package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.ASLSession; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.SessionManager; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.HomeLibrary; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.Workspace; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.WorkspaceItem; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.catalogue.WorkspaceCatalogue; import org.gcube.common.homelibrary.home.workspace.folder.FolderItem; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.CKanUtils; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.CkanUtilsFactory; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.models.ResourceBean; import org.gcube.portal.custom.scopemanager.scopehelper.ScopeHelper; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.client.CKanPublisherService; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.server.utils.Utils; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.DatasetMetadataBean; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.LicensesBean; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.MetaDataProfileBean; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.OrganizationBean; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckandatapublisherwidget.shared.ResourceBeanWrapper; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.UserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayUserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanLicense; /** * Server side of the data publisher. * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR ( */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class CKANPublisherServicesImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements CKanPublisherService{ // Logger private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CKANPublisherServicesImpl.class); public static final String TEST_SCOPE = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE"; public static final String TEST_USER = "test.user"; private final static String TEST_SEC_TOKEN = "a1e19695-467f-42b8-966d-bf83dd2382ef"; // ckan keys for ASL private static final String CKAN_TOKEN_KEY = "ckanToken"; private static final String CKAN_LICENSES_KEY = "ckanLicenses"; // licenses private static final String CKAN_ORGANIZATIONS_PUBLISH_KEY = "ckanOrganizationsPublish"; // here he can publish private static final String CKAN_PROFILES_KEY = "ckanProfiles"; // product profiles private final static String SCOPE_CLIENT_PORTLET_URL = "currentClientUrlPortletScope"; // set by the ckan portlet in session according the user's current url location /** * Retrieve an instance of the library for the scope * @param scope if it is null it is evaluated from the session * @return */ public CKanUtils getCkanUtilsObj(String scope){ CKanUtils instance = null; try{ String scopeInWhichDiscover = (scope != null && !scope.isEmpty()) ? scope : getASLSession().getScope(); logger.debug("Discovering ckan instance into scope " + scopeInWhichDiscover); instance = CkanUtilsFactory.getFactory().getUtilsPerScope(scopeInWhichDiscover); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Unable to retrieve ckan utils", e); } return instance; } /** * the current ASLSession * @return the session */ private ASLSession getASLSession() { String sessionID = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getId(); String user = (String) this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getAttribute(ScopeHelper.USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE); if (user == null) { logger.warn("USER IS NULL setting testing user and Running OUTSIDE PORTAL"); user = getDevelopmentUser(); SessionManager.getInstance().getASLSession(sessionID, user).setScope(TEST_SCOPE); } return SessionManager.getInstance().getASLSession(sessionID, user); } /** * when packaging test will fail if the user is not set to test.user * @return . */ public String getDevelopmentUser() { String user = TEST_USER; // user = "costantino.perciante"; return user; } /** * Get current user's token (for a given scope) * @param scope if it is not specified it will be retrieved from the asl * @return String the ckan user's token */ private String getUserCKanTokenFromSession(String scope){ String token = null; if(!isWithinPortal()){ logger.warn("You are running outside the portal"); token = TEST_SEC_TOKEN; }else{ ASLSession aslSession = getASLSession(); String username = aslSession.getUsername(); // store info in the http session HttpSession httpSession = getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(); // check the scope we need to discover String scopeInWhichDiscover = (scope != null && !scope.isEmpty()) ? scope : getASLSession().getScope(); // get the key