ GroupManager gm = new LiferayGroupManager(); return gm.getGroup(gm.getGroupIdFromInfrastructureScope(scope)).getGroupName().toLowerCase(); } return null; } /** * Retrieve the list of metadata beans * @return */ public static List getMetadataProfilesList(String scope, HttpSession httpSession, ASLSession aslSession, String profilesKey) { List beans = new ArrayList(); String username = aslSession.getUsername(); logger.debug("User in session is " + username); // check the scope we need to discover String scopeInWhichDiscover = (scope != null && !scope.isEmpty()) ? scope : aslSession.getScope(); // scope in which we need to discover String keyPerScope = Utils.concatenateSessionKeyScope(profilesKey, scopeInWhichDiscover); if(httpSession.getAttribute(keyPerScope) != null){ beans = (List)httpSession.getAttribute(keyPerScope);"List of profiles was into session"); } else{ String oldScope = ScopeProvider.instance.get(); try { // set the scope ScopeProvider.instance.set(scopeInWhichDiscover); DataCalogueMetadataFormatReader reader = new DataCalogueMetadataFormatReader(); for (MetadataType mt : reader.getListOfMetadataTypes()) { MetadataFormat metadata = reader.getMetadataFormatForMetadataType(mt); // we need to wrap the list of metadata List wrapperList = new ArrayList(); List toWrap = metadata.getMetadataFields(); for(MetadataField metadataField: toWrap){ MetadataFieldWrapper wrapperObj = new MetadataFieldWrapper(); wrapperObj.setDefaulValue(metadataField.getDefaulValue()); wrapperObj.setFieldName(metadataField.getFieldName()); wrapperObj.setIsBoolean(metadataField.getIsBoolean()); wrapperObj.setMandatory(metadataField.getMandatory()); wrapperObj.setNote(metadataField.getNote()); MetadataValidator validator = metadataField.getValidator(); if(validator != null) wrapperObj.setValidator(validator.getRegularExpression()); MetadataVocabulary vocabulary = metadataField.getVocabulary(); if(vocabulary != null) wrapperObj.setVocabulary(vocabulary.getVocabularyFields()); // add to the list wrapperList.add(wrapperObj); } // wrap the mt as well MetaDataTypeWrapper typeWrapper = new MetaDataTypeWrapper(); typeWrapper.setDescription(mt.getDescription()); typeWrapper.setId(mt.getId()); typeWrapper.setName(mt.getName()); MetaDataProfileBean bean = new MetaDataProfileBean(typeWrapper, wrapperList); beans.add(bean); } logger.debug("List of beans is " + beans); httpSession.setAttribute(keyPerScope, beans); logger.debug("List of profiles has been saved into session"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while retrieving metadata beans ", e); }finally{ // set the scope back ScopeProvider.instance.set(oldScope); } } return beans; } }