package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.ItemStatus; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.ui.MainPanel; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.ui.table.ItemsTable.DISPLAY_FIELD; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.ui.util.LoadingPanel; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.ckancontentmoderator.client.ui.util.UtilUx; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.AlertType; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class CheckConfigsUxController. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR * * Apr 8, 2022 */ public class CheckConfigsUxController { private LoadingPanel loader; private CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs moderatorCheckConfig; private ComplexPanel basePanelContainer; private CkanContentModeratorWidgetController cmsController; private MainPanel mainPanel; /** * Instantiates a new check configs ux controller. * * @param baseCP the base CP * @param moderatorCheckConfig the moderatorcheck config */ protected CheckConfigsUxController(MainPanel mainPanel, CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs moderatorcheckConfig) { this.mainPanel = mainPanel; this.basePanelContainer = mainPanel.getMainPanelContainer(); this.moderatorCheckConfig = moderatorcheckConfig; checkConfigs(); } /** * Check configs. */ private void checkConfigs() { if (moderatorCheckConfig == null) { // here the moderatorCheckConfig is null, so loading configurations from server // and // checking them loader = new LoadingPanel(new HTML("Checking configurations and authorizations... please wait")); basePanelContainer.add(loader); moderatorCheckConfig = new CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs(); final Command whenDone = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { onConfigurationsLoaded(); } }; try { moderatorCheckConfig.checkConfigs(whenDone, false); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Check configs error: " + e.getMessage()); } } else { // here the moderatorCheckConfig is already full onConfigurationsLoaded(); } } /** * On configurations loaded. */ private void onConfigurationsLoaded() { GWT.log("onConfigurationLoaded executed"); boolean isContentModerationEnabled = false; boolean isModeratorRoleAssingned = false; boolean isExistsMyItemInModeration = false; try { isContentModerationEnabled = moderatorCheckConfig.isContentModerationEnabled(); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Command - Check configs error: " + e.getMessage()); } try { isModeratorRoleAssingned = moderatorCheckConfig.isModeratorRoleAssigned(); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Command - Check configs error: " + e.getMessage()); } try { isExistsMyItemInModeration = moderatorCheckConfig.isExistsMyItemInModeration(); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("Command - Check configs error: " + e.getMessage()); } GWT.log("Moderation is enabled? " + isContentModerationEnabled); GWT.log("Moderator role is assigned? " + isModeratorRoleAssingned); GWT.log("isExistsMyItemInModeration? " + isExistsMyItemInModeration); if (!isContentModerationEnabled) { try { basePanelContainer.remove(loader); } catch (Exception e) { } UtilUx.showAlert("The Moderation facility is not enabled in this context", AlertType.WARNING, false, basePanelContainer, null); return; } // moderator logged in if (isModeratorRoleAssingned) { try { basePanelContainer.remove(loader); } catch (Exception e) { } cmsController = new CkanContentModeratorWidgetController(ItemStatus.PENDING, DISPLAY_FIELD.values(), DISPLAY_FIELD.NAME, false, false); basePanelContainer.add(cmsController.getMainPanel()); mainPanel.setLoggedLabelText("Logged in as Moderator"); return; } // no item under moderation or already moderated if (!isExistsMyItemInModeration) { try { basePanelContainer.remove(loader); } catch (Exception e) { } UtilUx.showAlert("You are not authorized to access to Moderation facility", AlertType.WARNING, false, basePanelContainer, null); return; } try { basePanelContainer.remove(loader); } catch (Exception e) { } // read only mode enabled in case of moderator role not assigned boolean readOnlyMode = !isModeratorRoleAssingned; // Listing only data belonging to user logged in. He/She must be the owner of. boolean restrictDataToLoggedInUser = readOnlyMode; GWT.log("readOnlyMode is enabled? " + readOnlyMode); GWT.log("restrictDataToLoggedInUser is? " + restrictDataToLoggedInUser); cmsController = new CkanContentModeratorWidgetController(ItemStatus.PENDING, DISPLAY_FIELD.values(), DISPLAY_FIELD.NAME, readOnlyMode, restrictDataToLoggedInUser); basePanelContainer.add(cmsController.getMainPanel()); } public CkanContentModeratorCheckConfigs getModeratorCheckConfig() { return moderatorCheckConfig; } }