per scope String keyPerScope = Utils.concatenateSessionKeyScope(CKAN_TOKEN_KEY, scopeInWhichDiscover); // check if session expired if(username.equals(TEST_USER)){ logger.warn("Session expired, returning null token"); token = null; }else{ try{ logger.debug("User in session is " + username); if(httpSession.getAttribute(keyPerScope) != null){ token = (String)httpSession.getAttribute(keyPerScope); logger.debug("Found ckan token into session"); } else{ token = getCkanUtilsObj(scopeInWhichDiscover).getApiKeyFromUsername(username); httpSession.setAttribute(keyPerScope, token); logger.debug("Ckan token has been set for user " + username); } logger.debug("Found ckan token " + token.substring(0, 3) + "************************" + " for user " + username + " into scope " + scopeInWhichDiscover); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error while retrieving the key" , e); } } } return token; } /** * Retrieve the list of organizations in which the user can publish (roles ADMIN) * @param username * @return the list of organizations */ private List getUserOrganizationsListAdmin(String username, String scope) { logger.debug("Request for user " + username + " organizations list"); List orgsName = new ArrayList(); // get http session HttpSession httpSession = getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(); // get key String keyPerScope = Utils.concatenateSessionKeyScope(CKAN_ORGANIZATIONS_PUBLISH_KEY, scope); if(httpSession.getAttribute(keyPerScope) != null){ orgsName = (List)httpSession.getAttribute(keyPerScope);"List of organizations was into session " + orgsName); } else{ orgsName = Utils.getUserOrganizationsListAdmin(scope, username, getASLSession().getGroupName(), this); httpSession.setAttribute(keyPerScope, orgsName);"Organizations name for user " + username + " has been saved into session " + orgsName); } return orgsName; } /** * Online or in development mode? * @return true if you're running into the portal, false if in development */ private boolean isWithinPortal() { try { UserLocalServiceUtil.getService(); return true; } catch (com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.BeanLocatorException ex) { logger.trace("Development Mode ON"); return false; } } /** * Find a license id given the license text. * @param chosenLicense * @return */ private String findLicenseIdByLicense(String chosenLicense) { String scope = (String)getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getAttribute(SCOPE_CLIENT_PORTLET_URL); return getCkanUtilsObj(scope).findLicenseIdByLicenseTitle(chosenLicense); } @Override public LicensesBean getLicenses() { ASLSession session = getASLSession(); String username = session.getUsername(); // get http session HttpSession httpSession = getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(); String scope = (String)httpSession.getAttribute(SCOPE_CLIENT_PORTLET_URL);"Request for CKAN licenses for scope " + scope); // get key per scope String keyPerScope = Utils.concatenateSessionKeyScope(CKAN_LICENSES_KEY, scope); LicensesBean licensesBean = null; if(httpSession.getAttribute(keyPerScope) != null){ licensesBean = (LicensesBean)httpSession.getAttribute(keyPerScope); logger.debug("List of licenses was into session"); } else{ List titlesLicenses = getCkanUtilsObj(scope).getLicenses(); List titles = new ArrayList(); List urls = new ArrayList(); for (CkanLicense license : titlesLicenses) { titles.add(license.getTitle()); String url = (license.getUrl() != null && !license.getUrl().isEmpty()) ? license.getUrl() : ""; urls.add(url); } licensesBean = new LicensesBean(titles, urls); httpSession.setAttribute(keyPerScope, licensesBean); logger.debug("List of licenses has been saved into session"); } return licensesBean; } @Override public DatasetMetadataBean getDatasetBean(String folderId){ DatasetMetadataBean bean = null; ASLSession aslSession = getASLSession(); String userName = aslSession.getUsername();"DatasetBean request for " + folderId + " and " + userName); HttpSession httpSession = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(); String scope = (String)httpSession.getAttribute(SCOPE_CLIENT_PORTLET_URL); logger.debug("Scope recovered from session is " + scope); if(isWithinPortal()){ try{ // check if session expired if(userName.equals(TEST_USER)){ logger.debug("SESSION EXPIRED"); return null; } logger.debug("Request dataset metadata bean for folder with id " + folderId + " whose owner is " + userName); // get usermanager (liferay) UserManager liferUserManager = new LiferayUserManager(); GCubeUser userOwner = liferUserManager.getUserByUsername(userName); // build bean logger.debug("Building bean"); bean = new