// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: https://codemirror.net/LICENSE (function(mod) { if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); else // Plain browser env mod(CodeMirror); })(function(CodeMirror) { var nonspace = /\S/g; var repeat = String.prototype.repeat || function (n) { return Array(n + 1).join(this); }; function continueComment(cm) { if (cm.getOption("disableInput")) return CodeMirror.Pass; var ranges = cm.listSelections(), mode, inserts = []; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { var pos = ranges[i].head if (!/\bcomment\b/.test(cm.getTokenTypeAt(pos))) return CodeMirror.Pass; var modeHere = cm.getModeAt(pos) if (!mode) mode = modeHere; else if (mode != modeHere) return CodeMirror.Pass; var insert = null, line, found; var blockStart = mode.blockCommentStart, lineCmt = mode.lineComment; if (blockStart && mode.blockCommentContinue) { line = cm.getLine(pos.line); var end = line.lastIndexOf(mode.blockCommentEnd, pos.ch - mode.blockCommentEnd.length); // 1. if this block comment ended // 2. if this is actually inside a line comment if (end != -1 && end == pos.ch - mode.blockCommentEnd.length || lineCmt && (found = line.lastIndexOf(lineCmt, pos.ch - 1)) > -1 && /\bcomment\b/.test(cm.getTokenTypeAt({line: pos.line, ch: found + 1}))) { // ...then don't continue it } else if (pos.ch >= blockStart.length && (found = line.lastIndexOf(blockStart, pos.ch - blockStart.length)) > -1 && found > end) { // reuse the existing leading spaces/tabs/mixed // or build the correct indent using CM's tab/indent options if (nonspaceAfter(0, line) >= found) { insert = line.slice(0, found); } else { var tabSize = cm.options.tabSize, numTabs; found = CodeMirror.countColumn(line, found, tabSize); insert = !cm.options.indentWithTabs ? repeat.call(" ", found) : repeat.call("\t", (numTabs = Math.floor(found / tabSize))) + repeat.call(" ", found - tabSize * numTabs); } } else if ((found = line.indexOf(mode.blockCommentContinue)) > -1 && found <= pos.ch && found <= nonspaceAfter(0, line)) { insert = line.slice(0, found); } if (insert != null) insert += mode.blockCommentContinue } if (insert == null && lineCmt && continueLineCommentEnabled(cm)) { if (line == null) line = cm.getLine(pos.line); found = line.indexOf(lineCmt); // cursor at pos 0, line comment also at pos 0 => shift it down, don't continue if (!pos.ch && !found) insert = ""; // continue only if the line starts with an optional space + line comment else if (found > -1 && nonspaceAfter(0, line) >= found) { // don't continue if there's only space(s) after cursor or the end of the line insert = nonspaceAfter(pos.ch, line) > -1; // but always continue if the next line starts with a line comment too if (!insert) { var next = cm.getLine(pos.line + 1) || '', nextFound = next.indexOf(lineCmt); insert = nextFound > -1 && nonspaceAfter(0, next) >= nextFound || null; } if (insert) { insert = line.slice(0, found) + lineCmt + line.slice(found + lineCmt.length).match(/^\s*/)[0]; } } } if (insert == null) return CodeMirror.Pass; inserts[i] = "\n" + insert; } cm.operation(function() { for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) cm.replaceRange(inserts[i], ranges[i].from(), ranges[i].to(), "+insert"); }); } function nonspaceAfter(ch, str) { nonspace.lastIndex = ch; var m = nonspace.exec(str); return m ? m.index : -1; } function continueLineCommentEnabled(cm) { var opt = cm.getOption("continueComments"); if (opt && typeof opt == "object") return opt.continueLineComment !== false; return true; } CodeMirror.defineOption("continueComments", null, function(cm, val, prev) { if (prev && prev != CodeMirror.Init) cm.removeKeyMap("continueComment"); if (val) { var key = "Enter"; if (typeof val == "string") key = val; else if (typeof val == "object" && val.key) key = val.key; var map = {name: "continueComment"}; map[key] = continueComment; cm.addKeyMap(map); } }); });