DatasetMetadataBean(); bean.setId(folderId); bean.setOwnerIdentifier(userName); bean.setVersion(1); bean.setAuthorName(userOwner.getFirstName()); bean.setAuthorSurname(userOwner.getLastName()); bean.setAuthorEmail(userOwner.getEmail()); bean.setMaintainer(userOwner.getFullname()); bean.setMaintainerEmail(userOwner.getEmail()); bean.setOrganizationList(getUserOrganizationsListAdmin(userName, scope)); // if the request comes from the workspace if(folderId != null && !folderId.isEmpty()){ handleWorkspaceResources(folderId, userName, bean); } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error while retrieving folder information", e); } }else{ try{ bean = new DatasetMetadataBean(); bean.setId(folderId); bean.setDescription("This is a fantastic description"); bean.setVersion(1); String onlyAlphanumeric = "test-creation-blablabla".replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", ""); bean.setTitle(onlyAlphanumeric + Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); bean.setAuthorName("Costantino"); bean.setAuthorSurname("Perciante"); bean.setAuthorEmail(""); bean.setMaintainer("Costantino Perciante"); bean.setMaintainerEmail(""); bean.setOrganizationList(getUserOrganizationsListAdmin(userName, TEST_SCOPE)); bean.setOwnerIdentifier(userName); if(folderId != null && !folderId.isEmpty()){ handleWorkspaceResources(folderId, userName, bean); } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error while building bean into dev mode", e); } } return bean; } /** * This method receives a folder id within the user's workspace and set the list of resources in the dataset bean to be returned * @param folderId * @param owner * @param bean * @param userName * @throws Exception */ private void handleWorkspaceResources(String folderId, String userName, DatasetMetadataBean bean) throws Exception { // get workspace Workspace ws = HomeLibrary .getHomeManagerFactory() .getHomeManager() .getHome(userName).getWorkspace(); WorkspaceItem originalFolder = ws.getItem(folderId); // set some info String onlyAlphanumeric = originalFolder.getName().replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", ""); // that is, remove characters different than A-Z,a-z,0-9 bean.setTitle(onlyAlphanumeric); bean.setDescription(originalFolder.getDescription()); // Create the folder in the catalogue Map folderItems = Utils.getGcubeItemProperties(originalFolder); bean.setCustomFields(folderItems); // check the resources within the folder (skip subdirectories for now TODO) List childrenIds = new ArrayList(); for (WorkspaceItem file : originalFolder.getChildren()) { if(!file.isFolder()){ childrenIds.add(file.getId()); } } List listOfResources = Utils.getWorkspaceResourcesInformation(childrenIds, ws, userName); bean.setResources(listOfResources); } /** * Copy into the .catalogue area folder the checked resources * @param resourcesToAdd * @param folderId * @param userName * @param bean * @return */ private List copyResourcesToUserCatalogueArea( List resourcesToAdd, String folderId, String userName, DatasetMetadataBean bean) throws Exception{ // in to the .catalogue area of the user's workspace Workspace ws = HomeLibrary .getHomeManagerFactory() .getHomeManager() .getHome(userName).getWorkspace(); WorkspaceItem originalFolder = ws.getItem(folderId); // Retrieve the catalogue of the user WorkspaceCatalogue userCatalogue = ws.getCatalogue(); // Create the folder in the catalogue WorkspaceItem copiedFolder = userCatalogue.addWorkspaceItem(originalFolder.getPath(), null); // add to .catalogue root List resources = new ArrayList(); // copy only the selected ones for(ResourceBeanWrapper resourceBeanWrapper : resourcesToAdd){ if (resourceBeanWrapper.isToBeAdded()) { // ok it is a file, so copy it into the copiedFolder WorkspaceItem copiedFile = userCatalogue.addWorkspaceItem(resourceBeanWrapper.getId(), copiedFolder.getId()); resources.add(new ResourceBean( copiedFile.getPublicLink(true), copiedFile.getName(), copiedFile.getDescription(), copiedFile.getId(), userName, null, // to be set ((FolderItem)copiedFile).getMimeType())); } } return resources; } @Override public DatasetMetadataBean createCKanDataset(DatasetMetadataBean toCreate, boolean isWorkspaceRequest) { logger.debug("Request for creating a dataset with these information " + toCreate); ASLSession aslSession = getASLSession(); String userName = aslSession.getUsername(); try{ // check if session expired if(userName.equals(TEST_USER)){ logger.debug("SESSION EXPIRED"); return null; } String title = toCreate.getTitle(); String organizationNameOrId = toCreate.getSelectedOrganization(); String author = toCreate.getAuthorFullName(); String authorMail = toCreate.getAuthorEmail(); String maintainer = toCreate.getMaintainer(); String maintainerMail = toCreate.getMaintainerEmail(); long version = toCreate.getVersion(); String description = toCreate.getDescription(); String chosenLicense = toCreate.getLicense(); String licenseId = findLicenseIdByLicense(chosenLicense); List listOfTags = toCreate.getTags(); Map customFields = toCreate.getCustomFields(); boolean setPublic = toCreate.getVisibility(); // get the list of resources and convert to ResourceBean List resources = null; List resourcesToAdd = toCreate.getResources(); // we need to copy such resource in the .catalogue area of the user's ws if(resourcesToAdd != null && !resourcesToAdd.isEmpty()){ resources = copyResourcesToUserCatalogueArea(resourcesToAdd, toCreate.getId(), userName, toCreate); } logger.debug("The user wants to publish in organization with name " + organizationNameOrId + " and current scope name is " + aslSession.getScopeName()); String scope = Utils.retrieveScopeFromOrganizationName(organizationNameOrId); CKanUtils utils = getCkanUtilsObj(scope); String datasetId = utils.createCKanDataset(getUserCKanTokenFromSession(scope), title, organizationNameOrId, author, authorMail, maintainer, maintainerMail, version, description, licenseId, listOfTags, customFields, resources, setPublic); if(datasetId != null){ logger.debug("Dataset created!"); toCreate.setId(datasetId); // retrieve the url String datasetUrl = utils.getPortletUrl() + "?path=" + utils.getUrlFromDatasetIdOrName(getUserCKanTokenFromSession(scope), datasetId, true); toCreate.setSource(datasetUrl); return toCreate; }else{ logger.error("Failed to create the dataset"); } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Unable to create the dataset", e); } return null; } @Override public ResourceBeanWrapper addResourceToDataset(ResourceBeanWrapper resource, String datasetId) { ASLSession session = getASLSession(); String username = session.getUsername(); logger.debug("Incoming request for creating new resource for dataset with id " + datasetId + " and organization name of the dataset is " + resource.getOrganizationNameDatasetParent()); logger.debug("Owner is " + username + " and resource is " + resource); if(!isWithinPortal()){ logger.warn("Running outside the portal"); return resource; }else{ if(username.equals(TEST_USER)){ logger.warn("SESSION EXPIRED! "); return null; }else{ try{ ResourceBean resourceBean = new ResourceBean( resource.getUrl(), resource.getName(), resource.getDescription(), null, username, datasetId, null); // get the scope in which we should discover the ckan instance given the organization name in which the dataset was created String scope = Utils.retrieveScopeFromOrganizationName(resource.getOrganizationNameDatasetParent()); String resourceId = getCkanUtilsObj(scope).addResourceToDataset(resourceBean, getUserCKanTokenFromSession(scope)); if(resourceId != null){ logger.debug("Resource " + resource.getName() + " is now available"); // set its id and turn it to the client resource.setId(resourceId); return resource; } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Unable to create new resource", e); } } logger.debug("No resource created"); return null; } } @Override public boolean deleteResourceFromDataset(ResourceBeanWrapper resource) { logger.debug("Request for deleting resource " + resource); boolean deleted = false; if(!isWithinPortal()){ logger.warn("Running outside the portal"); return deleted; }else{ ASLSession session = getASLSession(); String username = session.getUsername(); if(username.equals(TEST_USER)){ logger.warn("SESSION EXPIRED!"); return deleted; }else{ try{ // get the scope in which we should discover the ckan instance given the organization name in which the dataset was created String scope = Utils.retrieveScopeFromOrganizationName(resource.getOrganizationNameDatasetParent()); deleted = getCkanUtilsObj(scope). deleteResourceFromDataset(resource.getId(), getUserCKanTokenFromSession(scope)); if(deleted){ logger.debug("Resource described by " + resource + " deleted"); }else logger.error("Resource described by " + resource + " NOT deleted"); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Error while trying to delete resource described by " + resource, e); } return deleted; } } } @Override public List getProfiles(String orgName) { logger.debug("Requested profiles for products into orgName " + orgName); List toReturn = new ArrayList(); try{ String evaluatedScope = Utils.retrieveScopeFromOrganizationName(orgName); logger.debug("Evaluated scope is " + evaluatedScope); toReturn = Utils.getMetadataProfilesList(evaluatedScope, getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(), getASLSession(), CKAN_PROFILES_KEY); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Failed to retrieve profiles for scope coming from organization name " + orgName, e); } return toReturn; } }